Thursday, January 26, 2006

Spreading Democracy Around the World: Be Careful What You Ask For

As Boosh continues to "spread democracy around the world," I can't help but reflect on the victory of Hamas (the Islamic Resistance Movement) during the Palestinian elections. Sure, we want to spread democracy, but that is not exactly what we had in mind. Boosh has already decided that we won't have anything to do with the newly elected leaders. It took about 3 hours for that announcement to be made. They are terrorists, after all. Aren't they? But wait. Isn't this what we have called for? Democratic elections across the Globe? Could the truth be different than what passes from the putrid lips of the Commander in Chief? Surely not. How confusing!

The Upset

George Boosh is a dumbass. Plain and simple. I am not at all surprised that Hamas enjoyed more Palestinian election victory parties than anyone else. In fact, I would have been shocked had they not. This possibility apparently never crossed the mind of the Dimwit in Charge, however. In his twisted little mind, no one, he thought, could possibly grant power to our arch enemy, the terrorists.

Here are the numbers:

Hamas---76 seats

Fatah---43 seats

The remaining 13 seats were divided among independents and smaller parties.

How It Happened
In the down and dirty world of politics, the ones that take care of the people they represent the best should win, usually do win in places other than the USA, and that is exactly what happened in Palestine. While Fatah (the Palestinian Authority) was busy appeasing Israel and Booshco, Hamas was taking care of the Palestinian people. Doing things like sending them to school, paying them money during their times of need, such as after the death of loved ones, doing the little things that people remember. The things that we used to do for our citizens in America. Before we lost our way, and decided that taking over the world was more important than caring for our own people. Hamas was not kowtowing to the Great Satan.

This is something that Boosh should pay attention to and learn from. Maybe even re-think his position on, if that is possible. This is 2 elections in a row that have shocked him. (I won't even count Afghanistan against him, where it looks like the Taliban are regaining control. I won't count it because, for all practical purposes, we have abandoned the Afghan people after blowing their country to hell and back.) First, in Iraq, where the Boosh hand picked leader was soundly defeated, now in Palestine, where Hamas has siezed control. Boosh believes that God leads him to do what he does, has led him on this mission to "bring democracy to the world." Well, he had better learn something and learn it quick. The countries that he has chosen to "bring Democracy to" follow a different God than he does. Who's to say that they aren't doing exactly what their God, Allah, tells them to? Vote for who Allah wants in power? Sounds plausible to me.

Where Do We Go From Here

We are kind of in a jam now, wouldn't you say? We spend the last few years spewing that it should be up to the people to have a government for the people, by the people, a democratic government like we allegedly have here in America. Now, the people of Iraq and Palestine have spoken, and we don't like what they said.

The Palestinian vote pretty much ends the "roadmap to peace" that we invented for them and the Israeli's. Hamas has made it clear for a long time that they will not disarm, and will not give up the dream of controlling the land that they believe is rightfully their's. The Israeli's are certainly not going to bend by entering into talks with Hamas, so it looks like a stalemate. Or the beginnings of WW III, take your pick.

Boosh again stuck his nose where it doesn't belong, and the result is the "peace process" has taken several steps backward. Back to a time when Israel was dealing with suicide bombings on a nearly daily basis. We are soon to find out that Israel is not the friend that we thought they were, mark my words on that one. They, like the rest of the world, have bought the last "used car" that they will buy from us. We are out of friends and allies, pure and simple. We stand alone, but won't stand for long.

We do not want to spread democracy, we want to shove leaders down the throats of other countries, leaders that will help us fulfill the dreams of a madman. It is another smokescreen, just like our economy and our superpower strength. A fantasy. Like everything else Boosh touches, this "democracy project" appears to be failing as well. I can't wait to see where we decide to hold the next election.



At 9:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cyclone, I cought Bush on TV tonight talking about the Palistinian election. He sure stuttered and paused a lot. It was so gratifying to hear him extoll the benifits of free elections and that we have to respect what was chosen. Geez!!

At 10:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cyclone: Ya must be improved--I hope a lot improved. Good to see ya up and around--so to speak.

The following link is an article by Doug Thompson in a somewhat similar vein as your "Spreading Dem.... ..You ask For." Thompson pretty much goes for the jugular in this outline of the "idiot-child-in-charge". It will be interesting to see if it causes him (Thompson) trouble.

