Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The State of the Union; De' Plane, De' Plane

As nauseating as it was, I managed to listen to all of the speech last night. I said listen, mind you, because I must admit, I can no longer look at the mug of Boosh for that length of time. I have found that lately, especially since my concussion, I cannot look at the man for more than about 2 minutes a stretch. If I did, I might well do damage to one of my television sets. So, I laid back with my eyes closed, glancing on occasion to the smirk that was set on his face each time he looked to the Democrat's side of the aisle.

Analyzing this speech may prove difficult, as he really didn't say anything of importance. Beyond his clear idea of staying the course, I found myself asking "Where's the Beef?" It never came. I'm guessing that he was speaking to his conservative base, although they must be pretty easy to please. Give them Alito, and they'll shut up about the 6% per year deficit growth and massive trade deficit, I guess. Here we go.

Addicted to Oil

Maybe the only honest comment of the evening. I found myself snapping up, opening my eyes and wondering if Boosh had somehow come to his senses, or at a minimum, thought that maybe his Big Oil buddies had finally sufficiently raped the regular people for long enough. Then, after listening further, I realized that he was only talking about dependence on Mid-East oil, which comprises only 20% of our usage. Whew, I damn near had a heart attack, thinking that $10 Billion per year was enough. I soon recovered, and he moved on to other issues.

Illegal Aliens

A big part of the dumbing down and confusing of the American People has been the Boosh way of never distinguishing between groups of people. This provided the perfect example. He mentioned "willing worker," but not illegal alien. He mentioned immigration, but not illegal immigration. Now, when I think of protecting our borders, I immediately think of illegals crossing the border and either stealing jobs or committing crimes, as I imagine most Americans do. As long as he can keep that line blurred between illegal aliens and willing workers, he can satisfy all by talking about the problem, yet never addressing the issue in a coherent fashion. On actual border control, Boosh spent 46 seconds of the one hour plus babble, speaking about protecting America from illegal entry. And here I thought we were worried about terrorists entering the country. Stupid me. Stunningly, he also stated that "this economy can't function without guest workers." Whatever the hell that means, it will take a while to figure that one out. The economy is history, guest workers or no guest workers.

Free Trade

Although free trade has led to outsourcing which has led to the elimination of reasonable paying jobs in America, Boosh touts it as an important feature in his "agenda." After 30 years of growing trade deficits, Boosh stated that last year we produced more jobs than Japan and the European Union combined, the words high paying jobs were never mentioned. There are only so many retail jobs available, it is a finite source, much like oil. And when the crash occurs, the retail jobs will disappear just like the high paying Union jobs did in what once was America.

As for the trade deficit, he did say that "with open markets and a level playing field no one can outproduce the American worker." That may well be true, but the playing field is not level and he has no idea how, or any intention of, making it level. Big business is too busy outsourcing and lining their pockets, all the while buying politicians. Even the conservatives are starting to catch on to this fantasy.


Hey, we've got some catching up to do and we're gonna do it, if you believe Boosh. We're going to dump some money in a fund to help kids stay in school. Of course, if you believe Boosh, you believe that the NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND bullshit was funded, which it wasn't. The interesting thing about his education agenda was it was thought of as a high point of his speech, unless you are one that actually works in the field of education. The educators see the drastic cuts that were made to Pell grants and other grants recently, taking the dream of college away from probably half of American kids. They see the entire agenda as the farce that it is. On the other hand, the majority of the American people see it differently. As long as the schools continue to babysit kids for 8 hours a day, all is well in the educating of their offspring.

Health Care, or Lack Thereof

Same story, same tune. Let's increase the Health Savings Accounts, that's the ticket.
Well, maybe for people who already have insurance and have enough money to set more aside each month for this little project. Of course, it does nothing to address the real problems; the outrageous costs of health care brought on by the insurance industry, and; the 46 million people who currently have no health coverage and no way of getting it. Screw those 46 million, they ought to get one of the newly created jobs at $5.50 an hour and dump half of it into a health care fund. Lowering the actual cost of health care was never mentioned, although Boosh did spend a grand total of 2 1/2 minutes talking about Health Care. This, after the White House spent a week leaking to the media that there were going to be some "Great, New Ideas" on this issue. Guess they had a last minute change of plans.
The new ideas consisted of Better Nutrition and More Exercise. The only problem that I see with that is that people who can't afford Health Insurance likely can't go to your top notch health food store to get that "better nutrition."

Iraq and all the other NON DEMOCRATIC NATIONS

Regarding Iraq, it's simple. Show a grieving family that supports this madman, then arrest Cindy Sheehan. In other words, stay the course. Remember what Boosh said, WE ARE WINNING!!

