Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Gore and Barr; A Strange but Dynamic Duo

While Bob Barr, a former Republican Representative from Georgia, was on my television set night after night for what seemed like 100 years, I found him to be one of the least likeable creatures in a group of world class unlikables, the US Congress. Especially during the Clinton impeachment hearings, when his mug was in front of me nearly every time I turned on the television set, spewing on and on about how Clinton broke the law and should be removed from office. Now, he’s seen standing side by side with Al Gore, while Gore delivers a magnificent speech to the Liberty Foundation, demanding essentially the same thing regarding Boosh. And Barr is standing with him. So, has the world turned upside down? Did I misread Bob Barr? Question one, the answer is yes. Question two, the answer is probably yes and no.

The world has turned upside down when, without much opposition, the President of the Untited States breaks the law, announces it to the world, and states that he has no intention of discontinuing this activity. In fact, just the opposite. He calls for the launch of an investigation to find out just what un-American type leaked this news to the press and the world. Says revealing that he is a criminal is a danger to this country. It never crosses his twisted mind that the real danger to this country is in having a President who thumbs his nose at the law, the American citizens, and the entire world. In the world of George Boosh, we should be happy that he simply allows us to share in the use of “his” air.

As for Bob Barr, I don’t know if it was the pathetic little mustache he wore, or the nauseating and smug sound of his voice, or that he truly believed that Bill Clinton should be removed from office for a sexual encounter with an intern and then lying about it. There was just something slimy about him. I couldn’t help but believe that Barr should have been a character on the Hogan’s Heroes television show, on the side of the Nazi’s, of course, rather than an elected member of our government. With his recent pairing with Gore to blast Boosh, I think that maybe Barr was actually trying to take the Constitution seriously. It was hard, during the Clinton impeachment proceedings, to not see Barr as merely a partisan hack, one who seemed to be taking it way over the top. I believe that were the punishment left up to him, Clinton would have been drawn and quartered. But now he appears to be taking the same stance in regards to Boosh. What am I to think? Befuddling, to say the least. Now, to the speech.

Gore called for a special counsel to be appointed. He mentioned Patrick Fitzgerald on more than one occasion, though I doubt that Fitzgerald would be the man chosen should we be lucky enough to get special counsel appointed. Special counsel is a real longshot, that person being Fitzgerald an impossibility. If Boosco has learned nothing else, they have learned that Fitzgerald is not the person they want breathing down their necks. Instead, we will likely be stuck with the Specter charade. Although I admire Specter for his stance, nothing will come from any hearings that are held in secret by members of Congress. It will all be glossed over, some hands will be slapped, and it will go away. There is a better chance that the ACLU lawsuit that is to be filed today will accomplish something positive than any photo-op Senate hearings.

The most poignant thing that Gore said, in my view, is the following.

“At present, we still have much to learn about the NSA’s domestic surveillance. What we do know about this pervasive wiretapping virtually compels the conclusion that the President of the United States has been breaking the law repeatedly and persistently.

Can it be true that any president really has such powers under our Constitution? If the answer is “yes” then under the theory by which these acts are committed, are there any acts that can on their face be prohibited? If the President has the inherent authority to eavesdrop, imprison citizens on his own declaration, kidnap and torture, then what can’t he do?”

Indeed, what can't he do? In the mind of Boosh, there is nothing that he can't do. Simply frame it in the context of the phony "war on terror" and it's all systems go. After all, he's doing it all for us.

Boosh clearly broke the law, and has stated that he will continue to do so. I believe that, in the end, no matter what one’s political persuasion, the American people will not stand for this. Maybe I’m giving too much credit to the American people. Generally, I lean the other way, not giving them enough credit. In this instance, what we need is someone from the Democratic party to spell this out to the American people on the same terms that Gore did, the terms of the law, and stick with it. Suck up your guts, take what Al Gore said, and run with it. Run as far as you can, screaming as loudly as humanly possible, until someone shuts you up. Or someone hears you. Someone like the American people.

I am going to go out on a limb here. A skinny limb at that. I believe, that after Gore’s words yesterday, the stars are beginning to align. And, should we somehow survive until the ’08 elections, a longshot I admit, I believe that Al Gore’s hat will be in the ring. And, I think he will win the Democratic nomination, should he run. He has spent the last 5 years thinking, defining himself for himself, and has learned a lot about politics. He was robbed the first time, we are now bearing the fruits of that robbery. I don’t think that the American people have forgotten that, and I think he deserves a chance to clean up the mess left by the worst administration in the history of our Republic. President Gore. Has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?



