The Election; Rumsfeld's Resignation; What It All Means
Wednesday, the Day After
On Wednesday afternoon, just a few hours after it was learned that the Republican’s would no longer control the House of Representatives, and just a few short hours before it was learned that they would also no longer control the Senate, a press conference was held. I’m speaking of the event in which Boosh announced the firing of Donald Rumsfeld as Secretary of Defense. Sure, they called it a resignation, but it was clearly a choice of either Rumsfeld resigning or being told that “you don’t work here anymore.” What was most revealing was also the least noticeable, unless you were looking for it that is. To me at least, some things became very clear while watching this short 2 minute production. What I have believed to be true and what I have spoken about various times over the life of the Real Deal have finally been confirmed, in my mind at least. Let’s start at the beginning.
The Election
The people have spoken. In overwhelming fashion, the American citizens rebuked the Boosh administration and everything they have stood for over the last 6 years. The people are sick of the war, sick of the economy, sick of the incompetence of the administration as a whole---think Katrina---sick of being lied to, sick of being taken for granted, sick of being walked on, sick of the sleaze and slime that runs under the cover of the party of “moral values,” sick of the disgusting campaign ads that were especially repulsive during this election cycle, sick of the arrogance of this administration, and most of all sick of George W. Boosh and his merry band of thugs. They said so through their votes, and handed the job of fixing the mess to the Democratic Party. At least they think they did, but we’ll get to that a little later.
I asked each of you to get out and vote, and to vote for every democrat on the ballot. I told you that it was the lesser of two evils, and believe me it was. I told you that it might buy us a little time, which hopefully it has. I was wrong about one thing; I did not believe the Democrats were capable of carrying the Senate. I did not anticipate the overwhelming rebuke of the Republican leadership, nor properly gauge the anger of the voting populace. I must admit, I have not given quite as much credit to the masses' ability to discern that they deserve, but must say that they have hidden those abilities well. Regardless, I applaud them for their efforts. If you were a part of the voting process, I applaud you as well. You did the right thing.
Now to the reality of what the vote accomplished. In the short term, short being over the next several months, it may help some of the least fortunate among us. You will probably see the minimum wage increased very quickly, a long overdue necessity. You may see real work begun on the health care crisis in this country, though to expect anything of real substance to be completed any time soon is a pipe dream. You may see some prescription drug price relief for seniors, though when that will actually occur is anybody’s guess. Finally, you will see an honest look at the war in Iraq, and the beginnings of how we are to deal with that quagmire over the long haul. Though the Democrats would love to take credit for whatever policy changes occur in the future, that would be dishonest. In fact, they will have very little to do with it other than talk, something else that we will get to in the next section.
In the longer term, you will see some investigations begin into various sordid evils that this administration have managed, but to expect anything of consequence to come of these investigations is probably dreaming a little too high. You will begin to see discussion about what to do about the energy crisis that we face, as well as discussion of the long ignored global warming crisis that we have been forced to ignore since Boosh came to power.
As for what you will not see, most of the list will initially disappoint you. But, as you will find out later, it probably shouldn’t. First and foremost, you will not see the impeachment of George W. Boosh, regardless of how much we all believe it is deserved. You will not see Dick Cheney hauled away in chains and dumped in Gitmo or some other hell hole, nor any other administration official treated accordingly for that matter. You probably will not see, at least any time soon, the restoration of our rights of Habeas Corpus, though it will be talked about. Nor will you see the end to the CIA torture program, though that could at least be placed in the toss-up category. Another toss up that might lean in our favor is an end to the "legal for now at least" government ability to monitor our phone calls at the whim of the CIA, FBI or Alberto Gonzales. There will at least be a fight about this one. But, within all of the things that you won’t or maybe won't see, there are at least a couple of very important positive developments. You will not see another Samuel Alito or Anton Scalia confirmed to the Supreme Court of the United States, nor will you see any ultra conservative right wing lunatics appointed to any federal court. And, you will not see John Bolton speaking for us at the United Nations ever again.
