Monday, December 05, 2005

The Real Deal; Part 5

Today, we will look at the final solution that I am aware of, short of an all out Civil War among the American people. Many believe that this solution is not at all possible, but I am here to tell you that the naysayers are wrong. Their position is fundamentally flawed, and I will tell you why. This is a very simlified version of what is taking place, but to fully explain it all would take years. Just rest assured that some changes will take place, and they will be drastic changes. The hourglass is nearly empty. So, we are where I thought we would be all along, at

The Intervention of America's Most Powerful People

It has long been my belief that many of America's powerful elite, the people that hold vast amounts of wealth in this country and have held that wealth for many generations, will step in and save America from herself. The opposing view is that these people will do no such thing. The opposition says that due to their wealth, intervention will not occur because the money men can simply pull up stakes and live happily ever after on a peaceful offshore island, or sip scotch in some far away land. Granted, they could certainly afford to do this very thing, but they won't. They won't because they do not want to, and they are interested in saving America for their children and grandchildren and generations to come. This is their country too, their families legacies were built here, and they will not stand by and watch her fall without doing everything within their power to prevent the dismantling of the United States of America. To abandon America, they would also have to abandon the power positions that they have long held. They would be forced to separate and start over, scattered around the globe. This is not acceptable to them, so here is what is happening.

We are on a rapid course towards financial extinction. Between our startling deficits and overwhelming trade deficits, short of cancelling our debts to ourselves and other nations, our economy will not survive if drastic changes are not made in the very near future. Those that have the most to lose are those that hold the most money, thus the greatest power brokers in this country. I'm not talking about Governmental positions of power such as those held by Boosh and Cheney, but the behind the scenes ability to force necessary change in the entire power structure of American Government. These people lie outside any structure, other than structure of their own making. People without proper security clearances, yet can nonetheless meet with Boosh or Cheney simply by making a phone call. And, they have made the phone calls and met with Cheney.

If anyone thinks for one second that these "power brokers" are going to stand by and watch an incompetent President and his cronies destroy the American economic structure, out of a misguided and impossible strategy to bring "democracy to the world," said people are simply not dealing with reality. The single most important flaw in this thinking, is in ignoring that should the US economy fail, the chances are at least 50/50 that the World Economy will fail along with it. Removing the US from the world's economic equation is a roll of the dice for the rest of the world, but to take such a gamble is looking more and more like a risk they feel is their best option. They are fed up with us. Thus, the need for intervention from America's most powerful people.

People with "Rockefeller type money" (I am using Rockefeller simply because it frames the type of standing involved, not suggesting that any Rockefeller member will be involved) understand that the idiocy of staying the course in Iraq, along with the financial plan that Boosh has laid out for America, is certain to fail. We cannot continue to borrow and spend money at the rate we are currently doing so. Regardless of whether we are "at war," as Boosh claims, a war of choice, these people realize that Boosh has failed with every policy he has put forth, from Social Security Reform to the Katrina response to the War, and all in between. That being said, our economic future is what these people are interested in. They do not care whether or not the Iraqi's have a democratic government, nor do they care whether the Neocons insane thoughts about essentially taking over the world succeed or fail. What they do care about is assuring that their dollars are spendable 10 years from now, and forever. That is why they must, actually already have, begun to act.

Dick Cheney has been told that the game is up. Many deals have already been cut, and more are to follow. Cheney's exit strategy is being laid out as we speak. He will develop an illness that will require his "unfortunate resignation" and he will fade into the sunset. Shortly thereafter, Boosh will too resign and his entire surrounding cast will go with him. What will follow? I am not sure, but you can rest assured that the constitution will NOT be followed in determining a successor. It will likely be a power sharing structure of some sort, between Democrats and Republicans, with the instigators of this move staying in the background, telling them exactly what to do. For how long? Until we can regain our footing, and assure those that percipitate this that nothing similar will occur in the immediate future. The masses will learn the specifics when it becomes necessary, but the specifics will be sparce. The whole truth will likely never be known.

What is unknown currently is how aware Boosh is of the new program. Viewing his actions over the past few months, it appears that Cheney has told him of their looming departure, and that Boosh is putting up some resistance. I first noticed this some 2 months ago when Boosh became blatantly crass, striking out at everyone in his path. He was incessant in shouting that his way was right. Lately, though, he seems much more resigned to the outcome. He sounded less than enthuiastic this past week when announcing alleged "good news" about the economy, good news that is bullshit by the way.

