Thursday, January 26, 2006

Surprise; WE'RE BROKE

This promises to be a short post, but, hey, it's something.

Treasury Secretary John Snow to Congress

Treasury Secretary John Snow wrote a letter to Congress recently. It said a few things, mainly that unless the Fed artificially props up the "economy", we will reach the statutory debt limit by mid-February. Even if the Fed acts on its own, it can only keep the government running until mid-March. So, Snow is begging the Congress to increase the debt limit ASAP. Since the debt limit is already at a staggering 8.184 TRILLION DOLLARS, this simply proves what I have been telling you for a long time; we operate on phony dollars.

We have not had a government shutdown since the mid-90's, when President Clinton forced a government shutdown to prove a point to Republican's, who are more than happy to increase this debt limit into infinity. After all, the "economy's good." If you don't believe it, just ask Boosh.

Snow said in his letter to the Congress: " The full faith and credit of the United States was (is) a unique selling point on the markets.....A failure to increase the debt limit in a timely manner would threaten this unique and important position."

Really. Well, I've got some news for Mr. Snow, Boosh, and Congress. " The full faith and credit of the United States" is the problem, not the solution. The rest of the world isn't buying what we have to sell anymore. They know we are a paper tiger, with nothing to back our credit aside from our word, a word that has proven to no longer be worth the vocal cords it is spewed from. He's right about one thing, though. It is definately a "unique and important position." A position of weakness that has finally been exposed.

Never fear, the Republican's in charge of every branch of our government will come through and raise the debt ceiling, promising to get it under control "next time." Right. The reality is it will never again be under control, because we can't stop the machine that Boosh has started. The phony money machine.

As the rest of the world positions itself to move on without the "full faith and credit of the United States," we will continue to be left behind. Our economy is toast, and everyone seems to know it except us. It is soon to be over, so start preparing.

That is all I have in me today. I will slowly work my way back to full speed. And, thanks to the "Murph's" for sending me this little tidbit. My research has taken a forced haitus as I recover and try to breath again. Thanks to all for keeping the dialogue going in my absence. You guys are doing a great job in preparing for the uncertain future that we face.



At 2:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Glad you thought the article was worth a posting. It is also good to have you back, even if not full speed.

Have gotton email from Europe, friends there. They are beside themselves with concern about what is happening world wide and what the U.S. is doing. 'Scared crazy' was their wording.

Like so many people contributing to this site, the more I learn the more appalled I am. It can be true sometimes, ignorance is bliss.

Thanks for the post Cyclone.

At 4:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read an article on the debt that someone on this blog recommended. It said that Nixon established the Environmental Portection Agency in order to provide collateral for the US debts. The protected land has mineral deposits etc. that could be exploited. I am an economic moron for the most part, but just wondered if this was true? And, if so what does it mean?


At 5:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I don't know if it was the same web site but I have read the same information.

Considering the character of Nixon the sleeze, it makes sense to me. As I understand it, this means that if whoever wants to call in the debt, if the cash is not paid, then the collateral is taken, namely the mineral recources put up as collateral. Same as in most loans that are collateralized. Buy a car on time, the car is collateral, don't pay, car is taken.

At 6:05 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...

Oh, where are the trolls babbling about paranoia and such shit?!! The erstwhile howls shrieking in disdain concernig such things as mental illness! What has happened to our two friends from Austin? Probably on the 'phone screaming at their brokers!

I just can't help but take a few jabs at some Alternet trolls!

Hey "billfaster"! Not quite fast enough, 'eh?!

"Owlsliveintrees"! Seems Joshua wasn't as well-fertilised as you thought!

"Johnnyboy"! Bears EAT bulls, you know!


Take care and get y7ourself well! I know it was Physically painfull for you to post this, but know your suffering has not gone in vain! Thanks!

At 9:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I really like the "Bears eat bulls" statement.

Rockpicker, you got a point about value of gold under extreme circumstances. I reckon it will depend on just how bad it really gets.

Ifigure we will find out.

