Monday, November 14, 2005

Democratic Brain Lock; Plus Another Thing

The Democratic Party is criticized for not "having any new ideas of their own." It is all you hear from the Republican leadership these days, a leadership that is desparate for something to distract the citizenry from the real issues facing us. Their attempts at misdirection are becoming laughable. I believe that the Democratic Party does not know where to begin, and I'm not sure that anyone, be it the Democrats, Progressives, Greens, or whoever, could POSSIBLY know. This is why the masses are completely dumbfounded that no one can figure out what to do, or even where to start. I'm merely writing about it, and I have trouble figuring out where to begin, so I feel the pain as well. In pure random fashion, I'll draw a straw and start here.

The fact is that Booshco has bungled everything that it has touched, EVERYTHING. This is causing Democratic brain lock, an unavoidable disease. Think about it. What idea could they possibly come up with that would be considered new, given the number of pies that Boosh has dipped his incompetent, corrupt fingers in? Lets make a list.

The war in Iraq, the War in Afghanistan, the War in whatever country Boosh decides is next on the hit list, the War on Terror, the War on Drugs (man, we've got a lot of wars to fight), fake terror threats, high oil costs and the inevitable oil shortage, finding new sources of renewable energy, Social Security reform, Health Care reform, Homeland Security, Border control, the Plame investigation, the enormous deficit created in large part by all of the above wars, indicted and soon to be indicted White House staff, the cherry picked "intelligence" that limited what the members of the Senate and House were allowed to see prior to the Wars, the indictment of Delay, the Frist investigation, the Scott McLellan credibility war, troop recruitment problems, fallout from the Katrina murders (and make no mistake about it, they WERE MURDERS), the lack of American credibility anywhere in the world, the failure of the American economy, the torture of prisoners. These are 24 items that must be addressed and or handled BEFORE any new ideas can even be brought to the table. And, that list is merely off of the top of my head. If I thought about it for an hour, I could probably add 100 more.

So, with all of this that must be dealt with by new leadership, why should the Democrats or anyone else be required to come up with a new agenda of their own? Just in order to deserve the right to regain leadership? The above is more than enough to keep new leaders occupied for the next 6 years, or 26 years. Is a new agenda even reasonable? I'd suggest that one would be kept quite busy trying to repair the damage done by Boosh, and foolish to attempt to add anything else.

Now the other thing.

I heard and saw Ken Mellman, head of the Republican National Committee, numerous times over the weekend. As usual, spewing the same, tired drivel. It was this: The Clinton Administration agreed with the Iraqi intellegence assessment. As did prior administrations, along with many nations around the world. So, in essence, they all agreed with the Boosh cabal in the decision to go to war. To believe this, one must ignore history and take a great leap of faith.

Let's use the Clinton's for a moment, and accept the farcial idea that they did agree with the Boosh claims, including the WMD and "immenent threat to America," agreed with the total package. (this is pure hogwash, by the way) To then accept that President Clinton would have invaded Iraq in a similar fashion is where the leap of faith is required. Clinton in no way thought that Saddam was an immenent threat to the US, nor did anyone outside the Boosh group of war hawks.

If you recall, President Clinton was more than able to contain Saddam by ordering targeted air strikes and maintaining sanctions against his country. This kept civilian casualities to an absolute minimum, and kept Saddam's crimes within his own countries borders. Certainly the airstrikes in some ways punished the Iraqi people, as did the sanctions.

Yes, Saddam was a brutal dictator, but we cannot begin to take down every sadistic regime in the world. And, I would suggest that before we do begin a war, it be with someone that is an actual threat to us. But, to suggest that the Iraqi people would have preferred this Boosh version of "Democracy" being forced upon them, over the Clinton policy, is undeniably indefensible. And, Saddam's neighbors absolutely preferred the former situation in comparison to the current abomination that is the current Iraq. The new, democratic Iraq, has become nothing short of a factory for terrorists, sending teeage jihadists to strike out at anything and everything around it. Above all, one obviously must not ignore the unneccessary loss of over 2000 AMERICAN SOLDIERS, plus countless wounded. And still counting, while we "stay the course."

No one before Boosh, including his father, chose to take down Baghdad, and we are now seeing why. They knew that the result would destabilize the region, likely create a civil war, and make it a much more dangerous place to be. The Boosh predecessors showed necessary restraint, something with which this man is unfamiliar. It is past time for him and his group of idiot thugs to stop spreading these lies. Surely, the evil Boosh bastards can CONNECT THESE DOTS.

As the poll numbers continue to crash and burn, Boosh simply does what he has always done. Say the same things over and over, "it's my way or the highway," only at a much louder volume. Memo to the White House, It Isn't Working Anymore. Nobody in the entire WORLD believes you!



At 9:10 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

Yes, rp, the beginning of the end game has begun. Stay tuned, it's going to be interesting.


At 12:26 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

Nope, you haven't missed anything he has written. He has been doing interviews, though. Him being interviewed, that is.

At 3:53 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...

I feel like a bulldog that's been turned lose in a butcher shop!! I know you do!! So many tasty morsels and so little time!! Where's a liberal to begin!!!


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