Thursday, February 23, 2006

Cyclone Health Update

Hi guys. As you can see, I am alive but not too well. This has proven to be a bit more complicated than I thought. I get a severe headache when I am up for very long, so this will be short and sweet. I am still mostly forced to stay in a prone position except for short periods of time, so I cannot sit up at the computer long enough to do a post, or even answer much email. I do seem to get a bit better each day, so maybe by tonight I can post something.

Thank goodness for George Boosh, he has stumbled along admirably, even threatening the first veto of his and Cheney's co-presidency. So, when I return, I won't be without material to work from. I haven't really checked the mail, so I don't have a T-Shirt update as of now. Never fear, they will be done eventually. (Seems like I've said that before.)

Thanks to all who have kept things going, especially Murph for sending a post for you all to discuss. I have been unable to do more than glance at the comments, but I see that there have been many. Thank you for that. Maybe later today I can re-enter the fray, giving some more food for thought.

Now, I must lay down again. Thanks for all the good thoughts, I'll be back ASAP.



At 6:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Cyclone

Welcome back and hope you are feeling better. We were all wondering how things went. And you are so right things have not changed as far as Bushco he is bazaar as ever. So you will have plenty to talk about when you get back in the saddle.

Thanks to Reality, Murph and another for the ongoing discussion about how to change what we have. I wish I could be as articulate as they. I have to admit I have learned quite a lot about how thing have come to be in this country thanks to all of you. Keep the truth coming.


At 8:01 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...

Oh!! You got Boosh dead right!! My wierd shitometer has been off the scale all week! I'm not going to divulge anything that might cost you a post but, DAMN!!! Can this clown actually think? Ooops! I forgot! You've already answered that question!

Still even a worm has some synaptic response! They don't have a brain! Boosh doesn't have the sense to piss a hole in the snow! The mere fact he's capable of autolocomotion sets medical science back a thousand years! How does he do it without a brain? We all know he doesn't have one! Just a vacuous space between his ears filled with old bent up coke-spoons, empty bottles of "Chivas Regal", and ripped out packs of Easy Widers!

Oh yea! Good to have you back!

At 8:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see your are starting to recover. Good luck and try to get plenty of rest.

At 10:09 AM, Blogger Reality said...

Glad to hear from you!!!

Come on back and see us soon.

At 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was some discussion previously about the Halliburton contract to build detention centers. This article discusses some possible uses.

At 5:48 PM, Blogger efsaturn said...

One man's idea to organize and take back our government.

Excerpt of article--
What are we supposed to do, just keep watching while they turn America into Orwell’s nightmare? Wait for Hilary in 2008? lol.

Solution: 435 Patriots to run for Congress.

Regular citizens that are mad as hell, and aren’t going to take it anymore. Here are the myths that WE need to dispell:

1. That Bush and Co. are honest Republicans.
2. That Democrats in DC are worth voting for.
3. That it takes millions of dollars to win a Congressional Race.

The top two are self-evident, but they are the issues that we’ll need to prove to the American people.

#3 is what I wish to prove to you.

At 10:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take it easy Cyclone. Don't worry about the t-shirts, just rest and get better.

At 2:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cyclone brother
glad you made it through all that , i will being going through hip replacement soon so you know how that is for an old fuck like me that is scared of getting a shot in the arm.your posts have awakened something in me that has never been in my awareness,am country and can barely spell my own name but can understand what you say ,i have the skills to live off the land from being raised on the farm,i think there are a lot of us old timers that can give up plenty to show the youngn;s how to make it before we die ,i hope so. we are here for you guys, in peace montana freeman aho

At 12:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are there, Montana freeman. We are gonna need a bunch of you.

At 3:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like Freeacre, I got busy for a few days then when I came back I was over faced with information and didn’t know where to start. It must be doubly difficult for Cyclone. Anyway, I am glad that you made it through and hope that you will be twice as good looking after your extreme makeover.

