Thursday, February 09, 2006

Cartoons and More

“I have no doubt that Iran and Syria have gone out of their way to inflame sentiments and have used it for their own purposes. The world ought to call them on it.” These are the words of Condoleezza Rice, referring to the rage over the cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad in less than proper light. Hmmmm, Iran and Syria. An interesting choice of countries to condemn, considering that violence is occurring all over the world in protest of these cartoons.

We just can’t help ourselves. We insist upon maintaining the facade of a country to be taken seriously. The truth is obvious to everyone who we choose to condemn and those that we choose as friends, even obvious to some of us. Our grip on power, our credibility, and our status as a superpower is slipping away like a runaway truck going down a mountainside. And, if throwing Iran into the drumbeat for war wasn’t enough, we must now insert Syria into the equation.

We say that we want a Diplomatic solution in the stare down with Iran. Sound familiar? It should. It was the same thing that we said about Iraq, long after we planned the invasion of their sovereign land. Now, as Iran laughs in our face while we make idle threats that can’t be backed up, we start the same rhetoric with Syria. Why not call out Denmark, Norway, or one of the many European countries where similar demonstrations are being carried out? Are there not people there who are “inflaming sentiments?” Or, is it not to our advantage to do so?

Maybe it’s time that the world calls out the US on a few things. Maybe Rice should look in the mirror and see exactly what her country, the United States of America, has done to “inflame sentiments” to “use for their own purposes.” Like, for instance Iraq, and the presence of weapons of mass destruction that existed only in the mind of her boss and his henchmen. Or, when looking at the Iran situation, asking for sanctions, thus putting the world on the cusp of WWIII. Maybe it’s time that Rice, Boosh and the rest be quiet and listen for once, instead of playing the role of the bully of the world. The world is not ours to rule, nor is it our position to solve or even stick our nose in every crisis that pops up. Maybe we should leave that to Dr. Phil and Oprah. After all, they are the ones that educate our masses.

Perhaps Booshco should heed the words of Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah. He said, “Defending the Prophet should continue worldwide. Let Condoleezza Rice, Boosh, and all the tyrants shut up: We are a nation that can’t forgive, be silent or ease up when they insult our prophet and our sacred values…..Today we are defending the dignity of our Prophet with a word, a demonstration, but let George Boosh and the arrogant world know that if we have to…we will defend our prophet with our blood, not our voices.”

But, we can’t help ourselves. Because of that, we in America are soon to learn a lesson that I first learned, probably in kindergarten. A lesson that we have obviously forgotten. That lesson is this. The world is round, and you had better not dish it out if you can’t take it. We have dished it out for so long, used it for our own purposes for so long, that we now think we own it.

But, we don’t. It won’t last, can’t last. The stars are aligning, and they are not aligning in our favor. We will soon find out that the gig is up, and when we do, a lot of people are going to be hurt. A lot of people are also going to die. We are about to pay for our prior actions, and pay dearly. Every country in the world, except Canada, has turned on us. Canada would likely leave us as well, but there is nowhere for them to go. So, they too, will pay for the sins of America.

Boosh knows we are through, as should every thinking citizen in America. If only they took the time to think. If only they spent a little less time with Dr. Phil and Oprah. We could mitigate the damage somewhat. We could admit defeat, confess our sins, and be forgiven by much of the world. And, most of the world would forgive. Look at the outpouring of support we received after 9/11. Much of that support came from countries that we have abused in the past, countries that don’t really like us very much. But they reached out to us in our time of need, and gave what little they could, in spite of our treatment of them. The human race is by nature a forgiving race, and we could salvage a lot by just stopping the madness. But we won’t, because we can’t. It's just not in us to admit that we are wrong. We will have to learn the lesson the hard way. As the Sheik implied, we are simply too damned arrogant.



At 9:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When i was studying economics, I didn't understand then how the endlessly rising graphs that measure the progress of capitalism could continue rising forever. The answer is: they can't. The numbers get reset by a fiscal contraction (aka recession or depression). Consumption declines because of economic factors too, but even more so because of population decline.

So, when I keep reading about H5N1 making it to Africa, where it will probably turn into the pandemic we've all been prepped for, I wonder if that is the ultimate response of the ecosystem to rampant capitalism. I wonder if global warming will be countered by our closed loop environment simply having a lot of us go away, thanks to the northern movement of familiar disease vectors and/or war.