The reason that you will not see many of the things that we desperately hope to see, that being these people "brought to justice" if I may borrow a Boosh favorite line, is that the Democrats are not intending to simply “rent” the majority for two years. They hope to stay around a while. And while we on the progressive left would like to take credit for the results of the election, and we deserve our share, it was really not us that got the power back for the Democrats. It was the angry conservatives who feel betrayed by this administration, as well as the independents who likewise feel betrayed by a group they supported for six years who deserve most of the credit. The recently elected Democrats know this, and will walk a fine line to keep these folks in the fold. Unlike us, these people do not want to see impeachments or revenge of any kind. They simply want to see some sanity restored to our government, and they are probably correct. All that being said; lets move on.
The Firing of Rumsfeld
For those of you who have been long time readers of the Real Deal, it is no secret to you that I have never thought that George W. Boosh or Dick Cheney or anyone else in this government is truly in charge of what is going on today. This was confirmed to me while watching the press conference announcing that Robert Gates would be taking over the duties of Donald Rumsfeld as Secretary of Defense. If you saw the news conference yourself, think about what I am about to say. If you didn’t, I would encourage you to watch it.
Two minutes (an approximation) can be a long time, and tell a very long story. That was the case on Wednesday. Boosh introduced Gates as the new Secretary, thanked Rumsfeld for his service mentioning that he would soon become the longest running Secretary of Defense in our countries’ history, and walked away from the microphone.
When Gates spoke, he said he would miss his job as President of Texas A&M University, thanked Boosh for the opportunity, and praised Rumsfeld for his service. He didn’t talk about what changes might be made, just simply walked away from the mic.
Rumsfeld butchered a quote from Winston Churchill, said that few understood the current war, said that history would remember Boosh and walked away.
Someone said thank you, and it was over. Seems pretty cut and dried doesn’t it? Trust me, it wasn’t. Here is my take on what really occurred.
First, I want to describe the body language of those in attendance. Boosh clearly did not want to do this, did not want to be there, and looked like a dog that had been chained to the back of a pickup truck and dragged for a few miles. Rumsfeld was clearly in shock, and was obviously pissed. While he mentioned that “history would remember Boosh,” he did not say whether or not that memory would be a fond one. Gates had a look on his face similar to a watchdog. He was there to assure that the other two did not stray from the short script, a limit that to date no one in history has been able to impose upon Rumsfeld. I had the feeling that if anything was mentioned beyond what was written on the pages they were reading from, and reading they were, we would have witnessed the first public execution in modern American History. Gates left no doubt who was running this show.
As you recall, just last week Boosh stated that Rumsfeld and Cheney would be around until his term was over. That was before the election. The day after the election, Rumsfeld is fired. Some might think that he changed his mind after the election results were known, but that doesn’t pass the smell test. At some point yesterday, Boosh told the press that this had been in the works for “some time” and that the change was going to be made regardless of the results of the election. He was only waiting to make the announcement until after he got the agreement of Gates to accept the job. Anyone who saw Boosh when he made the statement last week regarding Rumsfeld and Cheney saw the same smirking, arrogant, in your face cowboy that we have watched for years. There was no wavering or doubt about what he said, just as there has been no wavering or doubt that we would “stay the course in Iraq if only Laura and the dog support me.” Though he has since claimed that he was "ambooshed" (I love that word I just made up!) by a few members of the press, that is pure nonsense. What really changed? Boosh has been given his marching orders, pure and simple.
Robert Gates was a member of the group, along with James Baker, that will soon release the “recommendations” on what to do in Iraq. And you can bet, the recommendations will not be “stay the course” or whatever phrase this administration has chosen to replace the name of this failed policy with. Now he will be the Secretary of Defense, replacing the man who, as the world was told, “Will be here until my term expires.” Interesting.
Another interesting thing about all of this is that sometime before the announcement that Rummy was gone, it was leaked to the press that Cheney was very much against this move, and that the President had in no uncertain terms ignored his Vice President’s advice and disregarded his opinion. Why was it necessary to say this? Only one reason makes sense, which is to provide cover. If I had to guess, Cheney is soon to have a health problem and will be the next one to go. You know, the old ticker just isn’t acting quite right all of a sudden. Oh, he won’t be forced out, but he has been told to sit down and shut up for two years, or leave. His choice either way. Dick just doesn’t strike me as the type to do absolutely nothing for a couple of hundred grand a year for two years, especially at his age when he could command great sums telling off color jokes to rightwingnuts, so look for him to retire. He has also been given his marching orders. And, these orders do not come from George W. Boosh.