In case you haven't noticed, Boosh has been doing a lot of globetrotting lately. With the exception of his public acceptance in Mongolia, the doors have, for all purposes, been slammed in his face during all other visits. During his visit to Argentina, his "trade plan" was summarily rejected by all in attendance. During his visit to China, outside of the Olympic bike ride, the trip was void of even the minimal photo op's afforded to all President's who have visited in the past. He was also not allowed to hold a press conference. And so it goes. His power has been stripped. He keeps up the facade, but he is done.

Critics of this position say that to believe that these powerful, wealthy elite care about the average American is naive. And, they are right, I agree wholeheartedly. These people don't care about you or I. We will simply get to ride their coattails and reap the benefits of their actions.

You are witnessing history, along with the long reach of the tenacles of true power, power that does not require a vote or an appointment to be earned. And you will witness the price that has to be paid for such intervention. The bankruptcy bill, the price of oil, the reductions of available health care and education money available to those in need, the increase in the interest rates, all play a part in the price to be paid. This plan is not something that is construed overnight, and has been playing out for some time. Like I have said many times before, it will not be painless, nor should it. After all, these folks don't work for free. Simply put, we get a single, one time reprieve from having been blind and igonorant to what is going on in the world as a whole, and in America in particular, for a long time. After this, we are on our own.

We must accept the responsibility for our own welfare, and to do that we must wake up and pay attention to the real world. The world that exists outside our families, our friends and our schools and churches, outside the boxes that we live in surrounded by picket fences. We must make certain that never again is an administration allowed to monopolize thought, domestic and foreign policy, and cast caution to the wind while being "led by God" to do so, without oversight. We must stop the greed, cronyism and immoral actions of our leaders. We must stop corporations and the religious right from deciding who our elected officials will be. And finally, we MUST learn the lessons of our recent failures.

Will we? I have my doubts. I think that after the shock of another Presidential resignation wears off, we will revert to the same old American way, never realizing that we were pulled from the brink of destruction by people who will never be seen. We will just write it off as a corrupt administration being brought down by a government system that allegedly worked as designed, which is the farthest possible thing from the truth. Most people will never know what happened, and we'll be right back here in another 20 or 30 years. Will we have the descendants of our current Savior's willing to step in then? For my daughters sake, I hope so.



At 10:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have wondered when the real power people in the US would have had enough nonsense. I guess you just answered this question. i hope your right.

At 12:02 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

Anonymous 2,

Two words. Jack Abramoff.

His reach will be far and wide, and will do incredible damage to both side of the aisle. There are Senators and Congressmen shaking in their boots. Forget re-election, they are now worried about prison sentences.


At 12:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you nuts? Rich people don't care about poor people period!!!!!

At 12:28 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

Anonymous 3,

No, not nuts. At least I don't think so. Some might argue yes.I pointed out that the wealthy are not doing this for the less wealthy, but for themselves and the future generations of their families. Perhaps a re-read is in order, but thanks for dropping in and for your comments.


At 1:55 PM, Blogger AL RULES said...

To change the links on your side bar, simply go to Blogger help and use the search tool...just ask how to change the links in your sidebar and they will walk you through it.

Thanks for stopping by REACT. I really enjoy your site. It gives a different perspective into the effects of the war, economically I mean.

If you ever want to contribute an article to REACT just e-mail me at

Keep up the great writing....AL

At 3:02 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...

I like the idea of castating all of them with my .44 magnum! I asked for ammo for Christmass! LOTS of ammo! It looks like their is gonna be a long line at the booth!

At 10:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even a third party will in time become as corrupted as the old line parties.
As long as lust for money and power are factors in the equation, the crack in the record will just keep playing the same part of the refrain. The lessons of history are destined to be replayed again and again.

At 1:39 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


You are correct. And, we never learn a damned thing.


At 12:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Stuff! I don't think everything is exactly how you see it, I'd say you're more than pretty close (much closer than the mindless flock roaming this land) overall. More importantly, it's nice to know that someone is using their head.
Your White Knight scenario is better than plausible. I'd like to believe it more than I do. While there surely are boatloads of pissed off people looking to take the Bushmen out, men such as these don't tend to give up power so easily. Given the Bushmen's actions during their reign have smacked of desperation as well as cronyism, I seriously doubt that they'll go quietly, even after their term is up. Either someone will have to take them out (I'm NOT advocating this, as it creates more problems than it solves), or lean on them (this would include your scenario).

