Thursday, December 01, 2005

The Real Deal; Part 4...Some Solutions?

Patrick Fitzgerald; The First Stop

When looking to our possible solutions to the nightmare that we are living, one must start with Patrick Fitzgerald. I made it clear that the hourglass with Fitzgerald is running out of sand, but he is still a viable option. I am beginning to believe that what he can do will not be done soon enough for Boosh to be removed by conventional means, that being through the legal system. But, here are some things that Fitzgerald can do that can speed up the process somewhat.

1) Indict Karl Rove. Fitzgerald is the most careful prosecutor I have ever watched work, albeit, watched from a distance. In most cases this is a good thing, but in the case at hand he needs to get moving. Our very existence depends upon his moving quickly. If you look at the way the Libby indictment came about, you see a very meticulous investigation that left no stone unturned, Bob Woodward's bombshell aside. As for Rove, indicting him would not accomplish much in the near term, he is for all practical purposes neutered already. Though he still has an office in the White House, Boosh can no longer trust him and both remain isolated from one another. The long term benefit to a Rove indictment is a much better scenario.

Should Rove be indicted, he would do all he could to protect Boosh, including selling Cheney down the river. And, as I've said before, Cheney is the ultimate target in all of this. Should Cheney go, Boosh soon follows. Boosh is incapable of maintaining power without Cheney, and a Rove indictment would most certainly lead to the truth of Cheney's role being exposed, leading to his resignation. Rove does not like Cheney. He would sing like a canary, turning on the Vice President in a heartbeat, and lead to the ultimate downfall and removal of the entire Boosh cabal. Rove also is not the type of person who would do well in prison, essentially assuring his cooperation with the Prosecutor. But, as with Libby, it would take time. Time that we likely don't have. We are in the 23rd mile of a 26 mile marathon with our economy, and I am not certain that all of the legal hoops could be jumped through in time to save us.

Libby is the wildcard in all of this. He will eventually break, but as long as his attorney's advise him that they have a fighting chance for an acquittal, (a pipe dream, by the way) he will keep his mouth shut. He is very loyal to Cheney, but not so to Boosh. Since Cheney is the target, Fitzgerald is in the unfortunate position of having to wait for Libby to dump on his former boss. It could happen at anytime, but the odds are that it will occur later rather than sooner. Bob Woodward gave Libby, or at least Libby's attorneys false hope, thus lengthening the process.

2) Indict or threaten to indict Cheney. This would accomplish the task of giving America as we know it a fighting chance to survive. In order to reach this point, much of the above has to happen first. Libby must agree to cooperate, again he is the key to unlocking Cheney's closet. Libby has been some bullshit hope, by his attorneys, and exacerbated by Woodward. Thus, the process again slows down. When I said sometime ago that Fitzgerald had sent a serious message to everyone in the White House, this was indeed true. But, again, Fitzgerald has sent out the carrier pigeons and can do nothing but wait for them to return with the news he needs. That news is A) Libby has folded and will now cooperate B) Rove information is unveiled, likely by a reporter, that leads to his indictment, or C) Information that he already has is confirmed by another source that leads to the potential indictment of Cheney.

Fitzgerald has the information that he needs to proceed. But, his obsession with having a "slam dunk" case before indicting anyone is limiting his ability to act on the information that he has. Fitzgerald knows that Cheney is the person ultimately responsible for the "underlying charges" surrounding the outing of Valerie Plame, but is not acting out of fear of not getting a conviction. Normally this is an honorable trait, and rare among prosecutors. More often than not, a prosecutor will indict on flimsy evidence and hope for a conviction. Fitzgerald works in opposite fashion. He wants a virtual guarantee of conviction before he indicts anyone, so this case is stuck in neutral while he waits for confirmation of information that he already has. In rare instances, and this is one of those, we need someone to err on the side of the "flimsy evidence" indictment. That would force Cheney to resign, he would not wait for an indictment and endure a frog march while sitting in the office of the Vice President. The house of cards would then tumble, perhaps resulting in the saving our country. Unfortunately, (unfortunate in this case only) this is not the way Fitzgerald operates, so we are forced to wait. And waiting is not an option for much longer. At the very outside, we have a year to remove Boosh and his entire crew or we are done. And that is the very outside view, in reality, 6 months is a lot more comfortable.

For now, that is where we stand with Fitzgerald's investigation. I want to make one thing clear, I am not criticizing Patrick Fitzgerald or his work in any way. He will get the truth, and we will hear about it. I just fear that it will be too late to matter. I could care less about the end result of the Boosh legacy, what history writes about this administration, or anything else along those lines. Boosh has managed, on his own, to assure himself of going down in history as the WORST President in American History, regardless of what additional information comes up. What I do care about is my country, and would like to see it survive long enough for that history to be written and for my daughter to remain an American. For that to happen, Boosh cannot finish his term.

