Sunday, March 11, 2007

Ok, I issued an appeal for posting help last post, and I have started to
get some response.

This post is by Stoney. He has done some research that I had been thinking
doing and just never got around to it. Thanks Stoney. Reads somewhat
similar to a synopsis of Old Testament history. Murph

What's the Deal between Sunnis and Shias?

Why the hell can't these people just get along? Why are
they trying to kill each other off in Iraq? What the fuck
does this have to do in any way with us? And finally, what's
the difference between Sunnis and Shias anyway?

Let's try to get some answers!

Shias and Sunnis split back in 632 CE when
Muhammad (praise be upon him, PBUH) went flying off
the "Dome of The Rock" to be with Allah. It seems
that there were two chains of thought as to who
would be his successor.

The Sunnis. (Their name means "One who follows the
traditions of The Prophet"), decided that the new leader
of Islam should be elected from those who were most able
to fill the job. When the voting was done, Muhammed's (pbuh)
close friend and advisor Abu Bakr became the first "Caliph" of
the Islamic Nation.

The Shias felt that the leadership should come directly
for Muhammed's (pbuh) own family, and chose his cousin/son
in law, Ali to be the next "Imam". The word "Shia" is
shortened from "Shia-t-Ali" or "The Party of Ali"

After Abu Bakr became Caliph in 632 CE, he held the post
until 634 when he died. Next came Umar who served from 634
until 644, then Uthman who served from 644 until 656 when
he was murdered at prayer, which really pissed off the Sunnis
who considered this (and rightly so) a seriously chicken-shit
way to kill a man!

Ali finally got his shot at the title and was elected
in 656, but was opposed by Aisha ,Wife of Muhammed (pbuh),
and the daughter of Abu Bakr, who thought he was being a
slack-ass when it came to bringing the murderers of Uthman
to justice, and raised an army to fight him. However, Ali's
forces soundly thrashed Aisha's army at The Battle of Camel
in 656, and that took care of that! However Ali allowed Aisha
to seek his forgiveness which he gave her, and allowed her
to return to her home in Madinah. There to live out her last
years in peaceful seclusion.

After that was all done with, along came Mu'awiya Umayyad,
who was Uthman's cousin, and the governor of Damascus.
He also had the ass about poor old Uthman getting snuffed
on his rug, and refused to accept Ali as Caliph until Uthman's
killers had been hooked and hanged! Ali and Mu'awiya met on
the field of battle at the Battle of Suffin, where the
soldiers of Mu'awia attached verses for the Quran onto
their spears! The devout men of Ali's army refused to fight
against them!

Ali had no choice but to try and establish a compromise
with Mu'awiya, but this shocked and outraged some of his
die-hard supporters! So much so, that one of his own men
whacked him in 661!

Mu'awiya declared himself Caliph. Ali's oldest son
Hassan was offered a pension if he didn't pursue the
Caliphate, which he accepted. Hassan was dead before
the year was out, thought by many to have been poisoned.
Ali's younger son Hussein agreed not to purue the Caliphate
until after Mu'awia's death, but in 680 when Mu'awiya kicked
the bucket, his son Yazid usurped the Caiphate! Hussein
led an army against Yazid, but he and his men were slaughtered
in mass at the Battle of Karbala. Yazid went on to establish
the Ummayad Dynasty, splitting the Sunnis and the Shia even
further until the 750's.

In 750 The Umayyad family had been wiped out (except
for a few that managed to escape to Spain) after The Battle
of Zab in Egypt, in a revolt which was led by
Abu Al Abbas al-Saffah. This revolt was assisted a great
deal by Shia support. So much, in fact that the Shia spiritual
leader Jafar As-Saddiq, (great-granson of Hussein), was
promised the Caliphate after Abbas' death in 754. However,
this arrangement had never been finalized, and Abbas' son All
Mansur murdered Jafar and seized the Caliphate for himself,
founding the Abbasid Dynasty which based itself in Baghdad
until Baghdad was sacked by The Mongols in 1258.
The line of Muhammad (pbuh) died out in 873 when the last
Shia Imam Muhammad Al-Mhadi, and only son, disappeared
without a trace just a few days after inheriting the title
at age four. For centuries The Shia proclaimed that the child
was not dead, just "hidden" and would return when the time
was right. When it became clear this was not going to happen,
the spiritual power of The Shia was delegated to the "ulema"
or "Council of Twelve" who were given the task of electing
the supreme Imam. This has pretty much been the system ever since.

What's the difference now?

