Saturday, January 28, 2006

The Hunt for Osama bin WHO????

The hunt for Osama bin Laden continues. Or does it? If one believes that we Americans, with all our surveillance capabilities, manpower and high tech weaponry are actually hunting for Osama, one also must believe that the tooth fairy places $1.00 per tooth under our pillow. Fantasy, fiction, bullshit. Pick one of the three. "America's Most Wanted," "Wanted Dead or Alive," or "I don't know where he is. I don't spend much time on him."

If you guessed number 3, you win the grand prize. Bullshit + "I don't know where he is. I don't spend much time on him." Those are the words of George Boosh, and per usual, it is only half the truth. He's certainly telling the truth when he says "I don't spend much time on him." Boosh likely spends more time playing with his Erector Set in Crawford than he does on ordering people to hunt Osama. The bullshit comes when he says, "I don't know where he is." The dimwit probably talked to him yesterday.

The Boosh ties with the bin Laden family go back over 30 years. This is an undisputed fact. Another undisputed fact is that shortly after 9/11, all American airplanes were grounded for days. But the Boosh administration, with help from Daddy Boosh, managed to once again make up their own rules and arrange transportation for some 20 bin Laden family members to be whisked away to Saudi Arabia while many American citizens were stranded in airports, and the rest were in shock over the tragedy of 9/11. After the bin Laden's were safely tucked away, Boosh started the Tough Cowboy Talk; "Wanted Dead or Alive," "We will hunt through every cave...." and my favorite, "Those responsible will be brought to justice." When I hear this coming from the mouth of Boosh or one of his cronies, it makes me want to puke. It is right up there on the Gag-O-Meter with the infamous Ashcroft line, "Person of Interest." Just what the hell is a person of interest? One would assume that the term "Person of Interest" was created so that we could have justify the illegal act of holding citizens and non-citizens alike. Hold them endlessly without charges being filed, or their having the right to converse with an attorney, family member, or anyone outside of the hellholes that we dump them in.

As you all know, I have been an investigator for much of my professional life. I could find Osama bin Laden if the task were given to me. It really wouldn't be that tough. After all, how many 6'5 men of Arab descent are walking through the desert and into caves dragging a dialysis machine with them? Surely not many. But I am ahead of myself here. Let's begin with these "statements" that bin Laden releases to Aljazeera every time Boosh gets in trouble in the polls. It is simply cunning how the timing of these releases always comes when Boosh most needs a distraction. Prior to the latest release, bin Laden conveniently released a tape right before the 2004 Presidential election, playing up the fear factor that is so instilled into Americans that it will take a century to change. If only we had a century to work with, that is. Think that timing had something to do with the outcome of the election? Just in case stealing Ohio wasn't enough, Boosh had to play on the fears of the American people to guarantee that a large number of fence sitters voted for him. Gotta cover all the bases, a back up plan, you know.

The latest bin Laden released tape threatening "middle America" is a new twist. Now the people in New York, Washington, and Los Angeles aren't the only ones that need to be afraid. Topeka, Kansas is now on the hit list. That is about as middle America as you can get. And, the release comes at a time when Boosh sorely needs a little boost in the polls, and a distraction from his illegal spying on American's phone calls and emails. Not to mention, gotta get everybody's mind off of the Alito nomination. So, I'm going to do a Cyclone public service and tell Boosh and his minions a couple of things to think about during their "search for bin Laden."

1) Plant someone outside of Aljazeera and watch who comes in the door. Surely we aren't so far removed from the cold war that we have forgotten the basics here. Videotape everyone who enters the building, and when a new message shows up, go pick up whoever dropped it off and squeeze their nuts until they tell where they got it. You know, that torture thing you fought so hard to keep out of our laws, and when that failed you signed a letter to yourself saying that you weren't going to follow the law anyway. Granted, whoever drops off the tape will likely be far removed from bin Laden, but you've gotta start somewhere. You might be surprised what you might learn. Hell, you could even use digital photography and save money on tape or film.

What do we do instead? When Scottie McClellan is asked where the tape came from, he always says, "Aljazeera won't tell us." Darn, guess we'll never know. Those TV people just can't be counted on for anything helpful. We're back to the tooth fairy thing again.

2) Call your buddies in Saudi Arabia and ask them where the hell he is. Surely they talk to him and have some general idea. Screw the spelunking, use the damn telephone. Put a little pressure on some folks, and quit playing GI Joe and going from cave to cave, or at least quit telling us that is what we are doing. We may be mostly morons, but a few of us can see through your lies.