And for you other countries that are led by tyrants, don't worry, we are on our way to save you just like we have the Iraqi's. Freedom, American style is just what you need. We'll destroy your infrastructure, start a civil war in your country, and then get the hell out. If we can find the people to do it, that is. Don't hold your breath on that one, about all we have left is nukes.

The most interesting thing about the Boosh foreign policy, to me at least, is that there is no middle ground in this guy's twisted mind. There are only two options. War, or isolationism. And Boosh made it clear last night that he is not a big fan of isolationism. Can't this ignorant bastard see that there actually really is some middle ground out there? We did quite well for a couple of hundred years without taking over the world, but I guess when you get the call from God you had better act on it. Boosh had better pray that he didn't misinterpret the message while in a drunken stupor, though evidence points to just that conclusion.

The only new idea that Boosh proposed about Iraq is that the actual "Generals on the ground will determine troop levels, not politicians in Washington." Now, that is new policy. Boosh has ignored the pleas for more troops just as he has ignored the pleas for body armor. Now that it is convenient, the people that know things about the war will call the shots. If you believe that, I've got some stuff to sell you.

What Boosh Did Not Say


Boosh never uttered the word. He said exactly 106 words about the Gulf Region, out of the 5000 plus words that he spoke. I doubt that people in the "Gulf Region" think he's going to follow through on his promise to build a bigger and better New Orleans. As we sit here today, miles and miles of levees have yet to even begun being repaired, some 170 levees I believe, and we are 5 months from the next hurricane season. In reality, Booshco are hoping that the next round of hurricanes take out half of the gulf coast so we won't have to put those people on....

Medicare or Medicaid

Not a peep about this from Boosh. One would think that only 31 days after his bold new Medicare/Medicaid program went into effect that it would be near the top of the list of things to brag about. But, no, it has proven to be such a boondoggle that the words aren't spoken. The Boosh dirty little secret. Like I've said a thousand times, this idiot screws up everything he touches, which is probably why he didn't say the words.....

Middle Class

No real reason to mention the middle class, they are a thing of the past. There was, for a while, what some called the "War on the Middle Class." It is no more, it's the only war that Boosh has won. You now are down to three groups, the Haves, the Have Mores, and the other 97% of Americans. Look out Haves, you are next on the hit list, and the effort is......


This may be a bit unfair, Boosh actually did say bipartisan twice. Both times while scolding the.....


Perhaps the low point of the evening came when Boosh mentioned something about Congress failing to push through his Social Security initiative and the Dems gave him a standing ovation. While the Social Security project was an idiotic proposal, that little childish stunt by the Democrats may really come back to haunt them in the '06 election. Before you show yourself like that, you had better show some balls and stand up to the rest of this idiot's agenda, and the Dems have shown none. I would suggest that the Democrats look at their standing in the polls and show a little humility, or the Republicans will win again, and again, and again. If a person as far left as I am found that embarassing and shameful, I can only imagine what someone in the center thought.

Lobby Reform

Jack Abramoff. Enough said.


NO ONE IN AMERICA BELIEVES ONE WORD THAT ANYONE IN THE SENATE, CONGRESS, OR THE WHITE HOUSE SAYS, and rightfully so. They are all so far out of touch with the Real America, the one that you and I live in, that it is absurd. Fuel prices, health care costs, food prices, day to day living and paycheck to paycheck living are foreign to these assholes, every single one of them who were elected to represent us. Everything that you hear from a politician these days, be they Republican, Democrat, or Independent is Rhetoric and it is Bullshit. If the President of the United States spends weeks preparing a State of the Union address and truly believes that what he said last night addresses issues that are important to the average American, he lives in a different Union than I do. That speech should prove to every American that we have are without representation, and that it is time to take our country back. We are history, and there is no one that is going to do anything for us. If it takes a freaking civil war, so be it. There is nothing more to lose.

What I Am Willing To Do, For Starters

Someone mentioned T-Shirts and people seeing the truth. I am going to make T-Shirts, Real Deal T-Shirts. Unfortunately, I can't afford to eat the total cost of them, but I will keep the cost as low as possible, probably in the $10-15 dollar range. If you believe one tenth of what you have read on this site over the last several months, and can spare a few bucks, send me an email, Tell me you want one or ten, I don't care. I'll get 10 printed or 10,000. The shirts will have this site on them, and I'm open to suggestion as to what else to put on them. Although we are scattered all over the earth, who knows where we might end up. When the economy explodes and we are all wandering in the dust, should you see someone wearing one of these T-Shirt's, you will know that you have found a friend that will help you. Or one that may need your help. Beforehand, someone may see you wearing it and ask what it is. You can send them here and they can see the truth and begin preparing for the fate that is inevitable. If I am wrong and nothing ever happens, then you will have a collectors item that is worth absolutely nothing. I'll even autograph it, and make it worth double nothing. I have had enough of this shit, and I'm not going to sit by and let my country go without at least doing something as simple as what got Cindy Sheehan thrown in jail. Over a damn T-Shirt. If they want to throw people in jail for wearing a T-Shirt that tells the truth, then they had better start outsourcing the jail building business. There are too many of us, if we only agree to make a statement. Until tomorrow,



At 10:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Outsourcing the jail building business--already done, outsourcing the jail-keeper crew--already done, outsourcing the beatings/torture gang--already done, thank you very much!