An American Hitler and his Gestapo
Publisher, Capitol Hill Blue
Jan 23, 2006, 09:15

At 5:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What are the chances for a military intervention in Bolivia? After all, Chavez happens to be elected democratically, too, but veers to the left, is a friend to Castro, and Bolivia sits on huge oilfields (contrary to the poor Palestinians)?
Now the Pentagon gets all agitated over the purchase of ten transport planes and two maritime surveillance planes by Bolivia from Spain, saying this would destabilize the region, is a massive overspending on military hardware, an illegitamte military buildup, etc... (i.e.Click)
Do they rig up some pre-action propaganda for an intervention?
This is, from my POV, a sure sign for another upcoming US-treat to the world.

At 6:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw an article yesterday about some of Clinton's cabinent criticizing the current state of the military, saying that we are spread to thin.

Maddie Albright said "we couldn't even send troops to help secure elections in Haiti."

Sorry, but WTF? Let the Haitians secure their own damn elections. Let the Koreans man their own damn DMZ. Let the Iraqis fight their own damn civil war. I have been to a couple of these places as a US serviceman. They don't want us there.

The time is overdue for us to mind our own goddamn business. The state of our military is fine. Bring those kids home. Let them defend Our country, and let Shafiq defend his.

I'm so sick and tired of all these worthless wastes of air in DC making horrible decisions. They all need to go, every last one of them. Democrat, Republican, makes no difference, it's time to start over.

What can we do to get these people out of office? Shouldn't the citizens have some sort of process/safeguard when the whole thing has gone to shit?

At 7:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be of good cheer, Bone! In today's New York Times there is a full page ad to Impeach Bush. Hopefully, the movement will gain strength. Hopefully, there will be people in the streets soon, like on Jan. 31, the day of the State of the Union Address and March 8, International Women's Day, when women are going to present a petition to end the war in Iraq.
Personally, I plan to vote Libertarian or Green or anything that is not a Republican or Democrat next time around. And, I write Dean and tell him if he really wants to end corruption in government, to start with term limits and not giving congress benefits that the majority of citizens don't get. Why do we persist in creating an overclass to rule us? It's nuts.
And the election in Palestine...ya gotta love it. Reminds me of when the wall fell in Germany and the CIA never saw it coming.

At 7:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


We do have the method of removing them. Impeachment, vote them out, revolution, and when some people get mad enough, they assassinate, or at least try to.

Voting them all out is probably futile to talk about it. Too many voters, (not necessarily a majority)like it the way it is. And, after the last couple of elections, might not make any difference how the majority felt.

And, consider this, just who would you vote for? Who runs for office? Who likes the job? Do you really want to vote for someone that likes to have power over you? How to answer these questions is one of the glaring faults in how our government was set up. You throw the current bums out and elect another set of bums. The very few actually ethical, honest people with integrity that get elected are ineffectual. There is the money thing to get elected also. Just think about what you would have to do to raise the money sufficient to run. Ethical compromises from the git go.

If we had the time left in which to change the government, and you could possibly get a majority of the citizens to consider it, I would be all for it. We don’t. So sit back, gnash your teeth a bit and get ready for the crash. Hopefully the people that come after us will have the smarts to establish a government that truly means something for the long haul, A government that has major concerns other than the perpetuating the privileges of the elite, the money people. Until the population of a society stops granting special privileges of the wealthy, you are going to end up the same way, abuse of power. Abuse of power was rampart in our government from the very beginning. I know you don’t learn that in the history books put into our rather despicable education system, but it is true. Keep in mind who gets to say what goes into those books throughout history.

If you want different outcomes, you have to do it different. We can look at the results of all sorts of political systems. Most of them as an idea would work just fine. It is the abuse of power, the manipulation, the corruption that makes them all fail. And those faults can be directly attributed to people admiring, bowing to, giving power to those with money. How about you bone? How much do you admire the Bill Gates, and the Melons, and the Rockefellers of this world? In your own community, how much granting of authority do you give those with land and money, because of the money, not because they are either wise, honest or have integrity.

This has been a problem throughout history. CHANGE THE THINKING BEFORE YOU CHANGE THE PEOPLE THAT GOVERN.

At 8:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol...excuse us while my cantakerous husband, Murph, and I argue amongst ourselves...