At 8:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry Dude, but I dont' think the American people will stand up to anything. They are just too stupid and too busy working their two jobs trying to pay on their SUV's and HDTV's. Most have no idea what's happening in this country and don't care. And they think being informed is watching Fox News once in a while. Fox gives them the path of least resistance -it doesn't require any thinking.

But... this has been the plan. The powers-that-be planned on destroying the education system in this country because it's easier to control stupid people. Even those who are not stupid are too busy to care. Usually both spouses are working 50+ hours a week, with kids, car payments, a mortgage (the American Dream we're TOLD we have to have in order to 'fit-in')and they feel lucky to get 5 hours of sleep a night. This has also been part of the plan. We work more hours than others in other industrial societies because wages don't keep up with inflation. AND if we're not succeding or being successful (i.e. making great money), it's OUR fault. It's our fault the company moved it's operations to India. WE'RE not making ourselves more competitive. Of course, corporate greed has nothing to do with it (sarcasm).

So, I seriously doubt if anything will be done to get rid of this president who admitted breaking the law. It might brew up in the coming months, but they'll stall and hold on till the '06 elections when the Diebold machines elect or re-elect MORE Republicans for the House and Senate and the presidental term limits will be abolished -and a Ceasar will be born.

At 8:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And then the mess will be the fault and responsibility of the new Democratic administration. Boy, the invective from the Right in that case would be horrible to contemplate. I doubt, though, if fundamental change can come from either party, since they are not really who is running the country and those folks like things a bit more ...controlled...

Republicans and Democrates appear to be two manifestations of the same thing and only useful to distract us with the "he said, she said" talking head manure. Kerry's involvement in Skull and Bones and the weird GHWB/Clinton thing (don't get me started on LBJ) only serve to reinforce this belief. What do you think?


At 9:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally, I don't know anything about Gore's involvement with S&B or his relationship to the PTB. I do know that over the past few years, every time I have managed to catch him on TV or read his quotes, he has said something exceedingly smart. What a relief it would be to have a science-minded statesman like Gore in office, even given his involvement in speeding along the globalization process. I wonder if there will be a general election in '08.

At 9:44 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...

By 2008 Gore will need a fleet of bulldozers to clean up the mess this country will be in if we don't get the Repigs out of Congress this year! He's still a better choice than Hillary who I don't think is even remotley electable and has no platform to run on if she was! The old "It wasn't our fault! We're Democrats!" that worked so well in 1976 (my first vote!), has little if any chance to work today.

Dude seems to think the American people are too apathetic to stand up for anything. Well, maybee he has something, but I know one thing about the American people! If you take those two jobs, HDTVs and SUVs away, they get jolly pissed and come after you with their fangs bared! Look what happened to the Hoover administration!

At 9:58 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


It all hinges on the Dems re-taking the house back. If that doesn't happen, it's over. '08 won't even happen.


At 10:00 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


That is the $64,000,000 question. Will we make it to an '08 election, and if so, will it really be an election or simply an exercise in futility?


At 10:02 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


I don't know about the Kerry thing, but the GHWB/Clinton thing is not surprising. Daddy knows that little boy is not competent, and is no longer making any effort to hide that. No, there's not much difference between the two, but at this stage one is a helluva lot better than the other.


At 10:05 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


There aren't going to be any SUV's or HDTV's to worry about soon, especially if you are correct about adding Repubs. It probably doesn't matter though, after the '06 elections the economy goes Kaboom anyway. I see no way around that, just planning for the future in case a miracle occurs.


At 10:07 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


We've got to defeat the Repubs in '06 and then try to survive until '08. If the Repubs hold the majority, it will be time to kick ass, literally. There will be no America left to save. Might not be anyway.


At 12:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In 06 and 08 the Repug's will just cheat again with their diebold machines; you can pretty much guarentee that. It won't matter what the exit polls say, or the "pundits" or Jimmy Carter-they will cheat again and stay in power. That is a fact. So, the whole election thing is not a solution at all. (And, even if it were Gore ran a crappy campaign in 2000 and will probebly do the same if he runs again in 08.)