Cyclone's Real Deal--Offers REAL Hope!!! Join Us--Be Part Of The Solution!

At 10:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Join With Us"--might be better.

Anyway--run er up the pole--see if anyone salutes.

At 10:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

RP--hell, of course it's the blog address needed and not email address.

At 11:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya--and there will be people playing with the 696 part, I'm sure--especially the nutbar crowd, they will conger up--who knows what from that!

At 11:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't this hilarious?
You'll laugh till it hurts... (Gristmill)

"One day after President Bush vowed to reduce America's dependence on Middle East oil by cutting imports from there 75 percent by 2025, his energy secretary and national economic adviser said Wednesday that the president didn't mean it literally."
Asked why the president used the words "the Middle East" when he didn't really mean them, one administration official said Bush wanted to dramatize the issue in a way that "every American sitting out there listening to the speech understands."

So, you see, no point in getting all agitated over the speech. It was meant only as an attempt on artful prose and for sheer entertainment value, not on anything with solid information in it...

At 12:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The US may not have a choice in how much oil it gets from the middle east in the near future.....

Cyclone, you are fantastic dude. No one else says it like you my friend. Inspirational.
I would hope to meet you in person one day and shake your hand.

At 5:25 AM, Blogger Reality said...

Cyclone, I kind of like the half-mast idea (of course I would). Two might be a pretty nice fit...

I thought that the foreign policy part of his speech was consistent with previous bullshit, as was the ending. Did anyone else notice that everything in the middle (including the addicted to oil part) sounded as if it was written by a completely different staff?

Just an observation. Can't believe anything he says anyway, so don't know why it would matter...

At 6:28 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


I have heard the same thing, even straight alcohol. I don't know how it works, though. Stoney maybe?


At 7:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I would like 4 to start in XL please. Do you a paypal account? I will forward the payment through it if you like.

I was thinking maybe

Cyclone's Real Deal
"The whole truth and nothing but the truth"

Or maybe Rush is a liar how can anyone believe a junky

Or how about O Riley is disie

I would think we need something with some impact. I trust you will come up with something that’s acceptable. I like new ideas so I think everyone should post theirs.


I like your idea but if I had Tee on that said Cyclone everyone would think I'm a supporter of Iowa State.


If the dumbass can circumvent the constitution then we are a cakewalk.

Until I get back, may the force be with us.


At 8:55 AM, Blogger Reality said...


Your best best is to look to diesel amd ffv engines. While there is not an engine in public production which runs on ANYTHING, the FFV engine runs on ethanol, gas, mix, or (with minor mods)even alcohol. Diesel has always been flexible. the first diesel engine built ran on peanut oil. All diesel vehicles sold by Ex-Chrysler today leave the factory with a 30% biodiesel mix, and almost all deisel engines can be switched to run on any heavy fuel by changing as little and the fuel filters and jets, if any mod is neccessary at all. The current tech out there today is much more flexible than you believe. Most auto manufacturers have info on this on their websites, including maximum mix of alt-fuels allowed by warranty. Hope that helps...

At 10:00 AM, Blogger efsaturn said...

T-shirts Yes, at least 2. Not black. Black=negative. Since time is of the essence, more than cyclone I think would be appropriate.

Short and simple. Join Us--Be Part of the Solution is good. with web address.

I can't believe I am still shocked daily by what comes out of Booshco. The post from Andrew that Bush didn't really mean it literally to reduce our dependence on oil.

Why am I still surprised?

He also resorted to fear monger tactics by saying that American families will face a MASSIVE tax increase if the tax intiatives he supported are not renewed. Give me a break! Every heard of taxing businesses and not the American family?

Bush and all his coherts should be sent to an outsourced torture jail and all the "paperwork" burned.

At 10:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Now, when I think of protecting our borders, I immediately think of illegals crossing the border and either stealing jobs"

That's pretty damn sad.

Read this:

At 11:08 AM, Blogger efsaturn said...

Attacking Iran and just prolonging this mess and useless killing of innocents whose crime is being born in the wrong country.

I just don't want to be part of this country any more. But really there is no where to hide.