At 4:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think there is a possibility > 50% that World War 3 first war might start in early April 2006. Currently , the Bush administration seems obsessed with Iran, the same as with Iraq 3 years ago. The reason is very simple, to grab more oil, as the war in Iraq results in less oil produced and demand for oil is going up, so must grab more oil, before Europe, India, China gets the same oil by purchasing them with real currency instead of paper money that will be worthless soon. As the US Army does not have enough troops to occupy Iran (To get rid of the tyrant and to introduce democracy to Iran), the only solution is to make use of allies such as Turkey and Iraq and send bombers to fly from the airports there. Also, send a lot of nuclear warheads free of charge to Israel and also send more $ to Israel too, to make up for the losses when Iran fights back. For your information, USA government has been borrowing lots of money from China/Japan etc... as treasury bills and the borrowed money is spend on Iraq and on donations to Israel to support the huge Israel army. The invasion of Iran by Israel and others will definitely occur by early April 2006, as the missiles and nuclear war heads are already handed over to Israel and late March 2006 is the date when Iran will switch over selling its oil for real currency instead of US$ and they do not use USA/UK oil trading system but their own trading system that the USA/UK cannot manipulate. The invasion of Iran is also needed to ensure the US$ remains its value for a longer period of time. Bush is surrounded by Israel supporters and bankers who tell him to do this, and once Israel takes over there is nothing the Bush administration can do to prevent war against Iran, the Bush administration needs war against Iran as it needs to grab more oil any way. Once Iran attacked and Iran fights back against Israel, Bush will have to send more $ to support Israel and more US Soldiers to defend Israel as the government is controlled by Jews. Since conscription is needed to raise the number of soldiers, why not conscript a wide range e.g. 18-42 male, half the population of USA to middle east, to take over the oil in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Kuwait, UAE etc ? The other half of US population needed for paying the credit card bills and housing bubble bills. The most pressing problem is how to raise war funds to fight war, as China and Japan and South Korea control the funds and also the factories i.e. They are the bankers and the factories controlled by the bankers and the Bush administration depends greatly on them. Iran also has at least US$50 billion cash that will be used in war against USA. But the war against Iran means borrowing money from banker to fight against the banker/factories controlled by the banker (Fighting against banker over oil), and no banker will ever lend money for this purpose. The only solution I can think of (Also considering the large amount of money USA owes), is to announce the green back currency is no longer valid and the US government will introduce a new currency. All US$ assets held by Iran, other countries that USA wants to invade, Japan, China, Korea, Russia will be immediately 0 value, the USA debt will be wiped out immediately too as currency no longer has value. This benefits the USA only as all competitors will have their assets in US$ wipe out and also wipe out USA debt immediately. Only US citizens with bank accounts can withdraw funds in the new US$ currency. If USA no announce greenback currency not valid, greenback currency value will be wipe out any way as too much debt and not enough physical goods asset. History shows that all governments always announce old currency no longer valid whenever the challenge is too high, and no country has every managed to wage a war when there is no money to fund the war.

Once Iran return attack of Israel, other arab nations will likely attack Israel too, China/Japan/Korea/Europe will wage currency war against USA and oil war against USA i.e. to buy oil using real currency and also get all debts owed by USA out before USA announce old currency no longer valid or the US$ become no value. World War 3 will have occurred.

At 10:28 AM, Blogger efsaturn said...


The best thing that could happen would be how you describe that US just says our $ no longer has value. Although in your scenario this is done to support the war.

I would hope that this scenario could come without the WWIII that you mention, but it does look like that is out of our control.

At 3:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please note that this message is made up of several messages I send to people, thus the items to buy is in several places of this message.

The USA is over consuming, buying too many goods on credit (Just like in 1929). The Great Depression 2 is expected to be even worst than Great Depression, as the amount of money owed is even higher than Great Depression. There will be no more free food/soup lines unlike 1929-1933.

In the past 20 years or so, the USA does not manufacture much goods that can be sold to the rest of the world, not many people wants to buy USA made cars, USA steel, USA electronics goods and others. On the other hand, the USA buys a lot of oil from Middle East (e.g. Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirate, Kuwait), cars from Japan/Korea, electronics e.g. MP3, iPODs, Digital Cameras, Handphones, TV, VCR, DVD, PCs, laptops, satellite dishes from China/Taiwan/Korea/Japan. These are funded by the seller lend money to the buyer, and the time has come where the seller is wondering if the buyer has the ability to repay all the debt owed. Saudi Arabia recently sold off all investment and loans in USA and transfer the funds back to its own country, as it has doubts as to the ability of USA to repay the debt, especially as the source of money is the computer/printing press. The recent Katrina shows that the money is worthless as goods cannot be bought, so a beggar is as rich as a billionaire. Other countries are coming to the same conclusion too, and are seeking to transfer funds back to their country, as when the time comes to collect back the money, the worst you collect back the money, the less you get as most of the money from the debtor goes to the first creditor person/company who files claims for getting back the money. The USA has so far, avoided this situation of loan collection by making use of its sole super power military nuclear power, any country which refuses to lend money runs the high risk of being bombed by nuclear warheads . China and India admit that they are developing nuclear war heads, one of the solutions is if they have nuclear war heads, they can collect back the money owed by USA without fear of nuclear bombing as they can bomb the USA if USA acts aggressively. Other USA friendly countries such as Japan and Korea are also developing identical nuclear weapons not so openly for the same reason of debt collection, especially if the nuclear warhead is inside the US military base of their country and is more risky to them. These factors eliminate the only reason for not collecting debt and once debt collection occurs, it will be a mad rush for all the creditors and USA stock market will crash. USA also cannot wage war easily for fear of nuclear retaliation and because the equipment necessary to wage a war, such as Satellites, Computers etc.... are owned and controlled by the creditor nations too, the outcome will be just like Iraq, where instead of grabbing more oil, the oil/satellite/computers factories are destroyed and it is even worst for the USA. The creditor nations are not so fearful of economic problem as they have the money and the factories, whereas USA has none.