3) Quit thinking that raising the reward money is going to uncover him. This is beyond laughable. What are we up to now, $100 Million? Is that the price on his head now? Do you actually think that anyone in the Arab world would believe that you would really pay them? With what, a hot check? Take our word for it? The people that actually know where bin Laden is have more money than you can print, so cool it with the reward nonsense.

4) Make Masharruf quit hiding him and give him up. For God's sake, if he is near the border of Iraq/Pakistan, send some boys in there and start squeezing some Pakistani gonads. That torture thing, again. They will tell, and you won't even have to pay the blood money to get him.

I could go on with other investigative 101 tactics but I won't. Because it doesn't matter. We are not looking for Osama bin Laden and never have been. Had we been looking for him, ever, the last thing we would have done would have been to let his family go the night of 9/11. We would have them in Gitmo, every last one of them. And we would keep them. Not that it would matter, of course. Osama doesn't give a damn about his family, he abandoned them long ago.

But his other family, the Boosh tribe, he did not abandon. They have been good to him over the last 30+ years, and he has been good to them. He pops out a statement seemingly every time Boosh desperately needs one, if it is even he who speaks on these things. We will never know. He could very well be dead, and the CIA is falsely authenticating his voice. Each time one is released, we watch the Boosh charade of having the CIA authenticate it, saying "we're not yet sure it is him." Then they say it's legitimate, and the fear of the American people is ramped up a notch. Just like clockwork, and always a little too convenient to be believable.

We know where Osama bin Laden is, always have, and have NEVER been hunting him. We drop an occasional missle claiming to know that someone is going to be at some ridiculous "party," blow up some women and children, all for nothing but show. Darn, we may have gotten al Qaeda's Number Two man. Didn't we already get him? About 10 times? How many cards are in this absurd deck of cards that Rummy used to like to play with? How often do the names and numbers change? This has been going on for so long that beyond Osama and al Zarqawi, who the hell knows who we have killed and who we haven't? Or, who we are still looking for? Most of the people we catch we end up letting go anyway, so who can keep track? We just know that "they are on their last legs," because Booshco said so. The continual troop deaths in Iraq sure prove that to be true.

It's all mere cover, so the idiot American people can get scared and buy the bullshit that this administration spews. Quite frankly, it becoming nauseating. We can intercept party invitations, but can't find a dialysis machine. Give me a freaking break.

Booshco, the offer stands. When you want Osama, I'll go find him for you. Cyclone and his family could use $100 million. But, if you don't mind, could I get that in gold or Euros or something other than dollars? Somehow, I think soon, $100 million American dollars may not be worth more than the paper it is printed on.



At 11:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cyclone, Not much that can be commented on this one. Right on.

At 7:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good coverage Cyclone. Osama is DEAD...been that way for some time now, and if on the small chance he is not you have alluded tot he fact that it would not be that difficult to find a very tall arab man needing dialiysis.

I have to say what frustrates me, amuses, and then humbles me is the depth at which the stupidity of most americans runs.

The ecomonmy of the US is on the verge of collapse and there is more coverage and thus more excitment regarding the New American Idol??? WTF

The big media machine works, the dumbing down of the american populace is a well oiled machine period. Does one even question if asked what is more relevant to Joe Average american what is more relative to their lifestyle, is it economic stabilty and good government,OR who will be crowned the next American Idol, most will choose American Idol....
Sad really....very very sad....

America needs a RESET.

At 8:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to appear as a Negative Nellie, but a couple comments are perhaps in order:

1. Are you saying that Osama tapes are actually hand delivered to Aljazeera by a warm body, as opposed to going thru the mail? That would seem the ultimate stupidity, if true. I can see it now:

A character rushes into the front lobby of Aljazeera wearing combat boots, baggy pants, a T-shirt with the words "I Love Crawford" on the front, and wearing a ski mask over his face. He runs up to the receptionist and hands her a plastic grocery bag.

"Here is the newest Osama Tape", he shouts."

Receptionist: "Thank you sir. We'll try to get it on the air before the State of the Union address."

2. Instead of waiting for a personally engraved invitation from Boosh to go find Osama, why don't you just go and find him, and then collect the reward. If you're worried about $100 million not being worth anything, I think it will still buy quite a few Big Macs for some time yet. And you can always convert that to the currency of your choice.