I agree with dude. The American people are so apathtic and stupid it is mind boggling. Perhaps if the economy does crash and they don't have their jobs and ability to accumulate more plastic crap, then they will start to understand the situation we are in-but it still won't matter because the elections will be rigged.

It's over. Our little 200 + years experiment with Democracy and a course- however flawed- toward a more human rights centered world is kaput.

At 1:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I used to be skeptical about both parties. I was told once that anyone not making atleast $250,000.00 a year shouldn't even consider voting repug. Well I am going to get in touch with the local Dems and see what I can do with what little spare time I have. I am informed thanks to you guys and am willing to try to make a differance. I think this is what it will take. I will not scream or rant, but be straight forward. I will just state what is and what is going to be if things don't change.I think Stoney is correct in that we need to get thing chend in the raise for congressional seats.

Dude try to see that people like us can and will make a differance. We need to get to the ones that have the ability to see the truth, some no matter what you say or do will never be able to change their mind set. We can make a differance. Someone else is going to take care of the voting machines though.


At 1:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Interesting subject you chose today. I have some comments on it.

I think that many people have put their faith into the voting poles, it's the democratic way. However, the founders of our system also stipulated that it's success depended on the voters being knowledgeable, and having integregrity. It appears to me that neither condition exists to any great extent in the population, and hasn't for some time.

Secondly, I think there is no reason to believe that either of the major parties (dems and repugs) will do much different. I agree the Dems might just stave off the immediacy of the situation, but not change it in any significant way since both parties are of the financial elite and controlled by the big corporations. Anyone who attempts to HONESTLY run with integrity cannot come form the elitists camp and that means they can't get elected, at least under the present way it's done.

Thirdly, any advocation of radical change within the government bureaucracy is going to step on way too many toes of people and groups that have way too much to lose. Any radical change in the way the government operates will take years by peaceful means, and we don't have years to do it in and the people who would attempt such a change can't get elected at least at this time.

Conclusion; Yes, make a stab at electing people that may or may not be effective at making a change, but I sure wouldn't recommend you hold your breath waiting for it. It appears to me that we have finally reached the point of no return,where no election is going to change anything significant that will affect most of the population in a positive way. Simply put,we are going to have to do what is necessary to start all over again and see if we can make it better next time around. The only way I see that happening is for utter catastropy to run at us head first. And, that I see coming soon.

At 4:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post by the way. I see things the way some of you guys have already mentioned. It does not matter whom you vote for, as this government corrupted to the core and is really controlled by scumbags who don’t care about the average American and only care about making themselves richer, which makes them more influential and powerful. One thing a lot of people don’t think about is that a lot of corporations operate globally (they are multi-national). So if the United States crashes, they can always pick up the slack in let’s say China. I see 2 possibilities for our future. 1. More Democrats will be elected to office, which really won’t make a difference. This country is still doomed, because this will not eliminate the puppet masters. 2. The rigged voting machines will bring in even more Republican scum and they will do what the puppet masters ask them to do. Greed and corruption will always prevail.

I have said this before and I will say it again. The ONLY way that we can truly rebuild this country is if the whole system is removed from power including the puppet masters. In the end I see a Civil war coming, on one side will be the angry Americans who has nothing left, because of the economic crash and can’t take anymore bullshit from the government and the puppet masters. On the other side will be the puppet masters, the government and people who choose to fight on their side. Millions of people will die, but in the end hopefully we can eradicate all the scumbags that got us where we are at today. A lot of them will probably flee the country as they own their own primate jets and plains and pull the same shit they did here in some other country (don’t forget that corporations are multi-national) as money corrupts most people and governments easily.

At 5:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Yup, that is what I see also. Then, if this civil war actually happens, and seeing that even with the checks and ballances built into our system it can still be perverted, what is to be done different. I know a perfect system can't be devised, but I think we need something that works better than this one that is open to corruption to such an extent. Got any ideas?

At 8:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right On, Rockpicker!

REFUSE the Diebold machines! Stick all the keys together with Crazy Glue, fill the cracks with WD-40, whatever fucks them up... Demand the Oregon system, paper ballots in the mail.

I am reminded of the quote by Lily Tomlin: "It's going to get a lot worse before it gets worse."


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