When the financial problems start, with the Solar powered big lantern, you can rent it out for guarantee of 3 meals and clean water for 1 person per day for each set. So is the big 2 man size tree saws, it can also be rented out for guarantee of 3 meals and clean water for 1 person per day per saw. You can also provide laundry service to others with the mechanical hand cranked washing machine (It is called Wonder Wash and costs US$45 each, by a USA company called Alternative Laundry, they have a web site where you can order 2 units or more. It is located some where in VT I heard), with the water you get from the rent of other equipment. With the antique charcoal iron you can use hot rocks for ironing of clothes if no charcoal is available. The smaller solar powered/hand cranked Short wave/FM/torchlight you can use them yourself for lighting at night. For music, the mechanical music box is good enough. If you are the only person nearby with these important equipment, this will solve the food and water problem for you, as the customers needs it for lighting at night and cutting of wood for keeping warm, especially if oil/gas/cooking gas is priced out of reach due to shortage of supply. Cooking is done using the solar cooker, a spoilt satellite dish 6-8 feet across wrapped in aluminum foil works just as well as solar cooker. I am sure that the Medicine supply some one will supply it as you have items they need, don't forgot about the mechanical blood pressure kit for measure of blood pressure and human mercury thermometer for fever detection. With food, water and medicine supply available, there is no need to worry about living as long as you do not have debts that the bank cannot seize the valuable items without reasonable reason. The other things you need some one will provide for you as you have the valuable items they need so you do not have to clean up human waste etc..... The only problem is how to ensure the valuable items are not stolen/seized by force, as occurred in crisis situations as Katrina has shown, those who are well prepared and follow govt instructions in the Great Dome got the valuable food and water and solar lights seized by gangs, so the 90db very loud noise motion sensor and power halon light solar powered is necessary.

So you have nothing to fear as long as you have all the necessary tools for survival. Food, Water, Medicine and waste cleaning will be done by others and provided to you as they need the tools and lighting.

Just for interest, here is a list of my preparation for Energy Shortage/Peak Oil/Storm situations.

I have 4 sets of solar heated portable shower set, bought locally at US$15/S$25 each.

I have a 50 year calendar, valid until 2052. As long as you know the exact date and month and year, you can calculate the day. Cost S$49.90 Isetan Tampinese.

Depends on availability of clean water, which depends on you. I also have 1 Ebay antique US$35/S$60 new completely unused charcoal filling type iron but I intend to fill it with sun baked hot rocks for ironing assuming charcoal unavailable. I do not have the methods to manufacture cleaning solutions and soap.

Computer and communications
In the previous situation, once something happens, Entertainment,Hand phone, PC, phone, portable LCD TV and TV will be useless. There is no point getting a solar powered hand phone charger Ebay US$68 + US$20 delivery from USA as there is no hand phone signal. I have also considered AA battery powered laptop such as alpha smart and Quick pad, but decided that in these situations it is highly unlikely that I will be using Email, Wireless Web and Word Processing. For scientific calculations, I have a made in 2000 older serial port only HP49G graphic calculator that is able to act as alarm clock, differentiation, financial calculation, integration, solve ax^5+bx^4+cx^3+dx^2+ex+c=0, 0.1 watt, 3 x AAA batteries non rechargeable as needs 1.5Volt DC and not 1.2Volt. Got it for a good price of US$30/S$50 new self collection as the current market price in Australia and USA at the same time is US$63 used + US$20 delivery. For Word processing, I have a made in 1960s USA royal mechanical type writer with only 1 good black and red typewriter ribbon left, the manufacturer went burst in 1980s and I have been searching for 2 years for new typewriter ribbon for this model without success. I have also considered amateur ham radio but decided no as the lack of electricity makes it a problem. I have also switched to Suse Linux 10.0 successfully at home and it does everything, including DVD and TV watching. Switching to Linux forces you not to play computer games, which is unavailable anyway in a crisis as no electricity.

I have 2 sets of aluminum foil solar cooker bought from USA in 2003.

I have considered solar power but the local housing authorities says it is against the law to use solar power and wind power. The only option they give me is to use the power company AC power and they are unable to reply as to what will happen if there is extended blackout, saying it has never occurred before. I decided to get every thing mechanical not using electricity after receiving their reply.

