Monday, November 21, 2005

A Boosh About Face? What Book Are We In?

I have mentioned before that Booshco has generally been in the same book, if not necessarily on the same page. Over the weekend, it became apparent that what I have been telling you for some time is true. The people leading this country no longer trust each other, and clearly don't communicate with one another. As the administration is desparately trying to hold on to something that they will soon lose, POWER, they do not have anyone piloting the ship.

As we all know, Rep. John P. Murtha, D-Pa. last week called for the immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq. Murtha is a many times decorated military veteran, and is "the hawk" of the democratic party. Mr. Murtha spoke absolute common sense, stating that some 80% of the Iraqi people want us gone, over 60% of the American people want us gone, that we are the problem in Iraq rather than the solution, that we are the targets, the insurrection has increased with our continued presence, that we have lost nearly 2100 soldiers and have countless numbers of severely wounded, that the military had done what it was sent there to do (remove Saddam) and that nothing positive could be accomplished by our remaining. And, he feels that he was mislead by the intelligence provided by the White House gang.

The White House response along with Republican response was typical. Attack Murtha, attack Murtha, attack Murtha. It is all they know how to do. First Boosh, then Cheney, then some Freshman Representative that wanted to get her name in the paper. She went as far as to essentially call Murtha a coward, drawing furor and a rapid fire response over her comments, which she then wisely asked to have removed from the record. Cheney spewed his nonsense about how, to criticize is unpatriotic, and said that the mere thought that intelligence was skewed by the White House was the most reprehensible, blah blah thing he has "ever seen in this town." Apparently looking in the mirror is not a common occurence in the Cheney household, wherever that may be. Nothing unexpected from Booshco, other than the level of attack was fierce. The White House said that what Murtha was calling for was a "surrender to the terrorists," and that Murtha represented the "extreme Liberal Wing" of the Democratic Party.

The White House made a mistake on this one, (I know, stunning but true) and I think some are beginning to realize it. They are not attacking to win an election, but attacking to justify an unpopular war. And the man they decided to attack is far from a "coward," and is not backing down in the least. Yes, Murtha may be a Democrat, but when it come to war and protecting the American people, he is as hawkish as any person in the Republican Party or the current administration. He is not a Freshman Representative, but a well respected military man who will not be intimidated by the White House attack dogs. He may in fact welcome their arrival. He says it's time to pull out, and pull out now. And he's right.

I don't know if George Boosh bumped his head in China, or someone got to him and told him to tone it down, or if he is simplpy gun-shy about jumping on Murtha. But one thing is clear. The words of Boosh on Sunday were very different than what came out of the Administration last week. He said that while he didn't agree, dialogue about the war was proper and necessary. He said that Murtha was a true war hero, and his that his comments should be taken seriously and discussed. A total turnaround for a man that only knows how to attack. At the very same time, Donald Rumsfeld was running the Sunday morning talk show circuit, still in attack mode. Apparently he didn't get the message that the message had changed. Maybe the phone lines were down in China, or, more likely, he simply doesn't care what Boosh thinks. Boosh has never been in charge of these people, and that could not be more obvious than right now.

Cheney runs the show, always has, and will until he resigns. And that will happen soon. After that, should Boosh even attempt to stay in his token position, God only knows what things will look like until he is sent packing. Fortunately, he will not last long after Cheney falls.

Rep. Murtha is correct. We do need to get out of Iraq and get out soon. One reason that Boosh, if no one else, may agree is that the timing of the withdrawal seems to suspiciously coincide with the 2006 elections. The Democrats must not let up on the war issue, make it very clear that they are the ones who want out of Iraq, not the Republicans. Like the current administration, they need to get in the same book, if not on the same page. Otherwise, the Republicans will turn it into a plus come election time. The moronic sheep that twice elected this man can easily be led to believe that troop withdrawal is a Republican idea. And that, my friends, could be fatal to the future of our country.



At 9:35 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...

Once again! Right as usual!! I can't wait to see what these gomers do next!

I wrote a really screwed up poem on my blog! Check it out if you need a laugh!

At 7:45 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...

The Republican withdrawl thing worked for Nixon, because McGovern was to nice of a guy to take him to task over it.

Nice guys finish last! We're gonna have to get as nasty as the Repugs did in '92 if we're going to pull this country back from the brink!

We MUST drag out every wisp of scandal we can find! It doesn't matter how good we look if we can't make them look bad enough!

Every election the Repugs trot out their tired old mantra "Let's run a positive campain" then slap us around while our backs are turned!
Time to play some dirty pool!


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