A New Word; Short Shorts
After analyzing Boosh for all these years, I have decided that there is no word to describe his artful dialect. If he and the Boosh favorite, "the greatest Supreme Court Justice ever" Clarence Thomas, were to have a conversation, no one on earth would know what the hell they were talking about. But, I digress. Back to the word. Booshisms is used and stale, so I am making one up.(or at least I think I am) Booshonian. I think it fits the man and the circumstances that we find ourselves facing perfectly. Yesterday, Boosh had a perfect Booshonian moment. It came with the announcement of the “terror plot” that was cleverly foiled by Booshco some four years ago. Yes, that’s correct, four years ago. First mentioned four months ago, finally explained. Yesterday. The Booshonian moments come when the Booshman speaks, and inserts the pregnant pause, trying to convince you that he is serious and that the subjecct matter is very dark and dangerous. It was taught to him by the master of non-effect, John Ashcroft. The only person in history to lose an election to a dead man, I believe. Boosh usually does it at just the wrong time during his speeches, which could be for effect or because he is just an uneducated mullet imitating a President. (A mullet, for those of you who don’t know, is a vegetarian fish. I am not referring to the haircut version.) The best example of a Booshonian moment was the delivery of the line “in the form of a mushroom cloud” while speaking before the UN some years ago.
Yesterday’s Booshonian moment came when he stated, “They were going to fly a plane into the largest building west of the Mississippi, the Liberty Tower.” Followed by the, Pause, Long Pause. Such “keep you on the edge of you seat” drama is almost more than my little heart can stand. Never mind that the actual name of the building is the “Library Tower” and not the “Liberty Tower.” Nor that it is probably a total lie. The mayor of LA didn’t know a damn thing about this, had never before heard it. Nor did he know that they were going to release this information. The White House says they called him, in advance, of course. So, who do you believe?
Not that I would accuse Karl Rove or Boosh of using fear as a weapon, or releasing information for purely political reasons, of course. Liberty Tower just sounds better, and makes the Booshonian moment more effective. Maybe the misstatement of the name of the building was orchestrated, maybe it was an innocent mistake. With the lack of brain power inside the head of our President, one can never be sure. But, the timing of the announcement cannot be confused with anything other than playing the “leadership by fear” card. The world is getting ready to end and these bastards are playing games aimed at the ’06 elections. Man, it is getting boring.
I heard an employee that works in this particular building state that they (the employees) have known about this alleged threat for many years. She said that she didn’t know what the big deal was, why it was announced now. She thought that maybe they were playing that “fear game” again, and that she was getting tired of it. She said that the building had put in some extra security at the time of the alleged threat, some new concrete barriers and another level or two of rent-a-cops, but otherwise life went on as usual. No big deal. Oh, by the way, she claimed to be a Republican, showing that even they are tiring of these antics.
My Favorite Statement
The following statement perhaps fits todays America better than anything I have ever read. I have had it on my file cabinet for about a year, and think it needs to be shared.
H.L. Mencken wrote,
"As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the 'plain folks' of the land will reach their heart's desire at last,
And the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."
Student Loans
The stated reason for the massive cutback on the availability of student loans, “we don’t have the money,” is simply a fraud. And not a very good one, at that. How this nonsense fools anyone never ceases to amaze me. I also don't know how they can continue to do it with a straight face. I guess it's an artform. First, it is not exactly a news flash that we don’t have any money. We’ve been bankrupt since shortly after Boosh took office. That hasn’t stopped us from fighting unnecessary wars, just stopped us from spending money on things that are actually needed. To my knowledge, the damn printing presses aren’t broken, so I don’t find “we don’t have the money” to be a legitimate excuse. Printing money is how we have survived over the life of the entire Boosh administration, so why we feel the need to stop now is obvious. And no, it has nothing to do with suddenly becoming fiscally responsible.
The truth is, this “cutback” has everything to do with the war(s), and the war(s) only. As we well know, recruiting kids to get their asses blown up has been difficult of late, and the best way to raise the enlistees is to cut off education funding. Now, kids that aren’t from the elite families have one avenue to college, the military. Do you remember that “world’s largest military complex” that I wrote about some time ago? This is the beginning of that movement, and, a big part of it at that. We might even be able to avoid a draft that way, although I find that doubtful. Shameful, and disgusting. Nothing else can describe this action.
