Musings from Murph.
I am addressing this to all of you that are being accused of extremists positions and holding tin foil had conspiracy theories. Oh yes, you are being alarmists, you know who you are and you know the effect you are having on people around you when you take to your soapbox and espouse all these nonsense ideas that are obviously un American and will not solve any hypothetical problems you may put forward anyway. Oh yeh, very un American to say the least, and very socially disruptive and just get the hell out of the way, I’m on my way to Wal Mart you commie sympathizer. Whoops, excuse me, I get carried away with paraphrasing the opposition I guess. Sorry.
Lately, along with several web sites that are dedicated to debunking the peak oil concepts, there has appeared on a personal contact level, increased resistance to the concept and its impact. After all, all the frenzy about oil going up to $100 per barrel hasn’t happened and please fill-up my hummer while you’re at it. I find it interesting that I have been running into more and more resistance in the generalized form that ‘technology and inventiveness will save the day’, or at least it well never be allowed to get as bad as some people are concerned that it will. The consequence of this disagreement about the concept is starting to throw all the doom and gloom projections into the tin foil hat extremists box and discounted as such. I have been poking into the debunking web sites periodically and it appears to me that the controversy is not about interpretation of data that anyone can look up, but is rather a disagreement of the validity of the data itself. The debate, primarily, does not seem to be any longer over whether oil is a finite resource, (except of course for the abiotic oil advocates) but rather how much longer we have enough of it to keep things running as they are now and with the increased demand of the developing countries. The disagreement over when peak oil happened, if it has at all, is pointed to as flawed data, and is used to support the concept that we are at minimum 15-50 years from any kind of peak, which the recent CEMA report tried to substantiate. To top it off, even if and when we reach a peak, it will level off and not decline. (WHAT? You mean it will last forever?) My god, talk about interesting ways to manipulate data and use of unverifiable suppositions. Like the 9-11 questions concerning the official account, I have some question concerning the non peak oil accounts. If those in charge of things worldwide are indeed not concerned with peak oil because we have so much of it left to exploit, why are we engaged in all these national wars over the stuff? If you believe that these conflicts have nothing to do with oil and we are killing people on a rather large scale in order to save them from repressive governments, I have a one-size-fits-all-foil-hat waiting for you too. That foil hat is starting to feel real comfortable on me.
I tend to think that most of this debate is distracting us from the more immediate and extreme problems we are facing. Not that either running out of oil or its becoming so expensive that we have to power down is not a serious problem, but we do have some more immediate things that do need to be addressed. I suspect that this distraction is deliberate. But of course my tin foil hat has been amplifying those voices in my head lately too.
So, for me anyway, any arguments that wants to radically extend the pool of below ground hydrocarbons is immediately suspect, either that or the world controllers are thinking within some very long term plans. Again, in either case, we are going to run out of the affordable stuff, and the way we live will, sooner or later, change rather dramatically
One of the justifications that is being used for nearly everything that is going on, to the point of ridiculousness, is the terrorist threat argument. Most of what we call ‘terrorist’ activities against the
So, let’s take a look at some of the more immediate problems I alluded to above. We have, in my opinion and with the information I have, a serious economic problem that is world wide, and that is fast approaching a truly catastrophic event. I have yet to see ANY economic projections that advocates everything is hunky dory that does not lean on the doctored figures indicating low inflation, low unemployment, and active and healthy stock and commodity markets. Outside of the inane statements by Bush and the Federal Reserve and the lay people on the street, the people actively engaged and involved with economics say we are in big trouble. So the sole reason given for why we shouldn’t be concerned about the economy and to take off our tin foil hats, is based on known and documented false data. Unemployment is up, not down; inflation is much more than the government released information (10% last I read); and the stock and commodity markets figures are known to be manipulated. What the true state of affairs in all three areas is, is up for grabs, but it sure isn’t what the government and its spokesman are saying. So I think I will keep my foil hat on for this issue too.
Another of the really pressing problems is the changing weather cycles. What I am reading that is debunking the man made global warming idea may or may not be true. But that weather cycles are changing is for sure happening. This is causing all kinds of havoc world wide and this havoc is not being addressed with any policy. Instead, we are addressing the issue of whether it is man made or not. Now, it may indeed be true that sun activity causes periodic and severe weather changes. And, it may or may not be true that mans activities are making the problem worse. Because all we have is statistical data concerning this, we are not able to demonstrate with absolute certainty on causative affects. But we simply seem to be unwilling to address the FACT that it is happening, and we have no national agenda on the issue. We all know damned well that even if we could prove conclusively that man’s activities were the cause or a contributing factor, we have neither the political or social will at this time to do anything significant about it. Thank you, but I will retain the foil hat on this issue also.
Of immediate concern is the perpetuating of more war, for whatever ostensible reason. If we really aren’t preparing for more war, what in the hell are we doing sending so much heavy weight war machinery to the areas in question, primarily Iran? How interesting that
Of major concern in any argument concerning domestic and national events and planning is the known FACT that our government lies all the time. Let’s go back a number of years when
So, overall, I guess I’m going to keep the foil hats on for the time being. I find it to be an interesting set of company I keep. How about you?
I haven't seen tin foil in thirty years! All we can get atround here is that aluminum stuff!
I found out that it's really hard to hide in the bushes with a piece of aluminum foil on your head, so I just lined the inside of a hat I already have! Works fine so far and even though the voices are still there, they don't seem to be as loud!
Peak oil is like global warming. Big Oil needs people to NOT take it seriously, and keep buying all they can! THAT way, when the bottom drops out, they have us all by the short hairs, and can pretty much print their own ticket!
When you consider the sources, and follow the money, it don't take long to figure out who's got an agenda, and who doesn't!
If there's anything I've learned in my forty-nine years riding on this ball of dirt, I've learned that nobody ever spends a shit-load of money to tell the truth! You only need a shit-load of money to hide the truth!
Exon Mobile had a record breaking year! They like that long coin, and want more of it! That's ONLY going to happen if everybody burns the shit out of gasoline and forgets all about silly notions like bio-mas fuels, hydrogen, and solar, and wind power. They ain't got me fooled!
Yup, follow where the money goes or comes from and find the hidden agenda.
I agree, tin foil is damned hard to find. lol. Hard to break habits of speech.
There are so many problems with all of the alternative fuel suggestions to run vehicles. Most of the problems are not technical either. The major question is energy in vs. energy out. Nothing we have will equal the ratio at this time with oil. and, of course we are not about to examine the weather effects of massive wind generation farms. Nor have we examined the massive use of oil to build these huge machines in sufficient quantity to be significant.
I agree. An economic hit event is upon us. The world is absolutely sick of US imperialism. I believe they are sending a strong message with the weakness of the USD and the strength of Gold that another agression will not be tolerated.
The ONLY way to wake up Joe_Six_Pack is to ween him off his bottle. Great Depression II will begin in earnest within the next couple of months.
The US collective mind has been programmed by the mass media for so long. It is about to wake up to a new reality.
When this happens chaos rules along with a revolution.
Hell man, I'm sick of this imperialism, but keep in mind, we have had a very strong push for imperialism every since WWII. This is not new, just a whole bunch more blatent. Also, keep in mind, that they were elected to power. Who is at fault for that?
From Belgium,
Only since WW11, my you are starting history late. I think Big Oil is doing a fine balancing act, on the one side they want more of the pile for themselves and on the other, they don’t want any clouds to appear over Joe-six pack’s (I really like that one) horizon. It would be in oil’s benefit to play ducks and drakes with the supply, creating artificial shortages, sending the price up, getting the Fed to print more dollars, causing inflation and essentially leaving Joe with less. But so long as Big Oil and Big Beer appear normal then he hasn’t a worry in the world, and who ever gained anything by waking a slumbering giant? An excellent post as usual Murph, but I think you credit Joe with too much. Whilst he is coming out of his alcoholic rapture and saying “Who …Where am…What the…”, it will be slam dunk reality time.