Can I escape from this society within its boundaries? And how. I have debt. I am stuck unless I break away and become anonymous never to return. What options.

This gov't is a sham. They and the corp have succeeded we will buy whatever they sell and was buying, boy was I buying it all. Hook, line and sinker.

I just don't want to participate in this scam anymore. I don't want to pay taxes to fund killing.

It is really really frustrating.
I thought it was a joke that God had told Bush to attack. I didn't know it was true, but it is. God does not advocate war. This guy is a complete lunatic. And all puppets must be unless they are being blackmailed by GW is definitely a lunatic. And taking him out will not do us any good.

I'm preparing for the economy crash, but the tight knit community is the part that is lacking. I'm in the suburbs and everyone I know is spread all over the suburbs. My faith will be in the good nature of humanity after the major starve off (if I make it through that).

I think disappearing and just not associating with this government might actually be the cheapest and the easiest. But maybe not. Buying some land in an isolated area is all well and good, but I don't think I can fund that right now. Or just stay here and suck it up and keep reading the truth and try to pass it on. It seems futile. We are busy people. We like our comfortable homes and comfortable lives. Was it really our fault? Even the smartest and educated think they are keeping up on current affairs by reading their local newspaper (if such a thing is still around) and by watching the news on tv. They've heard that the media is owned by the right, but they think that is just an exageration. They've heard that Bush lied, but like my US Navy brother told me. "Sadam was not a lie, when I was in high school and learning about the holocaust, I asked the teacher 'why no one did anything' and she said, 'no one believed it'

Funny his story in support of Bush (which he told me a few years back) is exactly what is happening now but with 9/11 and all the atocities of Bush. And the future atrocities.

It is just sickening. The only way he can live with himself is that he must actually believe God told him these things.

Greedy greedy bastards. But namecalling just isn't cutting it anymore.

At 11:11 AM, Blogger efsaturn said...

sorry about not proofreading. Hopefully you can make out the meaning.

At 12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Indeed, when you become aware of all that is and has taken place within our society and government, falling into despair and helplessness is an option. You indicate that you feel trapped and unable to make significant changes in your life to disconnect from the larger society. Not so. It entirely depends on what you are willing to give up.

For instance, I have an obsolete and long out of print book titled “Possum Living” that is one woman’s experience on how to disconnect and live with little or no money at all over an extended period of time. There are several publications from a Seattle based anarchist group that talk about how to do it in an urban setting. You might find them interesting at the least. We have been in communication with this group on a sporadic basis for a couple of years now. We find them fascinating and their publications to be delightful. It appears to be mostly a group of women by the way.

My opinion from experience is that you will never get a tight knit group of mutual support in a suburban setting. If that is what you want, then you are going to have to find a way to leave. My wife and I felt, three years ago, there was good reason to suspect that there were going to be some very large and devastating repercussions in our society from the directions that were being pursued by the government and bureaucracy. We sold our McHouse in Tahoe and retreated to Oregon. Got completely out of long term debt and are setting up for personal and hopefully community survivability. We are a long way from anything called wealthy. In fact, money to do the set up is always a problem and planning for a nebulous unpredictable future is a constant source of bewilderment and frustration. You can only do the best you know how with the resources you have available.

You ask, is it really our fault? Well, yes it is in the end analysis. Once more I assert, we got exactly what we thought we wanted, only now it isn’t so sweat a picture. The personal value systems that permeate our society’s majority have gotten us to where we are. That is what makes a consensual democracy so much of a danger. The majority can think and behave like asses and the minority has to go along with it. Again I assert, you have to have a major shift in consciousness of a pretty high majority of a society to make a shift in policy, life style, economics and anything else that affect our personal lives. Politically, there is little sense, in my view, to proclaiming allegiance to any political party. When the manipulations of thought, corruption and cronyism are tolerated in the name of expediency by the citizens, you get what we got, and it has been coming for 200 years. You cannot expect a government that is formed by elites to follow any agenda, for a prolonged period, other than their own. Every program, law and policy devised by any one in the government, despite its appearance of benign benefit to the population, ends up distorted, unfair, unjust, manipulative and above all greedy, despite its intended purpose and short term benefits. The crises coming at us in several guises may just give the survivors a chance to rethink how to reform and regroup. I fear that no significant changes will be made. But I can hope.

At 12:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cripes, I thought I had edited the previous post but still missed some spelling and didn't post my name. I need to take a nap.

At 12:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Should Illegal Immigrants get residency OR work permits?? (In the USA)

This is a controversial Issue, I'm getting a masters degree on the US, I'm from Spain however I have find the Issue of illegal immigration very interesting...

I recently hear in the news that they plan to make an immigration reform to give work permits to immigrants like in the 1986, so what is your opinion??

