Monday, November 28, 2005

The Real Deal Exposed; Part 3

Today I am going to divert, momentarily, to something consistently floating around progressive circles. Although the goal is admireable, it simply WILL NOT HELP solve the current situation in which we find ourselves. In fact, this approach may do more harm than good. I am sure that during the course of this I will piss a few people off, but, so be it. These are serious times, the most serious times that we, as a nation, have ever faced. This solution is tossed around by good people, make no mistake about it. But these people do not understand how real and urgent that the current threat really is.

Every day I hear people argue that we need to rid ourselves of our two party system, that we need new blood and that a third party is the answer. Over the long haul, I cannot say that I disagree with that view. But, we must first assure ourselves that there IS a long haul. In order to make certain that we have a future, Booshco must be removed, regardless of the cost. For now, the Democrats are the only viable alternative. That is simply the reality of the situation, like it or not.

A third party candidate as an alternative to our current two party system may become viable in the next 15-20 years. It is a pipedream to believe that anything happening with a third party, beyond the local or state level, will become a reality at present. People who choose to vote for and push these candidates fail to understand or admit the urgency of the current crisis. While their motives should be applauded, their belief that it is the right time for such a movement is misguided. They are simply in denial, living under the belief that "we'll get them in the next election" or "wait until '08" is the proper route to take. They fail to recognize that we may not make it to the '08 elections, in fact, we may not even make it to the '06 elections. Our country could be very well be unrecognizeable by '08, unless the Boosh regime is removed. There are a lot of these "believers" out there. Enough of them to be dangerous. In essence, enough of them that unknowingly propelled us down our current path, the path to our doom. Let's look at a little history and I'll prove a point.

In the year 2000, two things were responsible for assuring that George W. Boosh would become the President of the United States. First, the United States Supreme Court, who chose to abandon their "States Rights" stance when it became possible for them to appoint a President. A despicable act by some despicable people, without a doubt.

Someone else could have prevented the Supreme Court from ever becoming involved in this matter, and I hold him as responsible as anyone for why we are where we are today. Ralph Nader. (this is where people will get pissed off)

Nader knew exactly what the outcome could possibly lead to should he choose to remain in the race for President in 2000. He knew full well that we had at least a 50/50 chance of giving power to an unintelligent, totally incompetent, drug abusing, dry drunk moron. Anyone with any political experience or knowledge could see that if he stayed in the race, the result would be a razor thin margin of victory for one of the other two candidates. Nader certainly knew that the stakes in this election were higher than any election in the last 50 years. He knew that the next President, should he be re-elected, would most certainly have two Supreme Court positions to fill. And Nader knew that he could not win, in fact, did not have a snowballs chance in hell of winning. But, he also knew that he held the key to deciding the election, either by staying in, or getting out and throwing his support to who he viewed as the lesser of two evils, Al Gore.

Sure, Nader is right about a lot of things. Both the Democratic and Republican parties are beholden to corporate interests, a point that he consistently pounded throughout the campaign. Yes, it is time to change the unworkable political system in this country, no one can argue with that. And yes, the Democrats and the Republicans are far too much alike for anyone to be very comfortable with either party. But Nader was also wrong about some things, and for those things he cannot and should not be forgiven. Because he knew better.

Nader turned himself into the Presidential Candidate equivalent of a Televangelist. The savior from Big Business. He convinced millions of voters that he was the answer, that it was time to dump both parties and jump on his bandwagon, that it was time for people to finally make a stand. And he did this for selfish reasons, all the while claiming to be "for the people." The timing could not have been worse.

Nader built his career on exposing big business for what it really is. An admireable trait, considering he did it without corporate sponsorship. In 2000, Nader was no spring chicken, and realized that if HE was to be the one to lead the charge towards a third party candidate, it was now or never for him. For the good of the country, he should have chosen never. Instead, he chose now. And, by essentially building a "cult" of support, he put George W. Boosh in the White House. All the while claiming that he was doing the right thing. Even after all the damage that has been done by Booshco, he will not apologize or admit making a mistake even today. If you want to get into the political argument of your life, tell a Nader voter that they wasted their vote. Trust me, unless you want to approach it as a sport, like Rollerball, don't even go there with them. You would be better advised to beat your head against a brick wall. Trust me, I've been there.

Third parties are necessary and could someday be viable. But not now, and not in the immediate future. DO NOT BUY INTO THE THIRD PARTY SOLUTION. They are no more relevant or effective in today's climate than is sending an email to your elected Senator. I cannot say this enough times, or in strong enough language. OUR SOLE HOPE FOR SURVIVAL IS TO SEE TO IT THAT GEORGE W. BOOSH IS REMOVED FROM OFFICE AND THAT ALL HIS CRONIES ARE SHOWN THE DOOR WITH HIM. I do not mean two years from now, I mean soon. It will be a miracle if our economy lasts for another year, should the Boosh machine rule the day, and we "stay the course."

For Boosh to go, Cheney must fall first. Cheney is the real President of the United States, the PuppetMaster, and when he goes, the rest follow in short order. Cheney is in the crosshairs of Patrick Fitzgerald, but time is a commodity that we do not have. Fitzgerald has sent out the carrier pigeons, but must wait for their return. The CIA are waiting in the wings, ready to pounce when called upon, and that time is near. Should the CIA fail, the unthinkable then becomes the most likely, extraordinary intervention by wealthy elitists. Should that become necessary, everything changes.

We will talk about some solutions tomorrow or Thursday.


At 2:58 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...

Let 'em be pissed! You're right! If it hadn't been for Nader, we wouldn't have Georgie Pork Pie now and the country wouldn't be in the mess it's in! Sure Gore was boring!! Al Gore was about as exciting as grass growing! But right now a little bordom might be nice!

At 12:41 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

Stoney, email me at and I'll tell you a secret.


At 9:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wonder why no one addresses the leiberman issue re: the 2000 "election"? i voted for nader as i could not bring myself to vote for joe bushboy, who is now out of the closet and playing kissy face with bushy, who it seems may reward him with rummy's chair. joe is one of the very high dollar corporate whores who seems to continue to fool people by joining with his pal mccain in occationally voting for some perpheral environmental issue while continuing the warmongering and pillaging act unchecked. comments?

At 8:31 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

Anonymous 3,

I would take Joey over Rummy any day of the week. And yes, it would be the lesser of two evils, but that is where we are at.


At 8:23 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

Anonymous 4,

President of the United States? I don't recall stating that I am the president. A coup? I also don't recall saying anything about a coup. I am simply trying to wake up Americans to the inevitable crash of the economy, and let people know that our country is in trouble. I am not sure that ownership of a computer and access to the internet allows one to make anonymous threats, either. But, thanks for stopping by anyway.


At 4:21 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

Oh ANONYMOUS 4, I forgot something.

I wonder how Ms. Elia will view your threat. Think I outta call her? Let me know by tomorrow afternoon, or we'll have to find out. Feel free to email me at:
if you want to convince me not to call her. It's your call.


At 5:19 AM, Blogger Gurn Blanston said...

Hello Cyclone--

I am Blanston of Blanstonshrieks and someone copied and pasted an entire post of mine here--it wasn't me. Feel free to remove it...I don't know that it adds to the discourse here.



At 5:18 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Thanks for letting me know about the post. I have removed it, not because I found it objectionable, but, if you say that it was not intended for this site nor sent by you, it should not be here. I hope that you can find who did this. I certainly wouldn't want someone posting on my behalf, as you obviously didn't. Thanks again,



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