I would be willing to contribute $10,000 towards your expenses should you decide to go on an Osama hunt. In return, I would like to have $100,000 back when you collect the reward. I am serious in this and would provide a hotmail address to discuss this should you be interested.

Best regards,

Al Jazeera

At 9:06 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

Sarcastic Anonymous,

Aljazeera claims that the tapes are hand delivered, so yes, that is exactly what I am saying. But, maybe they are lying, who knows. Perhaps paying attention and doing a little research on your own might help you understand things, but maybe not. And, FYI, Aljazeera is one word, not two. Keep your money, I think it smells funny.


At 9:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My goodness, what a short fuse you have when someone questions your comments. No sense of humor at all, eh?

And you'll notice that I did spell it as Aljazeera twice in the message. Al Jazeera was my signature, but somehow you missed that.

My money isn't really that smelly. I'm just an ex-journalist who doesn't take everything he reads as gospel. The offer still stands.


Al Jazeera

At 9:19 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

Sarcastic Anonymous,

On second thought, give me your hotmail address. I may want your money after all. We can at least open a dialogue about it.


At 9:22 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...

If we are to believe Bush and Co. Osama Bin Laden has lived at least five years on dialysis in a cave with bombs falling on it in the middle of an earthquake zone!

How odd it is that after one of MSNBC's talking heads blurted out "Whatever happened to Bin Laden?" A new tape from "Ol' Narrow Beard" pops up right on cue!

Face it people, Bush needs Bin Laden alive! He needs his boogie man to shake in front of the sheople ahnd scare them into voting the party line!

Bin Laden is no more alive than Elvis! Funny thing is that in the Great State of North Carolina (Where I happen to live), a huge number of otherwise reasonable people have an almost religous belief in their continued existance, and live to argue the point ad nauseum!

And people wonder why I still smoke pot!

At 9:41 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...

Hey Anonomous!

As an ex-journalist you seem to know precious little about Aljazeera, Bin Laden or the art of Invesigative reporting! As to your smell, I've heard that Trolls are known for their strong body odor! Personaly I thinkm Your full of shit!

The fact that you want $100,00.00 return on a $10,00.00 investment proves you to be a Republican, and a damned greedy one at that!

It is my opinion, (and Cyclone's as well) that Osamma Bin Lade is dead! Traveling around with a mouldering corpse doesn't seem to be a nice way to spend a vacation! And of course there's the nasty business of digging said corpse up and traveling in this post 9/11 world with gardening tools is frowned uppon by people with less of a sense of humor than us! Besides, if Doug Thompson of the "Capitol Hill Blues" got himself on the "No fly" list, I'm pretty sure we're all on there too, and it's a long way to Pakistan in a houseboat!

No I think you're pretty much pissing up a string on this! You'll just have to take our word on this! As an ex-journalist it shouldn't be that hard for you!!!!

At 10:28 AM, Blogger Reality said...

I can't say if bush is calling bin laden or not. What I can say is that Osama would be best served releasing comments when bushy is in trouble. Can you think of anyone better in office if you want to start a holy war with the US?

anonymous world expert, do you really think the terrorists would feel safer emailing or snail mailing than walking into the studio? Come on, Journalist!!! Tell me what my name is, mr expert!

At 11:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hey anonomous!

"Just one more thing? Just what the fuck is a "Nrgative Nellie", and why is it so important that you not be concidered to be one?"

Ah, that was "negative" not "nrgative" and "anonymous" not "anonomous" and "considered" not "concidered"

The quality of feedback on my comments speaks for itself.

Only the fanatically devout should dare to speak at this blogger's shrine.

Al Jazeera aka Sarcastic Anonymous

At 12:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to admit that I'm a little curious that Osama Bin Laden hasn't yet been accounted for (live or dead). I'm sure that there must be some serious efforts to find him or discover his fate. The large reward is an obvious motivation for a private company / group that has the resources. There are also plenty of journalists who spend their lives uncovering and exposing scandal or corruption, think of the kudos and acclaim for the person who tells the world what happened to OBL. After all there are some people who spend their lives (and money) searching for Noahs Ark.



At 12:05 PM, Blogger Reality said...


I appologize for attacking one of your commenters, but I have very little patience for liars. I wouldn't have said a thing if he had not thrown in the ridiculous assertion that he was a journalist. Sometimes ya' just gotta yell.