The CIA; The Next Carnival Ride Stop

The biggest immediate problem that Boosh has, should Fitzgerald fail to deliver in a timely enough manner, is the CIA. And more importantly, Ex-CIA members. As we all know, the CIA was made the "fall guy" for the debacle in Iraq, specifically George Tenet. And they are pissed. Pissed enough that they will not play that role any longer. Using them to blame as the source of the faulty intelligence used to go to war, was a one time event for Booshco.

You will have to dig long and hard to learn the information that follows. It IS OUT THERE, but good luck finding it. Over the course of the next few years, should we survive, you will find that a lot of books will be written that will go into great detail about this. It will be much too little and much too late. The mainstream press has, for the most part, turned a deaf ear to this, at the request of the CIA and the Booshies. It is nonetheless the truth, and very different from what you probably have heard or been led to believe. Just understand, for obvious reasons, I will not attach names to the majority of this.

Contrary to popular belief, during the leadup to the war, the CIA took the lead on the side of not going to war. Yes, the very people that are now blamed for giving the faulty intelligence that led to the war, fought long and hard against using their own intelligence. They in essence picked a fight with Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rummy and the boys. The CIA knew that the intelligence was flawed, and told the White House and the Cabinet members exactly that. They knew that the main source Boosh used to justify the war, the Booshco hand picked leader of Iraq, Chalibi, was not telling the truth about many of the alleged "facts." They fought hard and long, but in the end, they lost. Boosh has never wanted to be told things that he did not want to hear, and back then there actually was communication between various branches of the government and members of the administration. They screamed and hollered behind closed doors, but Boosh had decided that he was going to invade Iraq, from the first day he took office, come hell or high water. He did not want to hear anything from anyone who thought this was a bad idea, because he did not care about the consequences of the decision, nor was he smart enough to even understand them. He only knew that he wanted to remove Saddam Hussein, in spite of the costs.

The spin that you have seen on the CIA/Boosh/Iraq debacle goes something like this. Boosh asked for the best intelligence available, the CIA stated that Saddam absolutely had weapons of mass destruction and was likely trying to acquire materials for a nuclear weapon, if he didn't already have one, Powell was skeptical and Tenet told Powell that it was a "slam dunk." Powell then told Tenet that he had better be right, that he would be sitting on camera, right behind him, when he presented the "intelligence" to the United Nations. Tenet was indeed behind Powell when he sold the package, and the rest is history. All a nice, pretty, convincing package. Hell, it fooled the majority of Congress, so no wonder it fooled the American people and the worldwide community. The problem is, this story was nowhere near the truth.

The CIA knew damn well that the likelyhood of Saddam possessing any weapons of mass destruction was practically nil. They also knew that he was in no shape, fashion or form, connected in any way to Osama bin Laden. In fact, Osama and Saddam were enemies. They knew that Saddam couldn't possibly be a threat to America, now or ever. They knew that Saddam had not been seeking to buy yellowcake uranium or anything else to be used for nuclear production. They knew that the tubes you saw during the Powell presentation could not be for the purposes Powell claimed. They knew that, should our forces invade Iraq, they would not be greeted as Liberators, but as Occupiers. They knew that if Saddam were removed, the most likely result would be a Civil War that American troops, regardless of the numbers, would be unable to contain. They knew that there would be mass casualties on all sides. (they actually believed that the American numbers of deaths would be much higher than they have turned out to be) They knew that Iraq would become a terrorist breeding farm. They knew that Iran and Syria would join forces with the alleged "insurgents" and essentially open their borders for those who wanted to fight Americans. They knew that there was no way to end this once it started, you either stayed permanently or you lost, because there was no way to measure victory. They knew that the region would actually stabilize, not destabilize as advertised, which they knew was much worse for America than any destablization effect would be. This in spite of the rhetoric that you hear about us wanting a "stable Middle Eastern region." (the negative impact of a stable region is that once the feuding factions within and from different countries found a common enemy, they would likely become a collective force that we did not have the capacity to deal with) They knew that, should Saddam fall, America would become a less safe place rather than more safe, as we have been led to believe. They knew that our "standing" in the world would fall to unimagineable lows. They knew that we would have to go it alone into Iraq because other countries would refuse to join us, simply because it was not a good idea. They knew that it was impossible to pay for this with Iraqi oil money, that the money would be diverted and stolen. They knew that a terrorist attack would occur on our own soil should we choose to go down this path, likely a much larger one than 9/11. They knew that sleeper cells within our borders would be "awakened" after an invasion, and that there were thousands of willing people, already here. These folks would be willing to begin a chain of suicide bombings, randomly picking targets throughout the country. They knew that we had no way of dealing with these attacks here at home, no system available to identify who these people were. They knew that thousands of others would immediately enter this country, both legally and illegally, prepared to wreak havoc among the American people. And finally, they knew that there was a chance that we could have a Civil War right here in America, once the suicide bombings began happening on a regular basis.