George W. Boosh has been spayed and Dick Cheney has been neutered. (Sorry Boosh, that’s just the way I see it) They have served their purposes, have unfortunately made a real mess of things, and are now being cast overboard like left over fish bait. The big boys have come to town, and they are now running the show, led by James Baker. Don’t get me wrong, they’ve been running the show to a great degree the whole time; it’s just that now they don’t feel the need to hide it so much any more. If someone like me can pick up on this stuff, believe me, they don’t really much care who knows what’s really happening.
Back To The Election
This leads me back to the election. My question is this. Did the PTB really want the Republicans to win this thing? These are far from stupid people, so it makes me really wonder when I look at two things in particular surrounding this election. (there are many others, but I will limit it to two or this could go on forever) It is clear that whoever is in power will be unable to fix this mess in one term.
The first being, why would Boosh not fire Rumsfeld, back in the spring or summer if this was indeed in the works for a long time, if they truly wanted to win? Had that occurred, it would have changed the face of Iraq and probably satisfied those pissed off conservatives and independents that we talked about earlier just enough to keep them from jumping ship and voting for the evil Democrats. Some of them might still have stayed home, but this election had a near record turnout for a mid-2nd term election. Without those votes, the Democrats don’t win. Period.
Secondly, I think that everyone knew that this would be a close election regardless of what happened leading up to it, likely decided by a few seats one way or the other. There was enough voter discontent over Iraq alone to keep the Democrats in the same ballpark anyway. So tell me, please, why did the Republicans have Katherine Harris, the Elvira of the 2000 debacle leading to the Boosh appointment, on the ticket? I could have beaten her, for crying out loud. She didn’t even have the support of the Republican Party, and Boosh wouldn’t let her on the stage with him during his final Florida campaign stop, the same location where the Republican governor elect stiffed him. Yet she is allowed to run for the US Senate, as a Republican candidate, in an election where every seat was considered vital? It defies all rational logic. Or does it?
It’s The Economy Stupid
What all of this shows, is that what we have been talking about for a year is true. Boosh is a puppet with his strings being pulled by others, all connected to his Daddy in one way or another, and our economy is toast. How much more evidence does anyone need?
Houses are being abandoned faster than I change socks, the rich are getting richer while the formerly middle class are being further decimated, jobs (good paying ones, anyway) are becoming more scarce, health care is becoming extinct, and we as a nation are in debt way beyond our eyeballs. We are at perpetual war to prop up our fiat dollars, we are almost out of oil and the party is just about over.
That is why, in the end, the election didn’t matter and the PTB didn’t care who won. They have theirs, are currently obtaining what little there is left to scavenge, and the rest of us are on our own. Look for more blatant actions in the near future as Boosh does exactly what he is told to do. He has no choice but to follow the line, if he wants to protect the remnants of the silver spoon that he was born with; the Boosh family fortune and legacy. And believe me, he does. He is at least smart enough to follow orders these orders, now that he has realized his little dog and pony show is over. There is no reason for impeachment, he is irrelevant. As are Cheney, Rice and the rest of this stinking administration. Stay? Go? It doesn’t matter, because the Real Players Have Arrived and they aren’t hiding their presence any more.
How do you know when the game is nearing an end? When the masks start to come off and those behind the curtain begin to expose their true identities.
This is an interesting take on the current state of affairs. I suspect you're right about not going after boosh/cheney right now. However, if all of their dirty deeds are exposed in upcoming investigations then the public might force action.
There is still the issue of securing the oil in Iraq - the whole reason for the invasion. I don't think the PTB will be willing to depart and leave the oil development to the Chinese/Indians/Russians/etc
Nicely done, Cyclone.
We won't be rushing out of Iraq. Remember, no one wants it to fall into "chaos", as if it wasn't already. We didn't build those bases to split. We'll "pull back", but expect to be guarding the refineries and pipelines for years to come.
So who are the real players?
