Saturday, November 12, 2005

The Boosh Public Meltdown: Begun in Earnest

If one needs evidence of the deteriorating mental state of our leader who resides on Pennsylvania avenue, there is no need to look beyond his Veteran's Day address on Friday. He has indeed reached a new low. I do not mean only his poll numbers, which FOX NEWS had at 38% Approval on Friday. Yes, THAT FOX NEWS. No, I mean a new low, in tone. Sure, the word's were not really all that different. And no, rest assured, we are not going to change the course and bring reason and sanity to the table. The pent up anger residing deep inside the empty crevices of this man's head were spewed forth in a manner that surprised even me, and I've been predicting and anxiously awaiting such a thing to occur over the last few months.

For those that don't know what I'm talking about, Boosh spent almost 50 minutes in front of the cameras Friday. That is about 12 hours in human time. I forced myself to watch every second of it, as painful and unhealthy as it is to look at him for that length of time. He screamed at Democrats, John Kerry, and, in most offensive fashion, the 60% plus American citizens who do not believe that he is doing a good job in leading our country. It was like watching a time warp, watching a madman debate a candidate that he defeated with lies one very, very long year ago. It was a sight that was in one way pleasing, getting to watch what I had known for some time was just around the corner. In another way frightening, when one steps back and realizes that he is representing the "free" world. If you are to realize how significant Friday's events were, you must look at how things around Boosh have changed recently.

Until shortly before the indictment of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, the Boosh machine, on the surface at least, looked like a well oiled apparatus that was in the same book, if not always on the same page. Everything was carefully scripted, and there was always someone nearby who could control and correct Boosh when necessary. A MALE figure. If not Rove, then Libby. If neither of those were available, a couple of times per year you might even experience a Cheney sighting. If you look around him today, no such figure exists.

You see, throughout his life, Boosh has always had a man around to bail him out of whatever scrape he managed to get himself into. Be it a DUI, a problem in school, a missed National Guard assignment, or another failed business proposition, Boosh was one phone call away from rescue. Now there is no one to call. No one to trust anymore. He gave up on Daddy Boosh years ago, officially the day he was appointed to the Presidency but more likely years before that. Libby is indicted and has resigned, so that option is no longer available. The Brain itself, Karl Rove, can no longer be trusted, either politically or personally. Politically, because he is not well liked among the American people these days. Personally, because Boosh has no idea what information Rove is passing to Patrick Fitzgerald. In hindsight, I'd bet that Boosh wishes that Rove would have been indicted with Libby, at least the false crutch would be out of his thoughts. And the mystery man, Cheney, who is rarely seen and more rarely heard from, is simply not the right man for the job of controlling the boss. Cheney finds such a thing unnecessary and distasteful. It forces him into his weakest arena, the public one, and he well knows that you cannot serve two masters. Cheney's master is that of secrecy and vengeful payback, not that of keeping an eye on Boosh and cleaning up his misstatements, after the fact. Andy Card for the job? Not a chance. If you thought Michael Brown was an incompetent disaster, let Card try to do something to help you. Card is the equivalent of a Frat Brother brought along for the ride, this ride just happens to be end at the White House. So, only two people exist that are available to rein in the Boosh disaster. And, they are both women, Laura Boosh and Harriet Miers. Not exactly who the Doctor had in mind.

First lady Boosh, a long time ago, gave up any thought of trying to sway, influence or control the thoughts of her husband. She realized that it was the equivalent of beating one's head against a concrete wall until blood flows. She realizes that Boosh is headstrong to a fault, not very bright, and frankly she is happy that he has a day job that keeps him busy to a degree. At least under those circumstances he is not causing further damage to the twins. And, dear old "gosh you're the best Governor ever!!!" Harriet has her nose so far up the Boosh anus that she would sooner choke to death than attempt to correct his actions or statements. Additionally, she has very little knowledge outside of what it requires to be Counsel to the Boosh. Planning for a positive future for anyone, herself included, is not on her radar screen. If it were, she would have had the sense to talk the Booshman out of nominating her to the Supreme Court, thus saving herself and the Boss some real embarassment.