Libby Update
I hate to say I told you so, but I did. I told you all a long time ago that Plamegate would reach the door of the Vice President’s office, and it has. It seems that Scooter Libby testified that he was told by the Evil Bastard Cheney that it was okay to release all the information on Ms. Plame to the press. Now, Libby wants the records of the emails to use in his defense. Alas, the emails disappeared during that 10 hour black hole of time between when Gonzales heard of the indictments and received notice that he wasn’t to destroy anything. I’m sure that it was quite a shredding party at the White House. They probably had a shrimp ring and veggies and dip available for the occasion. Paid for by us, of course.
The problem for Libby is this. It doesn’t have a thing to do with what he is charged with. Emails and orders or not, it does not change the fact that he lied to the Grand Jury. The defense are wisely doing all they can to get the charges dropped on the basis of not having access to certain White House correspondence and documents. That strategy will fail, Libby will be convicted and Cheney will skate merrily along. Fitzgerald is at Cheney’s door, but won’t get the key to the lock. The key was shredded along with the documentation of the orders that he gave to Libby.
Rove will still fall, the Evil One will be tarnished but not ruined, at least from the Plame investigation. The Abramoff matter may be another story, however. There is no telling who all might be trapped in his web. One bit of pleasure will be had in the Abramoff scandal. Ralph Reed is guaranteed to be history. It seems he “forgot” to register as a lobbyist in Texas, after taking between 4 and 5 million dollars from Abramoff to make certain a casino was not opened. Good riddance to the Stealth Evangelist. I hope they throw away the key when they take him down. Were I Ralph Reed, I would probably be looking into saving souls in a country that has no extradition treaty with the US, and head there to set up shop pretty quickly. Right after I announced that “for personal reasons” I have decided not to run for Lt. Governor of Georgia, of course.
Something New, the Boosh Quote of the Day
I am going to start putting one of these with each post. Believe me, Boosh makes Dan Quayle look like Einstein.
" The CIA laid out several scenarios and said life could be lousy, life could be okay, life could be better, and they were just guessing as to what conditions might be like."
George W. Boosh--New York, New York; Sept. 21, 2004
Oh Joy!!! Oh Rapture!!! How could it get any sweeter? OK, don't answer that! Sure I'ld love to see Bush drug off in chains, but it's more fun to watch him squirm a little! Maybee if we're lucky we can see some more comments like the "advice" statement he made! Kieth Oberman had LOTS of fun with it!
The "fear bomb" fell so flat I could hear the "woosh" all the way down in Saluda!
The "Faux" News channel's lame display of that scene from "Independance Day" was just pathetic! Who the fuck did they think they were going to scare with that! And their coverage of the Cloretta Scott King funeral? Well don't get me started on that!
What a zoo--bloody hard to think such nonsense/evil shit, is actually going on, but it IS!!!
And here's more, roughly the same...worthy of a gasp or 2 as well, I think.
DeLay Lands Coveted Appropriations Spot
By ANDREW TAYLOR, Associated Press Writer Wed Feb 8, 5:39 PM ET
Tom DeLay, forced to step down as the No. 2 Republican in the House, scored a soft landing Wednesday as GOP leaders rewarded him with a coveted seat on the Appropriations Committee.
DeLay, R-Texas, also claimed a seat on the subcommittee overseeing the Justice Department, which is currently investigating an influence-peddling scandal involving disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff and his dealings with lawmakers.
You have broken the chain. You finally made a post that I could actually indulge in a good deep laugh. I loved the Bush quotes. I never cease to be amazed at his inability to express himself. Or, maybe he actually is! Remember back when he was first running for Pres? One of the things I heard most often is; “He is just a common guy, just like me is why I’ll vote for him”. Yup, that’s what we got alright, a common guy in uncommon times, just like you, common America.