I think they should give them the work permits, lets be realistic.. You can't deport 20 MILLION PEOPLE is impossible!!! And It could be very beneficial to the economy, if you give the diver licenses the streets would be more secure since they will take the test and have the skills, they will never stop driving even without a license and that can be dangerous because they lack the skills...also just imagine 75% of these people will buy airplane tickets to visit their home countries and they will buy NEW CARS since they only get used cars because they know they have the risk of lose them if the police catch them without license, they will also buy houses....this will help a lot to the economy!!!

Worried about Job shortages???? BULL****!!!! 95% of emigrants don't have educations and they can't get a job that pays them more than $ 9 dollars an hour!!! And the rest 5% the educated ones can't get better jobs because they don't have SSN so don't worry IF YOU WANT MONEY GO TO COLLEGE!!! Unless you want to be a loser who will work all his life at McDonalds...and actually the USA need more College and University graduates, in California for example the number of jobs for graduates will increase in 39% by 2025 but the number of graduates will increase by 32% only so there will be a shortage. So if they get work permits their sons will have more opportunity for education and maybe can cover that Job shortage

Want to know why Germany and Japan's economies aren’t growing??? because their populations need more young people, and emigration is helping America to not have the same fate!!!

Similar stuff is happen in Spain whit north African emigrants, well I don't want to sound sadistic, but immigrants always work at the jobs we don't want like at fast food restaurants, constructions etc same here same in Spain.

Comment 1:
I don't know how many people actually abide by the statement "Immigrants steal jobs," but no sensible, mature, educated person actually does. Basically, there's going to be competition for jobs out there no matter what. I believe I can do my job better then anyone out there, illegal immigrant or not.

Comment 2:
I'm not sure how it is in the rest of the states, but here California everyone pays between 9% to 15% from every paycheck of their salaries in taxes.... including both legal and illegal emigrants and because they are illegal, they don't have access to state services like healthcare... so they are paying taxes for services they will never use, so keep in mind "they are not using your taxes. Dude!!! They are paying taxes and never get benefits from it!!"
Gang members should be deported of course!!! But hard working people deserve an opportunity! While some economies like Mexico have getting better, some such as Argentina and Central America have getting worse!!! So lately not only poor people have migrated but middle-class too!! And those middle class workers have more skills as lawyers, business administrators etc, but they can't get better jobs because the don't have a SSN, and as some people need to know the country is having a shortage of skilled workers, and those middle class emigrants could be useful for America; for those new kind of emigrants is a harder experience that for the usual poor emigrants, they are people like you and me who is used to a better lifestyle.

Comment 3:
I'm a legal immigrant, and believe me, is not easy to come to the states, we were Lucky since my father was a congressman back in my country, it is easier to come here is your family is involved in politics, otherwise is hard...

I was lucky but others weren't... I guess all of them come here for a better life otherwise there have never come here I think there will always be illegal immigration to the US and Canada as long as they pay you here in 1 hour what they pay you there in 1 day so the average Mexican, Peruvian or other Latino who was very poor living in farms feel really great.... now that goes for "poor people", but in recent years not only poor people are emigrating but also Middle class people who lost their jobs or have problems...specially central Americans and Argentineans since their economies are really bad right now!! They have higher levels of education and all of them know English.

I give you one example, I meet some Argentines; they tell me they came here illegally since they can't afford their education since their families loose their jobs, and for a middle or high class Latino, education is like a badge of honor, so one must do everything to achieve it to have better paying jobs in your future, and the economic crisis in Argentina was BRUTAL all of a sudden the argentine PESO went don 350% THAT IS LIKE IF YOUR PAYCHECK THIS WEEK BECOME A 1/3 OF WHAT IT WAS THE WEEK BEFORE!!!..These kind of emigrant is more educated and can archive more, they can help prevent the lack of university graduates the country is facing... the way they act is different than that of the poor emigrants from little farm towns, they even prefer to hang out white American natives or educated immigrants that the other emigrants from little farm tows...since I am a emigrant even that I'm here legally, I can't oppose other emigrants but I think that the ones that prove that they can become useful for the American society deserve an opportunity.

At 2:03 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...


The military does have multifuel engines that run on anything you can dump in them! AND THEY'RE FOR SALE CHEAP!!!!! Google "Military Surplus" and you'll find PLENTY of old trucks and multifuel engines. I've heard you can even buy the engines brand new on skids ready to turn whatever you can bolt to the flywheel!

At 2:11 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...


Gimme two shirts! Extra large! Tell me where to send the money! Black's good! I like black! Hides blood! Can't see it in the dark!