Perhaps our government has noted all of this (or the people who actually call the shots and I don't think they are the same group of individuals, not at all) and is preparing. Lots of curious developments:

- unitary executive
- NSA program
- endless war means permanent quasi-martial law
- inciting Muslims with cartoons and more (who in turn incite us back)
- FEMA/Halliburton detention camps
- seemingly glacial response to Tamiflu production
- national primary healthcare system close to collapse
- oh, so many more

I keep thinking that maybe our error of thinking is to assume that the actions we see of our leadership is ineffective and misguided, but what if it is not. What if they are just operating with more and scarier data.

As an example I give this article about the oil companies. In an era of increasing demand, wouldn't you expect them to drill like crazy and expand their refining and transportation facilites? Well, not if you know what they know.



The great error of nearly all studies of war has been to
consider war as an episode in foreign policies, when it
is an act of interior politics.

Simone Weil

At 11:00 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


I don't disagree. The problem is, the elite, the religious right and the ignorant are the majority.


At 2:58 PM, Blogger Reality said...


I agree thatr our position that we do not need to understand the rest of the world is going to come back and bite us soon. I do, However, have to disagree on one thing.

I really believe that the only thing Bushy knows is that if he drinks enough, God will talk to him again (our friend walt points out that most people just see pink elephants), and that a whole lot of Americans are starting to wish we would just grab another bag of pretzels.


At 3:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


IMO that was a profound first paragraph, not because of fiscal indicators but because of the notion of balance. Take a few steps back, go as far as the moon and have a look at Earth from there and contemplate what you see. I will make a very simple hypotheses. Disease vectors, for instance, don’t happen because Western God or Eastern God wills it or because of which nations are friends or otherwise with other nations. Consider that nature, the birds and the trees nature, acts in a way to control growth in general, within the bounds of what can be supplied to maintain that growth. Humans don’t seem capable of doing this for themselves so nature has responded with its own solutions. Even with birth control world population is growing at an alarming rate. It is only within the last say two hundred years that industrialisation and intensive farming methods have been able to sustain higher populations than ever before but nature takes thousands of years to react to changes and cannot move quickly enough to adjust the population to the available food supply. There are, however checks built into the system to limit population growth. These include disease, war, homosexuality of either sex, together with natural disasters such as famine, flood earthquake etc. Maybe much will depend on what follows oil as a source of energy it is possible the population will to some extent mirror the oil curve, unless Bubba has something more immediate in store for us.

Watching with interest but not from the moon.

At 4:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I've been quiet for a while, reading but not posting. But, I just had a terrifying realization.

Buushco and the neocons are hell-bent to get into a conflict with Iran, maybe also with Syria. Very simply, our conventional forces are stretched to the breaking point. But, they insist on ratcheting up the rhetoric in the face of an imflamed Islamic world (that is just as unreasonable and one-dimensional in their thinking as the neocons and our crop of religious nut cases).

We are now faced with a clash of ideologies and cultures, both of which are whipping up a frenzy based on the superstitions and mythologies that are drilled into the minds of people who don't want to be bothered with independent thought and critical analysis.

But to get back to my original point - since the fascist regime cannot carry out the military and geopolitical objectives of the power elite with conventional forces, that leaves them with only one option.

Stock up on iodine tablets and lead-lined underwear.

At 4:45 PM, Blogger cyclone said...




At 6:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember 3plus or so years ago bushco was granted congressional go ahead to develop nuke bunker busters and other tactical nuke weapons and then about a year plus ago bushco announced that that program was shut down? Do YOU believe it was shut down and further more do YOU believe the development of said devices were only under way AFTER permission was granted? If you believe such things then I have some bottom I'd like to sell ya--never mind that it's at the bottom of the bay--we'll drain the bay--sometime....

At 7:17 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


Cheney has already mentioned the possibility of using nuclear bunker busters in Iran, so I would guess the program wasn't shut down. They probably forgot that they told that lie, kind of hard to keep up with all of them. But, since they have no idea where all these alleged "nuclear" sites are, they don't know where to fire them anyway.


At 7:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Rockpicker,

You would certainly notice the explosion of an enhanced radiation warhead.

Approximately 1/3 the "blast" energy of an equivalent non ER nuke.

Read it here:

Unless things are really, really different from what we all used to think of as the US Government, I can't see the Bushies using anything remotely like this.

The Israelis on the other hand...


At 7:48 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


Trust me, things ARE very much different than what we used to expect from the American government.


At 10:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow!! some really intersting stuff here.

I like what emiliano, carl & amonymous 3.05pm.

The nature theory that anonymous 3.05pm said is what I use to guage things in most cant out smart mother nature. Thats the biggest mistake man has made.

Welcome to the time of the end folks :)
It will continue to get deeper and more twisted with everyday....