For CD, DVD, LCD TV, TV, VCR replacement, I have 2 solar powered + hand cranked torchlight/emergency lamp/FM radio/shortwave radio, cost is Ebay US$25 each +US$5 delivery from USA. I have also 2 mechanical music box Ebay US $9/S$15 each self collection. For iPOD/iRiver/MP3 player, the iPOD solar charger is Ebay US$67 +US$20 delivery from USA, so it is cheaper and more feasible to get a music box instead

Lack source of food once canned food runs out.

Food preparation
Canned food needs lots of clean water, which depends on solar water distillation kit.

I have 2 identical sets of Japan market only collectors only edition UNO, 1 at US$3/S$5 roadside shop and 1 at US$15/S$21 Ebay self collection. I have 1 complete set of river crossing 1 and 2 Ebay US$17/S$30 self collection. 1 have 1 set of portable Weiqi set S$6.50 and 1 set of peak hour. I have 1 set of mini boggle 3 minutes at S$7. All are IQ games. .

I have 1 set of mechanical made in china blood pressure cuff+ doctor's hearing device. Ebay US$10 + US$15 delivery from USA. I also have 2 mercury human thermometer Ebay US$0.50 +US$0.50/S$2 delivery.

Heating and cooling
I only have a solar cooker for heating purpose, no solutions yet for cooling. On Dec 2nd 2005 11pm, the local temperature is 30.8 degrees C and it is very hot considering that in Europe, the temperature is -10 degrees C at the same time. I have read on the Internet that “experts” predict that the global warming will force people to move away from hot regions such as Singapore as weather too hot to live.

See computers and communications.

I have 2 large size solar powered 20 watt fluorescent tube light lantern, the solar cells alone weight 1KG each. Cost of per lantern + solar cell is US$55/S$85 each self collection. I also have the 2 solar emergency light/FM radio/Short wave radio too, US$15 from USA each +US$5 delivery.

Lack source of medicine once medicine runs out

Medicine preparation
Lack medicine preparation techniques as it is too temperature dependent.

Personal safety
I got 2 units of 90db solar powered motion sensor alarm system. US$55.95 each +US$50 delivery from USA. S$278 equivalent.

I got 4 new construction site safety helmet at US$1.50/S$2.50 each self collection. I also got a 7 x 50mm binoculars and canon 75-300mm lens camera for enemy spotting. Local police has advised that it is against the law to possess bows with metal arrows, bullet proof clothing, commando knifes, cross bows with metal arrows, firearms, gas masks, guns, pepper spray, pistols, police helmets, police masks, police shields, Rambo knifes.

I have an air humidity measure + air pressure measure + mechanical thermometer at Ebay US$0.99 + US$16 delivery. Seller wrote that he is not sure if the device is working but I am very sure that all 3 devices are working very well. I also have 2 human mercury thermometer as described previously. I once considered photographic style thermometer but decided no as it reach limit of 50 degrees not suitable for cooking.

I have 4 big 2 man tree sawing saw identical to the one in the Amazing Race 8. Got it from a junkyard completely new at S$4 each. I intend to buy a big trolley 300Kg limit at S$48 new, for moving and worst case disposal of corpses.

I have 2 bicycle pump new at US$3.50/S$5.50 each but no bicycle repair tools. The bicycle is too small to hold all the emergency preparation tools listed in this page for migrating to a better region if crisis hits.

Considered it but highly likely to be burnt or stolen if some thing bad really happens. The cost is S$800/US$450.

Washing clothes
There is a company in USA which sells mechanical washing machines hand cranked at US$45 each +US$45 delivery from USA. It is Alternative Laundry and the device is called Wonder Wash. I have placed order for 2. Local university in Singapore has won an award for a washing machine prototype that uses air only and needs no water but manufacture date is 2010 earliest.

See above

Watches/Stop Watch/Timer
I have the following
1.German made Junghans solar powered quartz watch, battery needs to be send to and replaced in Germany every 5 years as constantly discharging and recharging. Local distributor has a sale at US$60/S$109 self collection, he claims retail is US$200. Junghans is the first manufacturer of solar watches and the inventor of the radio signal sync watch and the atomic clock.
2.Japanese Seiko 21 jewels full automatic battery less mechanical watch. As long as watch is kept moving by wearing it on the wrist, watch will keep working. I have 3 at Ebay US$40 each/S$65. Mechanical watches needs to be re oiled every 5 years and every year need to check the rubber insulation at watch.
3.USSR 60 minutes, 0.2 second resolution stop watch which keeps running as long as stop button not pressed. I have let it run for 2 days non stop without problem. Ebay US$13.50 +US$15 DHL express delivery from Ukraine
4.USA 10 miles pedometer, this measures the distance you traveled by foot. The device only works if you run at fast speed. Ebay US$15.50 +US$15 delivery from USA.
5.USSR 10,000 KM pedometer, this measures the distance you traveled by foot. Unlike the USA device, this device is sensitive enough to measure walking distances. Ebay US$10 buy it now + US$15 DHL express delivery from Ukraine.
6.Watch repair kit including 8x magnify lens from Hong Kong. US$10 Ebay +US$25 delivery from Hong Kong. Discovered it is useless as every watch has different gear movement/ratio so a watch cannot be repaired if the correct gear is not available.
7.Watch repair manual from 1950s. Ebay 5 UK pounds +5 UK pounds delivery. Discovered it is useless as every watch has different gear movement/ratio so a watch cannot be repaired if the correct gear is not available.