At 4:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a physics professor from BYU, Robert M. Bowman, who believes the twin towers exploded on 911 due to pre-positioned explosives in the buildings. (His beliefs are based on his in-debth knowledge of physics). He has started a group of serious scholars who belive that 911 was orchestrated by the Bush administration to get the public to go along with their plans of war agints Afganistan/Iraq. The group also believes that the original tape of Bin Laden found in Afganistatn in 2001 claiming he was responsible for the attacks is not Bin Laden. They think 911 is one of the greates hoxes of history. Their web site is:
What Cyclone is saying today makes me think again about Bin Ladin's connections to the Bush family, his wealth, his kidney problems, the fact that they somehow "can't find him." The whole thing seems fishy to me. I know Cyclone has said he doesn't think 911 was an inside job, but it is worth looking into. A lot of people believe it was and many of their arguments seem right on. I don't know one way or the other, but it is worth a serious look I think. Great Post, cyclone. Get's me to thinking-as always.

At 4:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, looks like a difference of outlook going on here. How about it Anonymous, got a good reply? Or has Stoney got your tongue? I have found Cyclone to be accurate in his assessments. He can be wrong but if you want to show it, need a bit more than sarcasm here to show it.

At 5:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The info in the link (a cartoon) sheds some light on OBL's where abouts and the other character in the toon is relevant, a la Arianna at huffo's little war on Russet. Plus I got a kick out of the toon--hope you do too!

http://www.toostupidtobepresident. com/shockwave/meetthepres.htm

Close the space between . and com

At 6:01 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...

Hey, Murph,

Now that I've got his tounge, what do you think I should do with it? The dog won't go near it and he eats shit!

At 6:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Let it wag. He either comes up with something that makes sense or he stays under attack for being stupid and vague. Like with anything else, I want to see the data, how the dots are connected. Too many people at this site are unwilling to have BS thrown at them and be expected to take it at face value. I am always willing to learn something new. I at least will listen, if it don't make sense then I will join the attack with all guns blazing.

It is true that Cyclone's post does not have a full sheet of justification. Read the Rubicon if you want more data in support. Considering how the people at this site feel about the neocons, it is easy to slip into charges and assumptions that may not be accurate. When I read charges agains the Liberals, it is much the same way. I really dislike rhetoric with no substance, especially when it is not accompanyied with the qualifier of being opinion and view. Cyclone has done that to full extent on several of his posts, to his credit. The fact that I almost always agree with him does not validate the idea. The fact that his views and information interpretation happens to agree with my models does not make it necessairly accurte.

But, I actually would like to engage with people with different models and views. Inevetibly, I learn from the experience, even if it's a rather jaundice view of what is being presented to me.

At 7:08 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


No apology necessary. I snapped a little too quickly, but I never heard back from him. Just a neocon out trolling for trouble, would be my guess. Catch me with a concussion, and there's no telling what I might say. It seems that several people felt the same way, so shout away.


At 7:11 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


Good to hear from you. You're probably right, I have trouble buying that these tapes are real. Just too convenient, EVERY time. If we really are hunting him, he is one slick dude. Seems like we could cover about every cave in Afghanistan and Pakistan in 3-5 years, but what do I know.

The reset is coming, don't worry about that. Let's just hope we survive it.


At 7:14 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


Good work. I like your typing by the way. Probably does bother a "true anonymous journalist," though. Remember the "Editor" that slapped me around a month or two ago? And did it with a couple of typos in his "Edit job?" It takes all kinds,


At 7:17 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


I agree. With the money that is out there, some merc would have located him by now if they were really looking. I find it hard to believe that they are. Now, if we could only find that Ark, we'd have it made! Good to hear from you,


At 7:20 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


Thanks. For the record, I don't know about 9/11, I just have my doubts. I also know that I won't live long enough to learn the truth, if anyone ever does. So, some young person can tackle that project. I've got enough on my plate as it is.


At 7:22 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


I couldn't agree more with what you said. I too like to hear opposing views. I would think that anyone who has been around here very long would know that this is strictly my view, thus I don't feel the need to back up every line with a quote from someone. But, it seems that I am not the only one that thinks similar thoughts, especially lately. Thanks,


At 7:26 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


You may well be right. As I said, I don't have the time nor energy to tackle that one. I believe you said you are young, take it on man. I know that you care and could do it. If 9/11 was really us, and could be proven so, this sewer is a lot worse than anyone thinks. Not worth saving,


At 7:30 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

vper1, again,

I think Bulldog thinks of 9/11 the same way I think of the "war on terror." Just what the hell is it, anyway? Can't figure that one out, no matter how hard I try. At least the war on drugs has something you can smoke, snort or shoot. All the war on terror provides is something to shoot, but can't identify. Oh well, I guess it's just too large for my little pea brain. Thanks for the link,


At 10:16 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...