I've been shoring up my investments, hoarding cash in expectation. Note that Mike Ruppert has fallen on bad times in Venezuela. He points out that the opportunity to escape peak oil to another country has long passed. You need a community around you, who you can trust. Where are we setting up shop?
Yeowza,Cyclone! That does seem to sum up what is going on, very vividly. It should be very interesting to watch the action as the gloves come off and at least some of the real players come into view.
As for me, I am reading Daniel Quinn and coming to terms with the inevitability of the collapse of what is an unsustainable culture. All of it - Western, Eastern, Moslem, Christian, the whole enchilada. Like trying to escape a burning building, with walls and beams and staircases giving way all around us, most are not going to come out of this unscathed.
My piece of mind today comes from rejoicing that we may be dumpster diving and pumping water by hand in a few years, but, damn it, we won't have to go to stupid, pointless, soul-sucking jobs working to enrich a lot of bloated, corporate, vacuous greed-heads.
I just don't seem to be able to get all excited about the $7.25 per hour the Dems tout as so great. Hell, I've been beyond broke at $10 per hour. In the long run, it doesn't make any difference if we are being paid $5 per hour or $100 per hour. We can't keep using up the resources, polluting the water and air, ramping up the climate change, killing off the diversification of the animals and plants, over-populating the earth beyond what is feedable, and expect to survive.
But, maybe that's looking a tad too far off in the distance. But, at least it might give us an alternative to the "new" message that the military is dreaming up to convince our children to sign up for their resource wars. We can tell them that the time is coming when they won't have to pay somebody to have a place to be on this earth anymore. They won't have to get degrees to have a meaningful purpose in life.
I think that would be worth it all.
From Belgium,
An excellent analysis as usual Cyclone; I didn’t see the two minute clip but I can imagine how it was from your description. In a way it is cold comfort to see that the cowboy has finally fallen off his horse. At one level a smug satisfaction that he has finally received his comeuppance but also chilling at the thought of what may occur next.
The two fastest growing economies in the world today are China and India and China holds the tab on the Unites States. Both China and India need oil from Russia and to a lesser extent Iran. The way to control these countries and reduce the effect of USA’s indebtedness is to regulate their oil supplies. If the PTB can achieve by guile what it could not by war then the game is over. Putin made some puzzling statements after the recent summit in Finland. After the fall of Communism, Russia was run by the Mafia and the PTB are just a higher level of Mafia. If they are able to control or influence the Politburo then they will truly control the world. South America will probably be fine for South Americans for a while and the rest will slowly or quickly go to the dogs.
Very good piece and interesting analysis. Caution, I have no idea of the motivation for the large Dem voting on an individual basis. Could be they were sick of everything. At least I hope that was the motivation.
Notice how quickly the news has also turned. From simpering apologists for the neocons, now, finally they are finding suddenly that all is not well in River City. I wonder just how far their owners will let them go now. Should have been pointing out what was happening 6 years ago.
Oh well, Bush not impeached. Too bad. At least he can go to his 700,000 acre ranch in S.A. and bother them for awhile.
Cyclone, I agree that when the masks come off is when the game nears its end. This is true at every level from The Wizard of Oz on up.
Murph -about the motivations of many of the dems. I've heard some good pieces on NPR about this during the past few days. On Democracy Now! tonight they were talking about how the African American vote swung the race in several battleground states. In Virginia, only 42% of the white voters votes for Webb, while they had a record African American turnout that went 85% for Webb.
Young adults turn out went up to 10 million -25% over the 8 million in 2002, and 60% of them voted Democratic; the primary reason they cited was the war. (Hey, when you're in the group most likely to be sent and killed, it makes a difference.) Also, many Latinos/Latinas turned out in record numbers to vote against the incumbents who had made anti-immigrant remarks. From what I've heard, it seems some of the neocons forgot the 'macacaws' and the 'wetbacks' who are citizens get to vote!
Freeacre -I agree man, but start a garden. Dumpster diving isn't any fun; trust me -I did that enough as a kid!
Got to admit, the dumpster doesn't sound appetizing to me, either. lol. Grow a garden - gottcha.
anonymous 11:55,
Thanks for the comments. Please participate more often if you get the chance.