It works best if we think of the Shias as the Catholics and
the Sunnis as the Protestants. Like the Catholics, the Shias'
supreme Imam is considered infallible and imbued with Pope-like
power. The religious hierarchy of the Shia is also quite similar
to The Catholic Church.

Sunnis on the other hand have no formal clergy, just scholars,
and jurists which offer their people non-binding opinions,
much like the many independent American Protestant churches.
Like the Catholic and Protestant faiths, there has been a lot
of bad blood between them, and nobody on either side
(who has the power to do so), has decided to let it go!
Both believe in the tenants of Islam and The Five Pillars
of Islam. Both believe in Allah as the supreme, one and
only god, yet they have displayed all the fear, loathing,
and intolerance as the Catholics, and The Protestants against
each other.

Both Shia, and Sunni are losing hundreds of members
a day to the more laidback Sufi Muslems, who believe in
brotherhood and charity, and show their love for Allah
with songs and dancing, not dressing up in explosive clothing,
and killing innocent people!

It really doesn't matter whether the reason is high
ideals, or lowly political ambition, killing yourself
to kill your enemy is stupid! Besides! Allah said to
knock it off down here! He's running out of virgins!


At 1:45 PM, Blogger murph & freeacre said...

Thank you, Stoney, for shedding some light on the Sunni and Shiite factions. I wonder if our congressmen know as much. I doubt it. Reminds me of the running battle that lasted for so long between the Protestant and Catholic contingents of Irish. I still can't even figure that one out!
I'm encouraged to hear that many are becoming Sufi's. I have a Sufi friend. Very metaphysical and mellow. I participated in a Sufi "whirling dervish" practice once with her and it was neat.
Maybe in this age of television and internet, all these crazies will see themselves on tv and the light of day will shine on them and things will be more likely to change. It happened with our own "taliban" fundies when the documentary, "Jesus Camp" came out. The leader got censured and the camp is being re-organized. By the way, are the Afghan Taliban either Shiite or Sunni?
I also wonder: If we had a collapse of the central government, would we go tribal? Would we identify more with our race or religions and defend against the "infidels" like just about everybody has? Or would it be more along the lines of money, as the gated communities vs. the "trash"?
I think groups are going to have to reach out to each other and be able to offer something that is mutually beneficial. Like, "hey, you may not like me because I'm Black/Mexican/Catholic/Rich/or whatever, but I've got eggs/meat/vegetables/plumbing skills/professional skills (like medicine)or some such thing to offer. Let's make a deal."
It seems to logical to me. But, why aren't they doing that in Iraq?

At 5:30 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...


The Taliban as well as "Al Queda are profoundly Sunni. They come from Saudi Arabia (in spite of what Bush says!) which is also mostly Sunni.

The only Middle Eastern countries that are predominatly Shia, are Iraq, Iran, and Syria. Other middle Eastern countries have a Shia population, but unfortunately, they are in the minority, and often VERY oppressed. It was this sort of oppression that led to the Lebanese Civil Wars of 1958, 1982 as well as the latest Israeli invasion of that troubled country.

Lebanon is a perfect example of what Bush is going to turn Iraq into if he isn't stopped. Post- Soviet Afganistan is perfect example of what Bush will turn Iraq into if he is.

The only option for Iraq that had a slender thread of a positive outcome has been taken from the table: To have left Iraq alone and to have let them work out their problems in their own way!

In this new Civil War, neither side is blameless, and neither side has the best interests of their people at heart! Just another of a long line of power-grabs that will leave their people broken and starving!

I sincerely hope for the sake of Iraq The Sufis take pity on them and offer them baddly needed charity through Red Crecent or many other Sufi charitable institutions.

Before this is over The Iraqi People will need all the help they can get, and none of the sort that Bush abd Haliburton want to give!

At 5:51 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...

I stand corrected! Syria is 74% Sunni, and 15% Shia. Iran is 89% Shia, and 9% Sunni. Iraq is 63% Shia, and 34% Sunni.

At 5:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stoney, many thanks for the history / RE lesson, I like your style it certainly beats reading some dry textbook.

It seems to me that the closer the ideoligies of any two groups are the more they hate each other, watch any Rangers v Celtic football match for real sectarian hatred.
I really can't see an end to the Iraqi peoples troubles whilst we still have a military presence there, all we're doing is spending huge amounts of money (not to mention lives).
Also, can anyone tell me what we are doing in Afghanistan? They don't have any oil do they?

At 10:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Think 'pipe line' when you think Afghanistan. Think control of Iran oil next door. All our actions sure appear to me, to be an effort to control oil sources, provide a means of transporting it and contol influence of Russia and China in the area.