I was putting a comment together for the previous post when this one came up. Essentially I was going to say that being a well brought up boy from a good working class family who wanted the best for their only sprog, I missed out on the first hand experience of the communal hippy culture. I do however quite fancy the idea now that I am approaching second childhood. The serious problem is that nearly everyone agrees that whatever it is that is going to go down will happen first in the USA and I have no desire to put those around me directly into harms way. Does that sound like a cop out to you, it is not meant to be. I do not think we will be far behind but forewarned is forearmed as the saying goes.
It seems to me that as population grows, the State takes over the function of the community. People then expect this State to provide all of their needs and so they stop relying on each other. From there it is a short step to stop caring about each other. Many people know nothing of their neighbours, except if they go to work dressed in overalls or a suit or if they don’t go out to work at all. I do like the idea of returning to a simpler village life where everybody has an interconnected role and is aware of how each other fits into the whole. Particularly where decisions which affect all are carried out by direct democracy. Perhaps, one day.
In the meantime, if Mat or any of the regulars here, feel they have a need to flee the Terror, then they can have a bridge here with our simple life style whilst they sort their brains out.
Here are some words from a different age, by the Strawbs:
And if sometimes I feel in retrospect
A regret for the waste of my youth
Then I pause to reflect that I still have time
Before growing long in the tooth
To achieve all the things that I should have achieved
When idleness led me astray
And being aware of what I have missed
I'm extending my use of the day.
From Belgium,
Just a couple of Small points; it is worth remembering that the elected government were elected but the public didn’t actually vote for them.
If wind farms change the climate then we will just have to take that on the chin, there is nearly always a downside to most things. Anyway, we have a different climate now and I suspect that existing wind farms have very little to do with it.
Probably the major site for following the money trail, for those wishing to discover who the players are:
When I talked about elections, I was referring to a legacy of electing people to power who abused that power and were not particularly interested in the well being of those that did the voting. Not just this administration. It does appear to me that the final bottom line is the public that allows itself to be bull shited into voting for these people. Comes from the admiration of the rich and powerful and the promise to the public of having a chance to get a piece of the action.
My reference to WWII was that the imperial dreams were beginning to be possible with the rise of power and influence of the US after that war. Of course, the PTB have always had those dreams and have been pursuing them for all of recorded history.
Wind farms are not extensive enough yet to have very much influence I think. But, by reason alone, the extracting of power from the atmosphere by these giant windmills means that power is not available further down line. If enough of this extraction processes takes place, it will affect weather patterns dramatically. Thus the concept of free electrical power from wind farms is totally stupid. Of course there always is a price for to pay for any advantage in one area, paid for by another area that is affected. This is called consequences, which we seem to be doing a very poor job of taking into account for human intervention in the environment.
Who would have warned us of the tremendous impact of burning huge amounts of coal 200 years ago? Or even 100 years ago. Here was very cheap energy available for the plucking and there was virtually no examination of what would happen, and we had the technology to examine this at the turn of the last century. Even if there had been warnings put out, it would have been discounted as doom and gloom stuff. If they had had a clear picture of the effects of coal burning on a very large level, would we have been willing to pay the price? Of course, those that would benefit the most would have.
The emphasis I am making is that governments and powerful people almost never tell the whole story about much of anything, thus by omission they lie because the public wishes to believe in the pie in the sky cornucopia of riches available to them. And when the price becomes obvious, they scream at the people in charge because of the price. Never once recognizing that it was their own pie in the sky beliefs that were the original problem. There is also the push to transfer the payment to those coming along in the future. We are doing that with a vengeance today, financially and environmentally. What kind of sick attitude is that? That is the reason I have been, over the years, having arguments with business people that the true cost of doing business is never accepted, the owners are getting off cheap.
From Belgium,
Points taken Murph.
Even if a politician comes to power with the purest of intentions, when he sees what others around him are making and what is easily available for the taking, it becomes difficult not to resist the ‘me too’ temptation. It only takes one lapse for those manipulating the game to have the goods on him. For the players, it is cheaper than advertising for getting what they want. How did we get into this state? I guess it is hard to keep your eye on the ball when you are only looking to see what is coming your way. It is a pity that Joe Public keeps sticking his hand up to be the fall guy, I hope it won’t always be like this.
Being economical with the truth is an expected as part of the deal nowadays.
Years ago, I used to ask people who were trying to sell me something “What questions should I be asking you that I haven’t thought of yet”?
They would usually reply “It depends what you want to know”
And I would say “I want to know everything you know and I will get upset if you don’t tell me what I should know”.
I know – I wasn’t in a popularity contest but it usually produced a straighter response.
This wind farm business is one I can’t get my head around. I do realize that you can’t generate power without extracting it somewhere else but what happens to the air once it has been through the windmill? It is still there unchanged in nature but moving slower and more turbulent. Then it gets combined with air that passes over the windmill but after that I can’t figure out how that causes climate change. I guess some better brains have figured it out. I will just have to take their word for it and say it is better to err on the side of caution.
As I understand the physics of it, moving air has energy. This will show up in a variety of ways, precipitation or dryness, wind speed, etc. So, if you extract energy from the air movement in sufficient amounts, it will change the effects that would ordinairly be there.
Let's take a look at another example. What effect does a large city have on weather patterns? First off, what happens to precipitation over a large city? It appears as run off rather than being absorbed into the ground, which because of it being on the surface and turbulant, would increase evaporation which means more vapor laden clouds dumping precipitation somewhere else. If there weren't the large expanses of concrete, the water would be absorbed into the ground and not so prone to evaporation. Same types of effect for radient energy. Have you notice that a large city will be several degrees warmer in the summer than the surrounding country side? That radient energy is absorbed and the city acts as a heat sink. Good idea if you are building a greenhouse. But somewhat questionable for electrical usage.
It appears to me that a lot of thought needs to be put into what technological changes we are going to make due to consequences. Then a decision about whether the price is worth it. Unfortunately, the price is almost always put to the people in the future. This means it is not sustainable. Look at atomic power stations. The consequence is water collection being heated way above what would normally be there, affecting all the life that depends on it. This is not even starting to talk about the redioactive waste from such technology and what to do with it.
I really like your approach to people trying to sell you something. I'm going to try that and see what happens.
I like the tin foil hat analogy, Murph. I recently took a silly "trust test" in class. The purpose of the test was to see how trusting a person you are/are not (and no, you don't have to share your results with the teacher or anyone else). The highest possible score was 100 -for a perfectly trusting person. Anything under 50 was considered a very low level of trust.
My score was in the low 40s. If my teacher had seen that, I am certain she would have given me my very own tin hat, to which I would have said "No thanks -I all ready have one!"
It's been wonderful here the past few days. I've been spending all my time outside. Planting season is here! Woo-hoo!
How about if you build a terraced garden on a south-facing slope, with several rock-walled tiers and cover the whole thing with some sort of glazing and let cool air enter at the base and build your wind generator at the top of the slope where the rising "thermals" coming off the greenhouse spin the blades of your turbines?
Let's make our own wind.
BTW, this just in; Stock market fell 220 pts. today!
Was today's economic hit event big enough for everybody? This is only the start.
Tribal, just talked with my tribal sister about the seven generation thing that has been tossed around by the white people and there google outlets,,,, thought you might want to know just exactly what it means.
Want to know?
Don't keep us in suspense...
MF -don't keep us in suspense!
RP -actually the Dow plunged more than 400 points today. The 220 pts was just in the last few minutes -right before they pulled the plug. Gee, I wonder why!
P.S. Aljazeera headlines are on the Google News page!
Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!...
"...that's what I say!..."
bring it on,
sooner, the better.
Yup, market fell a total of 550 I think, and then recovered some. Down a total of 350 or so at the end.