Here is a list of my additional purchases that was not in previous communication, all are done very recently during Christmas/new year period.

Plants that heal, thrill and kill, US$25/S$40
A guide to common marine fishes of singapore, US$3/S$5.50
A guide to wayside trees of singapore
A guide to herbs and spices of singapore
A guide to fruits and seeds of SG
A guide to medicinal plants of SG
A guide to growing the native plants of SG
A guide to carnivorous plants of SG
A guide to common garden animals of SG( including snakes )
A guide to common spiders of SG
A guide to common vegetables of SG
A guide to amphibians and reptiles of SG(including snakes)
A guide to tropical fungi of SG
A guide to freshwater fish of SG
A guide to common birds of SG
A guide to toxic plants of SG, US$3/S$5.50 each.
The sailing handbook
Boredom busters for kids
501 TV free party games for kids
Essential bushcraft (i.e. african primitive people living style)
Everything you need to know about gardening and crop growing
Rejuvenating a garden (i.e. make a dead garden alive)
The complete guide to sharpening knifes and tools
Fresh water fishing (You must have a fishing rod and bait to do fishing, there is no way if no fishing rod, unlike Rambo movies)
How to bird watch (i.e. how to spot enemies from far away)

5” lightweight vice clamp, 15KG/33 pounds weight, US$25/S$38, clamping strength 1500KG/3300 pounds. There is also 6” lightweight 25KG/2500KG and 8” lightweight 60KG/6000KG and heavyweight model x 1.5 weight and clamping strength. 5” is good enough for most purposes.

3” small vice clamp, 5KG weight. US$12/S$20

Roller blade large size protection elbow, knee, wrist, US$11/S$18

Carrefour reusable cooler bag, 3feet x 1 feet x 1 feet external dimensions, can put 2-3 chicken inside, Ice can keep 1 hour 15 minutes at outside temp of 20C/50F, other frozen food at 1 hr 45 minutes, US$6/S$9.50 sale. Can also be used to preserve hot food as airtight container. Useful as the only short term replacement for fridge/refrigerator/freezer.

Human anatomy plastic model, for preservation of human knowledge. US$70RRP/S$111.90 RRP. Got it at C K Tang department store post Christmas sale 20% off or else I will not consider it as too expensive. 50cm/20 inch plastic human body model, 11 removable parts e.g. heart, liver, intestine, lungs etc.... Height 3 feet/1m if include box. Useful for medical education, I cannot afford the higher end models as described below.
3 feet/90cm height size of human body model, 20 removable parts, direct from manufacturer in China US$70 +US$40 shipping, US RRP US$169.95
6 feet/180 height size of human body model, direct from USA. 50KG/110 pounds weight, 67 removable parts include brain, heart, eyes, ears etc....basically the best of best model and of course it costs a lot. US$6700 + delivery charges

I tried to find device that can calculate days between dates, or how many days later e.g. 9/11/2001 + 911 days later is the date of Madrid bombings, cannot find any except on computer software platform.
The 50 year metal disc calendar very difficult to calculate today + 911 days later is which date, a PC is the only sensible solution. I also checked out multiple slide rules that can calculate liquid flow rate, convert between units, perform +-*/^ ln log10, sine cosine tangent
e.g. 10 x 10 x 10 = 1000
Slide rule calculation is check paper table log10 = 1, slide rule 1 + 1 + 1 = 3.

During spring cleaning, found my old 10 years ago last used Casio 991H calculator, it suffers from LCD liquid leaking and the LCD display is difficult to read as black background due to lcd liquid leaking. This means after 10-02 years, the HP graphic calculator will also most likely lcd liquid leaking.

The following life jacket no buy as most likely no use Life jacket in case of sea sinking, US$25/S$40, the generic orange colored lifejacket. Deluxe model life jacket that is the best of best, US$125/S$200 made in germany deluxe model with many features and is also very very heavy, singapore navy has a person who drowned after carrying 10KG/22 pounds of weight and 4 trainers are charged in court for failure to take safety precautions seriously.