At 8:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cantakerous indeed? Oh my. Entirely logical, perhaps. lol

At 8:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess my problem is that I am still fairly young, so I feel the need to take action, when sometimes the best course is inaction.

I agree with you on alot of these things. I want nothing to do with anyone who wants to govern. Power attracts the corruptable. Absolute power attracts the absolutely corrupt.

If I could live without money, I would make a huge bonfire of all the cash I have and toast marshmallows. However, that is not the reality I currently inhabit. I would love to be on a little plot somewhere growing veggies, and hunting for meat. If that is my future, I welcome it with open arms. I just worry about the distance between my current house and that little plot where I can grow veggies in peace. I fear that road has landmines and barbwire on it, and I don't have a map.

I am young enough to be drafted. I have already served my country, and have seen the state of affairs first hand. I have spoken to people who were once our enemies, and to people who live in countries occupied by US forces. There should be no doubt in your mind that in the movie that is our reality right now, we are the enemy. We live in the "Evil Empire."

At 9:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It appears the link from comment # 2 by anon is screwed--I'm trying it again--

http://www.capitolhillblue. com/artman/publish/article_8038.shtml

Close the space between . and com

At 9:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A clear and present danger to America
Publisher, Capitol Hill Blue
Jan 27, 2006, 05:11

The following para is excerpted from todays article by Doug Thompson--the para states what I have believed from at least early 2003!

"I believe with all my soul that George W. Bush and the Republicans who rubber-stamp his actions represent a clear and present danger to the peace and security of the United States and all must be removed from office immediately if this nation is to survive."

In other words--it is over, it really is! cause the likelyhood of the looney being excised is slim to none.

http://www.capitolhillblue. com/artman/publish/article_8065.shtml

Close the space between . and com

At 10:01 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...

Speaking of Doug Thompson; Has anyone heard he's now on the "No Fly" list?! I guess that's the new punishment for Liberals!

Great piece, Cyclone! Bush on TV is the new "Reality series"! Ther'es no telling what this gomer's going to say next! I wish that malfunctioning camera had been highly polished! Maybee it would have hypnotized him and we would have got the truth out of him for a change! Not fucking likely though! You don't get champane from a septic tank!

At 10:06 AM, Blogger efsaturn said...


One thing that has come out of all these discussions of late is sort of a feeling that I do want this crash to come, for the system to implode..for selfish reasons, to live a simplier life. So I realized that I need to set a plan in action to do that now within this crazy screwed up system regardless of what the future holds.

So now to devise a plan to work within the current system and my plan for a serious economy crash.

Work for a non profit? Work for myself making something/doing something to benefit society. I don't know yet. Get off the power grid, grow my own food. Consume less.

A site I saw yesterday said that with these 5 foods you could get everything your body needs--alfalfa, barley, carrots, soybeans, sunflower seed and of course water.

It is unbelievable the amount of corruption and back scratching that has been going on in this country. Corporations are a huge problem with all the grease in the world to get what they want. That is why hemp is not allowed in to be grown here (I think SD now allows it). I believe the early tabacco companies wiped them out. That is why LA does not have a train system. Goodyear tire wiped them out. I'm sure this is just the tip of the iceberg. Then the military imperilism of our country is sickening! But until recently my eyes were not open to most of this stuff. I was one of the brainwashed believing what they wanted me too.

At 10:20 AM, Blogger efsaturn said...

No fly list!

I was fairly convinced that 9/11 was our gov't's doing and the other day after seeing that in 2005 Mrs. Olsen (senator's wife that called from one of the planes) was arrested at Poland/German border (( I hope that is her name, can't remember somewhere on Anyway, now I believe 9/11 was planned and our gov't was in on it.

So the whole no fly list is just a way to keep an on US. The citizens. It is an outrage!

At 10:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I can't wait to see where we decide to hold the next election."

Maybe if we're lucky, it will be in the United States...

At 10:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I was a bit amused at your alluding to building a bonfire of your money. I’ve never had enough to do more than use it for fire starter, at least unless I was satisfied by maybe one marshmallow.

Being of draft age is going to be a real problem with those that resist fighting for an empires desire for world dominance. Keep in mind that we have agreements with neighboring countries that will send back draft age people trying to evade. It’s a no win, no win situation.

Money by itself is not evil, or bad in any way. It is like a lot of things we have. It is how it is used and how it is perceived. That is why I oppose the anti-gun people vehemently.

