Thursday, November 10, 2005

General Musings, Plus a Warning of Things to Come

Simple musings, because that is all I have the energy for today.

1) The Senate has asked the Pentagon to Investigate Douglas Feith's role in wielding excessive influence concerning pre-war intelligence that led to the Iraq War. This is not merely a push to begin and complete the Phase II investigation of the Senate Intelligence Committee that was talked about recently, but a separate investigation. Bad news for the Neocons.

2) It seems that Boosh's ability to negatively affect the outcome of elections is not limited to American soil. Although Boosh made an eleventh hour campaign stop in Virginia before the election for Governor, his negative influence has reached across the pond. While the Democrats were winning the Governorship of the Red State of Virginia, despite "help" from Boosh, Tony Blair was suffering a stinging defeat of his own in Great Britain. Blair had proposed that he be allowed to detain people considered suspects in terrorist activities for 90 days instead of the current 25 day maximum. This was overwhelmingly defeated. I guess 90 days is too much to ask for one to be held uncharged. What is the rule here? 90 years? Or is there one? I'm not sure.

3) Chalibi has arrived on American soil. When asked if he gave misleading information to the United States during the lead up to the war in Iraq, Mr. Chalibi stated, "It's more important to look to the future than to the past." Sounds rather Booshlike, don't you think? This respones is the equivalent to a resounding "yes."

4) The Italian's have released a video showing the carnage in Fallujah, accusing the US Military of using incendiary devices, ala chemical weapons,in 2003 and 2004. Such devices were banned by the Geneva Convention in 1980. In reviewing the photos of what was left of Iraqi civilians, it is indisputable that something unconventional was used. Likely phosphorus or napalm, essentially the same thing. The only difference between the two is simply that they are manufactured in different places. The chemical composition is the same. British Armed Forces Minister Adam Ingram admitted that between March 31 and April 2, 2003, Mark 77 firebombs were available for use in Fallujah. Mk 77's are phosphorus explosive devices.

5) Jordanian hotels housing American's were blown up last night, killing and maiming countless people. These bombings were well coordinated, and proved to be very effective. Another bomb was found before it detonated at another hotel. If you believe Osama bin Laden, expect the same to occur in Los Angeles sometime in the near future.

6) The war in Iraq continues to go swimmingly well, another 5 Iraqi policemen were killed yesterday while eating lunch. Recruiting replacements is becoming a real problem over there, as we idiotically continue to stay the course. I haven't heard about the American death toll from yesterday, though I'm sure there were some.

7) The secret CIA prison network continues to be hot news. President Cheney, (oops, a Freudian slip?) continues to twist arms in an attempt to exempt the CIA from anti-torture regulations, while the Puppet in Charge, Boosh, runs around and tells the world that we don't torture people. The world ain't buying it, Mr. Boosh. Meanwhile, Scott McClellan is bombarded daily, by an evermore agressive press corps, asking for these apparent opposing positions to be reconciled. These press conferences have become a macabre sort of entertainment, at least for those outside McLellan's family. I think I would rather be Scooter Libby than Scott McLellan right now.

8) Judith Miller has retired from the New York Times, citing the fact that she "has become the news" rather than one who reports the news. I guess that is the price one pay's by agreeing to sell an illegal and immoral war on behalf of a corrupt administration while parading as a "journalist."

And on a lighter note,

9) In light of the Libby indictment, all Federal Employees with a certain level of security clearances are being required by Boosh to attend "Ethics Classes." Yes, Karl Rove is also required to attend. What are they going to do, write 100 times on a chalkboard, "I will not leak classified information nor out CIA operatives, I will not......" Things are starting to turn into a joke around the "World's only Superpower."

10) And finally, Boosh has given word that White House Officials are free to contribute to the "Scooter Libby Defense Fund." Imagine that, the highest sitting member of any administration to be indicted in over 100 years, and the same White House passes a cup for money to defend him. Never mind that he is already a multi-millionaire. My check is in the mail as we speak.

Now, to get serious for just a moment. The game that I have predicted for so long, the complete dismantling of the Boosh Administration from top to bottom, that will result in his resignation, has begun in earnest. I always knew that the evidence that the takedown was reaching full steam would come in the form of "public" statements being made by certain key people. These statements, while still very subtle, are beginning to surface with more regularity. More and more, each and every day. Think of it as a pressure cooker. Sooner or later, the lid has to blow. The water is now boiling, and history is being made. Soon, it will be made in a very public fashion. I will begin to get much more specific about some things, hopefully the time allowing for that is near. For now, I will leave you with this.

Rove is history. For all practical purposes, he is already gone. He is there in name only, his power days are over.

Cheney is history, you will begin to see how the final chapter of the Cheney run in politics is written, very soon.

Once Cheney is gone, the rest will follow in short order, Boosh included. What will follow the Boosh departure I am not sure, but you can bet that the guidelines listed in the Constitution will not dictate that answer. All bets are off, and new rules will be made.

We are at a moment in American History that no one, including myself, would have thought possible 5 years ago. We, as a nation, have fallen so far, and at such a rapid rate, that even those of us who make a life out of following politics have been taken aback. Fortunately, the pieces are in place for us to be saved from ourselves and from our incompetent and deranged leaders. Superman will not allow it to end now.

But, we as a people, had better pay attention and learn something as we watch what is about to unfold. Most don't get a second chance to get it right, and we should count our blessings that we will get that opportunity. Personally, I know of no one that's gotten a third chance.



At 3:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm on the edge of my chair...


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