Hey vper1,

Thanks for the link primer. It might teach an old sailor a few new tricks. My youngest is 16 years old and knows so much about these damned computers it's scary! But his assistance always requires favors which at his age are getting pretty wierd!

Like sending him out in my hot rod with a case of beer! That is SO not going to happen!

At 10:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

9/11 was an inside job. Secret Service Standing Operating Procedures in any suspected attack on US soil is to wisk the president onto Air Force One ASAP for transport to a secure location. That did not happen on September 11, 2001. Moron just sat there with "My Pet Goat" upside down for a good 5 minutes. They knew everthing.

At 1:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Lol. Got to keep a tight reign on them youngsters. The drunk driving and binge drinking has become a rather large problem, even in rural areas. And who wants a busted up hot rod?

Take him out shooting instead.

At 2:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys were real jerks to Anonymous Al Jazeera.

For the record, I often disagree with Cyclone's postings. I chalk it up to either he and I have reached different conclusions based on the same data, or we have different data. I don't attempt to correct or attack Cyclone because this is his blog and I think that's rude. But pointing out potential errors in Cyclone's analysis is absolutely legitimate, and it is not a reason for you all to all to start chest-beating and cock-measuring as if you don't know better.

Anon Al Jazeera's points are extremely valid. Instead of jumping on his shit, it might be worth considering that it REALLY WOULD be the height of stupidity for an Al Qaeda operative to hand-deliver propaganda to the neocons' Enemy #1 in the Mid-East propaganda wars; and that it REALLY IS bizarre that NO ONE has attempted to claim the bounty money for bin-Laden... where are the hucksters, the scheisters, the hoaxers out to make a buck? Water-stain patterns that resemble Jesus generate more hucksters evidently. Why?

Maybe the real answers to these questions could shed some light on the current political-economic model we all evidently share (to varying degrees) and increase its accuracy. Isn't that more important than proving your penis is larger? You guys are above that sort of ridiculous behavior.

At 5:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The people who believe that 9/11 was caused by terrorist and not the US government need to wake up. The American public for the most part has become stupid and ignorant, as many of us have already mentioned. They allow programs like Fox News to tell them what is going on. The biggest problem I can see with today’s society is that people just don’t read anymore or think for themselves anymore. And when I say that, I mean GOOD quality material, not gossip or who won American Idol. A lot of people’s lives now revolve around what happens on television. I’m so sick of hearing people at work talk about Desperate Housewives, American Idol and all the other useless crap they discuss. They never talk about the real issues like how a dictator controls this country, how our economy is going to crash and that the US government orchestrated 9/11. They just don’t get it and probably never will until it’s too late. I found think link on 9/11. Hope you enjoy it!

At 5:05 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


Nice link, but I think there is still work to do. Lots of it. Large groups of people would have to demand action, something that we seem to have trouble accomplishing. Hell, it would be easier to get Boosh out of office than prove 9/11 wrong, and we can't get close to that. So, don't write off your career yet.


At 9:10 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

Hi Paula,

Where you been hiding? For the record, I appreciate people pointing out opposing views to mine, that is the only way we can learn things. So, please don't worry about being rude to me, I can take it. How else are we to discover the truth?

Regarding Al Jazeera, the only thing that I took issue with him/her about was the tape delivery vehicle. Like I said, either they are hand delivered or Aljazeera is lying. From the first tape until the last, they have always claimed that they received them by hand delivery, that is not a secret. If that has changed, someone, anyone please tell me and I'll correct it. To my knowledge, it is still that way.

As for the rest of it, I'll leave it alone. That was my sole issue. Welcome back, and please don't hold back on me. If I need slapping around, do it.


At 9:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well you would have to think that there were more then just him and his close circle of un patriots that were involved to pull this one off. CIA they can't stand him although they are under new management now. So who then would help to pull this one off?

I don't know about the two main buildings, but what I have witnessed about building 7 was in no way caused by a fire. It was obviously a controled demo. I think it was from the same link refered by Anonymous. I'm not in any stretch of the imagination an engineer. I don't think it takes one after seeing #7 going down.