And, Boosh chose to invade Iraq anyway. He morphed into a Neocon.

As you can see, the intelligence that the CIA had developed was not too far off base. Other than still waiting for terrorist attacks to begin on our soil, they pretty much got it right. And, should attacks begin in America, they will have gotten it all right. Their thanks for this? Have Boosh include the famous "sixteen words" in his State of the Union address and then blame any failure on the CIA, have Powell speak nothing but lies to the United Nations, and have the bus run over the boss, George Tenet. (In fairness to Powell, he was out of the loop and did not know for certain that he was lying. He has, however, stated that he was "suspicious" of the intelligence but chose to make the presentation anyway)

The fallout from what was stated in the above paragraph was that people began to leave the CIA in droves. They felt betrayed, being blamed for a war that they never wanted. They have the American people believing that, due to their faulty intelligence gathering, this war is the fault of the CIA. They are pissed, and they should be. And they are wanting revenge.

To this point, they have been willing to wait to see what progress Patrick Fitzgerald makes before exposing the dirty little secrets about the Boosh war. But, thankfully for us, they are getting antsy. They see a future much like the one that I see, and they are not willing to wait too much longer before stepping in. What effect can they have? I'm not sure, but all of the stops must be pulled out to force Booshco out of office. If all of these CIA folks band together, it will be hard for the American people, or our leaders outside of the White House to ignore.

After Fitzgerald, that is the next obvious backup plan. I honestly don't know if the CIA and the ex-CIA people can bring the house down or not, but it must be tried. Beyond this, there is only one final option that I am aware of, short of the Civil War that the CIA warned of. We'll talk about that in a day or two.



At 11:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

bravo!!!!!!!!!!!keep it up

At 12:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, sir, for what you do here. It is hard for many of us to put all this stuff together. I read your articles from 1-4 and it makes the most sense of anything I have read. Please continue to publish articles. I don't know how you do it, but I personally want to thank you. If anyone else reads this they should read those 4 articles in order. Bud

At 12:15 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

Bud, thanks for the support. I try hard to inform people about what is really going on. Tell your friends about this site, please. I do this for free, without sponsors, because I do not want to feel obligated to a certain point of view.


At 12:18 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

FOR STONEY: If you drop in today:

email me @ and I'll tell you how to get back on Alternet if you want to and haven't figured it out yet. I can also tell you why they banned you.


At 1:13 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...

Heading there right now, Thanks!

At 1:35 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...

I'm posting on Alternet under the name but I sign them Stoney!

If this keeps up I'll have more email adresses than johnnyboy!

Wonder what happened to lafemmenikita?

At 3:04 PM, Blogger AL RULES said...

I just stumbled across your blog while reading ALTERNET. Its a great site you have here. You have some interesting views and informed opinions. I will be reading regularly from now on. If you have the time, stop by my blog and give it a read....AL

At 5:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work Cyclone!

I have followed your writings on ALternet for some time now, and you appear to be one of the enlightened few. I will be telling as many as possible about your site, this is information I could only hope the vast majority of Americans would read...

I however still believe that the only way America will find its way back from the dark situation it now faces is through a total collapse of the economy.

It will be difficult for some, devastating for others and perhaps catastrophic for many more, however when I look around and see the GREED that continues to corrupt people at all levels there needs to be a radical reset. Yes the potential to return to the 1800s is a distinct possibility..

Of course just my opinion...

Keep up the great work!

At 5:38 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

Thanks for coming by, and for passing the word. You well know how I feel about the best painful outcome re: the economy, but I must point out all the options that I see. I appreciate your enlightened comments, they really help me.


At 10:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cyclone, Thanks for the very interesting info. It scares me, but in a way I hope the economic collapse happens soon. Anything to rid ourselves of Boosh and Company. I think the Booshies are behind 911. It all fits in.

At 1:42 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

anonymous 3,

I'm not ready to go that far yet, but I'd say it's certainly not out of the question. I doubt that I will ever have time to figure 9/11 out. Someone a lot bigger and smarter than me will have to handle that project! Thanks for coming by,


At 4:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cyclone, do you really think there will be suicide bombings in the U.S.???

At 7:04 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

anonymous 4,




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