Here is additional info on stuff I bought which is not above or not described clearly above

1.A standalone slide rule that does +-*/, x^2, square root, x^3, cube root, Log10, e +0.01x, e ^ -0.01x, e^0.1x, e ^ -0.1x, e ^x, e^-x, sine, tangent, inverse sine, inverse tangent, (Cosine value can be calculated from value of sine and tangent available). This slide rule does not have function for interest and loan calculations, I searched for the models that has it but no one seems to be selling any of the 4 models available for the past 1 week, which probably means it is hard to find. Any way, for financial simple interest calculation, the HP graphic calculator has this function built in, can program HP Basic for compound interest calculation or use financial calculator for compound interest calculation. Also, the value of money will lose its value , close to 0 when crisis occur so the financial calculation part may not even be used at all. Costs US$3.99 +US$6 seamail to singapore from USA for a new set made in Mexico, there is a used made in China set with half the features of the German set and the seller insists must sell at S$18, i.e. higher price than the German set with more features, and the seller refuse to negotiate prices tell me to buy from USA instead of him.

2.50 cm/20 inch height human body model with 21 removable parts. Costs US$56/S$89.52 after 20% discount, original price US$70/S$115. Bought it on post christmas sale 20% off or else I will not even consider it. Used for preservation of human knowledge, knowledge of human body parts.

3.Cluthes for walking when injured.

4.Magna Doodle for privacy. The normal set is S$25/US$15 RRP. This is a magnetic drawing board and I got 2 sets of Tomy Magna Doodle. The new version got it at sale for S$24.95, it has slots for put in battery for produce 5 different types of sounds, but is same as original one. Tomy Japan web site has this set selling new in Japan for 4,179 Yen, the strange thing is Made in China ->Japan Seiyu -> Singapore Seiyu for price cheaper than Japan Seiyu and I suspect no one buys it in Singapore. Got this to prevent unauthorized spying, especially when even US president decided that he can allow illegial spying of any one by NSA and other governments and busy bodies decided to do it. Any thing written on this Magna Doodle, cannot photocopy but can take photograph of it, if write lightly on it, the things written will not end up permanently on magna doodle and damage it. By erasing as soon as completely written, the time to reconstruct image of movement (Assuming being spied by Infra Red camera) is less and this is why 2 sets needed, to make it even more difficult to reconstruct the conversation. This is non electrical passive magnetic device and so it does not emit large quantity of electro magnetic waves for reconstruct of image. If I speak, there is high possible of ear dropping by hidden microphone, hidden camera, laser microphone. If I write on paper, there is high possibility that the next page or the table has parts of the text written. If I use computer/manual typewriter/electric typewriter keyboard, each key has different sounds and by analyse the frequency of the unique sounds and compare against text frequencies e.g. E is most common in English, the text typed can be determined. Also, the mechanical/electric type writer high impact hammer leaves some text on next page/drum which can also work out message typed. For PCs CRT/LCD screen, it is an active device that emit electro magnetic waves, and these can be picked out and reconstruct the image on the screen. For surfing the internet, the ISP has device that can capture each URL / web site you visited and also the email you send. For whiteboards/blackboards, the chemical pens used will leave traces of chemical even after erased, and can be used to work out message. For black uv light lamps and special pen, the image is still visible with some one else using the same black uv light source. I do not know sign language nor develop my own hidden code e.g. professional gamblers communicate with each other by lip reading.
5.Black coloured safety boots. Used when it rains non stop, as it happens for past 4 days. To prevent legs from getting wet.

6.Roller blade protection gear, protects your elbow, knees and wrist. See image above.


8.Tomy popup pirate game. Bought it from Hong Kong and cost is S$2.15/US$1.50 and S$2.20 delivery seamail. This is the Japanese version, Tomy Japan sells new for 1,700 Yen/US$16. This item just celebrated 30th anniversary and they release new model 2,500 Yen in Japan, needs batteries for sound effects and motor that can rock the toy left and right but can function without batteries.

9.Frozen food storage bag. Stores frozen food for maximum 1 hour 45 minutes at room temperature outside. Cannot store hot food as smell of plastic when hot food is removed from bag. S$9.95/US$6 carrefour singapore sale. No image available.

10.Washing board. US$22 each, US$70 for 2 sets seamail to singapore.

11.90db motion sensor halon light burglar alarm. US$55.99 each.
Easy to Install, Lights up to 70 times on a single charge
Charges by Day / Lights by Night
Built-in Motion Detector, Rechargeable Battery (Replaceable)
6" X 12" Solar Panel with 12 feet connecting wire
Passive Infrared Motion Sensor Covers up to 75 feet
Adjustable Timer for Light Setting: 30, 60 and 90 second
ABS Plastic and replaceable halogen bulb
Mounting screws and instructions included
Waterproof & Weatherproof!!!
90 db Siren, (Can be disabled).
Environmentally friendly
Save money-by using free energy from the sun

12.Tetris Tower 3D. Instead of buying it, I DIY using 2 colored paper and 2 hours of time and a pair of scissors for S$0.80/US$0.60. The original set sells for US$26/S$49.95 and I saw it on discount shop for S$20, but I think it is still too expensive compared to DIY. The DIY paper set has bigger pieces than commercial plastic set and is suitable for old people to play, unlike the commercial plastic set where kids can put pieces into their mouth, the DIY set piece is very big and can be spotted easily.