At 12:27 PM, Blogger Palooka's Revenge said...

In this new Civil War, neither side is blameless, and neither side has the best interests of their people at heart! Just another of a long line of power-grabs that will leave their people broken and starving!

stoner-mon... even dumb ass me can take a cursory look at history and see when these peoples are challenged and survival of the whole is threatened they set aside their anicient differences and hatreds of each other and unite in common cause. and there's billions of them.

when i think about it that way the sign on the carrier makes perfect sense... mission proclaimed accomplished. oh how arrogant a few of us thought. and oh, how wrong. at the time maybe 20% of this country thought it an arrogant bullshit claim by a buncha monsters with an entire military doing their bidding and 80% of the people in their pocket. a year later the # was maybe 35%. in the meantime iraq was raped and the people went to hell in a handbasket. 3 years later the # is 70%

now the media's calling cival war what its been for months. and most observers are not even getting close to the real picture of the extent of it... they have to go to the internet to get closer. AND, more and more people are finding out what experts and intelligence advised before ever going in... that the result would be exactly what we're seeing... these people eating each other alive.

so louder and louder is the cry... they told you so, they told you so. and they told you there were no wmd's. so why did you lie to us and why are you so stupid and arrogant and criminal?

and in the darkness of the back rooms the power mongers are still laughing at us. we swallowed the herring... hook, line, and sinker!!

and if we ever figure it out that we've been had they know they still have an ace in the hole... they can claim this is how they are disarming the threat to us. and we'll all collapse in our gutless, guiltridden, ungrateful piles of worthless shit that we are.

it don't matter which way the sentiment and support goes... they got us by our skert shitless, guiltridden shorthairs comin and goin. and they know it. these guys are good at what they do and they make le cosa nostra look like angels by comparison.

and the black knight rides on and gets re-affirmed and re-elected as the great white hope and savior.

and aaron... now you know why we're in afgan.

and oh yeah, murph... good point. and oil aint the only thing in the pipeline. there's huge $$$ signs smiling in the faces of dem poppies and jes waitin to kiss the ass of the american economy as we drive up to the pump once again and say... fill-er-up. thankyou daddy.

At 12:28 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...


Murph nailed it! It is all about the oil! Especially controll of the oil, the manner in which it is transported, and the monetary unit which is used to pay for it!

What people don't seem to get is that oil is bought and sold in American dollars. Bush and his Cabal have let it be known that any attempt to change it to another form of currency will be met with armed resistance! THAT is the REAL reason we went into Baghdad! Saddam Husein was preparing to start selling Irqi oil in Euro dollars, and of course had to be brought down!

Saudi Arabia is the real power in the Middle East right now, and THEY KNOW IT!!! Nothing, and I mean NOTHING happens in the Middle East if Saudi Arabia says it don't!

Saudi Arabia didn't even begin until 1928 when King Ibn Saud blasted all his neighbors to Allah after The Ottoman Empire fell in 1918. This allowed him to declare himself the undisputed "King of the Hejaz", and "Sultan of Nejd". He appointed one of his two sons to be Viceroy in each of these two provinces, and allowed a seprate administration in Asir. He formed three ministries. One for foreign affairs, defence, and finance. In 1932, Hejaz, and Nejd became The United Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Asir was incorporated in 1934.

As far as religion goes, The Muslim Wahabe sect was given free reign over all religious matters, and all the holy places including the pigrimage to Mecca.

The Wahabe sect make the Puritans look like party animals, and James Dobson look like a metal head! The strict legal and social codes of the country are pretty much their doing. For an example, the punishment for any Muslim converting to Christianity is death, as well as the punishment for anyone attempting to convert a Muslim to Christianity! In fact Christianity is banned under pain of death, as is alcohol production, and consumption, wives commiting adultery, as well as any disrespect shown to a man by a woman!

In Saudi Arabi, women are considered non citizens, and property of first their fathers, and then their husbands! They have their clitorises ripped out by the age of 13, and are not allowed to take any enjoyment in sex!

If a daughter has sex before she is married, it is the DUTY of her father to take her to the closest garbage dump outside of the city proper, and BEAT HER TO DEATH!!! It is likewise the duty of the husband of an adulterous wife to do the same thing with his wayward spouse! If the identity of the aventerous lady's "back door man" is discovered, all the male members of the husband's household grab their AK 47s, load up the mini-trucks, and head to the this unfotuate individual's house for a snatch and grab! Afterwards the adulterer is given a choice of getting it in the neck, or taking it in the "knickers" (most take the neck!) All this violent behavior is not only allowed under Saudi law, IT IS REQUIRED UNDER SAUDI LAW!! Needless to say it REALLY sucks to be born female in Saudi Arabia, and ain't nobody's gittin' their freak on there!!