All individual families could build some sort of wind generator and wih a bit more modest use of electrical power, probably not have a particularly serious effect on the environment. It is the huge expanse of these giant generators grouped together that I suspect will have the negative effect. Here in Oregon along the Columbia gorge, (where the wind blows almost constantly) you can drive for several miles and see these things lined up by the hundreds, on both sides of the gorge.
I see another possible effect also. Not only will there be less energy effect downwind frommthese generation spots, but the resistance of the units might possibly have a back pressure effect. Who know how that might be manifested.
I rather suspect that solar arrays might not have that amount of effect in the right location, but then that poses other problems and the technology is still not able to furnish enough sustainable power to do more than power local small uses.
And, while some alternate sustainable method of producing electrical power would be good, it will not fly an airplane. Can you imagine how much electrical power would have to be generated to power 3 million cars? Oh my!
From Belgium,
A slight gear shift here, I see that Ms Rice is going to sit down with Iran and Syria to try to sort out the problems of their own making in Iraq.
Rice told the Senate Appropriations Committee. "We hope that all governments will seize this opportunity to improve the relations with Iraq and to work for peace and stability in the region."
I have a suspicion that she would not have said this if the Iraqi’s and Democratic descent had not hammered the GOP into the long grass. I also know that it is kind of hard to blow your negotiating partners into oblivion whilst you are hoping they will make your own problems go away.
murph and all,
very astute observation on the down wind (no pun intended) long term side affects of massive centralized wind farming. i haven't seen anyone bring this to question though i'm far from having a thumb on the pulse of this issue.
i am one who is thouroughly convinced that our salvation lay in some new paradigm that is able to plug directly into the "source"... whatever that may be or one chooses to call it. and this is our ONLY salvation. anything else only leads us to where we've already been.
i've watched the bearden vid rp linked to in the previous thread and then done some drilling down. i also have a very good science minded and science trained friend who's been watching this man for over 10 years. there are "problems" and "patterns" and several key questions brought to him that he never seems to get around to addressing.
if one gets to looking around one finds his ideas are not new. thus, i have come to the point of questioning his sincerity and just what side he may be on even though he is very convincing to the contrary with his homey, living room style.
however, i believe the general premise of the idea of a perpetual motion source that can be pluged into is sound despite that nearly all consider that possibility to be the stuff of fantasy at best, diisillusionment, crazed minded, and just plain wrong at minimum, or anamatha at worst perhaps. and i suspect it is and always will be if one examines only within the parameters of the orthodox box.
for those who have watched that video we know that bearden took us into the dark and sinister side of what this technology can be used for should it evolve and be developed into the doable and the incredible forces that can be unleashed by one against another with it. i also believe bearden, et al are right on about this. we only need to look around to see that the human condition is a war for power of one to over-ride another.
so included in this new paradigm must be the human condition. we absoultely MUST include this and we MUST examine thouroughly and profoundly, original causes.
note that in bearden's vid he acknowledges the human condition but states it "will never change". this is a box that even he is still traped in.
perhaps he is just a sweet old man with profound understanding of the potentials before us and has good and loving intent for himself, his fellow man, and this universe. if such is the case i submit that holding a judgement that man cannot change may be the very thing holding him in his tracks.
and if that is the case, frankly, i'm grateful. this potential need not manifest in a world stuck in power-over agendas. this is unlovingness to the core.
look at it this way... we were presented with the notion that a good defense would render an opposing offense impotent and all the power nations jumped into the nuclear development race. what has that brought us?
should all we do is observe the past to conclude that this is all the future can be?
From Belgium,
Hmm Palooka,
Time to pass the talking stick swiftly sideways to Cyclone I think.
On John Bedini's site I found two interesting side stories, which I have not pursued.
One, that Bedini, after demonstrating his small "free energy from the vacuum" battery charger, was visited by 'two thugs who looked like they'd been working out,'and pushed him around and told him to back off on this technology.
Two, a guy named James Whittaker, in Colorado, built and demonstrated a large free energy device at a public forum a while back. He has disappeared and no one's heard from him since.
Admittedly, I have to do some more checking on this. But, if the technology is real then it's understandably a threat to the PTB.
bidini fell through the cracks on me. this sounds pertinent as maybe another piece in the ever clearer puzzle being revealed as we connect the dots?
any thing new there in the context of bearden's ideas making it worthy of time spent or is it basically same stuff from another guy? can you re-post link(s)?
do you intend to peruse the side stories and the whittaker story? if so, will you brief us?
May i take the talking stick for one moment?
i have chatted with the Cherokee Shaman Tribal Priestess and will attend a pipe ceremony this Friday and the seven generations question will be brought forth so that all may participate, spirit guide gave me a quickie,about it and it was right on but without a background in the Cherokee traditions it made no sense, was spirit and DNA.
So hang in there it will be forth coming and it will blow the mind with love and compassion.
Freeacre will you resend the Sun surge info again, out of the three emails i received that one disappeared off my computer!!
Mayans are right on along with the Cherokee calendars. we are in for the ride of our lives!!!
oh no. you bring many excellent points to the circle. we need your view.
the spirits speak their wisdom of the dna role in this. it is true.
i am on the edge of my blanket in anticipation of what will be brought forth.
aho back... p
Bearden is the theorist, Bedini is a hands-on guy. Here is his website url:
On it is a newspaper story that mentions Wittaker's disappearance. Also, lots of good photos and diagrams. Worked today, just got in. Will be back in touch later, but gotta get to the store before it closes and then cooking dinner.
Anybody else notice that the BBC has been embarrassed by the leak of a video of a reporter reporting the news of the 9/11 collapse of building 7 twenty-five minutes BEFORE IT HAPPENED with the building clearly in view in the background!! Cryptogon waited a day until it was verified before publishing. It's a good thing I can tune into these things on my metal colander hat with the springs and antennae all over it.....
Freeacre, will you send me the plans for one of those contraptions ?
God i can just picture it,if we all start wearing them the nets will surly be right behind us, o well so what?
Personally i will stock up on aluminum foil just in case.
This free energy thing is really coming into focus isn't it? It just seems like so many people know about it by now that it would be hard to suppress,doesn't it?
i was reading some comments today in regard to the Iraq war and it was just astounding at the mentality that is still in full disfunction and Bush is a godsend and great protector of the American people!! Its just to unreal to believe!My heart goes out to those mostly males because they will not be a part of whats coming i think, and that is sad.
Rockpicker thats a good idea about the movement of air vertically , like a chimney? Would the fan blades be placed horizontally ? Its to bad we can't make drawings at this site, be a lot easier i think.
You know it doesn't seem like the truth about the towers can stay hidden from the people for ever.
Is there anyone on the internet that does not know?
o well,
From Belgium,
Have not caught that video yet Freeacre, but I will look it up shortly.
Having not thought about the oil crisis overnight I may have come up with a motive which is staring everybody in the face. The PTB know they have a (Tesla type) solution up their sleeve so they are not that worried, but without a manufactured but apparently real energy crisis they cannot achieve the big die off. We have been looking at this the wrong way round. It is not the energy crisis that will cause the big die off because ultimately there is no energy crisis, the die off is the object of the exercise. The West is looking to double its population over a lifetime; the six billion could reach twelve. I think most of us have seen the cartoon where everybody in the world is living on one square yard (meter) and one person says to his neighbour “I will make you a very attractive offer for your square”. Long before we get to that point there will be a break down of infrastructure, we will not be able to provide enough drinking water or process the effluent and the hope is that at a point when conditions become seriously bad, the population will self regulate as does say, the animal population during a particularly severe winter. Of course there is the compulsive drive by the PTB to accumulate more of the pie and re-distribute it to themselves, particularly as the oil situation begins to bite, but population reduction is the real reason why Bedini et al are being given a ‘serious talking to’. Those in charge don’t want us to know about any energy solutions.
