Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Iraq Debacle: What Does A Boosh Do Now?

Now that the New Democratic Iraqi Government has called for a timetable for all foreign forces to leave THEIR country, what is a Boosh to do? After the across the board dismissal of such talk from within America, how do the Neocon's respond to this? I'm sure that they must be offended. I can hear them now.

"After all we've done for you (in place of to you,) now you ask us to leave? How dare you?"

This places the Boosh Clan in a rather interesting position. They are not wanted anymore, and not just by a majority of the American people, but by the very people we have liberated. Liberated? Liberated from what? Does electricity count? If so, we've succeeded in liberating them from that inconvenience. Do IED's count? If causing them to be placed along various roadsides around Iraq count, then again we've been successful. Does a mass invasion of suicide bombers count? If re-populating Iraq with foreign fighters counts, then we've done a great job of that. It appears that the Iraqi's have had about all the "liberating" that they can stand for a while, at least from us.

Now the Boosh response will be very telling in why we really went to war. Was it simply to remove Saddam Hussein from power, thus ending the tyranny that the Iraqi people were forced to live under? Was it to protect Americans by fighting them "over there instead of here?" (laughable) Or, was it for oil, as many think? Just why was intelligence twisted to assure that the vast majority of the House and Senate, on both sides of the aisle, would support this massive failure?

If we choose to stay, ignoring the wishes of the new Iraqi Government, the question will be answered in a very unflattering way. We are there for oil. Or, if we cut and run, doesn't that mean that we are giving in to the terrorists, the very reason that Boosh has claimed that we have to stay? To win the "War on Terror"? (whatever the hell that is, I have never been able to figure it out)

We may have just been handed the Holy Grail, on a silver platter, from the Leaders of the New Democratic Iraq. Boosh has just been placed in a position that no one in this country has thus far managed to place him, and it cannot be comfortable. It's pretty hard to Stay the Course when the Course has been closed by its rightful owners.

So what is it, Boosh? Are we really there to Defend America, as you have always said? Or is the smokescreen about to be lifted and is the truth about to come out? The truth that we are in Iraq for oil, and because Saddam tried to kill your daddy?

For the sake of our troops, I hope that Boosh decides to fold the tent and bring them home. But, don't think for one second that he gives a damn about the troops. He doesn't. If he did, they never would have been there to begin with.

All I can say is this. G. Dubya Boosh is the last person I would want to be right now.


At 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This will be fun to watch!!!!!


At 6:06 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...

OH JOY!!!!!!

Didja hear about Micheal Scanolon pleading guilty and rolling over on everybody? JUST LIKE YOU SAID IT WOULD GO DOWN!!!!!

Life is good indeed!!! (Sucks for them! Good for us!!

This is better than watch ing "Monty Python"!! You never know what's gona happen next!!

Any minute I expect to turn on the news and see the "Knights Who Say NIT!" testifying before Congress!! (Leave your shubery at the door!!)

At 6:10 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...

Oh Yea!

I think I got this Bloging shit halfway figured out. You can get on my site by clicking my name in blue (I think)

If that don't work try http://stoney696.blogspot.com


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