One reason I have not commented on Murph’s topic is because I am sitting here in Euroland and when push comes to shove I am not going to be able to help you practically apart from being verbally on your side, so my talk is cheap. Cyclone did say however that he would welcome views from people on the outside of the current situation in the sense that sometimes the ones who are actually involved can get too close, loose focus and get drawn into side issues which distract from the main objective. If this is so then here is my two cents worth.

What the Bush government wants is administration change in any country that is on its current hit list. More and more disillusioned Americans want administration change in their own country and are scared of waiting another two and a half years for another round of phoney elections.

In the 60’s Vietnam veterans rallied in Washington DC and threw their war medals at the White House. They thought that their protest was actually going to achieve something. Your efforts have got to get the job done. Today with instant world news you would expect the people to be more informed but in fact they have never been more misinformed. Your job is to confiscate their sack of potato chips and get them off their TV couch.

I have looked at some of your suggested reading. Several of you mentioned Ran Prieur but I am afraid that he didn’t do very much for me. He has some very good ideas and some unusual slants on situations but, for me, he comes over as rather adolescent and lacks a certain reality and reality as we all know is for people who can’t cope with drugs.

The ones who have impressed me recently are, on economics, the Larry Parks interview on the FAME site. Also Senator Russ Feingold’s address on ‘Stopping a Bad Patriot Act’, reported on the Common Dreams site. The one which has impressed me most of all is Ben Franks Blog advocating a legal fifth column and achieving change from the inside by filling Congress with Russ Fiengold and Ron Paul types.

The one area where his plan falls down in my opinion, is his faith in the Blogosphere, it is simply not enough. The contributors to this particular site are very aware people but there are simply not enough of you and I have my doubts if the whole Blogosphere is enough. Whoever controls television controls the rest that is why in any military or civil uprising the first thing to be secured is the TV network. This plan of Ben Franks sounds like your best shot at pulling back from the brink and my reservations do not mean that you shouldn’t go for it.

Look to history, find out what worked and what didn’t work; arm yourself with knowledge.

Organise local groups; Cindy has done it. Are there existing groups (like Cindy’s) that you could plug into without destroying the original aims of that particular group.

Get on talk radio and spread your message, sound like reasonable people expressing a fair point of view, not like hotheads.

For those of you that are unionised, ask your union leaders if they support the people they would aspire to be or the people that are paying their wages. Persuade them to arrange one hour, half day or whatever you feel is achievable, protest stoppages or work to rules.

This last one is going to sound completely naff but it has worked in the past. In the hundreds of years before we had instant communications the way people signalled that danger was approaching was to light massive bonfires. The people of Norway did not want to have any part of the European Union (EEC as it was then known) and they feared their government were about to fudge the referendum, so they lit bonfires all over the country. This both united the people and sent a clear message to the government. How many bonfires would it take? I reckon a big bonfire on a hill could be seen from 20 – 25 miles away so you would only need about 100 to stretch from Washington DC to San Francisco or 30 – 35 from Chicago to New Orleans. The more the better but those numbers don’t sound too frightening. What a publicity stunt that would be. If you could manage it in both directions it would look like a burning cross from space – hmm, I can’t make up my mind if that is a good thing.

The message you have to send to Mr. Bush and his friends is that people can be pushed back so far but when their back is against the wall then they have only one way to go and it just may be in their direction.

From Belgium.

At 7:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Belgium,

Interesting comment. I don't think I cannot agree with you about Ran prieur though. When your inside the box, reading his kind of stuff looks the way you say, but I really think he deserves more than an accusation of immaturity. His analysis of how civilizations come to fall is not a far fetched idea and has been stated before. You may not like his solution but that does not take away it's validity.

I gather that you want to change what is happening by working within the system. Personally, I think it IS the system that has brought us to the brink of chaos, and will do so again unless we have some kind of radical change of the system itself.

To a greater or lesser degree, it appears to me that the European countries are just as complicent in the present situation as the U.S. All the industrial countries have bought into the free market capitalistic economy that depends on cheap labor and cheap resources and infinite expansion. Every country has bought into the idea that having a lot of money makes you more wise, more moral/ethical, more able to govern, more able to have control over the population. I insist it is the basic premises that cause what the world is experiencing. If that is a true statement, then the system has to be changed to have real changes in it's effect on the society.

