The Puppet Masters Revealed
This may come as a surprise to some, perhaps not to others. All signs point to the puppet masters, those pulling the strings of both the Boosh administration, as well as the strings of the Iranians and various terrorist organizations around the world, are none other than the British Elite. Our longtime buddies. What is not a surprise is that Booshco has no idea that it is happening.
I have long wondered why the government of Great Britain always seemed to be willing to blindly follow Boosh wherever he led them. It turns out that they have not been following Boosh, rather leading him. As a result, the American people are being sent down a path to oblivion. It goes like this.
Since the end of the Seven Years War which created the British Empire, the British have maintained control of their continent by assuring that there were always wars going on among various factions in Eurasia. They entice various factions, or countries, to fight it out, meanwhile buying up all of the raw materials that they can get their hands on. Thus, their hold on financial power in the long term, is assured. The skirmishes or wars are merely a distraction, in the truest sense of the word, but just what is necessary for their financial well being. And, to assure that everyone else keep’s their eye off of the ball. The Power Ball, that is.
True, they have paid a price on occasion; by having to actually enter the fray themselves. Examples of this are WWI, WWII, and both Gulf War I and the current Iraq debacle. Admittedly, the last two examples have cost them little, as America has paid the heaviest price of all, both in troop loss and in monetary value. The Brits did lose a lot of troops in the two World Wars, but that is the price that must be paid to maintain a stronghold on Europe and keep intact their long range plan to take over the monetary world.
Should we, or the US by proxy through Israel, follow through with the plan to invade or bomb Iran, the final piece of the puzzle will have been placed. Through various hedge funds, the British own the vast majority of the worlds’ raw material at present. Any American confrontation with Iran, whether direct or indirect, will assure that the American economy will collapse. Who is left holding all the cards? The British elite. They would then control the world’s economy, lock stock and barrel.
Who is Running the Show?
At present, Jack Straw is leading the charge, aided by the British power brokers. Forget Tony Blair, he is the British version of Boosh. A figurehead without a clue. Straw has become the neocons biggest cheerleader, encouraging them to not let Iran get away with obtaining nuclear weapons. Not hard to do when our President has the mind of a child. It's like "My Daddy Can Beat Up Your Daddy" to Boosh, a game he is more than willing to play. Straw and Company have little to lose in this venture; they know damn well that the British people would not stand for British troops joining the Americans in another failed invasion.
So, Israel gets to take the place of the British in the Iran conflict. And, the most dimwitted and shortsighted administration in American History is right in front of him, just waiting to be manipulated. The plan to confront Iran has been in place since last year, led by President Cheney and supported by the entire cast of neocons, no doubt egged on my Straw and Company. From Cheney to Wolfowitz to Pearle to Rice, all of them are unable to see the forest for the trees. The drumbeat of war has become an obsession with these morons, and American civilization will pay the ultimate price for this obsession.
We take over the world (or so we think) through military might, doing the dirty military work and paying the ultimate sacrifice. When we are unable to follow through militarily, we simply impose our short-sided will on others to fight the imaginary war on terror for us. We do this by using false threats against others. And, we become more and more hated by the entire world, actually becoming the Great Satan, at least in the eyes of the world.
Meanwhile, the British money men take over the real world, the one that will exist after America vapor locks. The British get the world of material, that which will be desperately needed by all in the world after the implosion of America. At least we get thanked for our service, and the truly rich and powerful will have a place in the New World Order. It’s the rest of us in America that are the losers. The Brits pretty much escape unscathed, if the value of lives and continued existence is considered. They will get to name their price for the all the goods after the fall of the American empire.
It’s unusual for America to get out-scammed. We used to be the masters of the game, if you will. But, that is exactly what has happened; we’ve been beaten at our own game. Sooner or later, being nothing but a con-man operation catches up with you. It has now happened to America, and there's a new bully on the block. How they will handle that title remains to be seen, but for now America's turn is over.