If you look at this very violent society, you'll see these sandy little fuckers must be tweaked to the max on testosterone! I mean SHIT!!! Now for the scarey part! THEY OWN BETWEEN 7 TO 10 PERCENT OF THE US ECONOMY!!! Not only that, but they pretty much think the The United States is their bitch We kiss their ass for their oil, AND THJEY LIKE IT!! When the oil finally does run out, Saudi Arabia will be in deep shit! Iran, and Iraq both have the ass at them for backing Sunni resistance in their countries, and getting in bed with the United States to sell their oil. There WILL be a BIG war over there before all this gets finished, and it will not be pretty! The Vikings could learn a few things from the Arabs! These little fuckers live in one of the most inhospitable places on this planet, and thrive there! They don't know the meaning of the word quit, and they live on shit that would kill an American, and THRIVE on it!

At 6:08 PM, Blogger RAS said...

From what I've read of history, we had more than a little bit to do with the down fall of the Ottoman Empire too.

Saudi Arabia is all ready running out of oil -witness their 8% decline in production last year. Ghawar is on life support and fading fast.

At 9:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Palooka; I've been out of town this weekend, but I tried that michael tsarian link last night and it truly is a must-see. Thanks. I encourage everyone to check it out. Worked fine from my side.

Here it is again. (It's long, but it is definitely worth it!)

At 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

That really was an enlightening piece Stoney. It is one of those things which everyone really should know about but when you are brought up in an atmosphere of educational shorthand where you only learn which side has the white hats and which side has the black hats; or who are the white rag heads and who are the black rag heads then understanding the important background is superfluous to many. Even my brief introduction to the problem was severely condensed. Your comparison of the Shia’s to the Catholics is in line with what I heard. They are the sect which regards the Koran as the equivalent of Jesus and as such sacred. They are also, I understand, Iconoclasts. I was led to believe somewhat erroneously now, that the Imam was an unbroken father to son line from Mohammad to the present incumbent.
What is important to Sunnis I heard was to conduct their lives in the image of Muhammad and the Koran whilst important is more of a moral code than a literal belief code. If I am wrong in this someone will surely tell me.
With the history cluttered with so much murder and violence it would need an exceptional cleric to combine the sects.

Even though we now know that OBL had very little part in recent events in the USA, I believed that one of his main objectives was to combine all the various sects into a common cause. Where as a cleric of the standing of Muhammad, or Jesus, would do this with love and brotherhood OBL attempted it by the more basic instincts of fear and hate.

Btw Stoney, do you have any idea where the Druze fit into the greater Mohammadan picture? Are they a bit like the Sufi?

Here is an interesting video on what the people of Tehran are like and what makes them tick (no pun intended).

I do not believe it is very often that the Murph Man is in error but I think this time he is a little bit mistaken over Afghanistan. As I understand it the pipeline from Iran to China will run through Turkmenistan; Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan and miss Afghanistan out completely. The terrain is a pig and the situation is too unstable anyway. Protecting the pipeline is probably the main reason for the SCO’s existence. To answer Aaron’s question of what we are doing in Afghanistan, it is keeping the Taliban out, or trying to. To understand why the West is so much against them it is essential to know that literally 90% of the world’s opium production comes out of Afghanistan. Columbia, although more well known is very small by comparison. The Taliban, being good Muslims, destroyed the poppy fields. By the time they were chased out, opium production had dwindled to 5% of former levels. This left many people very unhappy but with Iraq going down the tubes and requiring a greater than expected effort, the West took their eye off the ball and the Taliban have returned. Aaron, would it surprise you very much to know that, allegedly, the Big Money behind the Afghan opium trade is the British Royal Family, except Prince Charles (PBUH) who won’t have anything to do with the family dirty business and it is to protect these interests that Blair is such good buddies with Bush. It is also likely that Prince Charlse marriage to Camilla Parker Bowles will be used as an excuse to take him out of the lineage loop. A very significant thing happened in the House this week, Nancy Pelosi agreed to the Iraqi surge but on a limited time basis. If Iraq is not brought under control within a specified time then troops will not be brought home but redeployed to Afghanistan. Why? If say Iran is attacked then the Afghan will not sweep down from the hills to assist their fraternal cousins; they pose very little military threat. The real threat is an economic one from the return of the Taliban and it looks like the British Royals (PTB) have cut a deal with the Dems. If securing the Iraqi oil is a lost cause the effort will be switched to protecting the drugs trade.