At 5:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonomous from Spain,

I am not quite sure why or how you can make the assumption that you have America all scoped out and have a very good idea of its economics and are able to make recommendations on so short a period of having been here.

I find some of your assumptions to be rather shaky to inaccurate.

I also know people who have immigrated here legally from various points in South America. Fine people, at least the ones I have become acquainted with. Many have been here a number of years and they still don't have a feel for this culture or its government or it's economics.

Your statements concerning illegal immagrants and driving is stunning. You are telling us that they ignore our laws, many refuse to learn the language and we still should give them a liscense to drive? Our own citizens are put in jail if they are caught driving without licenses. So we should say that because someone enters our country illegally we should just ignore the law and give them license? Horse shit!!!

And, fellow, I think you need to study our unemployment situation a bit more. Don't take just government figures at face value either. They are inaccurate as hell.

And don't tell me that we physically can't deport 20 million people. It would take man power to do so, but it can be done.

And what is this shit about not getting any social services for the tax money they pay. Bub, I think you better do some more study. It ain't true at all. I have personal experience in this one.

Secondly, on a 40 week, $9 per hour is a tad over $18,000 per year. Believe me, that is not good living. Figure after taxes, you take home about $270-$280 per week. That translates to at bit over $1080 per month. Have you looked at what it costs to rent an apartment in most communities? Then you have all the rest of the costs to live, and I am not talking about money to spend on luxuries. It may be better here than back home, but man, that is skinny living up here. I've done it enough years to know what it's like.

So your daddy's into politics huh? Bet he sends you money for going to school too. Just try to live and go to school on $9 or even more per hour. I got a feeling you ain't up to that. It is goddamned hard!! Been there and done that too. Since your daddys in politics, that makes him part of the elite. I got a feeling you have never wanted for much in your life. Just what is your acquaintance and relationship with the unwashed masses? And, you sure as hell ain't going to have enough left over from even $10-$11 per hour to buy a new $30,000 car and not too many airline tickets to visit back home either.

You are evidently unaware how many college graduates, even with advanced degrees can't get work. In a service economy such as ours, not much in jobs for the technically trained, there are some of course, but without an industrial base, the amount goes way down.

I will take a guess, may be wrong. You are getting a degree in economics, right? or business management?

I agree there is a push to ignore illegal immagration, but not for the reason you give. The wealthy in this country need the low wage earners to wipe their silly asses for them and to manicure their lawns and serve them meals. With the aging population, we also have to keep the work force up enough to prop up the social security system that has been depleated by the aggressive wars our fearless leaders have been propagating. Otherwise, the government is going to have a shit load of pissed off seniors, and they get ugly when pushed too far.

So, I think you had better come up with some honest to god facts, not made up numbers from the government to support your stuff.

At 8:05 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

Anonymous from Spain,

I think, if I'm reading what you wrote correctly, that you just proved the point that I was trying to make. Admittedly, I did not do a very good job of making it. Boosh no longer distinguishes between illegal immigrants and legal immigrants. We've got 20 million illegals? Well, make them legal, that's the answer. Wrong.

First, they can be deported. Second, we've got PHD's here who can't make $9 per hour. Third, California in 2025 needing more workers? California probably won't be here in 2025, and if it is, it damn sure won't be the California you see today.

We (our government) are trying to eliminate people, not gain numbers. We can't support the ones who are already here, and I'm talking about me, you, and everybody else, legal, illegal, I don't care who. We are bankrupt, and us regular folk are merely in the way of the super rich who need to get on with their business.

What I was really talking about was the hypocrisy of the "war on terror," and like I admitted I did not do a good job of it. We sell and buy fear, while at the same time not knowing who is in this country, who is coming, or who is going. I am not judging immigrants. I for one, have no idea why anyone would want to come here except to blow this place up, because the party is over. For all of us. If you have bought the "American Dream," I apologize, but you just bought the fantasy of a madman.

I knew better than to mention that subject, but Boosh did so I did. I in no way intended to offend any immigrant, legal, illegal or otherwise. After all, we are all immigrants. If I did, I apologize.