So, back to Friday's "speech." Calling what spewed from his mouth a "speech" proves that I am liberal, it should really be characterized as a RANT. It began as a typical Boosh rah-rah that we have become accustomed to and bored with, then quickly morphed into the ravings of a madman. He fell back to the positons he spouted immediately after 9/11, the "you're either with us or against us" theme. He stated (wrongly, I might add) that the representatives calling themselves Democrats had access to the very same intelligence that he did, prior to voting to give him authority to take this nation to war. He lashed out at Senator Kerry, reading a quote taken from around the time of that same vote. Taken completely out of context and clearly meaningless at this point, Boosh essentially had a debate with John Kerry on national television, only Kerry wasn't there. Truly chilling stuff. If you feel the need to debate a candidate that you allegedly defeated during the last election, your base is quicksand. And finally, he resorted to that tired theme, aimed squarely at the American people, that to criticize this failed administration is akin to being un-patriotic.

I've got news for you, Mr. Boosh. The well deserved criticism of you and your administration has been going on for a long time, and will only continue. ESPECIALLY from me. You have simply been unaware of the criticisms, because, as you have so often admitted, you are not a reader. If you don't see it, therefore it cannot be real, at least from your perch. It is obvious to anyone with a functioning brain that you are also not a thinker, or leader, or in reality anything other than a child playing a very dangerous adult game.

Yes, the thing I call Boosh has spoken, and it was not a pretty sight. Boosh is like a caged animal that has yet to be fed, and the feeders have left the building. When isolated, left alone without the entourage to save him, he does the only thing that he knows to do. Strike out. At targets both seen and unseen, real and imagined, including the American people. He made the statement on Friday that "now is the time to show the enemy that we are a united, not divided country."

Here's another one you've missed, oh great one. Poll numbers do in fact mean something. While campaining, you promised to be a uniter not a divider. At present this country is divided. (I know, another news flash, but educating Presidents is not a simple task) Unfortunately for you, as it begins to unite, it is happening at the farthest point possible from where your mind sits. You are the main impetus for that division, the key ingredient for creating the road to destruction. It's time for someone to tell the truth around here, and it is obviously not going to come from what is left of Camp Boosh.

I have told you all for a while to expect a Boosh meltdown, and expect it pretty quickly. Well, it has officially begun. Unless someone comes to his rescue, and soon, Boosh will find himself in a roomful of reporters, being peppered with questions. I'm not talking about a short visit on a walk to the plane or helicopter, but inside a room. Trapped, like the caged animal I spoke of. And, as they begin hammering away at the misdeeds that have been committed by him and those that he chose to place on his team, he will again lash out, in spectacular and unimagineable fashion. Only this time, unlike Friday when Senator Kerry and all of the Democratic leadership were absent, there will be someone present to fire back and expose the diversions for what they are. And aid in exposing Boosh for what he really is, a sick, twisted creature. Whatever you do, Cyclone readers, don't miss any Boosh press conferences for a while. A meltdown will occur. It will be a painful but pleasing site, if there is such a thing.


At 10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I am happy to see the Bush meltdown, I am not blinded by my glee. Anti-Republicans are so happy to see them crash thst they are not thinking about their replacement. They will be replaced by another party owned by the campaign contributors. Nothing will be done without their consent. This means that issues important to ordinary citizens, such as health care, campaign finance reform, curtailing corporate power, etc. will languish. The people must take control of both parties before the 2006 election. visit my website"> We can do it

At 10:43 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...

It's more like a self destruct sequence played in slow motion! That speach was the most ridiculous piece of drivel I've seen since the Senate "grilled" the Big Oil.

I guess nobody told Bush that if you had nothing to say to keep your mouth shut! But what the fuck!! If "Plamegate" and "Black Site Day" tells us anything it's that neocons can't keep their mouths shut!

We're on one hell of a carnival ride with these gomers and I can't wait to see what they do next week! Scooter's trial should be good for a couple of yuks! High comedy at it's best!!

At 5:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if you're aware of this, but the speech Bush gave on Veteran's Day is one he has given before.

If you look on the site, distinctly recognizable parts on the same speech were given at least two other times as well.

At 7:59 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

royaras, yes I have seen and know this. Everything that Boosh does he has done before. I was pointing out that the "tone" is different, he is falling back into a role of defiance. He is becoming increasingly desparate, and dangerous as well.

At 8:03 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


I had not seen the article that you sent me. Thanks. I could spend a month talking about the Boosh "detainment" policies, sold by Repubs and based upon nothing but fear. Sadly, people really don't care or take the time to realize the ramifications, as long as it's not happening to them or someone they know. Thanks for the link.

At 9:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you suggesting Bush is about to have a Captain Queeg moment?

Would be a sight alright. But I think Bush will be saved by assisination or medical trauma. The people programing him value him less than you do. The best way to limit the damage is cut off the limb with the gangrene. If Bush dies in office he will become untouchable. Remember how JFK's death silenced the questions about the missile crisis


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