For those of you who are not familiar with the web site ‘Online journal’, take a look at this posting. http://onlinejournal.com/artman/publish/article_496.shtml An excellent article on what has been lost, and what we have had for some time. There are a bunch of other articles there that are worth the read too.
Yep, read Mencken's piece a while back and it's definitely true. The depth of stupidity in this country is astounding.
The "Faux News" channel has the highest ratings of any network news --so you can bet that the millions of the stupid in this country watched the report and believed every word that came out of Moron's mouth.
Watch "Cops" ever? See the citizens the police deal with, chase and arrest on that show? THAT is probably 50% of the population of this country. The other 50% is made up of slightly less stupid (40%) and the somwhat intelligent make up maybe 5-10% (well, those that actually have the time from their two jobs to properly inform themselves as to what is actually happening in the world.) The people of this country could care less about anything except getting new SUV's and HDTV's.
Wish I could escape this country. Maybe I'll buy a lottery ticket this week.
Here is a quote from an article by Dan Merica in a post at Online Journal titled "Bush/GOP Supporters and The Phenonenon Of Delusion"
Described below are some psychological phenomena, very much useful to the Bush/GOP regime, which enable their lies, crimes and treasons to go unnoticed and unchallenged. Many people accept being deluded for reasons that may be conscious or unconscious.
* Many people won't believe alternatives to the official story because they didn't read about it in the New York Times or hear it on CNN. (Unanswered 9/11 anomalies.)
* Denial is widespread when the enormity of a situation is so unprecedented that people lack past experience to base acceptance. For example, many European Jews failed to recognize their impending extermination. To quote an old German adage: 'Things whose existence is not morally possible cannot exist.' (Bush stealing the 2000 and 2004 elections.)
* Many people are 'mystified' when a plausible misrepresentation of reality in which forms of exploitation are presented as forms of benevolence. (Bush's 'Clean Air Act' increasing pollution.) (Bush's 'Save Our Forests Act' permitting logging in national forests.) (Bush's attempt to privatize Social Security.)
Conformity and Herd Mentality
* 'Unity' in a community comes as the phenomenon of 'One Mind' develops.
* 'One Mind' is each individual in a community aligning their thoughts with what the other members are thinking. This occurrence is motivated by the sense of comfort it provides.
* It can be described as collective hypnotic induction, which creates an illusion of a consensus that is hard to challenge.
* Many people lead their lives enslaved by artificial belief systems imposed by others. The few that are courageously critical are not heard, or else they are severely shamed, ridiculed and viciously accused of causing problems. (Thousands of American soldiers unnecessarily killed and maimed.)
Learned Helplessness
* Psychologist Martin Seligman's theory of 'Learned Helplessness' explains how when one's repeated actions have no effect, people learn that what they do doesn't make a difference and give up, even in situations where they can potentially make a difference. (Bush stealing the 2000 and 2004 elections.)
* The thought of challenging powerful, dominating authority with the prospect of losing is overwhelming. It is too big for most individuals at this level. This fear becomes part of the problem and rewards domination.
* As long as people remain silent and isolated from one another, they don't realize the protection of collective action -- safety in numbers.
* 'The Passive Bystander Effect' (psychologist Stanley Cohen) Individuals wait for someone else to act and diffuse their personal responsibility into the collective responsibility of the group. Also, the larger the group the lower is the likelihood that any individual person will spontaneously take action himself.
* More information alone is unlikely to spur action. People need the social support and the validation of others. They will not accept the reality of the problem unless they see others engaging in emotionally charged debate, protest, and meaningful, visible alternatives. (The alternative media.)(Air America.)(Impeachment efforts by a few in Congress.)
Denial and Psychic Numbing
* It is frightening, unsettling, and intolerable for many Americans to question their core beliefs about our leaders and to accept the reality of extensive fraud. Also, ignorance is bliss, but for the moment, and knowledge implies responsibility, which may be feared and avoided. (Bush stealing the 2000 and 2004 elections.) (Bush's AWOL from the National Guard and cocaine use.)
Avoidance and Compartmentalization
* People want to retreat, to focus on their own survival, family, daily life and pleasure, which are manageable.