The way to make something desirable is not to let anybody else have it. If gated communities did not have gates nobody would know they were there. The gates only exist to make a statement of exclusivity, tell people they can’t come in and what is the first thing they want to do? So now you know how to increase the standing of your tribal community with the rest of the World; put a wall around and tell everyone else they can’t come in.

At 8:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Visions of Waco...

At 9:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a note to follow up Belgium's mention of Nancy Pelosi's support of the Iraqi surge...This Monday, March 19th, marks the fourth anniversary of the war in Iraq. Many candlelight peace vigils are being organized around that date, with groups such as MoveOn encouraging us to join our strong voices together.

Also, a group called PeaceSurge offers a great suggestion for sending messages of peace everywhere, literally.
Called "Peace Action #1:Postal Messenger", they suggest writing in bold red print a message of peace on the backs of all envelopes you mail: Wage Peace,War Is Terror, End the War Now, Bush Lied-655,000 Died, etc.

I like that idea. I will have to find my red pen....and my candles...Peace to all of you...

At 11:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I think this proposed pipeline through Afghanastan was very early on, before the invasion and the 9-11 incident. I don't remember seeing that it had been dropped entirely but could be. So I checked on it, and indeed it has been put on hold. But, the original plans can be seen at these three sites, back in 2002.

Whew, I hate it when I remember wrong information. lol

At 2:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The hourglass was inverted
some time ago. Dulled
by the treacle of wealth,
the dim beneficiaries
of a mad intrigue
do not see these sand grains
running out. They excuse themselves to separate rooms, applaud their splendid meal, dismiss the help.
They stroke and smoke and shoot a line of shit.

When all is boiled down, they will not quit.

At 2:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,


There are varying degrees in most situations. So far as I know Frank Sinatra never went in for genocide – some other things maybe.


We need some unifying thing to bind our common awareness. This is the Gandhi solution, I hope it works but I don’t think the PTB will be terribly impressed.


I am sure I had a route bookmarked but that was before the computer crash.
This is the nearest I can come up with for now.

I think the plan was to bring the pipeline under the Caspian Sea then through the Stans to join up with the Russian pipeline at Kumkol. At least that’s how I remember it – but memory is a failing thing as one declines into fartdom. Lol.

At 2:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Don't get the Sinatra reference. Sorry. I did get, in the mail today,
two of Bearden's recent books on scalar technology and free energy.

If you have not watched Michael Tsarian,( Palooka's link,) I advise you to do so. It's provocative. Also, the codex link was a scary piece! Thanks for the heads up. I'll be passing that along to some of my friends in the organics movement. Fuckin unreal!

At 4:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

Sorry RP It is not good when your references are so obscure nobody understands them. My tongue in cheek gated communities comment was in reply to Freeacres gated communities vs trash comment. You replied that it sounded like Waco and I said that not everybody that lives behind secure gates (like Sinatra did) is a homicidal cult. I think we should just let this one drift away into the ether.

I watched the first hour of Michael Tsarian but have not had a chance to pick it up again. I shouldn’t judge until I have completely seen it out. Initial reaction is what you think of him depends on what you think of Freud. So far he said that Freud discovered different aspects of the mind which had not been foreseen by conventional astrology and that whilst bits of rock in space were not that important to making a causal personality connection, people of the time looked for an extra planet in the solar system and found Pluto which fitted the bill exactly.
He was just going on to describe the significance of the dark shadow inside Pluto’s orbit when I had to stop. I wanted to see it out because of what he had to say on the British Royal Family, later perhaps.

I think this is one of those things where bits of it make sense to you and other bits make no sense but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true. Do Muslims believe in astrology or is that an irrelevant question?

Yes the Codex thing is scary, it just proves that our representatives don’t represent us and don’t have our best interests at heart. So much for representative democracy.

At 7:50 AM, Blogger RAS said...

Freud was an idiot. I say that as a psychologist (in training).

I don't know what Muslims think of astrology, but astronomy, algebra, and agriculture (among other things) were all invented by those in the Fertile Cresenct -in others words Iraq, Iran, etc.

Take that, George Bush.
Can you tell I have a hangover? LOL.