I always knew that there was an explanation for what is happening to our country. But there was always something missing. What was missing for me, was the “who,” and not so much the “why.” It was obvious that the “why” wouldn’t make sense, the actions were too irrational, and ordered by madmen. But the “who” was what was important, at least to me. At least now we know who is behind the elimination of America, besides the dimwitted Boosh and his followers. The unmasking of the true puppet masters has finally occurred. Just knowing will make it easier to sleep at night, for me at least.
So: your synopsis does have the ring of truth, don't suppose you would divulge some names, dates etc to give the story a clearer picture? For instance, how about some information on the holdings of raw material etc that you say is in ownership of or control of the UK?
Your claims go a long way to explaining why the United Kingdom is involved in Iraq and why they appeared to have lapdog status when in fact if your claims are accurate they are in the drivers seat. The UK (I believe) does not have a lunatic neocon crowd that is wagging the dog, such as is the case in the US. So why the UK has been doing some of the things they have been doing,for some time now, made no sense to me. Also, albeit Australia is a small player, now your explanation goes a long way to explaining why Australia has conducted their affairs in regards to US/British agressions of late. The population in Ausie is hugely opposed to what their government is doing but that appears to have had no effect on action taken by the government. Could it be that they are in on the play? I think likely.
Anyway here as we see in the link the Brits are not losing a moment to become involved where the money is to be made and as you indicate the UK is in the BIG money game. Money of course is the BEST commodity to make money from.
Top drawer article cyclone--excellent piece of work!
BTW--note that this fellow Brown is expected to be the next PM of the UK. Finance is his background.
British finance minister hails China as world economic engine
Brown has arrived in Beijing for a trade-based visit and spoke of "a deepening and a widening" of cooperation between the two sides.
"China's re-emergence as a leader in scientific research should surprise nobody. The country that invented paper, printing, gunpowder and the compass is now producing two million graduates a year, including 50,000 computer science graduates a year," Brown will say in his address.
Damn--I'm doing something wrong with the link dooey--here's what was supposed to be in the previous comment.
Look at British history. It's all there, it all fits too well. From the Seven Years War to the British backed French invasion of Mexico to the present, there are British fingerprints, if not direct links to all of them. British Intelligence also sponsored the Muslim Brotherhood as far back as the 20's. George Schultz and James Woolsey chair the committee on the present danger, who recommend a regime change in Tehran. Not totally British, but highly influenced.
It's all in British history. They see a good deal, next to a sinking ship, which side are they gonna take? The same side I would take, the winning side. They won't go down with us, they will take our best stock and let the rest fight it out.
I cannot give you names of people holding raw materials. You could probably research that pretty easily, especially if you are in the UK. As for making money, the UK is in the perfect position to do that. Dump Blair, distance from the dying US, sets up perfectly. Played like a fiddle. But, hey, we get what we deserve.
I have for several months now, been spending a significant amount of time dipping into the enormous amount of blogs, news sites, commentaries, and other sources of opinions, interpretations of events, and outright propaganda. If you haven't noticed, it is so large a grouping that I would assume that nobody can do justice to them all. My bookmarks already exceed a daily dipping into their most recent posts, much less the archives. So what I have done in light of an impossible task of absorbing all of what is out there in ether land is to pick out the ones that appear the most level headed and with the widest net, covering a diverse area of concern, including those areas with which I most violently do not agree.
1. There seems to be a consensus that ideology is split only between
Republican and Democratic ideals, at least with the American sites. This is BS. There are other ways of looking at events and other ideals to be weighed.
2. Many of the sites are focused on name calling, and comparison propaganda.
3. With the seemingly huge dissatisfaction being expressed with both major parties, there is little discussion about alternatives.
4. A very large amount of commentaries skirt altogether what seems to me to be the underpinnings of how we got here in the first place.
5. There is very much a logical limit to how much you can beat a dead horse and expect results. If the basic causes for having a dead
horse at your feet are not examined, you get nowhere.
