Friday, December 02, 2005

The Dwindling Joke of a Coalition

It seems that other members of the multi-national coalition, a term used widely and loosely by Boosh, has seen the light and decided to withdraw from the insane skirmish in Iraq. To have ever called this crew a coalition is nothing more than fraud, perpetrated by Boosh to fool the American people. Even more likely, it has been used by Boosh to fool himself. Let's look at the numbers.

When we invaded Iraq in 2003, present were 300,000 troops. Of those, only 50,000 came from outside the US Military, and most of those were from Britain. The current coalition numbers are nothing short of an embarassment.

The United States currently has some 160,000 troops in Iraq. These troops are supported by a grand total of 24,000 mostly non-combat troops from 27 other countries. The breakdown goes like this.

Great Britain, our only real coalition partner in this debacle, has 8,000 troops in Iraq, and another 2000 in Afghanistan and surrounding areas. While they refuse to release actual drawdown numbers, British Defense Secretary John Reid said that they will begin pulling troops shortly after January 1, and hope to be completely out by the end of 2006.

South Korea has the second most troops on the ground, 3200. One thousand of these troops will be removed during the first half of '06, the rest soon to follow. Italy has 2800 troops, and are "considering" an immediate withdrawal of all of them. The numbers only get worse from here.

Last spring, the Netherlands had 1400 troops in the region. Currently, they have 19, including one, yes one, Dutch soldier in Baghdad. Bulgaria plans to remove all 380 of their troops on December 16, one day after the "election." The Ukraine will pull their 876 troops on December 31. Australia's count? 450 troops, considering immediate withdrawal. Japan? 600 troops, also considering immediate pullout. Poland has 1400 troops that will be gone in January. Azerbaijan, (wherever the hell that is) the only Muslim country that Boosh was able to bribe to enter the fray, has all 150 troops heading home ASAP.

And finally, the Mongolian mystery has been solved. They have 120 troops in theater, and plan to remove them as soon as they can figure out the logistical issues. Why did Boosh visit Mongolia? To thank them for sending troops, troops that he called "fearless warriors" during his recent trip there. Mongolia is about the only country that will allow him to visit without the burden of facing scores of war protestors. The expected protestors in Mongolia were rounded up and isolated prior to the Boosh visit.

Boosh has put up the facade that we have a large coalition fighting his personal "war on terror." That facade has been lifted. Much credit goes to the war protestors here in America, who were cited by many of the "coalition partners" as leading to decisions to withdraw troops. They say that unease within America, and dwindling support among Americans for the war, has led to their decisions to pull out.

When Boosh made the veiled threat so long ago, saying "you're either with us or against us," it appears that the world spoke then and they are again speaking now. His father built a coalition for Gulf War I, and his dimwit son has pilfered and bastardized the phrase "coalition partners" during this current fiasco.

Outside of the Brits, actually ONLY the bought and paid for Tony Blair, there was never a coalition to begin with. Remember, all the troops listed above were "mostly non-combat troops." What they were actually doing, God only knows, but the blood spilled in Iraq has been almost solely American blood. (Obviously, Iraqi blood as well, but that is for a different story)

I do not mean to downplay the loss of life of soldiers from other countries, but I think that these numbers are important. Reported deaths from the Iraq war are as follows:

United States---2109 (undoubtedly underreported)
Denmark, El Salvador, Estonia, The Netherlands, Thailand------2 each
Hungary, Kazakhstan, and Latvia-------------------------------1 each

Outside of the underreported American and British deaths, the TOTAL number of "coalition partner" deaths stand at 102. These 102 people with grieving families, along with the grieving American and British families need to know that their loved ones died for reasons dreamed up by a madman and his neocon, outlaw thugs. They died for no legitimate reason, simply on the whim of a man without morals, a man without conscience, a man without a brain, a man who has irreparably harmed the entire world. In essence, every death attributable to this war, has been in vain.

Now the world has spoken. They have said to Boosh, take this war and shove it. Will he get the message? Absolutely not. The only reason that I can think of that 30+% of Americans still support this war, outside of the neocons and Big Oil executives, is this. We must have included members of Al Qaeda Sleeper Cells in the polling.

Stop this madness, and stop it now!



At 8:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Colition? Ha..................

At 10:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how can you say the American deaths are underreported?

At 10:22 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

anonymous #2,

Until I see photographs of caskets arriving home, like we did in all other wars, I can draw no other conclusion. The lack of the ability to view these, is a slap in the face to the American people, and especially to the loved ones of the dead soldiers. It was an honorable way to remember the cost of war. I guess one could look at it one of two ways. Either it is disallowed because the numbers are wrong, or it is disallowed because they want to play like the war doesn't exist. I choose Option #1 because this policy has been in place from the beginning, even when the war was popular. Thanks for your interest,


At 10:23 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...

Even stranger is the fact that WE killed more British troops than the Iraqis!!

In Iraq 1, most of the American casualties were from friendly fire!

With friends like us, who needs enemies!

Bush's "Coalition" is a "Con-alition" Hey! That rolls kinda nice of the tounge! Maybee I should hook up the old PA system left over from my rock drummer days and scream it off the rooftops! If I can get arrested, AND banned from Alternet in one week, I will have been busy indeed!

At 12:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Stop this madness, and stop it now!"--hear, hear!!!

Are bush and bushco really so Goddamn stupid/insane that they cannot understand that the jig is up--it's only a matter of time now.

The anger and opposition is gaining momentum, rapidly and the point has been passed where this obscene agression will be able to continue--much longer.

hitler blew his brains out in a cold, dank pit in the ground at the end of his sally into madness.....

At 3:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get your facts right!....Australia is NOT planning any sort of withdrawal!

At 6:00 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

Anonymous 4,

Well, is their ambassador lying to the mainstream media?



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