At 9:53 AM, Blogger Palooka's Revenge said...

well hell, i jumped the gun when i saw murph's ref to the pipeline and didn't give it a second thought. i just used it to make a point about the poppy production which is a major # in afghani GDP. not to mention US GDP.

there are some who argue that the pipeline deal is at the core of 911 and thus the war. the taliban/west alliance went in the shitter down in houston and it was all downhill from there. the houston solution became the talibani fuck-you.

if one is open to the idea that the taliban was a western invention then the argument has legs cuz a taliban/oil cartel meeting in houston was a poltergeist by all accounts. and if you look at the timeline of events from there the legs start to run even. straight from ground zero to the fields of afgan. sadaam's threat in 2000 to switch to petro-euro was likely also a major factor in the mix.

the prob i have with the whole thing is the drug factor. how do you juggle this oil pipeline ball with the drug pipeline ball. how do you juggle this ball with the alleged alliance even.

belgium is right and what bothers me about those that argue this broken pipeline alliance idea is they take their eye off the poppy ball. if we are to get to the bottom we have to keep eye on both.

another factor making the theory highly suspect on the surface at least is the idea that there would likely be an intact agenda from field to street in the drug game. sure there would be much jockeying and power moves playing out all along the pipeline but the overall interest was common.

still, in the end, i highly suspect that meeting in houston was literally the straw that broke the camels back, but there's more to it that we'll probably never really know. there are a number of possible charades and we can really only speculate because what queered the whole thing was the caspian coming up empty.

think about it... sadaam threats. the caspian comes up empty. houston goes to hell. puppet bush runs but looses the pop vote so they have to go to the supreeme court to steal the election. it was paramont to the shadow that this regime take the catbird seat.

all the while this is done-deal is happening splits in the new regime between powell at state and the neo cons in the pentagon go to battle over what approach to take in iraq. the truth about the caspian was in by this time and sadaam had played the euro card. there is no debate about going in. only debate about how. all this is going on while the election/theft is going on and then post nov, 2000.

then 911 happens to legitimatise everything in the eyes of the public and the world and we head straight to afgan. advertized, justified, and played out as the war on terror. millions of $ in cash went over there and into the pockets of various warlords.

there was more than one game being played under the cover of weeding out the taliban post 911. remember what the stock market was doing post-911? it tanked to 7000 in 02. it wasn't all about 911 and it wasn't all about the economy stupid. it was but only if one factors in the role of drugs. pull a major supply factor out of the mix and there are going to be reprecussions despite a highly minipulated and thus controled money machine.

one angle is the power war around the pipeline made sense based on huge amount of projected resource in the caspian which turned out to be a lot less when the results of the test wells came back. i may be totally mis-informed on that but thats my understanding about the caspian factor and if it is even remotely valid this is a major piece in everything that has played out since. this was a reality nobody expected and changed everything. what had been alliances became betrayal. what had been allies became enemies.

i've read that afgan was of strategic geographic import in the direction of the pipeline. if there is anything to the idea that the taliban was the agent used to grab the country then you have to consider that the power broakers were willing to sacrifice the opium supply for a period of time to bring this deal home... perhaps long enough to get the pipeline and then betray em and go in and overthrow them cuz therein lay the resource for heroin and the huge amount of money and power involved.

they had to know goin in that the taliban would burn the fields. so there would have to have been another alliance. one between big oil and le cosa nostra perhaps. this is something i have never seen written about. not saying it hasn't been but i haven't seen it.

a big reason is likely the morphing of the mob into "legitimate" business. and government. transparency disappeared into the shadows producing smoke and mirrors. instead of buying them like they did in the old days they became part of them. we wonder why there is so much coruption in govt and collusion between the lobbies and the reps. how can we ever forget the kennedy killings? this was the epiphany for the mob. they knew they had to change their strategy.

one things is for sure. if you study the role of the huge #'s of drug money in the US economy AND keep in mind that the operative word is "laundry" you cannot overlook the drug ball in afgan.

catherine austin fitts became a key player when she implicated the complicity of various gov agencies in the black budget scams. there are major clues there into what all is involved in afgan now.

one more thing's for sure, we don't ever hear about le cosa nostra anymore except in the past tense. but i guarantee you these animals didn't just fold up shop and go back to sicily.

and one more things for sure, the drug ball is heavily involved in the privatization of military. the kbh's of the MIC provide perfect cover and there's more than oil runnin in dem pipelines. much more. and the tentacles reach from houston to washington to ground zero to the fields of afgan to wall street to the streets and back alleys of our neighborhoods and straight into our gas tanks.

its obvious policy regarding afgan has changed recently. while the focus has been in iraq there has been an agenda to only make it look like we were continuing to be pro-active in afgan. if one study's the numbers and the actions, in-actions, and lip service certain pretensions become obvious and what we've been told and what was happening were 2 vastly different things. so what else is new?

we'll find a story that makes sense in the context of both balls though and there's probably someone here who has their finger on this pulse much better than i. it seems to me that paramont to that story is a thourough understnding of the taliban/alqaeda/US releationship as a benchmark from which to spring. anyone?