It is true that the further removed you are from this country, the less impact any help will have. This is always true. I doubt that any outside help will particularly be welcome by most of the population to begin with. The U.S. has gotten pretty arrogent, government and society.

It is true that in most countries, civil unrest, if sufficient, has brought on minor changes for a time. It is also true that every country in it's history, if it has had sufficient military force, has been responsible for virtual, if not actual genocide, exerted oppression over other countries, and done it's share of brutalization. The underlying causes for why this happens is what I am concerned with.

At 10:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Here's a piece by Bill Moyer that is very interesting. I would have to agree with our friend from Belgium that one would have to be on the more serious side to be at all a potential candidate. I may not have given your person much of a chance though. I will read more of what he is saying.

Back to Bill Moyer
The piece that he has done here is moving and goes on to explain how we can make a difference by changing the system. It shows how really corrupt the government is (like we don't) as well how they are doing it. I'm confident that this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Talk to you guys later


At 9:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just read the Bill Moyer's article on Common Dreams. Thanks for the referral. His detailing of the massive corruption of the government makes it nauseatingly clear. Moyer's advocacy of public finance for government campaigns makes sense to me. I would also take advantage of the fact that television stations are licensed by the government. If our representatives had the interests of the citizens on their list of priorities, they could make it part of the licensing requirements to air political messages at a significantly lower rate, like a public service announcement. But, of course, that idea is one that will never get aired on the tube.
Speaking of things one will not see on T.V...One analysis I'd like to see is how much the salaries and perks of the television news anchors has changes in the last 25 years.

At 10:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have just finished a marathon read on Saving Democracy by Bill Moyers posted By Anonymous Sean, from which it would seem that some states are addressing the clean money in politics issue. In my previous post, my reference to Ben Frank’s article was about clean people in politics. Are such things just vane hopes; too little too late, like peeing into a storm?
I have no idea and if it did come to pass and the situation could be rescued, what checks and balances could be built into the system to stop people of selfish intent coming along and taking the whole thing over the edge when your guard is down?

Here are some quotations from Mr. Bush taken from Bill Moyer’s article.
“I will restore honour and integrity in politics”.
“It’s time to clean up the toxic environment in Washington DC”.
“I will ask not only what is legal but what is right – not what the lawyers allow but what the public deserves”. Well he may have asked it but he didn’t do anything about it.

I am willing to bet his speech writer was able to retire on that lot. How in future should you guard that such phrases are not just empty words? I have read recently (don’t know where now) that the state of Ohio has made its own checks and balances in the voting system which almost ensures that only a Republican candidate can win. How can the original intent of the founding fathers be restored? Should we even try? I don’t know the answers to these questions but not to try is not to know.

Yes, I was a bit dismissive of Ran Prieur. I read that ‘Zines’ was his best work and read some of it and thought that if this is the best then I don’t need to read any more. Maybe it was his best work at the time he wrote it and he got better, so I promise to give it another shot, but it wont be today now.

So what is that you are hoping to achieve? I can see four general scenarios.
Bush carries on and the dollar weakens slightly. The money people realise that like in any pyramid system there is only so much that can be sucked up from the bottom and exercise enough restraint to stop the system from collapsing. Maybe there will be air strikes against Iran.
The dollar collapses but Bush manages to carry on and lead America through the crisis.
The dollar struggles on and Bush goes (unlikely).
The dollar collapses and Bush goes.

The question is ‘What then’? What would you want to achieve from each of these four scenarios?

We have seen the fall of communism. Even in its most successful manifestation in Israel, third generation Israelis are turning away from it.
Fascism doesn’t succeed for very long and as Lilac commented, extreme right and extreme left meet around the back.
This leaves us with the middle ground. Maybe I am seeing this completely wrong but in my view middle ground is the province of weak policies and weak politicians. What should be the roll of the leader of a country in the modern world? The first president of Bangladesh was thrown out of office for ruling his country like a tribal chief and not attending to affairs of state. Mr Bush is virtually ignoring home policy except so far as big business is concerned, so where should the balance lie?