Previous 4 days it rained non stop. The solar cooker will not work if it rained non stop for 4 days and this means no way to cook. The solar bathing will not work if it rained non stop for 4 days and this means no hot water to bath. The solar burglar alarm will run out of battery if intruders keep attacking and even if there is extra set, 2 sets cannot last more than 8 days usage if heavy attacks. The conclusion I got was that there is need to buy wind power generator kit + deep cycle rechargeable batteries + inverter 24V DC ->230V AC, so if the solar power is cut off, use the battery cells to get AC for cooking on electric cooker, electric based water heater and activate the AC based burglar alarm. Attaching a very big and heavy bell to door or nearby is useless as it is too late when the bell rings, people are already almost successful attack. And it is illegial to import leg traps that clamp person leg when approaching near your home. The cast iron bell used in churches and door bell is not effective as burglar alarm as when it rings, it is already too late

Managed to produce my own pure water successfully from sea water

I bought the following items from Ebay USA as the local distributor says they only sell minimum 1,000 pieces. Later on, the ebay set does not work very well and I managed to convince local distributor to custom make steam distillation kit.

1.2,000 ml flat bottom distillation flask US$22 + US$30 delivery
2.2,000 ml flat bottom science lab flask US$25 + US$30 delivery
3.4,000 ml flat bottom science lab flask US$25 + US$30 delivery
4.300mm liebig condenser x 2 US$100. Cooled by air instead of water as water is unavailable.
5.500 mm liebig condenser x 1 US$150. Cooled by air instead of water as water is unavailable.

The intensity of sun light in Equator is 4KWH per metre square per day, i.e. using a 1m x 1m mirror and focus sunlight onto the flask itself, energy per mirror assuming 1 metre square per day = 4,000 watt x 3600 seconds = 14,400,000 joules. Amount of energy needed to distill 1 cc of water = 1 x 75 degrees C x 4.2 joules x 15 (To get steam from 100 degrees C water) = 4725 joules. Amount of water that can be generated per mirror per day = 14,400,000/4725 = 3000 cc. Number of mirrors I have at home = 4, total amount of water that can be generated per day using 4 mirrors = 3000 cc x 4 = 12 litres = 3 gallon. This is enough for 5 person drinking needs daily but not enough for 2 person drinking/disk washing/clothes washing/cleaning needs.

2,000 ml flask using 1 mirror maximum about 3,000 cc per day, 1,500 cc in morning, 1,500 cc in afternoon.
4,000 ml flask using 2 mirror maximum about 6,000 cc per day, 3,000 cc in morning, 3,000 cc in afternoon.
The mirror position need to constantly adjust as it is not computerized auto tracking.

I managed to get a small amount of water from sun this morning. It proves it works. I do not know how much maximum it can produce per day as I only run it for short time.

The problem is when disaster occurs, the water supply is cut off and if I bring this outside to water distill, the people will just think of robbery/steal the entire set of equipment and water, this will definitely happen e.g. Katrina the new orleans police officers took water and food from refugees by display of fire arms e.g. New year 2000 singapore fist fighting and glass breaking occurred in McDonalds over Hello Kitty toys. If McDonalds toy results in fighting what will happen when the water is desperately needed? The worst case possible is always assumed and most likely accurate.
I cannot distill indoors as the sunlight is not strong indoors, and neighbors will know also if they see 4 mirrors directing sun light into your home.

Here is address and hand phone of the only customized scientific glassware manufacturer in singapore

The ebay sets of distillation flasks and liebig condenser works but the products not very high quality, so I managed to locate the only customized scientific glassware manufacturer in singapore and orders a set of high quality customized steam distillation kit for S$1,450 including delivery and sales tax.

1.4 sets of 3000cc flat bottom distillation flask. 3000cc is chosen as a 1 m2 mirror collects 4KWH per day and is about 3,000cc water. Mouth is 24/40. Cost = S$170 x 4
2.4 sets of 19/26 stopper. 19mm width and 26mm depth. This is used to plug in the hole occupied by thermometer but there is no thermometer as I do not need it. Cost = $12 x 4
3.5 sets of 24/40 connected to distillation flask, 24/40 connected to condenser and 19/26 connected to 19/26 stopper. Cost = $35 x 5, I bought 1 set spare as this is very important device.
4.4 sets of condenser 400mm at $125 each. Mouth is 24/40. This is used to cool down steam to water. Cresent Girls school only managed 20cc per hour as they use air cooled method, it is necessary to cool the condenser with say dirty sea water so pure water can distill fast.
5.4 sets of condenser output 24/40 mouth to a suitable size output for collecting of pure water using cup.
6.He will source for a seller of the stands and clamps for mounting the distillation appratus so it can stand alone. He will provide specifications of the stands and clamps. Price is not included in $1,450.