There is no doubt in my mind that we are driven by creature conforts and fear. We have come to expect cheap gas and what ever moeny can buy. It was really amazing reading President Carters speach. He really had a vision and it was a very good one at that. He must have had people around him that were not affraid to tell him what would become of us. And he became a lame duck for it.

I guess Im just waiting to hear how the liberals are going to be blamed for the disaster that we are on the brink of. I was listening to Savage tonight not that I make a habit of it, but he was saying how guys he knew growing up went a differant direction in life having to do with making money and he was always for the greater good of the country. Well I don't believe that but he said the money boys he grew up with were now talk economic crash.

I think I know why the main stream isnt talking about it so much and that is they like to control as much reality as they can. Why rock the boat tills the water is almost up to your neck. I guess political favors work both ways.
Whats that famous line by Jack Nickelson "The truth you can handle the truth" You know we could but I don't think they would like what we would do about it if we knew. And thats what it would take something to be revieled to us not even the missed guided could keep from doing something about.

I don't disagree with Paula at all matter fact I would welcome the miss guided to bring thier arguement so Cyclone and my friends can shred there bs in a manner more articulate than I could muster. Besides if they don't come with concrete facts that can be backed up Cyclone can simply delete thier un signed comments.

I can handle the truth keep it coming Cyclone


At 9:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know AJ if you wouldn't post like a jack off a mature discussion may just take place.


At 5:33 AM, Blogger Reality said...


I agree with you, but I don't believe that I have any reason to stand by and watch him justify his arguments by throwing in lies. I don't think anybody attacked his argument as much as the delivery or, in my case, the lies spewn out after it. If his point is valid, he could state it without insults or bull.

On another note...
In light of the coming Alito vote, I would like to request a moment of silence in rememberance of our civil liberties...

At 5:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here here Reality

Its going to be sad day and we just stand and watch. The only thing that will change anything now is if we do a have a crash. And all the neocons take thier fake money and go to desert island. We dont need leaches


At 5:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


If you think about it I don't think you would be acting much differant well maybe you would. I on the other hand would be doing everything I could to get an occupying army out of my country. You stir up a hornets nest and you are going to get stung.

Now if Bushco bombed Aljazeera main office how would have gotten the vidios anyway. I guess they could have sent the tapes UPS to one of our all telling media outlets.


At 7:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I get really amused by comments such as yours concerning the suicide bombers. We have heard for a long time that they have to be crazy to do such things.

1. In battle, we are told of the glorious and brave men who in impossible and certain death positions, give their life to take out a few more of the enemy, or to save their comrades. One man's terrorist is another mans hero. Terrorisms awful truth is that is often conducted against the non combatants. With our ability to conduct technological warfare, the U.S is very good at it. I wonder Anonymous, do you know what country in modern times (1900's) began the atrocity of conducting war on civilians?

2. When your country is occupied by a foreign force that you are determined to get rid of, and that force is so much greater than what you have available, how do you fight against them when any direct confrontation will result in annihilation? We should have learned that in Vietnam. In our own revolutionary war, the vastly superior forces of England could not be defeated by direct confrontation so a rather un gentlemanly method was employed, imagine sniping from behind walls. How drool.

The U.S. foreign policy is famous for forcing nations into corners and forcing our will on them. Way too many examples of that to bother to belabor the point. It is never a good idea to force people into corners or boxes with no way out, eventually they become rather savage, works on a personal basis and works on national levels as well. Instead of using our technology to improve the world condition, we have used it to loot. Instead of having war as a last resort against belligerence it has become a first tactic to control. Well, what in hell you expect these countries and their populations to do? The Democrats early on were defenders of slavery, the Republicans wanted it to end. The Republicans early on were reluctant to engage in the wars in Europe, the Democrats wanted to save them from themselves. My how things change, and yet they stay the same.

At 8:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

rockpicker, what question is that?

At 8:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

reality -- what lies? That he/she is an ex-journalist? Journalism is a common job. I'm a journalist too. I even have a couple awards for it. Are you going to accuse me of being a liar for saying so?

The whole reason I liked this blog is because the people here didn't act like this. Hard to believe I was once conerned that the wingnuts were going to show up and ruin the discussion.