As for subsistence livng off the land. I have been there, done that. Let me tell you a bit about trying it. Fourteen to fifteen hours a day just to survive. This is no longer a land of milk and honey. Very few areas left that would come close to supporting it. And, those areas that might, (having a lot of game to kill), are going to be decimated quickly. Every nut case out there from the city and the country with a rifle is going to be playing Daniel Boone, or Mountain man. It will take years for the herds of larger game animals to come back. Keep in mind what happened to the plains Indians when the Europeans went in and killed all the game, principally the buffalo.

Which brings me to what I have maintained from the beginning. Find a small close knit community as far from population centers and you can get, get integrated, help get community organization going to try and insure survival. That is what we are doing anyway. I, in all honesty, cannot think of a more viable solution, and that one isn’t even 90% certain.

At 2:02 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


Being young can be an advantage in situations like this. As for the upcoming draft (if we make it that long) anyone between 17-50 will likely be included this time. Were I you, I would seriously begin searching for that little piece of land way out in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by about 50-200 well armed mates of like thinking. That's how one will survive this mess, if at all.


At 2:07 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


I'm not even going in to your voting Green or whatever, you should know how I feel about that. But, go ahead, it makes no difference now. I guess since the outcome has already been determined, we may as well have some fun. How about this. Next election, we shut down ALL polling places. No one votes. That way no one has to travel to protest, just show up with a shotgun. Do what they did to the African Americans in Florida, just say the polling place is closed. Enough people, Diebold won't matter. I think I'll do a piece on this. Whatya think?


At 3:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Cyclone, even I would vote Democratic for the Presidential race (just to keep the Republicans out of the office). But, for Congress - hell,no. These are the guys who have allowed the voting process to become so crooked in the first place. These are the ones who are allowing Alito into the Supreme Court. These are the ones who have sold out the working class, backed the bogus "war on drugs," the "war on terror," etc., etc. If we had a Democratic President and a congress with a substantial number of Greens, Libertarians, Independents - at least there would be some voices of dissent. As for the voting booths...darn! Oregon already has a mail-in paper ballot system that I find no fault with. As I already stated, if I had to use a computer with no paper trail, I'd be filling it up with WD 40.
I need help trying to think of some symbolic gesture I can do to register my disdain for the administration around the time of the State of the Union speech. All I can think of is really adolescent, like send a bag of dogshit to the White House. Any good ideas?

At 4:18 PM, Blogger efsaturn said...

I like that. Shut down the polling places.

At 4:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lmao I'm in what else can you do.
I was listenig to the mouth of the pugs, Rush strong jaw just to hear what he had to say at that time. Well he was saying how Cheveron had its best ever 1/4 and made I don't know how many billions and then he mentioned Hal burton having the best ever year since its inception. And he goes on to say and that was at the expense of the middle class. Then my ears started hurt severly, I started getting very nauseated and had to open a window so not to make of mess of the inside of my vehicle. Funny thing I changed the channel and I was back to nomal.

Dimwit has 58% disapproval, now that speaks volumes.


At 5:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone else noticed that Bushes delivery in speeches and question and answer sesions is different? I just caught tonight the CBS interview with Bush. His deliver sounds different to me, as if he is never quite sure what to say, stutters a lot, long pauses. Hmmmm, Drinking problem? Smoking pot? Alzheimer's?

At 7:53 PM, Blogger qrswave said...

murph, I'd say all of the above.

And I agree that forging a close knit community offers the only chance for survival. Besides, that's the way real people are supposed to live.

Individual consumerism is for pigs, sheep, and cattle; and even they have a sense of community that today many Americans lack.

Cyclone, great post! glad to see that you're good as new!

At 5:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

George Bush's decisions on Middle East/Oil only makes sense if he is controlled by Isreal or his royalty is towards Isreal instead of USA. That is why his decisions are always pro isreal and against the interest of America and against the interest of the rich people of America. The rich people of America (Including rich jews such as George Solos) do not seem to be able to overcome the influence of Isreal. Perhaps he is 70% influenced by Isreal and 30% influenced by the rich people, with Isreal higher importance than the rich. I think the rich people of America got him elected as President but George Bush seems to have been strongly influenced by Isreal instead of the rich after he got elected.

