Boosh on Energy? Whatever; Plus a Temporary Goodbye
Boosh is on another tour of the country. This time, touting his "new" energy plan that is going to save the world. Even gave this tour a name. He calls it, "Energy Week." Prediction. It will be at least as effective as "Social Security Quarter," "Medicare/Medicaid Month," and "War Years." Clearly, the last few names came solely from my head, Boosh did not have the foresight to name his other tours.
Think it might have something to do with the '06 elections? Guess what? It won't work.
"The best way to meet our growing energy needs is through technology. We will pursue promising technologies that will transform how we power our vehicles, businesses and homes--so we can reduce our nation's dependence on foreign sources of energy." Boosh said this yesterday during his radio address. Notice anything missing there? Like, the word OIL? The last time he commented about this subject was during his State of the Union address, and the Saudi Grand Poobah was not happy when Boosh stated that his goal is to reduce our dependence on "foreign oil." So, let's make the Saudi's happy while we play the smoke and mirrors game. This time we'll replace the word oil with "energy." Pure brilliance, if you are dealing with a bunch of 4 year olds. Otherwise, not too effective.
For our nation to seriously consider an alternative to foreign oil, we needed to start a hell of a long time ago. To believe otherwise is to put yourself in full denial mode, in the same la la land where most Americans already reside. Among Boosh's proposals is to expand research into smaller, longer lasting batteries for electric and hybrid cars. Haven't we been doing that for the last, say, 20 years or so? Trying to make a better battery? He also wants to re-start the "plug in" electric car program, one that was scuttled many years ago because Americans wouldn't want to pay $30,000 for something that they can drive only a couple hundred miles in and then have to plug it in the wall overnight. This is not back to the future, but back to the past.
Boosh has also just discovered solar panels, it appears. Novel idea, I had never heard of them. What exactly do they do now, create electricity through sunlight? (actually I helped a friend install some in the early 80's) He says we need to make more of them. We probably need to get people to purchase and use them too, but he didn't mention that. I doubt that it fits into the long range plans of the 1% of the richest in America that he saves meaningful tax cuts for. They might look ugly in gated communities. Actually, we should pour a bunch of money into solar panels made specifically for mobile homes and then give them away. It would make more sense in the long run. In fact, we could probably take 2 weeks worth of money spent in Iraq and offer free solar panels to every household in America. But, this isn't about sense anyway, is it?
Hydrogen fuel cells to power cars, another brilliant "new" idea. It does have a couple of problems, though. Most experts say that it will be 20-30 years before they are ready for use. On top of that, only the wealthy will be able to afford them when they become available.
His main objective, though, appears to be the development of new biofuels. Using everything from corn to wood chips, Boosh sees this as the fuel of the future. Funny, I thought we were already doing that, though on a limited basis.
During the State of the Union address, as I mentioned above, Boosh claimed that he wanted to replace three-fourths of our oil imports from the Middle East over the next 19 years by substituting gasoline with a renewable fuel source. This, despite the fact that his own advisors admit that the way the market is currently structured makes it impossible to single out specific countries or regions to purchase or not purchase oil from. It is, however, comforting to know that Boosh will have a hand in our energy policy for 16 years after he leaves office. All his other ideas have worked so well, I'm hoping that perhaps he can figure out a way to commit our Defense Department to some long range program before his term expires. Regardless of how or when his exit from office comes.
The bottom line is this. George W. Boosh has made and blown a fortune in the oil business. All of his friends and cohorts are in the oil business. Clearly his only international friends, can you say Saudi's, are wholly dependent on the sale of oil for their very existence. Boosh does not give a rat's ass about changing any American dependency on foreign oil, domestic oil, Texas oil, or any other kind of oil. In fact, the opposite is true. He hopes that we use more and more oil, damn the long term consequences. Why? Because he also doesn't give a rat's ass about me, you, or anybody else in this country, unless you vote for Republicans and donate money to be used to keep them in power. Even then, he only pretends to care. Boosh can't see past the next hour, much less 20 years down the road. This is nothing but an attempt to garner votes for the '06 elections, an act that is so transparent it is becoming tired.
So, take your dog and pony show on the road all you want, Georgie. And be sure to use all the oil you can while you do it. Exxon, BP and the others can use the money. Besides, it's much too late for us to switch to another form of energy before the economy goes kablooey. If you really gave a damn about the American people, you would be preparing them for how to find things to eat when the shit hits the fan, not where the oil, er, energy will come from. We will be out of money long before we are out of oil. On second thought, now that I remember the aftermath of Katrina, never mind. We'll figure out the food thing on our own.
Boosh quote of the Day:
"The goals for this country are peace in the world. And the goals for this country are a compassionate American for every single citizen. That compassion is found in the hearts and souls of the American citizens."