At 8:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great job Murph

I guess the real problem these repugs have is you can't get by here with spin on this sight. Come and come prepared because nothing but confirmed fact is what we seek.


At 9:16 AM, Blogger Reality said...


No, I am not going to say the same about you. I have seen, and greatly admire, your work; Particularly your last post on your blog (BTW, nice touch on the no scroll background, very nice).

I have posted on this blog many times in the past, and have disagreed with cyclone and his commentors before politely; most notably on the past issue of suspended daemon messages.

I don't throw accusations lightly. I had my reasons for the comment, and have not continued any assault. I left it at that.

Hopefully this does not lower your opinion of me because, as I have said before, I respect your opinion and admire your work.

At 9:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I pondered for some time a way to show most Americans and World public the truth or something more truthful about 9/11 and the US Government’s involvement or the fact that our economy is going to crash. And the idea the popped into my head was:
Why not create a virus the switches people’s home pages in Internet Explorer or whatever other browser they use to sites like or even better, a site that has info on 9/11, the future crash of our economy, government corruption, peak oil, etc. A lot of people out there just use their PC’s as e-mail machines or to surf the net for porn, but if they get a glimpse at one of these types of sites, it might have some kind of influence on their sheep like thinking. I’m not a programmer or by any means a pro at computer hacking, but I’m sure someone out there can pull off creating this little virus of truth. Just an idea folks.

At 9:46 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Good point on the moment of silence thing. I'm not sure we needed to wait this long, but here's a toast to what once was America!


At 9:52 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


I know little about construction, blowing up buildings, demolitions, etc, and I'm too old to learn enough to make an educated guess. However, I must admit that the consensus by those who claim to know about such things seems to be that something isn't right about the collapse of the towers. Where there is this much smoke there is usually "something" burning. The problem is selling it to the masses. They currently can't decide whether or not it's okay for Boosh to illegally spy on them, so coming to agreement on what happened on 9/11, anytime soon, seems to be a pipedream to me.


At 9:56 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

Sarcastic Al Jazeera,

Lay off. I don't want to have to start censoring comments here. I don't feel good and I don't have the time or the inclination to do so. But, either send me your email address like you said you would and we will communicate one on one, keep your comments civil except when directed at me, (I can handle it so I don't care what you say to me) or get the hell out of here. It's your choice. Any more out of line crap and I'll delete everything you write, Period.


At 9:58 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Like I've said many times, they fight us the only way they can. One little suicide bomb or IED at a time. Great post,


At 10:02 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

Anonymous Hacker,

Hack away, not a bad idea. Way out of my league, though. It would be fun to see how many people would read vs. how many would instantly complain to their ISP.


At 10:04 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Accident at birth. Kind of puts us in the same mind set as African Americans and my Indian brothers, huh?


At 10:47 AM, Blogger efsaturn said...

Back to Osama. Since "he" is again warning us, whether he is an actor impersonating a dead man or a paid croonie, he is saying he will attack.

Does Boosco have another 9/11 planned since they think it worked so well the first time?

Is there anyway to prevent it?

If it happens, it there anything "we" can do to negate the reaction that they want? Can we all just go on strike and bring the country to a stall? They would only believe it was because "we" are all too scared to leave our families and out houses. I'm sure he would say, "business as ususal" is how we can fight these terriorists.

Is this what Booshco wants to attack Iran?

Anyway I'm just brainstorming. I don't like that this tape surfaced. I don't like that it was his shortest tape yet. I don't like that he didn't mention the Koran. And all the other fishy stuff mentioned by Cyclone.

If this were a movie no one would believe this plot is is so damn ridiculous.

And while the hackers are working maybe create and send a virus to Fox, CNN and the others to stop their transmiting.

At 11:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


About a virus to direct browsers to some other page when started. We already have them. I have had numerous incidents where I've had to spend a considerable amount of time getting these pieces of script off my computers. The name for them is 'browser hijackers' They are common and some web sites will install them from just a visit. AOL is one of the worst. I refuse to have anything to do with that portal and isp. A number of years ago AOL cost me way too much money to call in a tech to clean my hard drive when it took over my computer. Since then I learned how to do most of it myself. And now, I have 5 pieces of software, some free, some purchased, to keep these jackels off my computer.

If a concerted hijack attempt was made, complaining to the isp wouldn't do any good. Have to keep the mobile home techs employed though. It pays to learn something about how these things work and spend some money on software to defeat the hijackers, as well as all the different viruses, worms, trojan horses and portal hackers.