You are right about Europe though, particularly the UK. They are playing the game of ‘My dad can beat your dad’ in our case that happens to be USA. When America has beaten up the other kids dad, UK comes along and takes the other kids things.

I also cannot understand genocide but it seems to be a side effect of absolute power. Eliminate absolute power and genocide, hopefully will go with it.

China is playing a clever game at the moment, communist at home and capitalist to the rest of the world. No matter what happens in America, the time will come when it will have to concentrate on its home market and then it will have to pay its own workers realistic wages to keep the economic engine turning which will in turn make its goods less attractive to other countries. I am curious to know what will happen when the worlds supply of cheap labour eventually runs out.

I do not know the answers to many of these questions but am interested to know where your solutions and aspirations lie. I do know that for some time to come, John Lenonism will remain a common dream.

From Belgium.

At 9:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous from Belgium,

Another interesting post that I am replying to.

Your first paragraph ending. My answer is yes, yes, yes. Too little to late.

Your second paragraph. Got to change the system. Exactly how is open to debate perhaps. One thing I think for certain, patchwork bills, laws and reforms with the present system is only temporary.

Third paragraph. I stated a long time ago that during the campaign of 2000, it seemed obvious to me the man was a consummate liar and hypocrite. His whole body language, facial expressions and language keyed me in right off. Not even counting his past performance in Texas.

Fourth paragraph. My inclination is also to try and do something. However, I get real tired real quick with getting a bloody head beating it against a stone wall.

Paragraph 5. I know Ran recommends his zines as first reading. I went through them and there are tidbits in them but for the real meat, go to the essays. The zines are, on first reading, just ramblings interspersed with little bits of short discussion. The essays are all meat. I started on his essays and admit that I was a tad disappointed with the zines. If that is all you looked at, I can see to some extent why you had your reaction to him. Let me know your reaction when you have gone through his essays.

Paragraph 6. My scenario is that Bush manufactures a severe crisis or has one handed to him of sufficient seriousness that he can declare martial law. Then, I hope and pray that he has bitten off way more than he can chew.

Paragraph 8. You undoubtedly have heard the old saw, ‘Politics is the art of compromise’. I am dead set against compromise because in a compromise the right thing is never done. The middle in politics is a construct, subject to definition and has no real relevance to either right or wrong, and is only a perceived relationship between two extremes. Yes, middle is the venue of the weak . Me, I am radical as hell about defining freedom and where it ends and begins. If we have the big die off that is talked about, (50% or maybe more) it will be mostly mute point. It is how we organize ourselves in small scattered communities that I am concerned with. Installing another system like the present will only lead to another scene like we have. That is why I like Ran. He is most definitely out of the box thinking. Keep in mind that the fall of Rome had a huge die off over time and one of the problems they had was not enough people left to support the technology they had developed.

You seem to be correct, genocide is a product of absolute power, but absolute power is not a necessary condition. American Indian genocide was not done with absolute power. In that case it was believing in Manifest Destiny. A decided Christian weakness?

I know that I am going to be quite wary of anyone that comes in on the politics today and claims they have all the answers. Bush and crew has declared that already and has proven to have no clothes on. The next one that panders to the society at large to take care of all our problems is going to be a tyrant dictator and giving him power is gong to be my worst nightmare. I fear also that Bush and crew may make just such a grab for that kind of power.

At 2:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I wanted to ask a few probing questions to see where you stood on a few things. It would seem that we have similar outlooks even though we are on different sides of the world. You are definitely going for The Lord of the Flies Scenario although that had a manufactured happy ending.

Words like freedom and liberty are more emotives than absolutes and should always be clarified with the follow up question of freedom and liberty for whom? I am pleased to see that you are defining the limits.

When I gave an opinion on genocide I was thinking more of the Rwanda / Cambodia type situations although these as you pointed out are not the only mechanisms by which it can occur. Giving guns to the uneducated and not applying or being able to apply restraint is also a way. This happened particularly in Australia and to a lesser extent in America. The film Dances with Wolves if you saw it, asked the question of which side was the civilised one. Shooting up the indigenous Indian population was hardly the attitude of good Christians. Maybe in your scenario, civilisation will return and with the experience of hindsight it can be made to work.