6. No realization that building a consensus, much less a unanimous
decision on anything is not going to happen with the present situation, only further polarization.
Obviously, this site has some attraction to me and I follow Cyclon's posts and comments carefully.
I kinda figured it would be England or Isreal. Those two countries can do no wrong in the eyes of America, or the UN. We'ld have invaded any country that pulled HALF the shit Isreal's done in the last twenty years. All these "terrorists" that they keep screaming about have legitimate grievances against the Isreali Government. There will never be peace in the Middle East untill Isreal addresses these grievances and does something for the Palesinian people, besides torture, kill, and imprison them!
Have you had a look at this Blog
He is a very good writer and sometimes writes with extrodinary passion.
ONCE UPON A TIME: Arthur Silber's Blog
This article makes imminent sense to me--"Spying, Blackmail, and the Path of Violence and Coercion": In this article, Arthur uses a recent work by PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS as his reference.
Britain is verrrryyy old. They have seen it all and done it all. Of course they will be on top of the situation. I know this and thought you might have known this too....
The Brits are masters of all the strife going on I reckon. They have all the dirt and all the history. They may be geographically small in comparison but they reach very far and have tactics that would make your eyes boggle....
What else is a small nation to do
The Once Upon A time site was not familiar to me. To tell the truth, I probably will not visit again. The man is obviously very passionate (as you mentioned) and also very articulate. However, is short on editing and the one blog I read that you directed me to goes over the edge on sentamentalism and innaccuracy. You will also note he parrots the neocon reason to be in Iraq in the first place, bring peace to that country indeed!!
This comment in no ways depreciates the huge sacrifice made to enjoy a 'normal life' made by military personnel, and also does not depreciate when the effort is indeed for the purpose to keep our country free of domination. It sure appears that due to ourleaders exploitation of the military, they have failed miserably, that is to say, you consider us free at this time? I do not.
The sad and very real fact is that our military has been exploited, not in defense of our country, but rather for the enrichment of the elite. I know that when I was discharged, the smug master sgt. says to me "boy, why don't ya just reup and we will give you one hell of a bonus". My reply at the time was not for polite company at all, and most emphatically stated for all to hear.
I did read the multiple pages at the site, besides the message about returning military personnal. Those he quotes and the information advanced ignores entirely the behind the scenes power plays. It is ever more the insistance of rational conflict being in the populations interest. Sorry, I can't buy it.
Thanks though for providing me another soap box to step up on.
Interesting site you directed to. Again, how many dead animals are we going to flog? As historical interest, we may never know the detail and real events that they discuss. It is indeed interesting to look into it, and may even provide some rage directed the 'powers that be' over their flagrant disregard for anything that is considered decent behavior. However, this kind of stuff has been going on since recorded history. Looking at what happened hasn't changed a thing, if anything, it has become more sophisticated and generally dangerous to more than discontented elites.
The rage that produced the French revolution produced Bonapart. Killed most of the thinkers and studious ones besides. And thus a new despot came to power.
We got to start getting a general change in social consiousness, not just rage at what has been.
So it’s Jack the lad! Do you know, some actually felt sorry for him because he was the only government minister without a job. Tone took it off him and did it himself. Tony had the meeting, talking and agreeing bit and Jack Straw had the shaking hands afterwards bit. Since he was only left with a part time McDonald’s job to make his money up it looks like he found something else to do with his time.
So who are these mysterious people, not me that is for sure. Since money goes to money then probably minor nobility; oil money; managers of the London Burse; Jewish money (that would explain many things), with a sprinkling of top politicians to make the right things happen. Will we ever know? Is it not peculiar how invisibility and transparency mean entirely opposite things?
Just like Star Wars became unpopular and so was reformed under a different name, the same thing has happened to Empire. Once countries were not our responsibility anymore then we didn’t have to feel guilty about raping them. Just carried on as before without breaking step but dumped the mental anguish, assuming there ever was any.