At 9:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


In Cyclones previous post, "Wer're Broke" The last reply by Anonymous. If you read this, I want to get some other information from you. If I understood right, you are in Singapore. Please reply back at this posting or where I can identify you.

That was a great post guy.

At 11:20 AM, Blogger Reality said...


He's been all of those right along. Just now he's getting a question that he didn't write. That requires a minimal amount of thought, and he can't answer that kind of question without Cheney's hand up his ass.

Hey, Maybe we should allow him to "phone a friend." That or give him a pretzel.

At 4:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To: Murph

Sorry that I do not wish to identify my self at the moment, for fear of NSA spying (Although it is easy for NSA to track down by ISP IP addresses). My job is IT security consultant and I have CISA and CISSP. But you can always post questions here and I will try to reply within 36 hours(Assuming NSA does not censor the postings). It is now lunar new year period in asia and it make take longer to reply as we are now in holiday from Sat to Tuesday.

At 11:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Singapore,

Glad you replied. Welcome to the U.S. of A spy programs. I understand not identifying yourself.

I gather there is a real problem with drinking water there? Not a problem where I am. So water purification not a concern. I gather you think that having heavy duty calculating devises is important. Why?

I approve of the switch to Linux. I have wanted to and not taken the time. Get away from the Microsoft BS. Linux much more stable and and non integrated software (like Apple) has much fewer problems.

You covered the problem of not having electricity. Amazing how much depends on it. Where I am, is a private co-op from a dam that supplies us. I do not anticipate that being a problem for a while. Eventually, yes.

I checked on the Wonder Washer and I could not find a manual one, all that I found are run by small electric motor.

I find it funny that you would be concerned with games. That is absolutely at the bottom of my list of concerns. I doubt after the crash we would have much time to play games anyway.

I also have medical set up. emergency field work, with tools. I could use more but just haven't sought them out yet.

I had sorta rejected solar power because they don't last all that long. And, it takes a large array to do much and then the batteries and converters for AC.

I have been looking more toward late 1700 and early 1800 technology for inspiration to prepare for. Ty;es of hand tools for all sorts of jobs. Many I have used before. Sadly, there are so few left, they are hard to track down.

I am thinking that a trolley is what we call a wheelbarrow? Yeh, that is almost a necessity.

For washing clothes, A really big pot over an open fire with a hand made plunger works just fine. Making soap is a pain. I have done both of these things. Making the soap is the worst.

Why would you go to solar watches? It would seem that the old style wind up watches would last the longest and be less problem to maintain.

As for fishing. I beg to differ. You do not need a fishing rod or fancy bait to catch fish if you can get to where they are. I and my wife have proved this a lot. You can actually fish with bare hands for riverbank catfish. Called niggling in the U.S.

And to think some day I might want back my German 5 scale log log decilog slide rule. It might just be that it will be a long time to need to do that though. Most log tables in a book will serve along with ability up to 2nd degree equations in algebra. I rather imaging calculus will not be too useful for a while.

You mention a problem you have, security. Where I live, gun ownership is not a problem. In fact, I don't know anyone where I live that does not have guns. We also have license to carry concealed. Easy to get. Very independant people here. Don't much like people telling them how to live.

I agree, probable crash coming after 2006 elections. That is when we expect shit to hit the fan, unless Bush and people decide to be real dumb and get in Iran's face.

At 2:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Singapore is one of the places on earth where water supply will be a problem if it gets cut, in 1942 the Japanese army cut water for 7 days and immediate surrender occurred after 7 days as lack of water. the water is above WHO standards all the time but there is still the constant fear that world war 2 experience of 7 days cut of water will occur. I think the fear is magnify by the government propaganda. I just bought the HP 49G graphic calculator (Built in Tetris and PDA and HP Basic) and slide rule for just in case I need to calculate Netwon's force/Physics on weight constrains/Calculate the maximum period air will last in the bomb shelter given XX people/Calculate the amount of water needed etc....

Wonderwash is

The games are for kids to keep them occupied. Notice I also buy book on how to keep the kids busy. Yes, trolley = wheelbarrow. The problem with security is after the crash occurred, not before. The place I live in is very secure as lots of security guards but after the crash occurred, there will be problem as 0 security guards, who will work for payment that is not able to pay goods nor pay bills?

And for the fear of NSA, my family has access to an Asian American who admits privately he is a spy, he admitted it when he got drunk and says the local govt agrees to it, he flies to Japan and many other countries US military bases many times without passport and has visited many places without passport , going in and out thru US base.

