Friday, November 25, 2005

Boosh Creates His Own Headlines

While things have slowed for the Thanksgiving Holiday, soldier's, Iraqi citizen's and Iraqi police officers continue to be blown up daily. The headlines have slowed, but never fear, the Boosh manages to create negative headlines for himself.

"Ten People Arrested Near Boosh Ranch"

He just can't help himself. Boosh somehow "forced" the authorities in and around the bustling town of Crawford to create a law preventing people from parking, camping, or just hanging out within seven miles of the Boosh hideout. Despite the fact that a caring farmer has given permission for protesters to use a small parcel of HIS LAND for their activities. The authorities spoken reason? To "prevent traffic snarls." You have absolutely got to be kidding me. A traffic jam in Crawford Texas? Who the hell is it disturbing? The freaking cattle?

So, Ten people get arrested, many more left after given the choice of leaving on their own or facing incarceration. This dumbass just can't resist making a fool of himself, and by proxy, making a fool of us all. I guess civil disobediance is fine in America, outside the seven mile radius of the Boosh ranch. Wouldn't want the Puppet to have to face anyone who finds him disgusting while he is out riding his bike, keeping his mind clear, so he "can lead, you know."

I am glad that he managed to throw in a few phone calls to the troops he sent to slaughter, "thanking them for their service and for keeping America safe!" I do wish, however, that they would have released the names of the people he actually called so it could be verified that the calls were actually made. But, no, we can't have that now can we? Perhaps then someone would locate these troops, and, find out what they said back to the jackass that sent them to their maiming. And, it might not be what Boosh wanted to hear.

This administration has pushed me to the point where, for the moment, I don't have the stomach to write anymore. I still have some leftover turkey to eat, some shopping to do, and a game or two to watch. So, I am taking a long weekend break from the madness. I do not wish to clean up after hurling my Thanksgiving meal all over my house, so I am taking a Boosh break until Monday. I hope that you all had a nice Thanksgiving, and I hope that the rest of your weekend is happy and safe.

Monday, the gloves are coming off. You see, it's the little things that always push me over the edge. I can deal with the big corruption issues, the war, Plamegate, etc. in a pretty reasonable manner. But arresting Ten People for exercising their rights to protest against a maniac, dry drunk, incompetent EVIL President? I cannot deal with that in a rational, measured manner. I have had enough of this crap from the lying, without morals, stinking, rotting corpse of the entire leadership that runs this show. The real Cyclone is about to unleash himself upon the world, the restrained and passive Cyclone is going into hiding. No more pussyfooting, trying to be politically correct, no more worrying about the sensitivities of the bottomfeeders. I have simply had it, and I am going to tell it like it is. See you Monday.


At 2:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring it on, dude.

At 3:25 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...

I wonder how much time I'll get if I mail the Comander and Theif a rattlesnake!! Naww! That would be too cruel...(wait for it)... FOR THE SNAKE!!!!!


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