While I think that the PTB will do all they can to salvage the Iraqi oil, they also realize that we will do what I have said all along, "run out of money long before we run out of oil." They also realize that a certain amount of respect must be paid to the Chinese, who literally own us and could collapse our economy today if they so chose. The Chinese and Russians (and others) have been doing a strange dance lately, and we are not included in the party.
These are complicated times and more complicated issues, there will be more on these issues later.
What's up? Good to hear from you. I have yet to decide on how long I think we will be in Iraq, taking into consideration what you mention. I tend to believe it will be a shorter stay than we think, as I think the oil issue may be less important as time goes on. But, I'm still a bit on the fence on that one, just waffling away.
Who are the players? Look at the "Iraq study group," and those who surrounded Daddy over the years. Who we have traditionally labeled as the "neocons" have been overestimated, while being used by the PTB and this administration as a smokescreen boogeyman, in my view. More on that in a later post.
As for other comments you made, email me at:
and we'll discuss things.
Thanks for your always reliable support,
Your comment about making $5 or $100 per hour being no different is right on. But, I think we probably disagree on the reasons for that.
I love your view on the possible future for our children. Wouldn't it be great if spending 6 figures chasing a piece of parchment became irrelevant? Oh, the wish for a simple life. Keep that garden going, girl!
Great comments. Keep a close eye on China and Russia, they are the key to the locked closet. We know that, but thus far are being excluded from the game. But, we are in a box and can't push too hard. That's what happens when you allow others to control your destiny.
Watching the cowboy being taken down several notches is one of the few pleasantries in all of this mess. I meant to mention in my post that the entertainment value in all of this should not be underestimated, but forgot to. After all, when the news is grim, we must look for small pleasures in the least likely places.
I think you are exactly right on the motivations of the individual voters. They are just sick of it all, and voted accordingly.
As for Boosh, I think he may be in for a surprise in SA. He may find himself less welcome there than he would be at my house!! Or at least less safe. He would probably be better off building a large fence around the "western white house" (remember when they tried calling Crawford that for a short time? What a gas!) and placing guard towers every 10 feet. His biggest hurdle would be finding people to man the stations!
I have the visual now, the wormy little Rove running from tower to tower, saying on the radio, "All clear, Mr. Presi...., can we hire some more help? These steps are becoming a pain, and I'm hungry AGAIN. How come we lost the chef? Don't people know who we once were?" Boosh replies, "Daddy said no. We've been spayed, and the allowance is down to almost nothing." Meanwhile, Laura heats ANOTHER CAN of chicken noodle soup for the Rovemeister, complaining that he and Barney are about to "eat them out of house and home." And Boosh just smirks, saying nothing. (that does it, I'm writing a screenplay!)
You are correct, another thing that I meant to mention in the post. The turnout of the young people. It had never been accomplished before, no matter how much money they spent in the past, no one could get them to the polls. You also could be correct about the motivation, though wars in the past have never gotten them out.
I think Jon Stewart should be given his due. It's his "news" that they (younger people) appear to watch, and it appears to be working. It is also as if not more accurate than the "real news," if there is such a thing in this day and age. Stewart is rivaling Oprah in the influence department, thank God.
Meanwhile, here I am out in the middle of midwest nowhere, 28 miles from the nearest town (been here 16 years), big gardens, lots of wild food running around, and I start my morning out in my front yard today, yelling at a deer hunter to get his damned ass off my property!
Just how safe am I out here? Can we really hide from what's coming? It just takes one desperate jerk to end it all.
I wonder if I'd be just as well off in a Florida condo.
In the middle of the night they entered the village,he told the small child and they went from one teepee to the others and slashed open the sides of the teepee and took many of the children and things of the teepee while the people slept,meanwhile outside other raiders took the horses and sacred totems.
At this point some of the people began to awake and realized that something was wrong, but it was to late,the damage had been done.
The children that were taken were frightened of the raiders, and out of the fear of them were made to become evil warriors of the raiders and to go to other villages far away and to kill the brothers and sisters and the children that lived there.
Meanwhile some of the parents of the stolen children were trying desperately to try to understand what had happened and why would the raiders come to there village and do this terrible thing. But no understanding took place because the deed had no meaning. The mothers cryed for the loss and the men sought to avenge that which could not be understood.