I cam on the computer scene rather late, and have learned with a considerable amount of time how to deal with a lot of the nasty stuff coming at us. I wish I knew more.

At 11:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comments. I know they are called “browser hijackers” and know how to find them and remove them of my PC using free software. My idea is for some hacker out there (Not me, because I don’t how to do it) to create a browser hijacker that takes the PC to websites that show the truth about 9/11, our future economy crash and all the things I mentioned above. Unfortunately the REALLY good hackers are more concerned with damaging peoples computers, mining data off them or making money by making the PC that has been hijacked go to a porn website. This goes out to anyone out there that is capable of creating this “browser hijacker”. I implore to you to please create this virus of truth and spread it around.

At 2:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I would like to step in with a few comments on your last post. Paula has indeed suggested a way to have precious metals based script. Actually, I have had a passing acquaintance with these systems for quite a number of years. I found them quite fascinating. We should have never gotten away from it.

My analysis concerning them depends on how a society is set up, what its level of sophistication is, and how big a group it is. In a very low population density, say 50-200 people, gold script I would think would have little impact. When the population density gets up into the 1000’s or so, it is completely different. I think it rather depends on what you picture population densities are going to be left if we get a complete meltdown of society as a whole and a complete economic collapse with it. My model is that we will have a huge die off in population. When these scenes have occurred in the past, that was true, and I think it will happen this time. Consequently, it appears to me that we will have small population clusters scattered all over with little or no communication with each other. Little groups of maybe a couple hundred people. In those circumstances, I suspect barter and direct trading will be the order of the day. Relative value in terms of script will be not be needed, instead, what you need is what you need and what you have to offer in trade will determine relative value by the other persons need and desires. If the small settlements are able to meet basic needs, survive and grow, then a symbol of value will be needed because as a society becomes more complex, barter becomes way too clumsy over all. We currently have areas where there is an ordered barter system. I have no idea how effective or wide spread they are now. I suppose that could be looked into and see how they operate.

I suspect that Paula is adamantly opposed to this kind of analysis since she takes the stance that any type of Marxist socialistic economy just can’t sustain itself. I disagree with this because there are too many readily available examples of it working in relatively small groups currently.

Keep in mind that with the melt down of the government and economic system, energy was still available. That may not be true in the near future. Secondly, one of the things that was true in Russian society is that the apartment complexes that a very high percentage of the urban population lived in were state owned. When the economy went belly up, people were not kicked out. Think the landlords today in our society will do that if they still have control over the buildings?

A very interesting contrast in how societies handle economic collapses is to compare Cuba and North Vietnam. Cuba did well by its society, North Vietnam did not. Neither had script backed by gold.

I suspect we will have something similar to the social scene that is portrayed in the story of ‘The Postman”, movie and book. Wouldn’t it be a gas if that story turned out to be prophetic.

At 5:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You are right, it is a straight foward question. I presume you read the long post from the guy in Singapore. He had a 2 page list of how he is preparing. And yes I rather think also that a sports car isn't going to have much value. There is some question whether precious metal coinage will have any value. We shall see. Personally I don't have a warehouse or large barn to fill up with hard goods, and protection of such would present a problem if you ain't got 6 kids to help stand guard.

So what are your preporations Rockpicker. Interested in what your doing.

At 7:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There now, don't you all feel better about this government after the State Of the Union Address? Not!!

At 9:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, this was an interesting read.

Now my 2cents:

OBL is very dead and most of what is attributed to him is fake. His appearance changes quite a lot if you take time to find the videos (it's clearly a different guy, a stand-in).

9/11 was an inside job. I've done 2 years of researching and have absolutely no doubt about this. You only have to look at who benefited to be very suspicious. Many people find this impossible to accept - and I did too at the start - but unfortunately it is the sad truth.

I know I could be a lunatic, and I have no way of proving to you that i am not but I just wanted to say something . . . .

At 9:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you ever see the movie Wag The Dog, when they produced a war in a studio and then released that footage as news. I'd never say this in a crowded room, but Osama is working WITH the neocons. He is a figment of news punditry only shown on television, so that we have a name and face to hate. There is no centralization in the Islamic extremist movement. Bin Laden is the name and face that the news touts so that we all have someone to hate. I't easier to hate on man than an entire popluation.

At 12:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The closer you got to him your chances of being deep six'ed would increase. You think it would be doable but it really would not


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