Mf wrote “it was just astounding at the mentality that is still in full dysfunction and Bush is a godsend and great protector of the American people!! Its just to unreal to believe!”
But whilst this attitude forms a serious body of opinion, people are not going to take to the streets to champion Bearden; Bedini and the like. The internet has spilled the beans a bit which is unfortunate but whilst population inertia has a hold, those in power don’t have any real worries.
I believe the Chinese have the correct solution to the population problem. They are restricting each woman to one child during her lifetime. That way the population will halve over a generation and quarter over two. Women are not forcibly aborted if they become pregnant a second time, except in very remote areas by over zealous cadres, but they loose all social benefits at a time when they probably need them most. I have no idea what social benefits exist in China, probably not that many, but those people will be substantially worse off. China wants all the oil it can get, not particularly for international trade although this is nice to have but to keep their society playing through until it can become self sustainable. At least this is a more honest way than the atrophy our masters have in store for us.
Nanu Nanu. (Somebody had to be the first to say it.)
I'm just getting started with this article, so can't comment, but it sounds like something we should read and be aware of.
Still trying to find out more about the dude in Colorado who disappeared.
Looks like it's getting fairly nice out, so I better get to work.
Palooka, et al, this site should give you plenty of good reading. Enjoy!
adendum to the last posted url's;
check out list of dead scientists at bottom of page.
From Belgium,
It is interesting to see how the moves are being played out. The USA are using their Muslim ally Turkey to sound Iran out about helping to sort out the Iraq Debacle.
RAS, just read about the twister,are you ok??
Also, Jim Watson was the guy who disappeared in Co., not Whittaker. That's why I decided a long time ago to beat on rocks, instead of typewriter keys. (And now look at me, beating on them both.)
can't speak for ros but my sense of it is she is well north of where the biggie went thru.
we're north of atlanta and well north of where the bad action came through ga as well. got tons of rain but no winds and no boomers.
we do have one person who visits here that lives in that area s. of atl. though. can't remember her name and she's only posted a few times. whoever you are, if your reading lets us know you're ok.
now we have a bus on its side in the middle of i75 in downtown atlanta with some college baseball team scattered all over the road. i can make a good guess on what happened... the signage for those hov lane exits is VERY confusing.
pheeeew..... watta night!!!
gopher gang...
could they be onto the "thing" over at u of arizona? this was published day before yesterday...
rp.... very interesting links. thx.
i've forgotten the name of a guy i saw on the old carson show many, many years ago. so many it was before johnny's hair even thought about turnin white. he had a big machine set up on the stage at least the size of a car but taller.
looked like a big motor only without its casing. the guy went over and gave the thing a big pull and a big wheel within the frame with bars on it started rotating around.
then the guy said, this is not only powering itself it is putting out electricity. enough electricity to power the lights on this set. then they shut off the lights and the set went dark. but it came right up again and was as bright as it had been.
i can still see the look on carson's face.
mf.... tonight's the night right? can you give me a time frame? want to set some intentions and do my own little woo woo thingie around the get together as long as that is not viewed as unwelcome. let me know please.
i know there is help percipitating toward earth with loving intent to help. thus, also opposite is true with agenda to take movement down. thus, acknowledgement and formal request for protection from such is in order. i will be with you if welcome... p
P. The time is 5:30 Montana time this afternoon, you are most sincerely welcome to give voice and vibes at that time, light sage or what ever it is that connects you with the great spirit, this pipe ceremony is a gathering and a raising of awareness of the great spirit and a cleansing or our own connectedness with same, and a rejoicing of the great mystery.
New sage is just coming on here but will send you some if you wish. But need place to send it. Goes for all others as well.
i live in the valley of the Sage People or whats left of it after the whites stole the valley and ripped
the Sage People out of the ground planted alfalfa to feed black angus cows,to enable them to buy giant pickup trucks, i watch the poor things at harvest time and listen to them scream as they are loaded into trucks to be shipped back east to feed lots to become steaks and Mcburgers. Its so fucking sad, their eyeballs look like they are going to jump right of their faces.Killing for profit,these people will see what that feels like some day. And i will cry for that too, as they are loaded into trucks to be shipped somewhere in the spirit world, because nothing goes unnoticed there.And it will be a world of their own making where all will be revealed and the pain they have caused will manifest itself as a cow walking into the slaughter house.And it will be them.It is karma.A Spiritual Law.
On a higher level it is also a way to attain that state of Love that is sorely missing from this planet and seems harsh but that cleansing is growing by the day and is soon to envelope this planet, our home, one way or another. Mother Earth cannot take much more of our uncaring ways and the destruction of her creation. Don't know why i say this because we all know it. i am a heart person and not much intellect so these things effect me greatly.
With much love and affection,peace will manifest itself as us.It will be to our honor to help heal the Mother.
We are sparks of light in the darkness and that is enough for now.
P, thank you for the update on RAS, its good that you live close to her and might be of assistance to her if necessary,and vice versa i'm sure.
Hey, I'm all right. I wasn't able to get online last night, so I didn't see the question, much less have a chance to respond! The big storms went north and south of us. The mountains do a good job of deflecting most of the bad stuff. There's no damage here, and even the berry bushes I planted Tuesday came through just fine.
Other places weren't so lucky though. Some idiot school system didn't let out, got hit, and there's a lot of dead kids. I've no idea what the fallout from that is going to be -probably nowhere near what it should be though.
mf... I hear your words and do not wish to take issue. we are on the same page my brother. this is sacred stuff we are talking about and i know and honor that. just want to share...well, let me put it this way... some understandings i have gained along the way in my own process of moving along with what is moving now. yes, absolutely agree, karma is in play. and when it comes to "them" getting theirs, this too shall happen. "they" will see. but they, and this is key, do not feel. they hate feelings. this is the problem and the solution.
and agree, "their" right place is not of this earth and they will be moved there where ever that is. the great spirit will see to it.
i am ready for them to go and the truck is on the way. but the untangling will be chaotic. i am also working my ass off to bring in whatever parts of me entangled are ready to come inside of love now. this is my intent and it is this i seek.
yes i know you are heart. as you already know, heart is in the middle. the balance point. this is our role and our right place. and it is now right time for the form of right place. as the pendulum swings the greater cosmic forces are moving back toward the balance point now. so-called intellect (of the manifested spirits) in the state of evolvement it currently is in and interpreted, is highly over-rated and been more aligned with the problem than the solution..
moma is movin. and i am with her as i know you and yours are as well. part of that is the cleansing. sorrowly needed as she and hers can no longer stand the pain and misery of the poision and denial of her. the other part, the most important part in this, is about healing the splits between she and he. this is what the dna part is about. splits... gaps... held in place on a dna level that have never healed before. as well as splits within her and splits within the light that IS... between body and spirit. to see more of what i mean by these splits on the spirit side of the equation see click on the august archives and look for the entry titled "will the real god please stand up". its what the whole seperation between church and state in the white man's world is all about. when these splits are healed true intellect can manifest.
mother, father, spirit, heart, surround and protect us in a cacoon of your loving, living, healing light. guide us and protect us as we move along in the progression of this cleansing and healing process. this is my mantra and i offer it to share around the sacred fire of this circle for those of you who may find yourself in alignment with it.
i will be with you my friend. it is an honor. your offer of the new sage is much appreciated and this too is an honor. mine is almost gone but enough for this sacred evening. it is from sante fe area and grown by your brothers there with special care and intent for just this purpose. send me an email to offthewalls at bellsouth dot net and i will send you snail mail adde and i hope appropriate donation.
vibration is life. aho... p
I've pretty much stayed out of the heavy spiritual discussions because I haven't a thing to add. However, the link on your site you provided dealing with "Will The Real God Please Stand Up" I want to comment on. I for one have very mixed feelings about finding a free energy package somewhere. But for different reasons than you cited. My concern is that abundant free energy will produce more of the same stuff we have going on now, and specifically more world population. The reason that the worlds population has gone up exponentially for the last 100 years is because of that very issue, very cheap abundant energy in the form of oil. Would the problem be made worse by just having another source? Personally, I fall on the side that we are vastly overpopulated now. There is just too damned many of us for the other resources to support now. Any encouragement of continual growth I am against. And, for other reason besides just resources and raw material problems.