I wonder if now is the right time to tell you that I have magical powers and am prepared to lead you all out of the darkness, for a small consideration to party funds of course. I also wonder if this is the right time for levity.

From Belgium

At 7:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally, I find myself suseptible to magical powers - if you were to combine them with, say, some sort of extra-terresteral component, I would probably be completely under your spell...
I can't remember the name of the authour who wrote, "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintainence." But his second book (which I also can't remember the name of) contained information about how the fledgling consciousness of America was influenced by the American Indian values of equality, freedom, a sacred sense of the earth, honesty, respect, honor paid to the ancestors as well as the future, etc.
I was a member of a Sacred Circle for eight years, and found the process of sitting in a circle, drumming together, meditating, and then speaking one at a time from the heart, to be a really powerful process. The element of a "talking stick" was good. The stick was passed. Whoever had it had the "floor" to speak. The person just spoke whatever she/he had to say and passed the stick on. The next person had the stick and said what was on his or her mind. But, the first person was not evaluated, judged, or anything. Just listened to with respect. No conclusions needed to be reached particularly. But, over time, the process was very empowering. Big personal changes were made. Strong bonds between people were created. The trust and intimacy led to wanting to dance and eat and work with each other, even though we maintained our differences.
I sure don't have many answers. But, I do think that this process, and the idea of a circle, not a hierarchy, would be real useful whenever contemplating starting all over and coming up with a new way to deal with things.

At 9:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous from Belgium,

Oh Geez man!! Lord of the Flies scenario? My God, I sure hope not, at least as I understand what the author thought about the human psychic. I would certainly hope that desperate times with adults around would have a different outcome. A group of young kids thrown into isolation and desperation with no sense of community to speak of and then on top of it all, from an English boarding school, (one of the more cruel and insane ways of raising kids), yeh, might just get that kind of chaos. If there is anything to hate the English for, how they educated their children, at least used to do it, the English boarding school is one of them. Years of focused learning on how to put up with cruelty from authority is not on my agenda.

Your second paragraph hits the nail on the head. Governments always have a variety of ways of controlling populations. Using emotive terms such as freedom, liberty, and patriotism without defining the terms indeed give great control to authority. These are more symbolic than an actuality. Have you done any study of ‘Non Aristotelian identification?’. Called ‘null A philosophy’. Western civilizations in particular, (but not limited to) tend to identify a symbol with the actuality. Not a good idea. The first treatment of this was by Korbinsky, (spelling). Several novels written around this idea.

Yes, I have a copy of ‘Dances With Wolves’. And, yes it does ask just who the civilized ones are. I am not so sure of your statement that putting guns in the hands of the uneducated creates a genocidal situation. First, what does it mean to be educated? Keep in mind that it seems to be educated people (in the contemporary sense, those that have gone to college) that most often advocate the committing of genocide; namely a country's leaders and they get some segment of the population to engage in this through the use of symbols. One of the interesting aspects of Ran is his concept that we have a different situation wherein whoever is left from a big die off will have had experience with what happens with a complex society and a male dominated hierarchy. Just maybe, a change in perspectives will change how people will organize themselves. When Western civilization came into areas populated by what we call primitive tribes, the primitive people had no experience with western concepts. We sure as hell do now. Need to change how we value a lot of the aspects of ‘civilization’.

Magic uh? Well, hope you use it for benign purposes. I have thought that it would be interesting if we could wave a magic wand over this world and have absolute and complete empathy for everyone. How would that change how we lived together? Got the power to try that one out and see how it flies? Ever seen the movie “The Green Mile? We kill individuals who have too much of that empathy. What if everyone had it?

Levity? If we fail to keep a sense of humor we become way to somber and will cease to make life a fun thing to do, which will also destroy us. Need to be on guard for gallows humor though.

At 12:43 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...