* Stanley Cohen in his book, States of Denial, wrote that the capacity to deny particular levels of awareness is the normal state of affairs for people in an information-saturated society. In order to deny the moral implications of something it is necessary at some level to recognize its existence. It is a state of simultaneous 'knowing and not-knowing'. (Bush's reluctance to accept Global Warming.)
The delusions of normalcy created by these avoidance mechanisms in the short run minimize pain. But, in the long run they result in a 'Spiral of Silence' (Elizabeth Noelle Neumann) that plays right into the hands of the Bush/GOP regime in their destruction of our great republic and our personal lives.
Dan Merica publishes the website Cartoons-Political.com.
Anonymous 9:06AM
The hits just keep on coming, don't they. The indicted DeLay replaces the convicted Cunningham on the Justice and Money committees, and it's just fine and dandy. Maybe by the time DeLay is convicted, Cunningham will have served his sentence and can just come back and take over again. These dickwads have no shame, none. If this was a book of fiction, it would never get printed. I think I'll write a fairy tale.
Here's a post that proves that the vast majority of people in this country are morons.
I am familiar with the Mayer case, and know Judge Barker. She can be tough, but I would be surprised if she doesn't allow a hearing unless it is procedurally barred, meaning it would be unlawful for her to grant one. Federal law can be quirky, especially since Congress started screwing with the Habeus stuff. They have since greatly restricted access to federal courts. But, since this one is already in federal court, I think Mayer may get a shot. Good link.
Good post about delusional thinking. Unfortunately, the delusional are now the majority!
It could get sweeter, oh, not supposed to answer, never mind.
COPS and Jerry Springer, both #1 in America. This is who will be knocking on our doors after the crash. Or, rather, blowing down our doors with a 12 gauge. If you win the lottery, please take me with you!
It is interesting that you picked that Mencken Quote, as I have it on my wall superimposed over a picture of Bushy (really).
On to the "Liberty Tower" comments. This plot was "disrupted" when they found Zarahawi's laptop in Afghanistan. It was an afterthought, the plan was tossed out for the hell of it after we attacked the Taliban along with a few others like the infamous shoe bomber (odd coincidence don't you think...). Not really a plot at all but the release worked for its purpose.
The rest of the ten "Security Success Stories" they keep eluding to are probably going to follow the same lines. They keep forgetting that the only one they missed was the Passenger train threats to the US they mentioned right after they found the laptop in Afghanistan. Look that one up, and then think about Madrid and London. They never even raised the threat level for that one as it wasn't considered serious enough at the time (read: no bad news coming to hide).
Fourteen out the last fourteen times the white house raised the terror alert level they were about to suffer poll losses from negative public releases. Every time it was found that there was really no basis of raising the alert. Look up the dates on the Orange alerts and check the B side stories for each day, and then tell me if I am wrong. This time they couldn't even justify an alert so they announced a "foiled" plan that was nothing more than a couple notes on a laptop, and (if I remember correctly) three emails. The Libby release they made was about to backfire, so they tried this one to redirect the media and it worked again. It follows the pattern of "don't look over at that story, look at this scary one instead" or "pay no attention to the truth behind the curtain."
As far as Libby is concerned, someone else had pointed out to me that this sounds awfully similar to the Olivar North defense. I don't think it will work in this case, even though he does have the same lawyer.
As always,
How about "Chimpychat"?
I did say I was not going to comment on this topic but I do lie with a certain degree of style. We had the Liberty Tower hot news on VTM
(One of the Belgian TV senders) last night and you are right, what was supposed to pass for statesmanship just looked like he had forgotten his lines. I was dying to get a back view to see if he was being woken up by his badly tailored shirt. We also had the woman doing her incredulous chuckle and saying “Not this old chestnut coming around again” Not much has changed though, after 11/9 instead of looking like a world leader he looked like he had just been caught with his hand in the cookie barrel. Now we know that being new to this Presidential lark it was really a “Have I got away with it” look.
From Belgium
Sounds like a good t-shirt. Yep, join up and go to college if you live through the experience. If not, better go quick while the family money is still good. Never mind, probably can't graduate in 6 months. Whatever.
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