At 10:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I most emphatically agree with Cyclone, we have a very much different situation than anything that has come before in our country. This has been building up for a very long time. Technology combined with Straussian political philosophy is the consequence of the push by the population in their voting preferences. Indeed it was done with slight of hand and lies, but most of the population has bought into something that is gonna get pretty bad. Understanding the consequences of your actions and thinking simply is not taught any longer in our educational system. We are gonna pay big time for that.

At 10:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I meant thinking critically in previous post. Got to edit more carefully before I post. Geez!!

At 4:42 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

anonymous 3:05PM,

Well said, and probably very accurate. I am afraid, terribly afraid, that Bubba and the gang DO have something rather untoward planned for our future.


At 6:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really hope we are all wrong. Common sense seems to be in short supply at the moment and it is not something that can be taught in school. Short of the population gathering outside the White House I can't see much changing, there appears to be too many hangers on for the impeachment ball to start rolling.

Anyway it is nice to have a compliment - even in far away Belgium.


At 9:26 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...

I think for the first time I have nothing to add. Everybody has already said what I would have. No use saying it twice!

OUTSTANDING! Crack a couple of Guiness with Oldensoul. You damn sure earned them with that last post!

At 9:56 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

My Belgian friend,

We can't even get people to gather in protest in their home towns, much less march on the White House. Oh, how I long for the 60's, when drug induced types didn't mind standing up for something. Now, it's give me the remote, hand me the potato chips, and I'm gonna take a nap. A lazy lot, Americans have become. As for impeachment, I got a letter from my favorite Congresswoman yesterday, one who did not vote for the war. She is not in favor of impeachment, it would be a waste of money and further polarize America. Naturally, I blasted back with how I would prefer my money be spent on that rather than bombs, the Dems have lost their spine, Boosh is the cause of the polarization, blah, blah. But, if she is not willing to push the impeach button, no one else will either. Screw the will of the people. I hope we are all wrong too, but, we're not. Sad, but those that survive will have to pick up the pieces and try to put Humpty Dumpty back together again.


At 2:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very very sad!

Do you remember the bit at the end of Dr. Strangelove where the President and the Generals were arguing about whether they or Russia had the greatest mineshaft gap?

Sorry about your Congress lady friend. It seems to be a feature of politicians too long in opposition and intimidated about speaking up for themselves. Sometimes they even have meetings to decide in what they believe.

Talking about veging out with the potato chips and the remote (we call it Frank because it is a Zappa), I recently ran into a pitch for something called world TV, I am sure you have come across it already. From what I can gather it seems like blogging without the keyboard. Do you think it will get going and if it does do you think it will make a difference?

Over the last week or so I have been catching up with Arthur Silber’s blog, particularly the Iran Series which is very enlightening. He wrote a piece called “Unleashing Armageddon: What Then ?” dated Nov1 2005. The gist of this is that leaders, particularly American ones, take their countries into military adventures without ever considering the consequences of their actions. I know that you can’t answer for him but I have always been of the opinion that Generals who are not on active duty, spend their days at The Pentagon playing what if conventional; electronic and nuclear war games. Either I was mistaken in this; they are not very good at what they do or their advice falls on deaf ears. Any opinions on this one?

On a final note, I think it is a sad reflection on society that an articulate person with an analytical mind like Arthur Silber should have to ask on the internet for help to pay his rent when Americas other great educator, present company excepted of course, Oopah Winfrey has money she can’t count. I am sure it says something.

I am not up to speed with the stories around the personalities in your latest post so I will keep quiet on what I don’t know about.

Brit in Belgium

At 2:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And Rockpicker,

That was aquote that stops you in your tracks. Do you know where it comes from?


At 6:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brit in Belgium:

Have you had a look at Arthur's series on "Torture"? A definitive work, I believe.


If you have not been following this blog: "rockpicker"as a matter of fact is a poet of note and a wordsmyth extraordinaire--so it would not surprise me if the very descriptive phrase you refer to was conjured up in his fertile mind.


I have followed Arthur's work for a number of months and I would venture to say that he supports the "neocons" in relation to NOTHING, let alone US "aggression" in Iraq. An assertion you made the other day in relation to an article of Arthur's.

At 8:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brit in Belgium:

Arthur has 2 Blogs on the go--his "Torture" series can be found here link

"THE SACRED MOMENT" the other of Arthur's Blogs

JANUARY 23, 2006

--I submit this because it may not have been readily apparent where to come upon these works.

At 8:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The link in my previous comment is screwed--this should work


Go to archive Jan 2006, and roughly half way down the archive page Arthur's articles on "Torture" can be found.


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