I always assumed that Our Tone was a megalomaniac for war; he collected them like some people collect stamps with the ultimate ambition of being a greater states person than Margaret Thatcher and Winston Churchill. Cyclones latest disclosure of course does not necessarily exclude this possibility. It looks however if he was having his prejudices pandered to. For example why did we (the Brits) need to be in the former Yugoslavia at all? Unfortunate though it was for the non-Serb groups it just wasn’t our fight. As the thing fragmented, what was one war could be counted as many victories and many areas of influence. But there again we felt a responsibility to give them democracy; true altruism. And where you have influence you also have control.
But I am getting some confusing signals here. Gorgeous Gorge may have joined the lemming run but when he finally takes his economy over the cliff with him you make it sound as if it is all done and dusted, the Brits have won game, set and match and finally rule the world. We should remember that the Far and Middle East is still there and not going away. Is that why Gordon Brown has suddenly discovered China? As the Asia Times article said, China is nonplussed about having its Iraq investment messed about with and they are not about to let it happen in Iran. What are these plans that have been inside a sealed envelope for a year? Are you saying that it is recognised that a full frontal attack wouldn’t work and that Money would keep Iran and the Stans occupied with endless civil strife to frustrate China?
By the way, what has happened to the Japanese economic miracle; we don’t hear much about it any more?
I do sympathise with Murph though, with so much going on in the Internet it is so easy to get sucked into information overload. You just have to be selective I am afraid – and give a bit of time to those around you too (that wasn’t meant to be condescending just personal experience)
Watching form Belgium.
Anonymous from Belgium,
I am not sure exactly how to take your post. But I will say a couple of things. The game, set, match refers to the US only. As you can see from the actions of Mr. Brown, he is carefully positioning himself in a friendly way to China. In essence, the Brits will replace the US on an economic scale, and have the goods that the rest of the world needs. No, they will not rule the world militarily, but they won't need to. They will be more than happy to work out an agreeable arrangemnet with China, Japan, and everyone else. Again, Israel is the wild card, and that is the danger. If the US is to be removed from the picture as a viable threat, either economically or militarily, which appears a no brainer at this point, someone will have to control Israel. I would be surprised if Mr. Brown and the Israeli's aren't working on some type of agreement at present. Like I said before, Israel fires a nuke at Iran and all bets are off. The British are the smartest people in the world, proven by the abiltiy of such a small place to stay on top of Europe for so long. They also know that staying with us is a cold loser, so the repositioning has begun. Many (certainly Americans) have been under the wrong impression that Britain's success was only because of US backing. I never believed that for a second, the UK certainly didn't need our "wisdom." That is why I could never understand their willingness to follow us into idotic venture after idiotic venture. The only thing that has changed, is now I know why they have done so. I'm not attempting to offend anyone from the UK, I don't think the common folk there are responsible for anything any more than the common fold here are resposible for the Iraq war. But, their leaders and power brokers are wise and know which way the wind is blowing.
The nail on the head, I'd say.
The guy you are talking about with the USS Cole allegedly escaped back then, was re-captured, and just escaped again. That's the story anyway.
The interesting thing about the cartoons to me is that they were first released in September. Only on their re-release do they create this furor. It generally doesn't take the Muslim radicals 6 months to organize riots, so something smells funny to me. Not sure what yet.
Wow this has really knocked me for six, do you really think that we will benefit from the economic collapse of the USA? I was under the impression that when the US goes down so do we.
An interesting post, Cyclone - good work.
It makes sense when you consider the decline of Britain. Read Theodore Dalyrymple's "Our Culture- What's Left of it," or the postings of Englishman John Copeland, which used to be called the "Diary of a Superannuated Soul." Both of these men write about a citizenry which has been virtually reduced to servitude. The civilized values for which England was once famous have utterly disappeared, it seems, and "British" has become a synonym for "brutish."
I don't think it's possible to discuss this decline without discussing the decline of the Protestant elite and its replacement by an international rule of money. But that could be a subject for another day.
Point taken Cyclone, I did get a bit carried away there.