George W. Boosh, Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2002
This is my last post until I somewhat recover from tomorrow's surgery. I hope that some of you will take me up on the offer I made yesterday, to create something I can post during my absence. If you missed it, read yesterday's post and it will explain what I am talking about. One thing I thought about this morning, for those of you who are located outside the US; I would love to see something from your perspective about what you think is going on in America these days. I believe that all of us could learn a lot from hearing about what you really think. I have an advantage in that many of you email me, so I know somewhat how we are viewed by people in various countries. Many others who read this site do not have any contacts overseas, and I'm sure they would appreciate hearing viewpoints from outside our borders. Last night I counted, and this site has been visited from people in 47 countries, plus 38 visits from the "unknown" countries, over the last 10,000 visits. The "unknowns" must be black sites I guess. I thought that we had identified all of the countries in the world, but, maybe not. So, I know you are out there and would appreciate hearing from you. Obviously, this is not to discourage US readers from sending me stuff as well. I hope that we can continue this on weekends after my return. I doubt that I will be able to do anything tomorrow, but hopefully on Tuesday I can post one of your articles. Nothing would make me happier, so email them to me if you wish. I will also answer personal emails as soon as I come out of the fog and can get up and move about.
Until then,
Hey Cyclone,
I wish you very good luck when you go under the knife tomorrow, and if they give you Versed, be sure and enjoy the ride!
Good luck on the operation tomorrow. I've had that surgery twice and it's a pain in the ass, but it's not the worse I had. (That was the repair of my left thumb! It hurt worse that both broken legs!) Keep a long sturdy stick handy to chastise Little Cyclone for any rude commens. I know the government frowns on the practice, but the government frowns on damn near everything we do anyway!
Boosh is relly getting strange these days! Cheney has his poblems of course, but he's just letting Boosh run to far afield! His comments on energy at SOTU Proves he doesn't have a clue! Hydrogen can be made from water and electricity! The current method of making electricity is probably the least efficiant way there is! Solar is much more efficiant and the hydroelecric plants at the Hoover damn could be put to work converting water into hydrogen and oxygen, when solar power replaces the hydroelectric kind being used be LA right now! The thing is, this plan is WAY to simple so it will never work!
Interesting comment on the use of hydrogen.
From everything I can find out so far, the use of hydrogen as a power source is a dead end. You put more energy in to obtain the hydrogen than you get out. But, the biggest problem, even if we could figure out a cheap way to make hydrogen is the systems that would have to be put in place to make it viable. Man, the storage and transportation problems are severe. Plus with the incredibnle amount of auto accidents per year, can we even develope a technology to make it reasonably safe, at least as safe as gasoline.
From what I can find out, it ain't so simple. But, maybe technology will save our asses. I tend not to want to hold my breath waiting. There seem to be some problems that technologys are not going to solve.
Part of what the ionosphere does is to protect life on earth from the harmful radiation of the sun. But what if we could lift a tiny fragment of the ionosphere upwards just enough to let a controlled amount of energy through. This energy could be focused onto receivers on the ground and used to fulfil all of America’s energy needs. Sounds good, huh. As usual that is not the whole story and it is not even close to what the project is about. Apart from that nobody really knows what will actually happen if even small amounts of the ionosphere are lifted out of place. It could act like a pin prick in a balloon; unlikely, but the people who are conducting these experiments can’t eliminate the possibility that the whole ionosphere could disappear into space leaving all life on earth unprotected from the full effects of the sun’s radiation. Alarmist maybe but would you want to roll those kind of dice?
A long read and a bit cyclical but it is worth coming to terms with the general principles that this project is about.
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Best wishes for tomorrow
From Belgium
This is a better page, it can be accessed from the last one but has more information.
From Belgium
Anonymous from Belgium,
I looked at the articles at the site. I have a tendency to get a bit anxious when there can be cataclismic consequences to messing around with the eco system. We have unententionally done that already with what appear to be really bad consequences coming at us.
Boundless energy in one form will not fulfill the need for energy in some other form. Example, free electriciy is great, but will not by itself fly a plane, nor power a submarine. At least last I heard.
We got problems already with increased radiation coming to earth from holes in the atmosphere.
I have a whole fistfull of other examples, some I have been concerned with. One of the problems I see today with 'science' is that is is not science in the original context. It has, in my view, degenerated into statistical probabilities rather than confirmable results. Data that falls outside of the statistical norm is discarded. That is bad science. Not only that, but this statistical probability is used to form social policies. I'm dead set against it.
This is not to say that all of the 'science' preformed today falles into this statisticaly probability trap, but enough of it does that I don't like it when it starts fiddling with the basic life support of this earth ship.
Well, once again the U.S. shows it's true colors. Anyone following the tirades, threats and bull shit coming from the press, blog sites and fellow team members of the black speed skater, Davis? Really shamefull.
Thanks for the well wishes. Hopefully the drugs will be good, and effective!
Yes I have and yes, it is shameful. I saw an interview with him last night, a very thoughtful, well spoken athlete. Yet, Bode Miller is the Icon. Go figure.
i am probably the only one that has not visited LAW ENFORCEMENT AGAINST PROHIBITION .
one of my sons turned me on to it, really great as i have done time for growing illigal flowers.kind of weird that now in the state of montana its legal to toke up if you have cronic pain.
good luck cyclone love this site
montana freeman
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