Montana, Palooka, et al,
Today, I add my energy to yours and I honor your shamanic ceremony. Today is also the birthday of my dear departed mother. She was a loving person of great heart, and a wonderful blessing to me. The candle is lit, the sage will be later on at 5:30. Our hearts and minds will be joined in the honoring of spiritual guidance.
Most of the spiritual teachers that I relied on over the years have been a disappointment to me. It seems that their messages of abundance got contaminated with money and privilege and glossy, slick, packages offering expensive workshops and narcissistic pleasures. Even the messages of "peace" never seemed to include any recognition or confrontation of the wars and exploitation and cruelty that is rampant in the world. "Enlightenment" seemed only destined for the Marin-county-type yuppies who could afford Ayeurvedic massages and hot stone treatments, etc. Miracles, it seemed, were only for individuals and never included healing the earth or her winged or gilled or four-legged children. The limitless nature of spirit seemed to meld all too well with the relentless growth and materialism of capitalism. "Love" did not seem to extend to those who worked in sweatshops or mined minerals and diamonds, or picked the produce in the fields to make our Caesar salads. Let them make their own miracles.
It all started make me gag, and I almost threw the baby out with the bath water in my rejection of the New Age bullshit. But this free and empowering process of the sacred council keeps me in touch with the eternal truth of our connection to the earth and to each other and to holy spirit. And, for that, I am most grateful.
Thanks for asking. Yesterday was pretty hairy, esp. last night, but no serious damage in Upson County that I've heard about. There was a fatality in the county to our south (Taylor). I hope this wasn't a preview of what spring is going to be like. I was living in Atlanta in the early 70's when the tornadoes hit, tearing up the gov's mansion among other things. Really scary stuff.
Thanks for mentioning Farmgirl Fare. I've been enjoying it.
murph... your questions and concerns are valid. i appoligise to all for the length of this but your questions beg some unpacking of my world view and exposing it to this circle. i know of no other way to say some of these things than to express them as my truth. that is a subjective view. in no way is it intended to be taken by anyone as "the truth". each one's subjective truth is something for each to choose to seek and examine for themselves or ignore as the case may be.
so, here we go. you said....
My concern is that abundant free energy will produce more of the same stuff we have going on now, and specifically more world population.
you are absolutely correct murph if certain things remained the same. i am not advocating that and i am not advocating more of the same. you have also heard me write of calling for a new paradigm. this is happening. that calling of mine is minute in the grand scheem of things. a tiny grain of sand on the beach of the great universe. but it is my outward proclamation of my alignment with what is moving now and is a form of holding space for it. of opening to it. and in that, i am tiny piece of the micro. but it is me. and i proclaim it.
The reason that the worlds population has gone up exponentially for the last 100 years is because of that very issue, very cheap abundant energy in the form of oil.
i have no argument with this view other than to ask, what causal to that cause? with all due respect murph, causality goes beyond the reflection we are getting. by that i mean that cheap energy is not the causal factor any more than alcohol is causal to alcoholism. we cound get rid of alcohol but the factors causal to the problems in the first place would manifest in another form.
Would the problem be made worse by just having another source?
absolutely. especially if that source is THE SOURCE and it were able to manifest in the state of denial we are collectively in currently. we have been in it for eons. this is why i said what i said in my 7:01 comment about bearden when i said i'm grateful it has not manifest yet.
Any encouragement of continual growth I am against.
me too. we are on the same page in the context of your point. but that page is not the whole book. for example, if we akin the term growth to evolution in the sense that it was originally intended, which is far from our current orthodox interpretations of that word, then i am aligned with it as i understand that to be... expanding limits of a connected whole.
this can't happen when the whole is split. the earth is a living organism... an aspect of the mother of everything. there are reasons why she is having to move to clear now. causal factors. so i submit to you 2 possibilities here... every damn thing i'm saying is just a figment of my crazed imagination or there is something to what i am saying. if these splits did not exist would the earth be needing to move to clear now? give me some explanation. the human condition? okay. but what is causal to that? is this something we should just align with the bearden's on? that we can't change that? the human condition is us. its not the ancient ones. its not the ones who are coming to help us with this. its us. and its up to us, differentiated, tiny grains of sand of the great beach. we are all playing a role.
on that blog entry i said... a universe and its manifested spirits moving along in balance would be a self-sustaining, living, loving organism moving in evolution along destiny's path. here's my point murph... were that the case we would not be seeing the fragmentation that IS all these billions manifesting. what i am suggesting is a scenario where, by definition, the population problem would, could, NOT happen. its not my idea. its the original dream.
there is a greater, grander law that is the perfection of the universe.. by law i mean in similar context to what mf referred when he mentioned karma. but this law or laws have never been able to manifest and there are very real reasons why it has always been so. within those reasons lay the original cause and are still being held in the fabric of the dna. the splits are real and i submit that the reflections we are seeing validate that idea. we would not be seeing what we are seeing were there unconditional alignment within the he and the she. and i'll go one step further here and say that i highly suspect that earth is the true home of the mother. things are about to change drastically.
having said all that i leave you and everyone around this campfire with this.... there are many paths. just as the great spirit is infinite, it can adjust itself infinitly. seek your own truth. mine in this current moment is to prepare for montana ceremony and await for mf to tell us whatever he feels is right to tell us after this phase of the great telling is complete and the pipe has been smoked. the full moon will be just coming up here from our view on the beach.
Liked your reply for it pointed out an interesting dichotomy.
For the most part, industrialized societies operate on a very mechanical view of the world and the universe, direct cause and effect in the scientific sense. This is popularly called 'realism', and all the rest is nonsense. To rather immediate concerns and observations, they are dead right. It would not only be difficult to justify but difficult to implement an industrial society with a non mechanistic view of the world and those that inhabit it.
However, if we assert that the mechanized view of existence is a surface manifestation of reality, you are correct in your assessment. The problem then becomes onr of the rules we adopt to talk about it all. From a mechanistic (scientific) supposition about how things work, your assertions make no sense, as would all metaphysical assumptions and supposed observations and testimonials concerning such.
For myself, I tend to move around a lot within both positions. I suppose it depends on what day or what hour you talk to me about it will be manifested by how I approach the subject. I very often believe there is more than the mechanistic approach and at other times think there is no reason to believe there is other. One very big problem I have is the dependence on observable phenomena and forming explanations for it. Mostly scientific in nature, but surely not restricted to it. Your problem is dealing with a mechanistic manifestation of reality and showing that it is not complete. In other words, showing a belief system that cannot be directly and repeatedly verified. Thus, we come to dualism, holding what at the very least appears to be contradictory points of view that are both considered true. This often leads to cognitive dissonance, and if extreme enough, outright insanity. Very few people on this planet have exhibited the ability to deal with this dissonance, and even less seldom for extended lengths of time.
So what I was talking about concerning the population problem was making an assumption of the validity of verifiable observations of how most humans deal with an abundance of energy, they reproduce like rabbits. It is all fine and good (I often indulge in such concepts) to say a new consciousness will come about by some mysterious means to belay this tendency to breed. I would surely hope so. But I see no evidence to be particularly hopeful about it. Thus my statement that abundant free energy would be detrimental to the species.
Listen you guys,we have had free energy for millions of years.