At 10:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,


I think in four words you have summed up the current thinking on Freud. Somebody that astute cleverly conceals their hangover. I have always found the best cure for a hangover is just one more beer the following day, it works for me. In England we call that taking a hair from the dog that bit you, I don’t know if you have that silly expression in USA. If someone invites you out for a hair of the dog, you know they are not feeling very well. Another supposed cure that has some theoretical merit is burned toast. Carbon is a good absorber of anything chemical including any un-mopped up alcohol; it just doesn’t taste very pleasant but medicine was never meant to.

The Fertile Crescent, another name for The Garden of Eden; one God one garden, two religions, he must have loved that place serpents and all.

Cy, are you still around, any chance you want to pick up Palooka’s comment?

At 11:44 AM, Blogger Palooka's Revenge said...

on tsarion and freud. one thing i like about tsarion is his unique ability to not be stymied by stigmas. he will look into the works of the wickedest of men and find gems in what has otherwise been rejected as the work of a twisted mind. you will find that he draws heavily from freud's nemesis, mr jung, as well. he approaches what are often viewed as insanities of men, long ago thrown to the dogs, as information to be examined in the context of the whole. and then he tests it against the backdrop of the whole.

he's an assimilator. he sees no value in criticism alone. he sees the falacy in throwing out a significant point that might fit into and help to clarify a larger picture based on a generalized assumption that if someone was wrong or misguided about their work or conclusions they've drawn form it, then all their work is therefore, anamatha.

having said that i don't think tsarion has everything figured out or that certain conclusions he's made are the be all to end all. he has a number of views i take issue with. and he has extrapolated in some areas based on some pretty thin ice. but i think he has connected some major dots for us if we look from broader views and understand there are many layers to the cake. and his work can be fast track since his research has been so broad and deep in so many places. and i do think he is dead on about what he calls a psychic war on consciousness.

i go even further with it to say that the war is an attack BY elements of consciousness itself AND elements of the sub-conscious upon a very necesary factor in the sustinance of life itself, and thus life itself hangs in the balance. the role of the feminine polarity has been massivly misunderstood and denied.

if we put the fem into what we know to be repel and draw properties of magnetism and vibration then we can begin to see how elements of consciousness and subconsciousness, that have what we call dark and sinister agendas and anti-life notions, are enmeshed in and held static by the unmoving magnetic polarity.

so it looks to us as if the feminine is the bad guy when the reality is she is only holding the bad guy. she cannot release this if we continue to misunderstand her and deny her and refuse to vibrate her and judge that she is what we think we need to get rid of... those ugly, nasty, negative feelings.

vibration... movement... which would allow the enmeshments to begin to untangle is what is beginning to move now.

it is the opening of the 7th seal which is the opening of the 7th chakra on macro and micro levels and not the biblical version of the story though many will interpret that that is what is happening.

this is a dot tsarion hasn't connected yet even though it looks as if he has given his identification of the splits between the patriarch and the matriarch and his crusade for the legitimacy of the fem side of things. but he will. i think. he has already evolved into the idea of integration between the light and the darkness.

think of it this way... much consciousness has been lost. if there's nothing to that then the claim that we have been and continue to be dumbed down is the stuff of illusion. if there is anything to the claim though, where did the lost consciousness go?

oh my, did i just do one of dem oxymoron things? how can we think if we've lost much consciousness and most of what's left is just playing out an ancient movie?

or, maybe i'm the moron!!

At 1:01 PM, Blogger Palooka's Revenge said...

as an aside... being a sub in new-home const and given big charade around the health of the economy, i keep a finger on the pulse by watching the builders on the big board. i have the top 16 bookmarked but only 12 have market cap in excess of 1 billion. 2 of the 16 have fallen below and 2 more are teetering on the edge.

i just looked at the numbers. cumulative MC of those 12 is roughly 47+B. a year ago it was right at 80.

btw b... watched the iran culture docu. well done. thx for the link. another reflection of the red-lined feminine. you can't say women don't ride scooters. you can say only men do.