At 12:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Spanish Legal Immigrant Guy,
Welcome to America. I've got nothing against you, except that you seem to be as ignorant of the problem as the rest of our compadres. My dad came here through Ellis Island from Sicily. Grandpa was from Sweden. OK, we're all immigrants, except the American Indians. That doesn't change a thing.
"The immigrants don't have SS numbers and don't collect welfare and other benefits.." Are you on CRACK? I used to work in the Office of Family Support (until I couldn't stand to do it anymore). We had pages and pages of clients WHO ALL HAD THE SAME SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER and it was against the rules to challenge any of them. They would file for ADC and claim that they didn't who the father of their children were. So, they'd say maybe it was him or him or him... It cost the state $750 for each DNA test and each woman named about 12 possible fathers. Meanwhile men on death row were incarcerated and there were no funds to give THEM a DNA test to prove their innocence.
I could go on and on. The illegle parents work hard at difficult jobs. It's a form of outsourcing - only here at home. A "service" economy means most of us become servants. In a tourist town, where I used to live, the corportate owned hotels and casinos hire illegal aliens, exploit the shit out of them. But, they are masters of getting welfare and medical benefits and on and on. To the extent that all the public contact jobs have to be given to bi-lingual (read that Mexican) people. The schools have to have ESL departments and hire bi-lingual teachers. Forget the funds for the gifted kids - it's gone. In my town, now the City job, the State jobs, the school and college jobs all go to the offspring of the illegal aliens. The women's centers don't have support groups for women who speak English. You can't find a bus schedule in English. The American kids can't get jobs - they move or join the military or get a loan that they won't be able to pay back to go to school. Then their jobs get outsourced to India or China or whatever. My kid has been outsourced all his life.
But, now that you are a citizen, you'll find yourself just as fucked as the rest of us. So, once again,"Welcome to the USA."

At 7:41 AM, Blogger Reality said...

Mr. Spain,

I'm not from your area, but have been through there quite a bit. If you could tell me what region you live in in CA I can give you a list of places to go and see what these people can look forward to when they get to stay.

I have a feeling that you have never seen the hell that they are put through for MUCH less than 9.00 an hour.

I would also point out that the only reason our "moral" corporations like illegal immigrants is the fact that they can't complain about illegally low wages or, more important, less than humane working conditions.

Send me a reply, I'll give you a few resources for your research.

At 7:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cyclone i'll take a tee shirt, black is a fine color for me , it is a grounding color . wish cindy would run for president, by the way folks i don't have a tv so did not see or hear the speech but sounds like the same crap different day. let us know how to obtain the shirt. thanks again for the info really appreciate your blog. aho
montana freeman

At 8:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cyclone ,
will take a tee shirt ,black is very good it is a grounding color and feels
good to wear. i think some thing on it that makes a point or attracks curiosity would be good ,i have thought about this and have mentioned it to my brother who did silk screen back in the sixties and have always wondered why this medium has been so underated. anyway this is a really good idea and a uniting factor of brother sister hood, waiting to hear from you ,best of luck on this let us know how to go about this idea.
aho montana freeman

At 9:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just had some shirts made up at Cafepress. Check it out. Second post down is a link.

At 9:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is Anonymous from Spain:
This goes out to all who commented negatively about immigrants. You people apparently like to stereotype. Not all Hispanic women get pregnant and don’t know whom the fathers are (this goes out to you Freeacre). This is seen as being very shameful in Hispanic culture, which you apparently know nothing about. You also comment that your son cannot get a job, because of the sons and daughters of immigrants. It’s not their fault that they a more qualified to get jobs than some of other kids out there. The offspring of immigrants born here are Americans, including my son. If they work harder in school than other kids and gets better jobs, is not a bad thing. You are going to see competition no matter where you live. I see a lot of kids out that are white, black, Hispanic, etc. that prefer to hang out and party, than to perform well in school, than they whine about not being able to get a good job. Many of the immigrant families that I’m friends with, where doctors, lawyers or had other good professions in their country, but unfortunately their economies are much worse than ours, so they are forced to come here so their children are able to study hard while going to school to someday become professionals. The fact that a lot of these kids are performing better in school than your own sons and daughters is not their fault. The more educated immigrants do want citizenship in this country and pay thousands upon thousands of dollars to be able to accomplish that. This is a country of immigrants, which was not even ours in the beginning. Large parts of the US belonged to Mexico and Spain, but through wars the land was taken away from these countries. Now you beat your chest and say. This is MY COUNTRY. When it originally belonged to the American Indians and Mexicans. Arizona, California, New Mexico, Texas, and parts of Colorado, Nevada and Utah were originally controlled by Mexico and the rest of the country originally belonged to the American Indians. The way things are playing out in this country, some day this country may not even belong to us anymore, so don’t get too attached to it.

At 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous from Spain,

I cannot beliefe your last post. Not only is it redundant, but again you make assumptions that have no bearing on reality.

First off, since Spanish speaking people are the largest amount of immigrants here, and a sizable percentage are unskilled, uneducated and illegally here does not imply sterotyping. All that mysel and freeacre stated with direct experience is true, it is not made up.

I know that there are many immigrants that have skills and education, some professionals. I personally know some of them. I also understand why they came here, since they answered my questions about conditions in their home country. None of us deny that those conditions can be pretty bad. Hell, some of us at this site would like to immigrate outside of this country too, because we see really bad stuff coming to this country.