P and Freeacre, i hope you got something of the spirit tonight, i thought of you during the ceremony and as the near full moon came up and Venus was going down the magic of the ceremony and the smoke of the sacred pipe which my sister is third in the family to carry the pipe and is know as a Pipe Carrier and was raised in the Cherokee family by Shamans and taught the secrets of the ancient ones of the healing arts both physical and mental.
i stand in awe of her and the strengths that she exhibits,not only as a women and a good friend but as the Cherokees are a matriachal society it is written in the Dna code that women own every thing except a mans horse and his tools for survival. Worked good then, fucked up now, however we are relearning our collective roles in life as it was in the beginning. And i think that is what you might be talking about P. In actual reality there is no separation, however there does exist the illusion of separation. And therein is the condition of the world as we perceive it,gone to hell in a motherfucking handbasket.
Murph my brother,thank you and your beautiful partner for the support you have given me whilst i was standing up to my ass in alligators, and they was a snapping away like crazy. i might have missing ass parts.
I think that the difference that we perceive as outlook is governed by DNA and if the illusion wasn't so strong would amount to the ability to join minds of different visions and create something beautiful together, don't you? i say that in jest because its happening here and now and this council fire is still just a spark in the dark.
The ride is going to be... i wanted to say hair raising, but there are among us that ain't got that much hair yet, but its coming .
Am tired guys can't think,
Glad you are alright RAS,was just about to send out the dogs,... am so sorry about those kids in your neighborhood, sometimes it just sucks that we can't be in control of other peoples lives and save them from themselfs, and then i have to look in the mirror and watch the DNA reflect what being... is somewhat about, and therefore i am glad you are safe, and also its fun to poke fun at southern people once in a while and visa versa i'm sure,(:
Tired folks,...
love you and we can council tomorrow i hope, much more has happened.
The seven generations is still incomplete,but will persevere, its long!!
We are blessed to have been drawn to one another.
We are love.
Good nite.
We love you, Montana Freeman. Sleep tight.
murph...i understand where you are coming from and, from there, everything you say is valid. and from there, i could not agree with you more... abundant free energy would be detrimental to the species. few are willing to accept the implications of that and thus won't even consider it. perhaps i just defined myself in that last sentence. i could judge myself there and have. but i have also come to realize that limiting judgements can be released and broarder views can be nourished. its not just a verbal exercise but thats a story that will have to wait. hell, you might not want to hear it anyway. and thats ok. there are some hints in the following though. i can't write anything anymore without such oozing out cuz it has permeiated my very being.
mf... last nite was glorious. thankyou for allowing my wife and i in. you have good reason to preserve secrets and it is an honor to be trusted. please pass along our gratitude to your sister the pipe carrier.
with wise words you told us... it is written in the Dna code that women own every thing except a mans horse and his tools for survival. Worked good then, fucked up now, however we are relearning our collective roles in life as it was in the beginning.
this i know.... there was a time long, long ago when it was generally accepted by men and women alike that the mystery of being is preserved by the women of the world.
unfortunately there is little left in the records of this. the agenda to ensure this has been successful beyond imagination. but we can study what is left of written histories and what is still left in the myths and oral histories and learn the truth of this if we are willing to open to it and learn of the.... i am struggling here to find a word, one word to describe something so awful and so final. one word to describe how the feminine was put down and mankind became a patriarchial culture and how this spread into the very fabric of the cultures... the social, the political, the theological, the philosophical. and so on. being a carpenter who works with tools i understand that a key element of the skill is being able to determine the exact tool to do the job. and so it is with words. look far enough and i will find the exact word, the total word, the all-encompassing, the ultimate word to describe what i am trying to say. such is not the case to describe what has happened to the feminine over the course of what we arrogantly claim to be evolution.
about the only place left where remnants can be found of this story is in certain of metaphysical and mythological realms. just about everything left outside those is written or told from a patriarchal point of view. and even much within those is likewise now. the femininicide has been near total and most is lost. unfortunately neither of those 2 disiplines are reguarded of little value as they cannot be examined in the context of double blind studies by pragmatic, reasonable, objective, cognatively thinking mind having a love affair with itself. mind that gained and owes its power and place and superority and rightness to the very thing that got rid of what mind can't prove as valid and thus concludes is irrelevant.. to it such is mere myth and machinations of idealists or utopianists or dreamers, or insanity, or twisted sister imaginations, or, or, or....
in other words, that patriarchal over-powering of the matriarchal gave the reasoning mind its place which then served its maker to validate the patriarcal and disavow what the feminine brings to the table in the form of intuition, subjective view, emotion, feelings, magic, imagination, and desire.
the truth is there is little left in the living record. nearly all feminine based cultures have been annialated. and what is left has little power. mf, god bless em, is giving us a unique and priviledged view into his culture that is based in and has preserved the matriarcial place. much was done to eliminate his culture and all the cultures of the native americans and it was not just to rape the women and steal the land and the yellow magic and the buffalo. it was done to get rid of the power, magic, wisdom, and mystery of the feminine polarity.
much was done to mf's ancestors right here in my own back yard. we have god-awful stories of what happened. horrid stories. i'm blessed. i have friends who occupy 13 acres near tellico plaines, tenn where my wife and i got married anchored barefoot in a fire ring midst a magical horseshoe bend along cocker creek we call 3 tree log. we walked the moss covered trail along the creek leading to that sacred fire circle as the setting sun filtered through the canopy and splashed onto the ground around us in harmony with the music being provided by our friends who had come to help us celebrate. i swear, even the fae showed up to the celebration and danced amongst the magic of the moment.
that moment was a joyous respite for the trail of tears runs through here and the energies of that misery linger in the mists of the mountains there and the winds still cry the heartlessness of that horrid happening. i continue to go back to this place with an agenda in doing so. it heightens the sound of my own emotions that cry along with the spirits of the oppressed cherokee. and cry along with the winds and trees and the mountains and the mists that know the sorrow and tell the tale. for it is in the feeling of and crying along with the realities of that heartlessness that brings heart presence to it and then i can say... i am sorry. and mean it. and feel it. with every fiber of my being. and i know. i don't need a fuchin double blind study to prove it to me. and i don't need some fucking asshole einstein with his laws and experiments to disprove it. NOBODY can invalidate that knowing and take it away from me but me.
these things, and similar things, mf tells us of. and the folks here around this council, god bless ya, are listening.
and here's a real kick in the ass... little does the masculine polarity realize that in denying the feminine polarity they have not only denied themselves, they have sealed their own destruction as the feminine role is to respond to their inspiration and without it they are just a wet dream in love with itself. the response is given and is that "thing" that some hang their very lives on.... a gut feeling of what is true and right and determines the next right thing to do for that individual in the midst of experience.
we got a long way to come to reach the oracle within which will be glad to tell us the whole sorid story and our own role in it. and also lead us out of this fuckin awful mess we've gotten ourselves into. the feminine polarity is not the only thing that is lost!!!
The old miser,
accosted in his cold rooms,
explained away the apparition
as the result of eating
a bit of bad meat.
Left brain, right brain.
Male, female.
Yin, yang.
Knowledge, ignorance.
Glad you like Farmgirl Fare. She's my hero. Love her goats.
P, Thank you brother, 7'gs means 7'gs ,the letter of the law is love, none other can apply, we accept.
Please brief the young'uns, would you???
The world is beautiful and shines in the darkness of despair.
We are Penicillin on the mold of earth.
Its coming, just be patient.
had forgotten first part of that blog entry was about free energy. have since re-thought the whole thing and now i am opposed. you were a part of that. thx.
don't want to see such manifest in midst of current condition of the human condition. evil threat is obvious eh... pop, scaler weaponry, so on. promise is good could cancel evil force. prob is we have much good masquerading as evil and ship of fool is denial.
so bottom line, don't want to see such manifest in current state of denial.
still, i think we should look whenever someone cries eurika. ignorance is bliss had its day. we need to know that day is past. not looking is also a form.
mf... the young-uns already know. wired in. as was w/all when we popped out. its this old fart who needs to be reminded.