At 1:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Your first two paragraphs of your above comment are very accurate when investigating ideas. Many thinkers had so many errors in their presentations that everything was thrown out. Of course, the opposite has happened too, Thinkers with not so many errors have been accepted wholesale without examination of it all, or just a dismissal of the errors as an anomaly.

I think we can safely ascribe a great disservice to the world by Freud’s contribution to psychology. Most of it was sick and wrong. Doesn’t mean everything he purported was wrong. Sorting it all out and testing it for validity is the problem. Telsa was discounted heavily by the scientific community and I suspect anything he had to say that could be verified was thrown out also. Now some are starting to look at it again. We shall see what shakes out on this.

I also have some problems with Tsarion. But if nothing else, he is sure a fascinating speaker who has some obvious passion for his subject. Not yet sure how his suppositions and conclusions will be integrated into the greater volume of information, or for that matter, if it can be integrated. In any event, I do not expect a wholly new and radical world view to be generally accepted regardless of validity.

As for a war on consciousness. In my study, this has been going on for all recorded history. Don’t know of any period of history where it was not. Maybe we are all just wore down by the fight.

At 5:05 PM, Blogger Palooka's Revenge said...

As for a war on consciousness. In my study, this has been going on for all recorded history. Don’t know of any period of history where it was not. Maybe we are all just wore down by the fight.

yup... and i'm on some pretty thin ice meself!!

At 10:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Runner, Went to the blog site. registered.

At 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The struggle to end the Iraq war and to prevent even bloodier interventions already being planned can only be successfully waged through the building of a mass movement based upon working people and youth that is completely independent of the Congress,the Democratic Party and all of its fractions.Such a movement must be built on the demands for the unconditional and immediate withdrawal of all US troops from Iraq and for all those responsible for launching this war to be held politically and criminally responsible.

P, the feminine energy of which you speak of, in my mind anyway is an illusion brought about by the preoccupation of humans, whom are raised in absolute ignorance of their own existence, mind wise.
For me there is no barrier between the feminine and the masculine.
It all falls into place once this is realized that we are in actuality, ONE with our MotherFather. Unseparated,free of denial, free of judgements,free of the darkness that has passed as reality for so many enons,free to look upon the faces of our brothers and sisters as a reflection of just who exactly we are.

Hopefully Langosta's kinfolk will arrive today,i am anxious to count them to make sure all 500 are alive and well.Is she in for a surprise, actually Langosta is a male that sings to me in the though form of a female,it was the A on the end of Langosta that tripped me out, and now that i know that he is a cross dresser it all makes sense.

Great Spirit, we give thanks for this beautiful day in which we live and have our being.
Peace brothers and sisters,

At 8:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

P&M i wish i could of been at the wedding and danced to your excellent music.

At 9:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

Mf, if” it all falls into place once this is realized that we are in actuality, ONE with our MotherFather. Unseparated, free of denial, free of judgements”, then why are all the women you know ‘Wingnuts’? Or did it just happen that way? Just a thought.

At 7:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Belgium, you're not suggesting my friend, MF, has a screw loose, are ya?

At 3:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,


Heaven forbid, you must have misread the thread.

At 8:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spirit Across The Sea,wingnut is applied in jest as to a persons idiosyncrasies and has nothing what so ever to do with the value of that persons being, in this village its quite commonly used by both men and women.
Thankfully there are many of US here that qualify as to fit that disscription.

Screw loose?,thats funny Rockpicker,a little tongue in cheek?

Its raining today and in Mexico rain is referred to as leche de la madre, or mothers milk. Sorta makes sense huh?
The birds are happy and having a gay ole time at the feeders,

Have good day folks.

ps Sounds like good idea Stoney.Will see if i can come up with something appropriate for the occasion,yours were excellent!!

At 10:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

Hey Rockpicker, looks like we scratched a rusty part of the thread, whadya think?

Aho & peace

At 11:04 AM, Blogger RAS said...

The sun is shining here after rain yesterday and this morning, my peach tree has its first bloom, my hawks have returned -with their (now grown) little one, and all the birds are having a high ole time at the feeders. It's a good day. ;-)

At 12:39 PM, Blogger Palooka's Revenge said...

illusion? dam... i thought the mirror was just cracked!

do share your vision though brother. and, to those who say to us who hold to that vision... who say, now THAT is the great illusion! i say.... wake up or goodbye!! pick one. you are either misguided or turn your pony into the hot dry winds and toward your own way.... you are on the wrong path here.

ras... the hawks leave in your country? redbuds and fruit trees exploding here. dogwoods next.


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