At 1:42 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

anonymous 4,

I don't think it will come to someone "taking them out," and I also am not in favor of that. Cheney is the dangerous one, and I think he has already gotten the news. He is making a final stand. When McCain wins on torture, that stand will soon end. He also has Fitzgerald to worry about. Boosh is not so much of a problem. He is a madman, but fortunately a dim one, and when the proper pressure is applied he will walk away. Cheney will be a big part of convincing him. Just how I see it.
Thanks for coming by,


At 9:11 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


I appreciate your comments. I am not ignoring the liklihood of a worldwide financial collapse, in fact I mentioned it (I think). In reality, I think it may be the only REAL solution to the current crisis.

As for the other comment, I don't see the CIA or Big Money in any pleasant light, just the only hope vs. staying the course. It's going to be ugly, regardless. Thanks for stopping by,


At 10:24 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


No apology necessary. No, clearly Boosh is incapable of making any decisions on his own. He has gone off the deep end, and I think the handlers have been caught a bit off guard by his lunacy. I think he is drinking again, and the meds aren't working. I have hours of tape of his public appearances, and watching the meltdown is astonishing. I do think that you may have underestimated Cheney, though. In the beginning, he was definately a player. Now, he has been shoved aside. Over the last couple of months, he has made his last gasp efforts at saving his ass, and failed. I believe that the forces that you speak of just assumed that these fools would toe the line, and when they strayed, they did so at such a rapid pace that they could not be reeled back in. Thus, things have spun out of control. This has been fucked up at every turn, especially the watchdogs falling asleep at the switch. Interesting stuff, but Booshco will go down. There is no other way, they were unwisely given too much rope, too many heads were looking the other way (at dollar signs) and they have done too much unexpected damage. It may not be salvageable. That's why all of Washington seems to be stuck on stupid right now, no one knows how it happened. Or, more importantly, who to blame.


At 10:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bush is going to resign? That is nonsense... Your post is just a conspiracy theory with no basis in fact.

At 1:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i thought the posts were good here, but your idea of the powers that be resigning and the rich helping us out with that is unfounded bullshit.

"Most people will never know what happened, and we'll be right back here in another 20 or 30 years."

i'm hurt that you mentioned Peak Oil and yet you include this statement in the end. the reason these guys were able to sneak into power and do what they're doing is because we need 22 million barrels per day of this crude reality - and we're only producing 5 mb/d. they aren't leaving, and putting our faith in the system sorting itself out with some dual-party thing after they both resign is insanity.

you need to tell people to start getting out there are putting their dollars into real assets such as land, seed and renewable technologies. having them sit idly and wait for bush to resign is no solution to the ultimate problem - which is energy. that would be like me sitting, watching tv and putting all of my hopes that someone is inventing cold fusion in his basement somewhere. it's a pipe dream - just like waiting for your scenario to occur.

let's be a little more clear with what is fact and what is fiction.

At 7:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I've enjoyed reading your blog on the "Real Deal". For the most part I concur - what you
express here (in an eminently reasonable fashion, I must add) reflects many of the same
obserations and conclusions I have come to.

The one item where I'm not so sure I agree with you about is that there is a power elite
that will rise up and do what is necessary to remove the current crop of neocon/neofascist
thugs from power, for the benefit of preserving some shred of constitutional democracy.
My own personal belief is that the power elites are perfectly happy with current developments,
permitting - or actively promoting - the feudalization of this country, turning the vast
majority of us into impotent economic serfs (even more so than we are now).

But, lets assume you are correct - that there are powerful forces out there that would like
to preserve, for their descendents and posterity in general, a country where the constitution
and the rule of law preserves the rights, opportunities and dignity of the citizens, and
protects us from the arbitrary whims of so-called "authority figures" ranging from the
local police to the highest national officials.

If this is true, these "benevolent" figures, groups, or whatever (I use the term benevolent
simply as a relative term for comparison to those pulling the strings on the current regime)
will have to move in conflict with those currently in control.

As I see it, when these two sets of forces come into opposition, at best the result can be
nothing less than a constitutional crisis that makes Watergate look like a squabble fought
out by beligerant neighbors in small claims court. At worst, this will precipitate what for
all practical purposes will be a coup, in all probablility involving our military forces.
If there really are two powerful sets of forces set to struggle for control of the country
then the possibility of an actual civil war, involving extended violence and numerous
casualties, is high.