Thanks for the concern folks. The downfall of the Sacred Feminine -there's a topic I have long been interested in. Being a woman, and being drawn to the Earth and the Old Ways, I rejected the oppressive, patriarchal nonsense I was taught to believe during the teaching. Here are some places you can look to read up on what we know of the Great Unraveling:
The Chalice and the Blade -Riane Eisler
When God Was a Woman -Merlin Stone
Both are written by scientists, but are good nonetheless. To get some of the oral history of the Craft and what happened, pick up a copy of The Spiral Dance by Starhawk. She devotes a chapter to the oral history. You can probably check all these books (and more) out for free from a women's studies library. Of course, these focus on European cultures, but they are a start.
The Earth is crying out to us. Another Change is coming. This one will be better.
From Belgium,
What a put down for scientists, makes me feel like I wasted my life.
From Belgium,
I think the exact phrase I was looking for is "Condemnation by feint praise".
Belgium, lol. I didn't mean it like that! I'm trained as a scientist/engineer myself. What I meant was, I know what the worldview of scientists is -and that said view does NOT lend itself very well to the study of such things -which results in such conclusions as the caveman dragging a woman by the hair myth. Among other, even more egregious, stupidities.
To bring about a good society,human beings have to change.You and I must find the energy,the impetus, the vitality to bring about this radical transformation of the mind,and that is not possible if we do not have enough energy.We need a great deal of energy to bring about a change within ourselves,but we waste our energy through conflict,through resistance,through conformity,through acceptance, through oobedience. It is a waste of energy when we are trying conform to a pattern. To conserve energy we must be aware of ourselfs, how we dissipate energy.
This is an age-long problem because most human beings are indolent;they would rather accept,obey,and follow.If we become aware of this indolence, this deep-rooted laziness, and try to quicken the mind and the heart,the intensity of it again becomes a conflict,which is also a waste of energy.
Our problelm, one of the many that we have,is how to conserve this energy,the energy that is necessary for an explosion to take place in consciousness; an explosion that is not contrived, that is not put together by thought, but an explosion that occurs naturally when this energy is not wasted. Conflict in any form,at any level,at any depth of our being, is a waste of energy.
From the Book
Perhaps this will soothe your injury.
Lying in a Hammock
at William Duffy's Farm in Pine Island, Minnesota
Over my head, I see the bronze butterfly,
Asleep on the black trunk,
Blowing like a leaf in green shadow.
Down the ravine behind the empty house,
The cowbells follow one another
Into the distances of the afternoon.
To my right,
In the field of sunlight between two pines,
The droppings of last year's horses
Blaze up into golden stones.
I lean back, as the evening darkens and comes on.
A chicken hawk floats over, looking for home.
I have wasted my life.
-by James Wright
Thank all of you with the rainbow touch,colors are us.
MF, Palooka, Murph;
No comment about my allusion?
Nobody has any personal anecdotal testimony to contribute on paranormal
exposure to unexplained ectoplasmic exhibition?
Gee, I was sure that would be good for another ten or fifteen comments.
Maybe get us to another post.
I'm not too clear on the lyrics here.
Free energy. Not free energy.
Real. Crazy.
Not clear what's been decided.
Let's back up. You watched the Bearden tape, and you've looked at Bedini and DePalma, and you say, what, maybe it's true, but it's a bad idea, so let's pretend it's not true? Is that where we are? Cause , that's what it sounds like to me, so if that's a bad conclusion, please correct me.
You believe in ghosts?
Got any good stories?
What makes a ghost tick?
What ticks a ghost off?
We live in a ghost town, and we have had enough encounters with unexplained phenomena, so that it's pretty much just taken for granted that there is a plane, or level , of existence operating simultaneously with our own spacetime here on earth and though we don't completely understand it, we acknowledge it and accept it as just as real and just as valid as our own. To deny experience because science has no explanation is to diminish our own existence. It's up to science to find out the why for what we know is true. It's not our reponsibility to soothe bruised Science's ego.
And we know, from our little Tesla study, there's plenty of pent-up hurt harbored among the defenders of the Rationale.
At the risk of being labeled a paranoid schizophrenic, after watching the video of the H.A.A.R.P. stuff, I would have to suggest our total understanding of the 'science' of electromagnetism, at this stage of mankind's development, would balance neatly
on the head on a pin.
Still interested in a good ghost story.
From Belgium,
Thank you Rockpicker, you have assuaged my turmoiled breast, however I am willing to wager a dollar that James Wright was not a scientist.
You seem to be subscribing to the view that there are no unknowable things only things which are unknown. I can go along with this but it does knock spirituality a bit sideways. If we ever get to a point where we know everything then faith is irrelevant.
You said “Nobody has any personal anecdotal testimony to contribute on paranormal exposure to unexplained ectoplasmic exhibition”? Yeh, my wife does it all the time, the paranormal is everyday. Shame! Shame! I hear you cry. How can you say that about such a lovely woman? Pull yourself together man, have you no pride?
What I have noticed with Bearden, Henry Deacon etc is that they dismiss or diminish the effect of the three special dimensions which we are all familiar with and relate their phenomenon to time. I am not sure which parts of Einstein have been disproved or added to but I suppose that E=mc^2 still holds reasonably good. The constant c = speed which can be represented by length over time (l/t). So E= m x (l / t) x (l / t). Cross multiplying, we get t^2 = m x l^2 / E and
t is proportional sq rt m, or time is proportional to the square root of mass.
This seems to say that as the mass of the universe is always increasing, or more correctly time is directly proportional to sq rt mass and inversely proportional to the square root of the energy. Or (again), as time goes on the mass of the universe increases and its energy decreases. We can play with equations like this and come up with simple pictures. What I cannot get my head around is what topographical geometry applies to warped spacetime and what is meant by rips in space time and the existence of different time portals. I just can’t imagine what it means.
From Belgium,
To return to more day to day things, I was looking up the words to the Art Garfunkel Bright Eyes song. You know the one:
There's a fog along the horizon,
A strange glow in the sky,
And nobody seems to know where you go,
And what does it mean?
Oh, is it a dream?
It seemed appropriate when I read RP’s piece. Then I came across this by “Amanda”
"When The President Talks To God"
When the president talks to God
Are the conversations brief or long?
Does he ask to rape our women’s' rights
And send poor farm kids off to die?
Does God suggest an oil hike
When the president talks to God?
When the president talks to God
Are the consonants all hard or soft?
Is he resolute all down the line?
Is every issue black or white?
Does what God say ever change his mind
When the president talks to God?
When the president talks to God
Does he fake that drawl or merely nod?
Agree which convicts should be killed?
Where prisons should be built and filled?
Which voter fraud must be concealed
When the president talks to God?
When the president talks to God
I wonder which one plays the better cop
We should find some jobs. the ghetto's broke
No, they're lazy, George, I say we don't
Just give 'em more liquor stores and dirty coke
That's what God recommends
When the president talks to God
Do they drink near beer and go play golf
While they pick which countries to invade
Which Muslim souls still can be saved?
I guess god just calls a spade a spade
When the president talks to God
When the president talks to God
Does he ever think that maybe he's not?
That that voice is just inside his head
When he kneels next to the presidential bed
Does he ever smell his own bullshit
When the president talks to God?
I doubt it
I doubt it
Got to admit that I don't remember ever being exposed to any unexplained ectoplasmic exhibition so I guess I can't comment on it directly.
Not so sure what your conflict over the energy issue is. Personally, I cannot make a judgement about the existance or non existance of something for which I have no experiencial data. I further suspect that you have a problem with scientific method for answering the question.