So they counciled and decided to seek guidence from the great chief and sought him out from the land in the east in the great mountains,and found him and asked for his help, and the great chief told them that what had happened was an essential part of the great awaking,and that the awaking itself would do what was necessary to right the wrong.
Then the great chief told them that the understanding they sought was this.....
The republicans are here to awake the people and the democracts are here to put them back to sleep.
At that point the men began to doze off.
So the great balance of life goes on.
This was written in response to a question asked of me by one of my young sons friends whom has a very inquisitive mind to be so young.
What do you say to a child when he asks why do people kill each other?
I'm sure he will not understand because i do not understand either, no matter how many words i hear or how many words i read.
You know for the record in all of the great hallabaloo of the preceding weeks, the interviews, the opinions, the reviews without end,it occured to me that not one single time in all of the thousands upon thousands of words not one single time did i ever hear the word love mentioned not one single solitary time.
Still think we have a fucking chance? i really doubt it no matter who has the biggest gun. Because without love there is no reason to exist is there?
Great post! I still have a lot of questions about what this election has shown those who hold the reigns of power of this country, but there's one thing for sure! Bush is cornered, and he's scared!!!
Oh stop dancing around, people! That's not a good thing! Run a rat into a corner, and your going to see a rat at it's most vicious! Why? Simple! The rat has nothing to lose! He can go down fighting, or he can go through whatever ran him into that corner!
I watched that body language performed by "Boosh" too! He DAMNED sure didn't want to fire his ol' buddy Rummy! In fact I'm not sure that Cheney won't get the axe soon! Right after Karl Rove!
Rove REALLY screwed the pooch on this one! He was abviously too busy reading to do "The Math"! He's almost as deluded as Bush is! Ambushed my ass! He stood in the middle of the road and watched the creeping beast run over him!!! How the FUCK could ANYBODY look at those polls and come up with any other conclusion! Sure the Senate was a surprise, but the House has been a fore-gone conclusion for MONTHS!
Good God, People! North Carolina's Eleventh District voted out "Chainsaw Charley" Taylor! The chances of THAT happening were about as good as Ozzy Ozborne playing the Vatican, BUT IT HAPPENED!!!!
The eleventh district of North Carolina is about as Conservative as you can get! if the Democrats took the House seat from the Republicans here, then the rest of the country was lost! ROVE DIDN"T SEE IT COMEING!!! Or did he?
It's almost inconcievable that Rove lost so bad, unless he truly has hit the bottom of his bag of tricks, and is truly out of ammo. If that's the case, he's nothing but dead weight, and he WILL be jetisoned! Expect it to happen very soon if this is the case!
If he still has a card to play, then you'll be sure he plays it only when the time is right! Say what you want about "Creepy Karl", but he's a cagey old fuck! Remember 2004? If he's got something simmering on the stove, epect to see very little of him untill it's ready to serve!
This show is JUST starting, and we just might need a program to tell who's at bat! I guarantee there will be very few home runs on EITHER side of the scorebard, and more than a few errors!
Montna Freeman,
Man kills his fellow man, because Mankind hasn't the goodness in it's soul to overcome the evil in it's mind.
There will always be love, therefore there will always be a reason to exist!
We'll either get it right this time, or fuck it up so bad we lose it forever! Either way The Earth wins! Why? She always does!
Anonymous 8:04,
That acreage sounds good to me! But, now the love that Montanna is talking about comes in to play. Got to reach out and have some good friends or family or somebody in your corner to help out and watch each other's backs. I think we are going to have to cultivate sharing and cooperation to a degree we are not used to. If we don't it will be like Mad Max and no one will be safe. lol. When Greenland melts, Florida will be reduced to old episodes of Miami Vice. I'd stick to the Midwest.
You know, it is Veterans' Day today, and I think it is a good idea to take some time to send warm thoughts to the veterans's who contribute to this blog. Stoney, Montana, Murph, and whomever else is reading who is a vet, we honor you. We may not agree with the politics of different wars and fights, but the men who take that oath and develope the strenghth and skills and courage to become warriors for the rest of us, should be acknowledged. I know that I am very grateful to have you in my corner, that's for sure. Thank you.