Revolutions and civil wars rarely result in any benefit for the populace in general, at least
in the short term. For the most part they bring hunger, despair, dislocation and death.
Also, the actual substance and agendas of civil wars, as an extreme manifestation of
political/economic maneuvering, are rarely the same as the simplistic advertized slogans
and jingoistic chants that are generated to move opinion, generate support, and promote
participation (as in obtain cannon fodder).

Also keep in mind that the relationships between the powerful are much more subtle and
complex than those that most of us experience in our daily lives. The may be antagonistic
to each other, but they have one thing in common - power and wealth - and they have precious
little in common with the rest of us. They will both use the last remaining abundant
resource - the populace - as the pawns in their power struggles with each other. Those who
will be driving the conflict will not suffer appreciably in any personal sense. Those of
us that find ourselves participating, through choice or coersion, in the actual physical
conflict will bleed and die.

The last two elections were blatantly stolen by fraudulent means so transparent that it
insults our intelligence - but we have done what about that? Squat. Diddly. Nada. This
has made the electoral process in this country essentially irrelevent. This is reflected
in the fact that we now have a president who is totally irrelevent.

Keep in mind the neofascists' primiary operating principle is, "grab and retain power and
control by any means possible". For two years now, I have been listening to my friends say,
"wait until the 2008 election and we'll kick their sorry asses out of Washintgon". To which
I responded, "what makes you so sure that there will be a 2008 election?"

A civil conflict along the lines mentioned above might look like a serious challenge to the
current regime, whose appearance of legitimacy deteriorates every day in the eyes of anyone
paying attention. But it may be just what they need to totally consolidate power, and to
do away with bothersome elections. Remember - these people actually gained much of their
control (as manifested by the Patriot Act, Dept of Homeland Security, the politicization
of the intelligence community, and other police-state developments) as a result of attack
and disaster being visited upon this country. The development of an armed, forceful challenge
to them would be all they need to bring the country immediately under marshall law, with the
complete suspension of civil liberties and total control of the economic, domestic and
personal lives of the masses, which is their ultimate goal anyway. This would of course
fulfill my prophesy that there will be no 2008 election.

So how will this affect me personally, if my worst fears come to pass? I am 53 years old,
but I am still strong, agile, and I can shoot. I am between marriages at the moment and I
have no children. I have never been one to hide when unpleasant things needed to be done.
As such if I remain in this country (not a foregone conclusion) I suspect that I will not
be able to remain uninvolved when things get ugly. And as such, like countless millions
throughout human history, I suspect that there is a better than even chance that my end
will come violently at the hands of jackbooted thugs claiming to be the authorities of
my government.

At 9:02 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

Carl in Pa,

I do not disagree with most of what you so eloquently state. I do, however, believe that the two opposing groups of the power elite are no different than society in general, they are split between neocons and others. That is a bitter split, one that will have to be sorted out, with regular Americans being the sorters. Both sides cannot survive this inevitable power struggle. I think we could well end with the real war being fought on the streets of America, with us being the pawns as you propose. We will not make it to 2008 in any recognizable form if things remain as they are, elections are already irrelevant. Gonna be interesting to see how things all shake out, but it's not going to be pretty, no matter what. Dorothy, we're not in Kansas anymore. Thanks for the comments,


At 6:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks for reading my comment and providing remarks. The only question that remains for me at this point is whether to bug out to some place warm (Belize and Thailand are my two top choices at the moment) or to stock up on food and ammo and try to stay alive until 2012

At 5:00 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

Carl in PA,

Only you can decide that. I can tell you that if things don't change over the next year, I will be out of here. My daughter will not be drafted and fight some godforesaken war anywhere on behalf of this country. If I were single and childless, I would probably hang around for the fight.


At 9:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fantastic work Cyclone ;)
Read all your articles and am blown away by your way with words and harsh cold realities. I have been reading a lot of articles and blogs lately. Yours is one of the better ones indeed.

One thing that bothers me about the whole state of America thing ( I am an Australian, trying to understand how this affects me here), anyway, how is it that the US was allowed to get into this sad state of affairs in the first place? If the PTB (powers that be) are so smart why run the whole place into the ground so bad??

I see that people say Boosh is a puppet and that he is a madman and all....but wouldnt it have been wise for the masters of the puppet to cut his strings much earlier than now?? I mean this has been brewing for some time and I would have thought they would be smart enough to see he was steering into the rocks?? I remember saying to friends back when the US first hinted it was going to Iraq that it was all about Oil and other motives - it was so obvious and I cannot believe that so many believed the BS about terrorists or Saddam.