When you're facing death, gallows humor helps. It gives you a chance to poke death in the eye while his back's turned. I don't know if you can understand unless you've been there. I've been there. I know. God help me, I know

At 1:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lord of the Flies indeed, now I am getting to know you guys a bit better you are going to have to watch for the tongue in cheek stuff tossed into with the serious bits. I do hope you are going to be able to sort it out otherwise I am in trouble.

If you thought the English boarding schools were bad you should find out what the Jesuits got up to. They cornered the market in cruelty; all in the name of spreading God’s teaching of course.

I have never heard of ‘null A philosophy’ before but now I have I am sure to look into it. I guess I have always been intrigued by the power of language. A little pair of years ago a contributor to Google Answers asked a question on how cults suck people in and keep them controlled. As a result I got absorbed by several sites explaining language techniques. There will sometimes be something that gets by you but if you question if there is a hidden meaning behind what is being said and be reasonably on your guard then you should be OK.

Guns, the uneducated and genocide: The Australian’s don’t like to be reminded of this but their first inhabitants were the sort of criminals that England didn’t even want to keep around in their prisons so we shipped them over there. They were generally low life without common sense. After a while they needed to protect themselves from wild animals in the bush so they obtained guns. Their idea of a Saturday afternoons entertainment was to go to an Aborigine village and wipe out the population. I have no idea whether they had been educated or not, this is what my sloppy English has got me into. I once asked an Australian internet friend if he thought we had anything to learn from the Abo’s or the indigenous Americans but he didn’t want to pick it up because of the genocide thing. What was actually in my mind was the Lewis and Clark expedition where they charted previously unknown parts of Australia but died of starvation a few days from home because they couldn’t find a food dump. If they knew what the aborigines had known for thousands of years, they would have made it home to hero’s welcome.

The Green Mile, I expect you are referring to the big guy whose only downfall was being black and being accused, I wish I had the power to stop that stuff. I just asked my wife if she thought I had magical powers and she fell about laughing, so there you have it. Sorry Freeacre, no ET components either so far as I know. There is a theory that before we became townified we knew about this stuff but we lost it when we thought we no longer needed it.

Does the name Robert M Pirsig ring any bells with you? You can be a real smarty with the power if the internet. Never read the book but it sounds good. I once had a full sized poster if the Indian, White Cloud with an inscription of his underneath. He did it very eloquently but essentially it said that if mankind keeps screwing with nature it will come back and get you twice as bad. I have never experienced any of this Sacred Circle activity but the nearest thing I have been involved with is several brainstorming groups and they certainly work. No matter what a persons’ status they are allowed to say any preposterous thing they like. The only rule is ‘no laughing’. It is truly unbelievable the number of times I have seen something stupid turned on its head to provide a workable solution so yes, I am always open to looking at new ways of dealing with things.

I hope Cyclone is being entertained with all of this stuff – any news?

& Stony13

You are right - I guess it is just a release of nervous energy but it helps.

Yooo (as we sometimes say in Belgium).

At 4:10 PM, Blogger efsaturn said...

Well maybe we will be the next slaves. Maybe the corps already have enough power that after the dollar crash, and the die off the rest of the remaining citizens are gathered up to the secret prisons run by Halliburton and we will be the cheap labor for Japan and China, we will be paying off the debt that we owe on the bonds sold by our gov't to theirs. The prisons will be factories and we will paid in kind for food and shelter.

That would suck!

I guess that is where firearms will come in handy and forming a community with others that also have firearms and brains, etc.

At 4:38 PM, Blogger efsaturn said...

bush quote, Bush, nevertheless made the following statement:

"Our nation is on the threshold of new energy technology that I think will startle the American people. We're on the edge of some amazing breakthroughs - breakthroughs all aimed at enhancing our national security and our economic security and the quality of life of the folks who live here in the United States."

posted at

his new technology: No oil, no natural gas, no electricity. Back to the stone age.

"will startle the American people" yes they will be startled and starved.

"enhancing our national security" yes, by martial law that he will want to instate.

and I think he forgot the adjective in front of the "quality of life"

At 4:49 PM, Blogger efsaturn said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 7:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Gallows humor is different from irony. Gallows humor is self depreciating, diminishes your power, and is neurotic, especially when it is used frequently. I rather imagine you are referring to ironic humor that is often used when in eminant danger, particularly in combat. I agree that you get to poke death in the eye with that kind of humor. Generally doesn't elicit a guffaw. But very useful none the less.