Delivery time is 2 months as he has many orders for custom make glass from labs, hospitals, doctors, pharmacy companies, oil companies, mindef, government, schools, university and R & D institutes. He is the only manufacturer of customized scientific glassware in singapore.

Basically, everything is there, he has the complete design and pricing is $1,450 for me so producing identical sets should be easy.

Regarding the great depression 2, I think if I am rich, and the great depression 2 will definitely occur as the debt ratio is too high, instead of letting it occur on a random date within next 2 years, I will organize it on the day I want the stock market to crash. This will occur after the US elections in Nov 2006, after I have ensure that the candidates I want are elected then crash the stock market on the day I want it to crash instead of a random date since it will occur any way, there is no way to prevent it. Once stock market crash, the banks will go burst soon and even if you manage to withdraw cash it will be worthless and not able to buy goods as paper money is worthless whereas real goods are real assets. I have started to convert paper money to real goods.

At 10:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy Cow, Anonymous Singapore Guy! Now,YOU have been doing some serious planning. I have to think...Do I attempt to follow your example and convert what money I have to hard survival goods, or do I take my money and credit cards and go out and have the time of my life, seeing all the beautiful places and things that exist on the planet, buy some great and useful gifts for my friends, and then come home and drink the Cool-Aid? I am overwhelmed... I have strong desire to take the Coastal Starlight train and go look at the Monteray Aquarium...

At 5:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To: freeacre,

Assuming war starts in Iran in early 2006 (I believe it will as USA needs to prevent loss of value of US$, the US traders will find it has opposite effect as the war causes China/Korea/Japan/Europe/Russia to sell off US$ faster and more instead, i.e. an air balloon loses air at faster rate instead of slower rate. Even if USA no attack, Isreal will definitely attack Iran judging by the most recent Isreal govt statements and US cannot control actions of Isreal any more), I think it is best to get the list of essential items for emergency planning asap, as some items needs to be custom made and may take a long time e.g. the water distillation kit will take 2 months for delivery. After all essential items bought and delivered, I will go on tour with debit card to see all the things /places I want to see in person (Assuming enough leave/day off). If I cannoit afford to go on tour, at least I go to bookshop and research which books have the beautiful scenes/photos of the city I want printed using expensive acid free paper so it lasts a long time e.g. I am a fan of Rob Gonsalves art and he has 2 books "Imagine a day" "Imagine a night" printed using top quality paper. The 2 books only contain at most 20% of his work but it is enough when there is no electricity and the 100% of his work are no longer available as wall paper on the PC. Using credit card to pay tours after April 2006 if you do not have enough savings is bad idea as I checked financial history, in times of war/bad situations, rapid inflation sets and interest rates sets in e.g. price double every 36 hours is the current world record, interest rate at 10,000% per year and when you receive the credit card bill 1 month later you will be shocked at the figure after adjusted for inflation. The bank/VISA will definitely bill you inflacted figure as they need to protect themselfes from hyperinflation too.

At 11:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Singapore Guy,
You are awesome. Thank you for the tip on the VISA/inflation thing. Our situations couldn't be more different, since you are in a warm urban place and we are up to our elbows in snow and live on an acre of land in the NW country. We have a greenhouse and are going to get chickens in the spring. The water table here is only 15'- so, even if the pump goes out, we'd only have to dig a 15' hole in the ground. The ground is easy to dig (when it's not frozen) because it's all volcanic ash. (Of course, if the volcanos go off again, we are toast.) Our backyard neighbors have an alpaca, a goat, a goose and a bunch of birds. All of our surrounding neighbors are armed to the teeth, so I am quite sure we'd all look out for each other. In addition to the greenhouse, we'll put in a big garden this year. Have been ordering heritage seeds. Going to insulate the outbuildings and put in woodstoves, in case we need to house some extra people who will help us take care of the garden and gather wood and things. Can't take too many due to overloading the septic system. Everybody needs to adapt plans to the local geography. We have a big dog who can haul a small wagon for wood and supplies.Some people here have horses. Trying to stock up on enough food to last until the crops come in. I think we are better off than most for electricity - hydroelectric power from a co-operative power company. I would like to get one of those hand-crank radio/light/clock things.We do have battery walkie talkies for my husband and I to keep in touch...and a battery megaphone to address a crowd...thought we were doing pretty good until I read your list! Seems even dumber that we are talking about WWIII when there are so many interesting and good people all over the world. What a damn shame...


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