At 2:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way, I did not torture or touch the Asian American guy. I and collegues ask him why he always disappears for days taking emergency leave until we are fed up with this guy and he gives the story that the US embassy called him up to do emergency unplanned flights . He says the supervisor i.e. the boss knows about this, he told upper management when he applied for the job and they say ok.

At 6:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All my solar devices are self contained and have built in solar cell and built in recharging battery. I do not use 100 Watt/50 watt solar cells nor deep cycle rechargeable batteries. The only item that uses external battery is the HP49 G calculator, may be it is too much as a person uses about 0.5 m 3 of air per hour so calculation of hours of air left in bomb shelter should be easy.

At 6:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will consider identify my self if/when I am satisfied that the USA patroit act will not be renewed after Feb 3rd 2006 and NSA no longer has power to illegially spy. I will ask for email address of murph to be given some where so I can contact directly.

At 11:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Singapore,

Whether or not the Patriot Act is renewed is not relevant. Our government is laden with people that for various reasons, feel that domestic and foreign spying on communications is necessary. Bush declares he has the authority to do it with or without the Patriot Act. Being paranoid is a very safe and good assumption at this time.

Finally found the manual Wonder Washer. I didn’t look in the right place before.

I gather that you intend to stay in Singapore when the crash happens. I don’t want to be in a big population area. Safer to not be there. No government will be able to protect you from the thugs under that condition.

I laughed. I had not considered you had tortured this guy about being a spy. Anyone making these kinds of preparations and willing to talk about it probably has not the personality to do that anyway.

You talk a lot about kids and keeping them occupied. I gather you have family and kids? In which case I would really recommend you have someplace to go away from city when the crash happens. We anticipate a very large die off world wide. Cities are going to be really tough places to survive in. It will be bad enough in rural places, but at least you won’t have to depend on government resources for food and water.

The fact that you have a lot of printed information about living simply is good. It is hard to check out such books for authenticity and usable information. Many are written by people that haven’t really done it, or are special circumstance advice. Check the information against other independent sources. I know from experience there is lots of bad information about this kind of living.

I used to have a huge library of survival information. Ten years ago I gave it away because I wasn’t anticipating needing it anymore. How wrong I was. Many books on how people lived and made things 200 years ago.

By the way, why would you acquire a 2 man motorized chain saw? They are some dangerous to use, and why would you want to cut down trees that big anyway? You aren’t going to have the milling capacity to make it useful. If you were actually referring to a 2 man cross cut saw, that would be useful. Make sure you have the means to keep it sharp. Takes some skill to do that. Maintaining the older technology is a skill not easily found these days. Simple things like sharpening cutting tools correctly can be a problem. People generally just don’t know how to do these things anymore.

We are getting way more than normal snow. We are rapidly becoming buried. Sure hope it lets up soon. Anxious for spring.

At 4:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

2 man cross cut saw is what I have, bought it from a junk yard for cheap although it is very new. Made in Denmark. I have the book on how to sharper tools that teach how to sharpen tools and 2 made in china stones for sharpening knifes. Bought them just in case, you may have noticed I like being prepared, perhaps excessively.

At 5:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reason for choosing singapore is that it has excellent electricity, water and gas and medical healthcare system at the current moment, the airport and all ports are 100% x ray of luggage for safety and as previously mentioned all guns and other weapons are banned, the only bad point is nearby country provides almost all the food so I have stocked up on 1 year's food enough for 4 people. Even if electricity and gas is cut off imediately I can survive. 2 months later I will be self sufficient in water when water distillation kit is ready.

At 7:33 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


We can't be that lucky.


At 7:37 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


Check your local laws. Sending dogshit is a felony in my state. Probably makes you death penalty eligible in the reddest of the red!


At 11:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I now remember why I buy the 2 man saw. It is because I watched the latest series of amazing race, road block choice of gambling with cards or saw off a tree trunk. FYI, singapore is one of the few places outside USA where Amazing race, american idol, survival island the US$1 million show, oscars etc.... are shown live directly off satellite on free to air channel and rebroadcast the same night. The show is seen same time as USA. The american idol show has the words "The telephone number / SMS number is valid only within USA" even when live broadcast. Singapore is featured as pit stop in amazing race 3.


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