It does appear that gung-ho George will do what George III couldn’t and the ‘right’ people will be there to fill the economic vacuum.
On the subject of Israel Iran, it should be remembered that Iran is a Muslim country that has oil but that is where its connection with the Arab world ends. Do you think that President Ivadinnerjacket is as loopy as he sounds or is he playing a canny game?
Caryl Johnston and the decline of the Protestant right; the church and state are no longer joined at the hip like they used to be. Knowing this it would appear that God has circumvented his own management structure and is now talking directly to the people who can get things done but what was the ultimate game plan in picking Bush?
Rockpicker – Good article by Paul Craig Roberts but I always freeze when I see the word Free or Freedom. You should always ask the supplementary question “Freedom for whom”? In a party election broadcast after WWII, Clement Atlee said (I paraphrase), “Mr. Churchill has made great play about Britain now being free but you should remember that it was not so long ago that employers were free to send little children up to clean out the inside of chimneys”.
The final paragraph: The TV networks mimic Fox News' faux patriotism. Anyone who depends on print, TV, or right-wing talk radio media is totally misinformed. The Bush administration has achieved a de facto Ministry of Propaganda..." I picked the following quote up off AlterNet last week:
“Most people prefer to believe that their leaders are just and fair, even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government under which he lives is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it. To take action in the face of corrupt government entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender one’s self-image of standing for principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that choice. Hence, most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all.”
By the way, I read an article last week that the telephone and cable companies have plans to price the Information Super Highway out of the reach of ordinary citizens. Could this be a move towards the reintroduction of serfdom?
Neutron bombs kill people, do not damage buildings or infrastructure and leave the area radiation ‘free’ for an occupying force or were you looking for more practical advice on how to make one? Perhaps you were referring to our Australian cousin Olivia?
Still watching from Belgium
Give your boys some credit. They've positioned themselves perfectly for the post-America world. The impression that you state is exactly the impression they wanted to leave. The helpless ones, dependent on the US for survival, all the while directing the play from the shadows. Pure brilliance, if you ask me.
A little of both, but mostly my theory. Trying to make sense of what is happening in the world today, I changed my focus from our enemies to our friends. The enemies just didn't satisfactorily answer my questions, nor make sense in the big picture. It all fit together when I got to British history. History always repeats itself, and the Brits fit the bill perfectly.
Anonymous Belgian,
President Ivadinnerjacket(that's good for a large laugh, by the way) is both nuts and playing a game, albeit a dangerous one. He has us by the balls and is enjoying rubbing our face in it, (well deserved, I might add) but would be wise to watch out for an Israeli or Booshgoesoffthedeependonceandforallnuke to land on his head.
Hey Rockpicker,
I know I wouldn't want one!:)
Other than that, I don't know much about them. It seems whatever is said about them one day gets withdrawn and something else is said about them tomorrow!
I know we have at least ten, or thirty five or none. I know that they will kill everyone on earth, noone on Earth, or half the planet straight away, and everybody else within three, four or twenty five years!
Everybody that knows won't say shit, and everybody that wishes they knew and dont't know shit, can't get their shit together enough to agree on anything! Pretty much a cluster fuck!
From what I've heard from reputable sources, it's nothing much to worry about, because if they ever set one off, we're all fucked! If they never set one off, then we're all still where we are! Either way it's nothing to worry about!
Anonymous in Belgium,
President Ivgotadinnerjacket, eh? Good one!
We've got President Imtthefuckinggreatkinggeorgeandifyoufuckwithmeillfuckwithyousofuckit
I guess the only conclusion I can draw from all this is we're going to all be fucked while dressed to dine! Wonder what the entree will be?
Cold Shoulder.
Still watching
No cold shoulder from this end. Still working on details.
We were talkin more about this just now...
The Brits have the monarchy. Its old and long too. They have been through many a tough time and have developed many tactics in order to survive and prosper.
Delving into the idea reveals many concepts and possibilities.
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