Our undergraduate educational systems in this country are generally dismal. Most of the universities are not a whole bunch better. No wonder anyone with any ambition at all can do well in them. The standards in the American education is generally so low (despite what the government says) that the students know little or nothing of an academic nature. This is not to say that is 100% true, but very much a norm all over the country.

I know that the Asian imigrants also do well in our schools. Cripes, they are very much used to a whole different outlook on education itself.

You never did talk to me about what your degree will be in when you graduate. If it is in a technical trade, jobs are going to be hard to find in this country. Let me tell you, I have 3 degrees. One in technology, one in math and one in general educ. Since I graduated, I haven't been able to get full time work in any of these areas. I have friends with masters and doctorates that are having a terrible time finding any work at all. Way over qualified for 70% of jobs available, and are one of thousands applying for the rest.

I know Freeacres kid. In his 20's. Not a party animal. Bad selection of examples on your part.

I think you, frankly, are completely unaware of the social, political and economic situation in this country.
And that is not to imply there aren't some very good things going on, and have gone on, and will go on in America. However, the overriding situation is not good, and a vast input of imigrants here is not going to make it better, only worse. Your kids are gonna get outsourced too. May take a while, but it is coming.

Get over your arrogant stance. Doesn't become a thoughful person.

At 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Here is something to read if you don't already have enough as it is.

Oh hows those Tees coming long?


At 3:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous from Spain,
I am willing to continue talking about this imigration thing if you desire it. We both just might learn something useful. After reviewing the previous posts, I think we may have a problem with language, a problem with key definitions. So, to start things off, I am going to propose a definition of Stereotyp. Stereotyping is taking any general grouping of anything ( people animals etc) and attaching a particular characteristic to each individual part of that grouping. Example, take the grouping of the bird crow. When I say all crows are black, that is stereotyping crows. It may or may not be true. If I say all black people (the grouping) are thieves, I am stereotyping. It may or may not be true. To assert that either of the above statements are true, I would then be obligated to prove such. Then, it would be necessary for us to agree on what constituted a proof.

The biggest problem with using sterotyping is that it is most always impossible to prove the assertion, either positive or negtive because it falls in the realm of induction.

Do you agree with the above statements?

At 10:24 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...

Alright, Anonymous from Spain, Freeacre, and Murph, dig this!

As one of those "American Indians" That the country got stolen from I believe I have the right to speak on this imigration thing!

First off, I believe that imigrants should be welcomed into the United States! However I also believe that imigrants should at least have the respect to learn to speak English and abide by our laws! I realise English is a damned dificult lagusge to learn! (Pare a pear with a pair of scissors) (Two brothers went to the store. Their sister went too. They're there now with their sister) Shit like to, two, and too just doesn't happen in Spanish! In English it does all the time!

As far as $9.00 an hour goes, I make $8.00! I'm not going to say life's a bowl of cherries, but you can make it if you're slick! I work on the side fixing infernal combustion engines, cutting firewood, and doing a little gardening. It ain't easy but it's doable! Living in a little town like Saluda, North Carolina helps. I pay $564.00 a month for mortgage, but my son get SSI, so it isn't too awfull bad. Life's what you make of it, no matter where you're at.

I'ld say respect is the key issue here. Stereotyping aside (I've never seen a crow that wasn't black!) A little mutual respect on everybodie's part would make life a lot better for us all. I remember a time in America, when your neighbors barn burned down, you helped him build another! I know people who don't even KNOW their neighbors! There's no sense of tribe in America any more, and that's what will take us down if we don't learn to see the world with eyes other than our own!

At 12:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Good point. There are actually a very few albino crows. Yes, this country was stolen and then we committed virtual genocide on the remainder. Same thing happened in South America and Central America. Europeans have not a good history of getting along.

Your right, English is not a particularly easy language to learn, although not as bad as Mandrin or Bunto.

Yeh man, making that kind of money is rough, and the prices just keep going up. I currently am on less than 10K per year. It is hard to just provide the necessities, I've been there too.

Your comment on there being no sense of tribe anymore is dead on. Depending on the area and/or community you are in, there can be the type of cooporation and helpfulness you speak of. I doubt you will find any of that in the suburbs and in most metropolitan areas. Only the working class neighborhoods are going to see it.

My quaral with Spanish Anonymous I suspected was over meaning of words. That is why I am attempting to change the color of the conversation. I have a tendency to bristle at being accused of something I am not. And, I get a tad testy over people having tunnel vision about what is happening around them. And, yes, we have stopped loking at the earth as a provider of life and instead view it as an expendable form of exploitation.

Thanks for the post Stoney.

At 7:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks stoney
montana freeman


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