Haven't heard from Cyclone since last week. He went back to the hospital today (Monday) to get the splint out of his nose. I rather imagine he is pretty miserable. Course we could all get together and send him email telling him to quite being a slacker and a whiner and get with it. Might cheer him up if he can get to his email.


Anonymous from Belgium

Ok Ok, When not face to face it becomes ambiguous when someone is doing tongue in cheek. That is what makes well done satire so fascinating to read.

yes, I have a bit of info on the Jesuit schools. Pretty grim if you were young. More Christian cruelty in the name of God.

Yes, the use of language can be very controlling. I see it all the time. That is a large component of what I call being educated, having discernment and critical thinking. If you ain't got it, you ain't educated. (Murph's truism for the day)

Non Aristotilian logic. It's real handy to be able to blame someone from 2000 years ago for poor thought capabilities today. Briefly, it was a field called General Semantics and specifically dwelt with the Aristotilialn confusion of a symbol with the actuality. Example. A country's flag is not the country, it is a piece of colored cloth. But, if you can convince people to treat it as the actuality, you gain more control over them. Words are used the same way, they are not an actuality, they are a symbolic construct. Karl Rove is a real master of this technique.

Yes, I am aware, at least partially, about Australia's history. Interesting that people don't want to talk about it.

Robert M Pirsi. Yeh, intereting author. Although, I am not real familiar with him. Haven't read any of his stuff for years now.

If you remember the Green Mile, at the end of the movie, where they were going to have to killhim, the jailor said "How can I kill one of God's greatest creations". He was a bit more than black and accused unjustly.

At 12:06 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...


I guess gallows humor has been called the wrong thing for a long time! If you ask ten people what it was, you'ld get ten different answers, and one big arguement!

If you thought the movie was good, read the book! Stephen King wrote it so everybody should have it. There's a lot more to any book than you can ever fit into a movie!

At 1:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Yeh, I know about fuck ups alright. Should have seen what happened when my lazy butt didn't get out of the house and get a pretty for my wife on Valentines Day.

Yes, I've seen differences between books and movies. The Postman only loosly followed the book and I liked both. Haven't seen the book for The Green Mile. Think I will see if I can find it. The movie got panned but I thought it was great. The book might just be a whole lot better.

as for Gallows Humor, I am using the definition from Transactional Analysis. Within the culture, of course words will change meaning. That's one of the things that makes communication so difficult at times.

Hey man, when you gonna make a new posting on your blog?

At 1:40 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...


Going through a little crisis with my wife right now. They have been taking "Carcinoma" tumors off of her face and the result is she looks and feels like she went 10 rounds with a black man with half an ear named Hollifield. With all the dramma in the house, I haven't had much time to actually sit down and investigate a story, and I hate to put something out unless I can assure myself that it is bullshit-free!

Maybee I'll do something that IS bullshit and state for the record it's bullshit! Kinda like Fox News with a concience!

At 2:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You take some time away from the computer and go and do the right thing. It sounds like she needs you more than we do. We can talk amongst ourselves until you get back.

Give her our best wishes.

From Belgium.

At 5:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Anonymous from Belgium. Spent time with your wife Stoney. Cyclone I hope you feel better soon!

At 5:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Agree with Belgium, first priorities first. Take care of your woman man. World would be worse off without 'em.

At 6:30 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...


I apreciate it. In fact I put posts up while shes resting. The doctor said the main thing is to see she gets lots of rest. That's like trying to tie down a freight train! As long as her spirits are up, she's doing well. I iknow how much that kind of surgery hurts. You can hardly stand to be around yourself! At least the got it all. Sometimes the doctor is a pain in the ass, (Literaly!), but cancer isn't the death sentence it was a few years ago. If you get checked out at least twice a year, they can catch it. And the treatment is better too.

As long as she doesn't run out of Vicodins and I don't run out of weed we got this thing licked!

Thanks for the love and the strength,
Stoney 13


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