Friday, November 18, 2005

Some Changes to Cyclone's Real Deal

When I started this venture, I did not really know what to expect. I knew that some of the people familiar with my work over the years would drop in and see what's going on. I also believed that a few people from Alternet would come as well, along with various people from other progressive sites that I post on under various screen names.

The response to Cyclone's Real Deal has been startling to me, and I want to thank all of you that have visited this site. As I have just begun, and am not a technical guru by any stretch of the imagination,I have elected to make some changes that will help it become easier to access this site. I have changed the counter settings as well, trying to discover how many people, especially new people, are visiting. And the numbers have amazed me. This counter has been reset numerous times, and is well into the 600's now. When all the numbers are computed, the actual figure of visitors is well over 3000, in just less than 3 weeks. I will make further changes as necessary as Cyclone's Real Deal continues to grow. I honestly did not expect this thing do draw much interest. Due to the positive responses, I am now in this for the long haul, it appears.

The immediate changes are these. You can now reach this site through:
If you wish to email me personally, this can be done through:

I am also going to begin writing a summary of issues that I don't have time to fully address, in much shorter form, just mentioning things for people to keep their eyes on. The comments will be shorter, but will cover much more territory. I plan on doing this at least weekly, probably on Friday or Saturday. As I learn new things, I will give you the heads up as soon as possible, although it may not be as indepth as I would like. As you know, things seem to be happening at a rapid pace in Washington these days, and attempting to keep up with all that is important in long pieces is an impossible task. I have purposely avoided linking other articles in my pieces as I know that you are all aware what is going on. There are plenty of other places to find links. I will add some sidebar links to sites that I feel are helpful and important, once I figure out how to do it.

So, bear with me as the format changes somewhat. This is still an ongoing experiment, and I welcome any suggestions on how you would like to see this site develop. Please keep visiting, and keep commenting on things you read. Also, please email me with particular questions or suggestions that you may have that will make this site better. The only way that we can accomplish the goal of removing the Boosh administration from power is through knowledge, and spreading that knowledge to those who are oblivious to the truth. So spread the word that this is a site worth visiting, if that is what you believe. It will take all of us together to make our country again be what it once was, and knowledge is the key to that happening.

I am currently working on something that will explain the CIA's role in the takedown of Boosh, but it is complicated. It will come to you in multiple parts, beginning on Monday, if all goes as planned. Just remember, Patrick Fitzgerald may well not be the end all, but others are standing in line to pick up where he left off, should it become necessary. Booshco will fall, the groundwork has been laid. Now the "how" is what is important.

Again, thank you for all of your support. And PLEASE, email me and let me know what you would really like to see on this site. I am approaching this as a joint venture between me, the writer, and you, the reader. We have to work together to GET OUR COUNTRY BACK.



At 12:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I for one appreciate what you are doing here. I think that it is a good idea to cover more topics, just a general view of what is happening. Can't wait for the CIA stuff! i hear shit is starting to fly.

At 12:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One change I would like to see is not having to log in to keep from posting anonymously. Do you have any way around this without signing up for a blog? i cna't write a blog because I don't know anything.


At 12:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i sent an email and didn't get an answer. is something wrong with the system?

Big Al


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