This brings me to say that your faith in those "elite" is prolly not real solid because they are also not that smart and have left their run abit late IMO. I reckon that most elite or PTB in the US are greedy and corrupted by their lack of control over the ego and have all sailed into the same reef. Whats coming is a lesson so that this never happens will hurt but it has to in order for us to all learn how not to be.

I like the optimism but your country has no more credit left in the "Do us a favour, God and save us please" account.

At 4:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


As an Australian also I'm amazed you can't see how the 'state of the US thing' will and is affecting us.

Our Prime Minister almost gives Boosh a big kiss when he sees him, he's been given an award for services to the American people while he's been selling us out to the US since '95.

I'm wondering when we'll be annexed to the US, then they get our resources free and lots of 'serfs' to work and send to war.

Australia has only had to defend itself in one war and then only the latter part(WWII with Japan), otherwise before WWII it was helping England and then after we went to Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War I, Afghanistan, Iraq and we'll follow like silly puppets for the next wars.

I can't see that a change of government in the US will do anything other than put back into the 'closet' what's been going on since WWII in a covert manner (as Cyclone said 'looking the good guys').

The change will come when the American people can look someone from another country on this earth in the eye and realise that they're not better than the rest of the world, they're the same... We are all human beings that live all over the world and it's okay to be different and just because everyone doesn't want to live 'the American Dream of Democracy' doesn't mean you can steal from them,treat them like dirt and kill them.

To my shame my country is going down the greedy self centred path with the US and I'm disgusted... For us to have the great 'American way of Life' means we look to losing our medical system that gave free medical treatment to 'all' Australians, we loose our workplace ethics in favour of those with a US flavour that reduces our wages, we loose our government support for certain drugs so people can afford them when they're sick, we look as though we are about to loose our quarantine standards by reducing them to accept beef from countries that have 'mad cow disease' this is to ensure we buy US beef ('free trade agreement) from poor cows force fed grain in food lots and the list just goes on and on... but the foolish sheeple in Aussie think it's like the TV shows and movies that all Americans live in wonderful homes like the Charmed Ones...

Hollywood has been the greatest propagana machine that the US ever had!

Even though it will affect me and the people I love, a total collapse of the US economy will in my opinion be the best outcome, then people in the US and Australia may begin to treat other humans as such and look to alternative energy instead of killing our planet.

At 5:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's my question: if there is a global financial collapse, will the U.S. power elite still have any power? I agree with you (from my limited personal experience) that there are some extremely wealthy, establishment, and conservative people who are disgusted with bush and recent events. But if they lose a few hundred million when their hedge funds collapse, they may be too preoccupied to try to engineer any kind of regime change. Thoughts?

At 6:31 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


Thanks for your comments. I am far from an editor, do this for free, and generally in a hurry. The things that I write to sell are fully edited, by someone with that particular expertise. For this project, however, it is what it is, and spellcheck doesn't work on here most of the time. Now, if you are offering your services for free, I would be more than happy to let you have a go at it if that is what you wish. Just let me know and I'll put you on board. I simply don't have the time nor the expertise to learn a new craft, and gave up trying to please the world many years ago. Sorry.

Thanks for stopping by.


At 6:34 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


You are preaching to the choir, brother. You are probably correct, a financial collapse is the best result.


At 6:37 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


Conspiracy Theory? You had better hope and pray that I am correct and you are not. Otherwise, we are both toast.


At 6:39 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


If there is a GLOBAL financial collapse, only he with the most weapons will survive. Mad Max will have arrived.


At 7:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now Cyclone,

This thinking "only he with the most weapons will survive." is why if there is total collapse many Americans will die... too many guns and not enough brains.

The answer isn't guns and killing it's working together for a better world.

The mentality of "we're better than them, because we've got more guns... nah nah nah..." this is why we're in the mess we are.

At 6:06 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

Anonymous (guns),

Don't misunderstand. I am not advocating the use of force, I'm just stating that the reality is that guns will be the final stand here in America, not in other places. There will be a civil war in America. Is it right? No. But, try telling that to 300,000,000 pissed off Americans.


At 8:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love your blog man. I can't get anybody I talk to to listen to this stuff. The sheep are truly dumb.