I have no problem with verification of some aspect of reality. The real question is whether using a particular aspect of reality is a good thing for humans to do. For instance, I have serious questions as to whether the use of atomic power has been benificial to us or not, at least in the long run. I am asserting that finding another source of abundant free energy will at this time not be benificial to us as a species. Has nothing to do with its reality. And, I see no reason to project a change in how humans behave around it in the near future. I can't immediatly think of a contrary example of where technological advances haven't first been developed for a means of imposing control or killing off those that are not liked.
The whole free energy concept in its many forms has been incorporated into some neat science fiction stories, and this is despite its contradiction to what we think is the nature of reality, summed up as 'there ain't no free lunch in this life'.
So I would think that there probably is no absolutely free energy source, maybe another very cheap one like hydrocarbons. And despite all of the pointed to benifits at the development of that energy source, look at its present manifistation.
At the least we might decide that it wouldn't be good for us to mess with something, at least until we understood it a whole bunch better that we did for the developement of the use for oil or atomic power. Then again, the probability is that the western civilization will just continue to exploit any new developement to the benifit of a few and to hell with the rest of us. Without a whole bunch different way of dealing with technology than humans have been exibiting for 5000 years I have some real conflicts over what would appear as benifits.
So, since your criticism was on two fronts, (whether free energy existed or not, and ignoring it) answer this. What do you see as being a long term benifit to most of earths population if it is true and how would you see it being developed to accomplish this?
From Belgium,
This article sums up the situation quite nicely.
This has nothing to do with energy. It is about the illuminati covering all the angles. Extreme right to extreme left and everything in between, it is them working the strings. Before deciding what form of energy will suit you best it is essential to decide which form of society suits you best and since nearly all the ones you can think of ultimately lead back to the illuminati then the only choices are to meet them head on or ignore them. With this in mind, going tribal certainly has its attractions. It is certainly not worse than any of the other options. The next thing is to decide is whether your group is going to be closed or semi open and how big it is going to be. Once you know this you can decide what form of energy will suit you best. If the group is to be semi nomadic then wind generation is probably not a good choice. This is the time to look to the past and also to look to the future after considering what your requirements really are and then make your choices.
Any chance you have researched "the Protocols of Zion". Appears that was a complete hoax.
From Belgium,
Never heard of it but I will look it up out of interest
From Belgium,
Ah Murph,
Could it be the double game?
Just going for a lie down in my rubber room.
Well, nothing new to add, until a new post goes up tomorrow, I guess I could share with you my ghost stories:
Back in the day, in the early 70's, I was asleep in a commune in Chicago, when our kitten,Roger, woke up my boyfriend and I by clawing madly at the door to get in. Once in, he just laid right down by the bed and went to sleep. But, my boyfriend startled, looked up and seemed transfixed. Later he could tell me that he had seen his uncle, who had died years before. His uncle told him to "be a man." My boyfriend was all upset and called his grandma in the middle of the night.When we went back to sleep, I dreamed of a man sitting on the top of our stairway looking down at all of us. A few days later, I saw a photo of my boyfriend's uncle, and it was the man I saw in my dream.
Twenty-five years later, I was living in Tahoe and doing the dishes while practicing a Buddhist meditation technique called Tonglen. My best friend was in the hospital with a severe stroke from which she would not recover. I was visualizing all her fears and anger as forming a dark little cloud above her head, and I was inhaling it little by little and as I exhaled, I was turning it into something better and releasing it. Anyway, I suddenly heard her voice as distinctly as if she were standing right next to me. She said, "Freeacre!" (well, she didn't say freeacre, she said my street name you know..."It's just like 'Jonathan'! I can fly!!" She sounded so breathlessly joyful. Marcie had only read Jonathan Livingston Seagull a week or two before her stroke, so I knew what she was referring to. A day or two later, we had her taken off life support at the hospital in Reno. And on my way to find my car in the parking lot, a seagull was standing on a post next to my car.
If free energy is "real," then we can understand how to tap it, and make use of it. Maybe we have not, collectively, been observing 'reality' without bias, and maybe we have been missing something. That's Bearden's contention. And that was Tesla's contention. History is strewn with the dead corpses of great ideas that 'established' science and religion has judged too
cumbersome, too difficult to assimilate, or just too easy to simply ignore.
So, let's have a discussion about
Bearden's assertion that Maxwell and Hertz, in measuring electro-magnetic energy's transverse waves, and discarding the longitudinal wave nature of the observed phenomena, did a disservice to both science and society in general, in so far as they not only reported back incomplete information, but they lead us to believe that what they knew to be the truth was, in fact, the end all and be all, and no further inquiry need be made.
Were that the case, I suggest, we would not be watching videos about
From all reports, the Soviets took Tesla seriously by the early thirties and began studying his theories with a mandate for developing practical applications.
Popular rumor has it that by the sixties, the Russians had already developed beam weaponry 'killer' satellites; apparently, the impetus for Reagan's "Star Wars"
response in the eighties.
So, Tesla was ostracised by the scientific community because he didn't 'belong', and because he was arrogant. My original question was,
'Did he get a fair trial?'
And now we find that the government's work on the H.A.A.R.P
project is based on Tesla theory.
Well, sorry, guys, but I'd have to say that what Tesla taught Bearden is what the US gov'mint is building up in Alaska, and whether you understand or approve of what they're doing, they're sure as shit doin' it, so I say, some of us should start to focus on what it is they're working on. Open our minds, get our minds around these hard to circumnavigate concepts.
Pretty damned good bet the gov'mint ain't spending money on shit that don't work.
Enough with the rhetoric.
Free energy? We don't worry about the species. We worry about ourselves. We get off grid as soon as possible. We decentralise. Each household, or each community, produces it's own electrical power.
Why offer vulnerability?
Great story.
That's what I mean about those things we can't explain. If we observe and relate honestly, then it's up to the 'scientists' to explain how this could happen. It's not up to us to alter our testimony of what we've observed. They have, for centuries, attempted to force us to alter our testimonies. Like in rape cases.
montana freeman;
where are you?
a seagull in reno? the naysayers would say... well, there you have it, the wild imagination has deceived another. so stricken in her grief she invented a seagull where seagulls do not venture. they don't gamble either so there would be no reason to visit.
this they say is the proof. case closed.
rp... excellent post. in my world view there was agenda in m and h's motives. i don't know how conscious they may have been about it though. we could go way down this rabbit hole... much further than we have ventured. but everybody would have to understand that, we go deeper down this hole, it's into the darkness of subjective view.
i'm not sure a public forum is the place. there are obvious dangers. most can extrapolate just how dangerous it might be. problem is, its worse.
don't confuse this next with the stmt i just made... here's another pdg link....
this site is absolutely fascinating. lotsa pix, links and annimations. scroll down that very long page. don't have to go far for the haystacks though. look familar to the blaze stuff? you betcha. you'll find bearden's stuff there. work of other similar minds too. click on the other tour links too.
Thanks. I went to that link last night and found some interesting things.
The Coral Castle has always held a special appeal for me. I would sorely like to utilize whatever technology Ed L. came up with to move those big stones.
rp... my guess is the tech is based on vibration or some way to influence gravity field. maybe even both. and alignment.
there's been speculation that the reason he moved had to do with better alignment with the earths ley lines. thats part of what i mean by alignment. he figured it out and used it and its follows to ask if same as or form of same used by the pyramid builders... cultures thousands of years ago seperated by thousands of miles yet sharing similar abilities. how did that sharing cross all those miles? thats a question almost as interesting as how they could move 30 ton rocks not indiginous to the neighborhood and fit them so precisely.
which leads me back to bearden. he states that "the wave that is actually in the ether was not a transverse stream wave but was in fact what we would today call a longitudinal sound wave. i haven't a fuckin clue what he's talking about! but i know this... sound waves are vibration!! is there a connection between beardens stmt, what ed L discovered, what the pyramid builders knew and used, and what i just said above?
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