With love,
You know Feeacre,
one of the difinitions of love that i have is trust, same as you ,and the people on this site even thought only you Murph,Rockpicker and Oldensoul as for as i know are the only ones that have had the great honor of meeting one another, and i would feel absolutely safe in all of your's company and know that we all could work together to create something akind to a place of not only survival but a place of harmony because we all have more or less the same goals in life.To live in peace and not only pass on what we know but to learn from the
innocence of the children.i have personally learned carpentry,welding,and auto mechanics to the level of journeyman in my life and thats without a highschool education.
I'm only pointing out the fact that between just us that have met each other lies and incredible amount of world knowledge,and what if twenty or thirty or fifty or us gathered together, wow! i have lived on communes in the sixties, some were successful, some were not, and the missing ingredient i see now was nothing more then more years of experience in learning enough about ourselfs to be able to live in peace with one another, and i think now we have achieved that level in order to facilitate a group of survivers, how about you? If so the next question would obviously be where.
Is there anyone interested in this type of council? And if so any actual ideas ? As it seems to be a general agreement among all of you on this site of whom i have listened with close attention that this world as we know it is on the verge of collapse in to kos.
So it seems to me that if a location were found it would be a great start. And at that point the people at their leisure could go check it out and meet each other and consider whether it might be a viable place to hunker down and get busy instead of just talking about it.Any ideas??
Thank you Freeacre,
i did not fight because no war was going on at the time and for that i am extremly greatfully, however we all took the same oath to defend the constitution of this country untill death. i salute our brothers and sisters in arms and honor the memory of thoes that did not make it home.
peace unto you all
Love still exists in this world. If you doubt it, take a look at a newborn baby. That's all the love, innocence, hope, and potential in the universe wrapped up into one. We don't see love too much in the MSM. Our culture glorifies violence, death, and destruction after all. But its there. You just have to look for it.
It's present whenever a single parent works three jobs to support her/his kids, whenever a firefighter risks his life to save someone he's never met, whenever a doctor or nurse or other healer goes the extra mile to make someone whole again. Its in the antics of a child and the eyes of a faithful dog. Love is the greatest force in the world. Some of us have forgotten that. But others haven't. And that's what gives me hope, that we will find our way out of this morass and move on to better things. It won't happen completely in my lifetime, nor in my children's lifetime or their grandchildren's lifetime, but it will happen. That is why I keep going, the hope that it will happen someday.
Oh, here are some good gardening books:
How to Grow More Vegetables
The Sustainable Vegetable Garden
One Circle
The Backyard Homestead
Permaculture: A Designer's Manual
Gaia's Garden
The Vegetable Gardener's Bible (there's also one for flowers)
Seed to Seed
Preserving the Harvest
Square Foot Gardening
Saving Seeds
Root Cellaring
Preserving Summer's Bounty
Keeping Food Fresh
The Ball Blue Book of Canning, Freezing, and Dehydrating.
There are many more of course. But those are a few to start with. Some crops -like parsnips, carrots, turnips, etc -can be stored all winter in damp sand and are very nutritious. Others, such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, garlic, onions, and winter squash will keep in a cool room after curing for many months. Whatever you do, use organic methods and heirloom or open-pollinated seeds (no hybrids or GMOs).
I think the day may soon come when knowing how to feed yourself (and others) is more valuable than an MBA!
I also agree with Freeacre -thank you Vets!
Thanks RAS,
i realize that the main stream news is mostly concerned with selling tickets to the world of sensationalism, and that that is the great state of human conscienceness at this time, but that is soon to change i think.
The love that occurs between people cannot be forced and and you are right,there are individuals here and there that have discovered this incredibly rare and wonderful thing within their own minds.
How does this event take place? i really do not know the mechanism of it,however as long as the mind is filled with the things of this world that cause fear and distrust it will never come into being.
Its easy to love your neighbor right up untill the rake the neighbor borrowed does not return it, and then fuck that asshole i hope he burns in hell!!
See what i mean? lol.
Anyway thanks for coming on the site and for your kind words,theres not to much of that going on and i can only hope that it grows.
It sounds like you might be an avid gardner, but i visited your very nice blog and really don't understand how you would find the time,wish i had that kind of energy.
montana freeman
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