I'm really thinking the best thing would be to get the hell out of this country asap. I don't want to be here during Mad Max or police state which ever one occurs.

I'm not sure where I would go or what I would do though. I'd hate leaving my family and friends behind but no one wants to listen to reality. They think I'm crazy for thinking this stuff.

People are gonna be pissed off when reality hits home and the USA as we have known it collapses.

At 2:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Jim,
as an editor, you should know that your sentence that begins "As and example, this sentence" should read "As an example, this sentence"...
it is not too convincing otherwise...insert something about a sword cutting both ways here.

To Cyclone:
great blog...I check this kind of stuff out all the time but just found you today, linked at Life After the Oil Crash.
I have one question that is related to an earlier comment about why this has been allowed to go on so long without repair: why did it happen at all?
The series explains very well how things have played out after the fact, but what were the original motivating factors?
I have read that Cheney went off the deep end after 911...did he just go nuts or was there some plan that went awry after putting it into action?

btw, I realize that's more than one question. :>

At 7:14 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


I think that some people decided to take advantage of the apparent collective slumber that the American people have managed to put themselves into, by raping and pillaging the people themselves. As always, chasing the mighty dollar. The ironic thing is it never works, two ways. One, the people get what they deserve, and two, that same dollar will fail. Who? A collective group of politicians and big business people. Cheney? In my view, he's always been nuts, a dangerous nuts, and was in the right place at the right time to be used by the above. (as was the dimwit Boosh, appointed to the highest office in the land) Thanks for your support.


At 1:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great series, its always good to find a concise assessment of the current dire circumstances. There's one thing I don't understand though, about the elites stepping in... when you say "it's their country, too," do you mean that as being literally true? As in, they literally own so much property here in the states that they are not going to stand for "Booshco" trashing it all? When I look at it from that perspective, I can appreciate what you're saying. But I find it hard to believe that people with that much wealth would give a crap about something like civic responsibility. If anything, I expect that the current course toward economic ruin is actually in their best interest, since it would consolidate their power and expand their asset holdings in ways that couldn't otherwise be accomplished. Thanks much, keep up the good work.

At 4:14 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Thanks for the comments. Yes, I mean that it is their country too, but probably not in the sense that you are taking it. More like, "you aren't just stomping on the little people that none of us care about, but us as well." Their power does not need to be further consolidated, they have more than enough as it is. Civic responsibility is not on their radar screen, you are correct about that. But, they do not want their children and grandchildren growing up in an America that is vastly different than the one they grew up in, as in a police state. And, remember, if the world economy goes down the tubes they essentially become one of us. Sure, they will always have more, but if the dollar becomes worthless and they have to shift all holdings to another form of currency, they will lose big time. That, in addition to likely having to relocate to some far off place, albeit "nice place," is plenty of incentive for them to try to stop the madness. America as we know (knew) it is over, and they'll try to salvage what they can and make the neocons pay for it. A small fraction of them are Neocons themselves, and those are more than happy to "stay the course," like you mention. Fortunately, they are in the minority and will lose. But, it may be too late to save anything anyway. They, like everyone else, were caught off guard by the rapidity of all that has happened. They figured they had another 10-20 years before the inevitable financial crisis would occur. They simply underestimated the incompetence of Booshco and the Neocons. I would suggest packing your bags, it may well be too late. We'll know more when Rove goes down, but I'm afraid that won't bring us much solace in the short term.


At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I certainly hope you are right. I think that is a pretty fascinating idea.

At 6:38 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...

Sputnic Jim,

Please don't take this the wrong way, but; ARE YOU TRIPPIN'??!

You read this entire story where cyclone is taking his OWN time to warn of this country's problems and you want to rag on him over an APOSTROPHE! you put it the same place he put it! Nothing different!

Cyclone is giving this away for free! The least you can do is post a relivant comment!

Come and learn if you will, but leave the teaching at school!


At 6:39 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


I can guarantee you I am right about 2 things. Rove and Cheney are done. It is only a matter of when. The quicker Cheney goes, the quicker Boosh goes. It's really that simple. Unless it is decided that "for the good of the country" Boosh gets to stay as a figurehead after Cheney's departure, he'll follow Cheney in pretty short order. I can't see these people allowing Boosh to stay and further destroy our worldwide credibility. It's already severely damaged. You'll see Clinton and Carter, maybe even Daddy Boosh become a travelling road show, going around the world and begging for forgiveness, trying to save our economy. But never fear. Cheney is through.


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